Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2011 witii funding from University of Toronto littp://www.arcliive.org/details/clironicleoffloreOOflor \<> c>^ v^ T'oronto. OrA^ BOnN'S ANTIQUAKIAN LIBRAET. FLORENCE OF WORCESTER'S CHRONICLE. THE CHEONICLE OF FLORENCE OF WORCESTER WITH THE TWO CONTINUATIONS; COMPRISING ' ' "-^ Vy ^J ANNxVLS OF ENGLISH HISTORY, FROM THE DEPARTURE OF THE ROMANS TO THE REIGN OF EDWARD I. TRANSLATED FROM THE LATIN, WITH XOTES AND ILLUSTBATIOSS, By THOMAS FOEESTER, A.M. LONDON : HENRY G. BOHN, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN. MDCCCLIV. t JUN - 3 1^58 I 0^ ^^ LONDON : PETTER AND GALPIN, PKINTEES, PLAYHOUSE TAKB, ADJOINING THE " TIMES" OFFICE. PREFACE. The Chronicle of Florence of Worcester, so far as it relates to English history, with its two Continuations, embraces the period from the departure of the Romans in the year 446, to the twenty-third year of tlie reign of Edward I. in 1295. It is founded on an earlier Chronicle, compiled by Marianus Scotus, one of the man}^ learned Irishmen sent forth from the " Island of Saints," between the sixth and eleventh centuries. Marianus entered the Irish monastery of St. Martin at Cologne about the year 1056 ; two years afterwards he with- drew into complete seclusion at Fulda, and removed in 1059, still as a recluse, to Mentz, where he ended his days ; his death being variously assigned to the years 1083 or 1086. This long seclusion afforded him leisure for composing a Chronicle, extending from the creation of the world to tlie close of his own life ; but which is of comparatively little interest to ourselves, as even the latter portion of it relates almost entirely to the German empire or the Popedom, and contains only a few short references to events connected with this island. Florence has preserved these, in making the work of ]Marianus the basis of his own Chronicle. The rest of his materials for the earlier period of English history are chiefly suj)plied by Bede, the Saxon Chronicle, the Lives of Saints, and Asser's Life of Alfred ;^ of the latter of which he gives ' Florence copied Assor so literally that he has twice adopteil expressions omployctl hy the former, which might lead us to sup- pose that the chronicler had personally examined the positions on which two of the battles he describes were fought. See pp. 63 and 70 of the present volume. VI r RE FACE. almost an exact transcript, carrying the series of events down to the year 888. He then reverts to the Saxon Chronicle, which continues to be his main resource until he approaches his own times ; not, however, exclusively, for during one period he has scarcely extracted anything from it, and in treating of events of later times, especially those of the reign of Edward the Confessor, his narrative is much more circumstantial than any to be found in the existing manuscripts of that record. Florence has also largely collected from other sources, and selected his materials with great fidelity, industry, and judgment. He is therefore justly ranked next to Bede, and the compilers of the Saxon Chronicle, among the authorities for early English history, and, even on the ground which they travel together, his work, far from being superseded, forms a valuable supplement to them. " On the nones [the 7th] of July, 1118, died Florence, the monk of Worcester, whose acute observation and inde- fatigable industry have rendered this Chronicle of Chronicles preeminent." Such is the brief record, inserted by John, who was also a monk of Worcester, in his continuation of the Chronicle, which supplies nearly all the information we possess respecting our eminent annalist. Ordericus Yitalis, indeed, who flourished about the same period, notices the Chronicle, but in terms which have occasioned some per- plexity to the editors of Florence. The passage, certainly, contains no less than two grave errors ; but, allowing for these, there appears less difficulty than has been supposed in reconciling it with the jDrobable state of the facts. Ordericus informs us that during his visit to England, he met with a work at Worcester, of which he gives the follow- ing account : — " John of Worcester, a native of England, and a monk of AVorcester, a man of venerable character and great learning, in the additions which he has made to the chronicles of Marianus Scotus, has gathered faithful accounts of king William, and of the events which occurred in his reign, and in those of his sons, William Rufus and king Henry, to the present day." Then, after a very exact account of the chro- nicle of Marianus, he says : — " John of Worcester, who fol- lowed, recorded the events of nearly a century, and, by order PREFACE. VU of the venerable Wulfstan, bishop and monk, appended his continuation to the chronicle of Marianus, succinctly relating many thinirs worthy of observation in the histories of the liomans [the popedom], the French, Germans, and other nations."^ In this passage, Ordericus incorrectly describes the " con- tinuation of the chronicle of Marianus," which he saw at Wor- cester, as recording the events of nearly a century, while, as it will presently appear, it could only have embraced a i>eriod of about thirty-four years. He has also committed the more serious error of attributing the work to a person whose share, if any, in it was very small, suffering the name of Flo- rence, the real author, to escape his observation. This has led Mr. Thorpe to suggest, " that during Wulfstan's lifetime, and while Florence was engaged on his work, the labours of John were bestowed on the original Chronicle of Marianus, and that the manuscript containing those labours is no longer known to exist." ^ But the theory of bishop Wulfstan's distribution of the task between the two monks of Worcester, and of John's being employed on the original chronicle of Marianus, is, it should seem, sufficiently refuted by John's express statement already quoted, that it was "Florence's knowledge and industry which raised the Chro- nicle of Chronicles," meaning clearly the whole work, to its pitch of pre-eminence; and it would still leave us in the same dilemma as to Ordericus's omission of any reference to the labours of Florence, whatever they may have been. The learned editor proceeds to inquire, " Can any part of any copy of the Chronicle of Marianus Scotus, embodying Florence of Worcester, be pointed out as answering the de- scription given by Orderic of the labours of the monk John?*' The reply is, that the Chronicle of Florence of Worcester, in the existing manuscrijits, embodying Marianus Scotus, to reverse the phrase, does precisely answer the description given by Ordericus, as far as regards its general character, with the exception of the two errors into which he has fallen. ' Ordericus Vitalis, b. iii. c. 15 ; pp. 493, 494, in Bohn's edition. "^ Preface to the Enylish Historical Society's edition of Florence, P- iv. O (\ \30 t: ni viii PREFACE. Thore is sufficient ground for inferring that Florence oonuncnced liis work at the instance of bishop Wulfstan, and wo find liis additions to, and "continuation" of, :Marianus, comprising events, both domestic and foreign, in tlio spoeitic periods corresponding with the description of Ordericus, namely, the reign of William and his two sons ; although the Norman historian has unaccountably repre- sented that period as extending in round numbers to a liundred years. Tlie misapprehension of the passage of Ordericus appears to have arisen from connecting two paragraphs which have no such connection in the pages of the Norman monk. In the fifteenth Chapter of his third Book, Ordericus gives a short account of some authors who had written of the times of king WilHam and his two sons ; and he mentions first, William of Poitiers, and Guy, bishop of Amiens. He then proceeds, in the next paragraph, to describe the labours of Marianus, and the monk of Worcester, whom he calls John ; but without any furtlier reference to those of William of Poitiers and Guy of Amiens. Mr. Thorpe, however, reads the passage of Ordericus differently. He says : "After due praise bestowed on those works he then goes on to say, that a monk of Worcester, named John, faithfully extracted from William of Poitiers, and Gtiy of Amiens, that which he added to the Chronicles of Marianus Scotus concerning William the Con- queror and his sons," &c. It may be doubted whether either of the two monks of Worcester ever saw the works of the French authors here referred to, and, probably, there are no parts of the Chronicle wdiich can be traced to them ; but the words here printed in Italics are not contained in Orde- ricus, and we venture to think that the passage will not bear the turn they give it.^ If this view be correct, the grounds on which the genuineness of Florence's work is questioned will be so far narrowed. A little attention to dates will put the matter in a clear liglit. It appears from internal evidence that Ordericus, a monk of St. Evroult, in Normandy, commenced his own great work some time before the year 1123, perhaps about 1120. He seems to have made no great progress when he undertook ^ The words of Ordericus, of which a translation has just been given, p. vii, are these : — "Joannes Wigornensis in his quae PREFACE. IX a journey to England for the purpose, it may be supposed, of collecting materials for the English annals, which are closely interwoven with those of Xormandy during the latter portion of his history. He informs us that he spent five weeks at Croyiand, in the time of abbot Geoffrey f and as we find in the course of his work that this abbot died on tlie otli June, 112-4-,^ we are able to fix within limits sufiiciently accurate for the present purpose the period of Ordericus's journey to England, during which he made the visit to Worcester. Bishop Wulfstan was raised to that see in 1062, but as Mari- anus himself carried on his Chronicle to 1083, it must have been subsequently to the latter year that the bishop employed Florence in the labour of amplifying and continuing it. \\ ulf- stan died in 1095, but Florence survived till June, 1117, so that there was ample time between the death of Marianus and his own, a period of upwards of thirty-four years, for a recluse of liis industry and intelligence to have completed the task. Ordericus himself only lived to ll-ll or 1142, so that it is impossible that he could have seen a Continuation containing the events of a century after the death of ISIarianus, that is, extending to the year 1183; far in the reign of the third, instead of the second, Henry. Matters standing thus, and Ordericus coming to Wor- cester, according to these calculations, some three or four years after the death of Florence, he would find the Chro- nicle of Marianus in the state in which he describes it, as aug- mented and carried forward to the reign of Henry I. It would naturally be in the hands of the monk John, who was employed in further continuing it ; and there being, as Mariani Scoti chronicis atljecit, de rege Gulielmo, et de rebus qua sub eo, vel sub filiis ejus Guliehno Kufo et Henrico, usque hodie con- tigerunt, hone.ste deprompsit." In the editions, both of Duchesne and the Societe cV Histoire de France, the passage forms the commence- ment of a new paragraph, and, as the words m his evidently apply to the chronicle of Marianus, and cannot well be referred to deprompsit, there is nothing in the sentence to connect the latter word with "William of Poitiers, and Guy of Amiens. I\I. Dubois, the French translator of " Ordericus," thus reads it : "Jean de AVorcester . . ... a park- convenablement, dans Ics additions aux chroniques de I'Ecossais Marien, taut du roi Guiliaume (jue des evenements qui sont passes sous lui, et sous ses fils Guiliaume le Roux et Henri, jusqu'ii nos jours." 2 B. iv. c. IG. 3 B. xiii. X PREFACE. appears from the manuscripts, no break in the annals conse- quent on tlie change of authors, we can only suppose, with JSIr. Petrie, tliat these circumstances led him to ascribe the merit of the whole work to the surviving continuator of Iklarianus, ^vith whom lie conversed; or that, his memory having failed him, or his notes being imperfect, he confused tlie name of John, his personal acquaintance, with that of Florence, when he got Imck to Xormandy and resumed his own labours. However this may be, the statement of Orde- rieus, possibly originating in a slip of his memory, or his pen, can hardly be allowed to cast a shadow of doubt on the genuineness of the Chronicle, as being the work of Florence, when it is weighed against the direct testimony of his brother monk of the same house, writing on the spot, and immediately after his death.^ This view of the case disarms the criticism that the con- tinuator, John of Worcester, " is hardly identical with the other monk of the same name and place spoken of by Orde- ricus Yitalis;"^ to say nothing of the improbability of there being two such persons engaged in the work at nearly the same period. With respect to the authorship of the first Continua- tion— independently of what may be gathered from a careful examination of the passage in Ordericus, — there is internal evidence that it was compiled by a monk of Worcester named John, who was cotemporary with the events which he records. One of these circumstances is sufficiently indicated by an entry under the year 1038, in which the writer says, " Be JoHX corrected, if there aught occur In which the reader finds his pages err." That he was cotemporary with the occurrences which he re- lates, appears incidentally fi-om his mode of speaking of king Stephen, where he says : " He was, nay is, at the present * 'M. Le Prevost, the learned editor of the Ordericus published by the French Historical Society, says in his note on the passage in dispute :— " Florent de Worcester, et non pas Jean, a continue^la chronique de son devancier [Mariauus], non pas pendant pres d'un siecle mais de 1083 a 1117, en y ajoutant beaucoup de faits relatifs a Ihistoire d'Angleterre."— Tome ii. p. 160. ^ Preface to the E. H. Society's edition of Florence, p. vii. PREFACE. XI moment, desirous of peaee ;'* and he mentions Henry de Blois, bishop of Winchester,^ and Milo, earl of Hereford,'^ as living characters from whom he had received certain informa- tion ; whence we also learn that he had access to the highest sources of intelligence. The most striking passage in the volume is, perhaps, that in which he paints, as an eye- witness, the fearful scenes which occurred during an assault on Worcester l)y the partisans of the empress Maud, when an infuriated rabble burst into the abbey church whilst he and the rest of the monks were chanting primes in the choir.^ Indeed, like his predecessor Florence, he is naturally more diffuse and circumstantial than other chroniclers respecting occurrences connected with Worcestershire, the neighbouring counties, and the borders of Wales. Tlie first Continuation of Florence brings the annals down to the close of the year 1141, the period of Stephen's cap- tivity, after losing tlie battle of Lincoln. As several of the manuscripts, however, terminate Avith the year 1131, it has been supposed that the history of the last ten years was the work of another cotemporary writer ; but so far from there being internal evidence of any such change, the entry in which John, the monk of Worcester, introduces his own name, was inserted as late as 1138. While, therefore, there is no reason to doubt that the original Chronicle is the genuine pro- duction of Florence, the authorship of the first Continu- ation may be safely ascribed to John, the monk of Worcester, who was probably his disciple, and on whom his mantle worthily fell. The work of continuation appears to have been now sus- pended, and the interval between the years 1141 and 1152, when Henry II. ascended the throne, is filled up in one of the best manuscripts by a transcript from the History of Henry of Huntingdon. The scene of labour was then shifted from Worcester to Bury St. Edmund's, as appears from the fre- quent entries of occurrences connected with that locality inserted in the second Continuation, which was compiled by John de Taxter, a monk of Bury. Like most other chronicles, his work begins with the creation ; but it is only from the year 1152, where the continuation of Florence commences, ' A.D. 1134 and 1137 ; pp. 249 and 253 of the present vol. 2 A.D. 1140 ; p. 282, ib. 3 A.D. 1131) J pp. 270, 271. XV PREFACE. that it is of any value. De Taxtcr carries on the annals tln-ouu-li the reii^ns of Henry IE., llichard I., and John, to the year ll^O."), the forty-ninth of Henry IH., in which the battle of Evesham was fought. Tlie remainder of the second Continuation appears to have been also the work of a monk of Bury, from its constant re- ference to matters connected with that town and abbey. These notices, more or less dispersed throughout this portion of the Chronicle, are not without interest, particularly from the light they throw on the exactions levied by the Norman kings on the religious houses, a subject on which the writers ai)pear to have been very sensitive. Much curious informa- tion is also furnished on the general taxation of the kingdom, and monetary affairs of the time. The history is carried on through the latter years of the reign of Henry III., until nearly the close of that of Edward I. ; where it terminates abruptly in the year 1295. This second Continuation of the Chronicle, which is now for the first time presented to the English reader, has been translated from the text of the Historical Society's edition, ])rinted from a manuscript, once the property of lord William Howard,^ and now belonging to the College of Arms. The Society's text has also been used in translating the Chronicle and the first Continuation ; its basis being a valu- able Manuscript in the library of the C. C. College, Oxford, which appears to have formerly belonged to the abbey of Worcester. The Chronicle of Florence of Worcester, with its first Con- tinuation, was originally published in 1592, by lord William Howard, from two manuscripts then in his possession, and now in the library of Trinity College, Dublin, and w^as reprinted at Frankfort, in 160], with Matthew of West- minster. Prefixed to all the copies, are lists of the popes from St. Peter to Honorius II., who died in 1130 ; of the seventy disciples ; of the Jewish high-priests, both before and after the captivity ; and of the archbishops and bishops of the several English sees, from the time of St. Augustine to that of ^ Lord William Howard was the third son of Thomas, duke of Norfolk, warden of the Scottish marches; the "Belted Will" of Walter Scott's Lay of the Last Minstrel. PREFACE. Xm arclibisliop Tlieobald. These are followed by genealogies of the Anglo-Saxon kings, with short accounts of the origin and limits of the several kingdoms of the Heptarchy, and their division into bishoprics. The list of the popes is found in Marianus ; the others were probably added by Florence, as they occur in all the manuscrij)ts. Translations of all the lists connected with English history are appended to the present edition. T. F. Qth October, 1854. THE CHRONICLE 07 PLOEENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.d. 446.] The Britons, being unable to endure the in- cursions of the Picts and Scots, sent messengers to Rome, imploring aid against their enemies, and promising submission for themselves. A legion, dispatched to their aid without loss of time, slaughtered vast numbers of the enemy and drove the rest beyond the borders of Britain. The Romans then, on the point of being withdrawn, recommended th Britons to build a wall across the island between the two seas, for their own defence ; but as they had no one of sufficient skill to direct such works, more turf than stone was used in the construction, and the labour spent on it was thrown away. No sooner were the Romans departed, than the enemy, landing in boats, levelled, trampled down, and swept off, whatever came in their way, as if they were reaping corn ripe for the harvest. Again the Romans, listening to the prayers of the Britons, flew to their succour, and having defeated the enemy, forced them to recross the straits ; and then, in conjunction with the Britons, instead of the former earthen rampart, constructed a solid wall of stone, from frith to frith, between the towns which had been built there as a security against hostile inroads. They also erected watch- towers, at intervals, along the south coast, commanding views of the sea, as the enemy threatened them also in that quarter B 2 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 446 — 449. The Romans then bid the Britons farewell, telling them they should not again return. No sooner, however, were the Roman troops withdrawn, than the Scots and Picts again issued from the north, and, expelling the natives, occupied the whole island as far as the wall. Nor did they stop there ; for slaying, driving off, or taking prisoners, those who were stationed to guard the wall, the fierce ravagers broke through it in places, and even swept off an immense booty from within its line of defence. In consequence, a lacrymose epistle, full of complaints, was addressed to a man in high authority at Rome, ^tius, then consul for the third time, in the twenty-third year of the emperor Theodosius, imploring succour, which was not granted. Meanwhile, a severe famine, which was very general, dis- tressed the fugitive Britons, compelling some of them to deliver themselves up to their enemies, while others, sheltering themselves in the mountains, caves, and woods, made an obstinate resistance. The Scots retreated to their own country, intending to return shortly ; the Picts occupied the remotest part of the island ; where they then first, and for ever afterwards, settled. The famine already mentioned was succeeded by a very abundant harvest; with plenty came excess and recklessness ; then followed a deadly pestilence ; and, to crown all, a still severer infliction at the hands of the Angles, new enemies, who, by the unanimous counsels of the Britons, under their king Vortigern, were invited to come over to defend the country ; instead of which, they invaded and subdued it. In consequence, during the reign of the emperor Marcian, people of the race of the Saxons or Angles crossed over to Britain in three long ships, and were followed by a stronger force, when the news of their prosperous voyage reached home. These, uniting with the first body, in the first instance expelled the enemy they were summoned to encounter, and then, turning their arms against their allies, overran with fire and sword nearly the whole island from east to west, that is, the central districts, on the false pretence that the Britons had not given them adequate subsidies for fighting their battles. [a.D. 447—449.] A,D. 450-473.] ARRIVAL OF THE ANGLO-SAXONS. 3 [a.d. 450.] According to Bede,* the Anglo-Saxons landed in Britain from three long ships in the reign of the Em- peror Marcian ; the people who came over belonging to three of the most powerful tribes in Germany, that is to say, the Saxons, Angles, and Jutes. The Kentish-men and the inhabitants of the Isle of Wight derive their origin from the Jutes ; those of Sussex, Middlesex, and Wessex from the Saxons; and the East- Angles, the Mid-Angles, the Mercians, and the whole Northumbrian race, with the rest of the English population, are descended from the Angles, that is, they sprung from the country called Angle. It is reported that two brothers, Hengist and Horsa, were their first chiefs. They were the sons of Yictigils, whose father was Witta, the son of Vecta, the son of Woden ; from which stock the royal line of many provinces derived its origin. [a.d. 451—454.] [a.d. 455.] Hengist and Horsa fought against Vortigern, king of the Britons, at a place called ^Egcles-threp [Ayles- ford], and, although Horsa was slain in the battle, Hengist gained the victory, and after these events reigned jointly with his son Gilsc. [a.d. 450.] [a.d. 457.] Hengist and (Esc engaged in battle with the Britons at a place called Creccanford [Cray ford] and put four thousand of them to the sword ; the rest of the Britons then abandoned Kent, and fled to London in great terror. [a.d. 458—404.] [a.d. 405.] Hengist and CEsc fought against the Britons near Wippedesfleote, [Ebbsfleet,] which means the place where Wipped crossed the water. They slew twelve chiefs of the enemy's army, with many others, while on their side only one thane, whose name was Wipped, fell in the battle. [a.d. 406-47*2.] [a.d. 473.] Hengist and CEsc fought with the Britons for * Ecclex. Hist. b. i. c. 15, whore Bede assigns the year 449 (it should be 450) for the coinincncement of the Emperor Alarcian's reign of seven years, during which he fixes the eera of the arrival of the Anglo- Saxon tribes in Britain. The Saxon Clironicle agrees witli this statement of Bede, who, however, incidentally referring to tliis event in oiher parts of his history, places it about the year 440 or 447. B 2 4 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 474 — 507. the fourth time, and, gaining the victory, took spoils without number ; in which battle the Britons fled before the Angles fts they would from lire. [a.D. 474 — 470.] [aj>. 477.] iElla and his three sons, Cymen, Wencing, and Cissa, came to Britain in three ships, from which they landed at a place called Cymenes-ora, and there slew many of the Britons, and drove the rest into the forest called Andredes-leage.* [a.D. 478—484.] [a.d. 485.] J^Ua, fighting the Britons near Mearcredes- burnan, that is Mearcrede's Brook, slew numbers of them and put the rest to flight. [a.d. 486, 487.] [a.D. 488.] Hengist, having governed the kingdom of Kent with the greatest vigour during thirty-four years, ended his life. His son (Esc succeeded to the throne, and reigned twenty-four years. [a.d. 489, 490.] [a.d. 491.] St. Patrick, Archbishop of Ireland, made a blessed end, aged one hundred and twenty-two years, ^lla, with his son Cissa, stormed Andredes-ceaster,^ after a long siege, and put all the inhabitants to the sword, from the eldest to the youngest. [a.d. 492—494.] [a.d. 495.] This year, two chiefs, namely, Cerdic and his son Cynric, crossed over to Britain with five ships, and» landing at a place called Cerdices-ora [Yarmouth ?], fought the Britons the same day, and having defeated them put them to flight. [a.d. 496—500.] [a.d. 501.] Port, and his two sons Byda and Maegla^ arrived in Britain, with two ships, at a place called Ports- mouth, and slew a British youth of very high rank, besides many others. [a.d 502—507.] 1 Keynor in Selsea, near West WiHering, The forest of Andred, now the Weald of Sussex and Kent. See Henry of Huntingdon's Hist, pp. 44, 132, BohVs Anliq. Lib. 2 Pevensey ? Cf. Henry of Huntingdon, p. 45. A.D. 508 544.] KINGDOM OF WESSEX FOUNDED. S [.\.D. 508.] Cerdic and his son Cjnric slew Natanleod, king of the Britons, and five thousand men, with the edge of the sword ; from that king all the country as far as Cer- dices-ford^ derived its name of Natanleod. [A.D. 509—513.] [ad. 514.] The West-Saxons, sailing to Britain with three ships, landed at Cerdices-ora. Their chiefs, Stuf and Wihtgar, were Cerdic's nephews. Shortly afterwards they engaged in battle with the Britons, some of whom they slew, and put the rest to flight. [A.D. 515—518.] [a.d. 519.] Cerdic and Cynric began to reign [in Wessex], and the same year they fought and conquered the Britons at Cerdices-ford. [a.d. 520.] [a.d 521.] St. Bridget, the Scottish nun, died in Ireland. [a.d. 522—526,] [a.d. 527.] Cerdic and Cynric, for the fourth time, fought with the Britons at Cerdices-leage. [a.d. 528, 529.] [a.d. 530.] Cerdic and Cynric conquered the Isle of Wight, which they gave to their nephews, Stuf and Wihtgar; a few men were slain in Wihtgara-birig, [Carisbrook Castle]. [a.d. 531—533.] [a.d. 5iS4.] Cerdic, the first king of the West-Saxons, departed this life ; and his son Cynric was, after his death, sole king for twenty-six years. [a.d. 535—537.] [a.d. 538.] There was an eclipse of the sun on the fourteenth of the calends of March (16th February), from the first to the third hour. [a.d. 539.] [a.d. 540.] There was an eclipse of the sun on the twelfth of the calends of July, (20th June,) and the stais were visible about half-an-hour before the third hour of the day. [a.d. 541—543.] [a.d. 544.] Wihtgar, the nephew of Cerdic, king of tho * CharforJ, in Hampshire. fi FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 545- -558. Wcst-Saxons died, and was buried at Wihtgara-birig, that is, Wihtgar's town. [a.d. 545, 54C.] [a.d. 547.] Ida began to rule in the province of the Ber- nicians, and reigned twelve years. He had six sons born of his queens, Adda, Balric, Theodric, CEthelric, Theodhere, and Osmar ; and six by concubines, Occ, Alric, Ecca, Oswald, Sogor, and Sogether ; from whom descended the royal line of the Northumbrians. Ida was son of Eoppa, who was son of Esa, who was son of Ingui, who was son of Angenwit, who was son of Aloe, who was son of Benoc, who was son of Brand, who was son of Bealdeag, who was son of "Woden, who was son of Frithelaf, who was son of Frithulf, who was son of Finn, who was son of Godulf, who was son of Geata. [a.d. 548—551.] [a.d. 55-2.] Cynric, king of the West-Saxons, fought with the Britons, and routed them at a place called Seares-byrig : his father was Cerdic, who was the son of Elesa, who was son of Esla, who was son of Gewis, vrho was son of Wig, who was son of Freawine, who was son of Freothegar, who was son of Brand, who was son of Bealdeag, who was son of Woden. [a.d. 553—555.] [a.d. 556.] Cynric and Ceaulin fought a battle against the Britons at Beran-byrig, and defeated them. [a.d. 557, 558.] ^lla began to reign in the province of Dcira, and governed it with the utmost vigour for nearly thirty years. [Gregory I. observing some English youths offered for sale in the Forum at Rome, said, in allusion to the name of this province ; " Alleluiah ! ^ the praise of God the Creator ought to be sung in those parts."] Meanwhile, when .^lla was living, the following kings reigned in Bernicia : Adda, the eldest son of Ida, seven years ; Clappa, five ; Theodulf, one; Theodulf, seven; and QEthelric, two years. On Ella's death, and his son Edwin being driven from the throne, CEthelric reigned five years over both provinces. ^11 a was the son of Iffa, whose father was Wuscfrea, the ^ Not in allusion to the name of the province, but to that of the liing yEUa. That of the province was played upon differently, " de ira," &c. Cf. Bede Eccl. Hist. b. ii., c. 1. ^.AD. 5G0 — 584.] WARS WITH THE BRITONS^ Y son of Wilgils, the son of Westorwalcna, the son of Seomel, the son of Swearta, the son of Seafugel, the son of Seabald, the son of Siggeot, the son of Swcbdeag, the son of Siggar, the son of Weagdeag, the son of Woden. [a.d. 560] Ceauhn, the son of Cynric, succeeding to the kingdom of the West-Saxons, reigned thirty-three years. [a.d. 5G1.] Ethelbert, king of Kent, began to reign, and, according to Bede, he reigned fifty-six years. [a.d. 50-2—564.] [a.d. 565.] Columba, priest and abbot, came out of Ireland into Britain, and during the reign of Bride, the most powerful king of the Picts, converted the northern Picts to the faith of Christ ; in consequence, he received from them a grant of the island of Hii, for the purpose of building a monastery. [a.d. 566—567.] [a.d. 568.] Ethelbert, king of Kent, while he was engaged in a war with Ceaulin, king of the West-Saxons, and his son Cutha, was driven back by them into Kent, his two ealdormen, Oslaf and Cnebba, being slain at Wibbandune [Wimbledon]. [a.d. 569—570.] [a.d. 571.] Cuthulf, the brother of king Ceaulin, fought with the Britons at Bedford, and gaining the victory took from them four royal vills, namely, Liganburh, [Leighton or Lenbury,] Eglesburh, [Aylesbury,] Bensingtun, [Benson,] and Egnesham, [Eynsham,] and he died the same year. [a.d. 572 — 576.] [a.d. 577.] Ceaulin, king of the West-Saxons, and his son Cuthwine fought with the Britons at a place called Deorham, ' and slaying their three kings, Coinmcail, Con- didan, and Farinmccil, with many of their people, took their three cities, Gloucester, Cirencester, and Bath. [a.d. 578—583.] [a.d. 584.] Ceaulin, king of the West-Saxons, and his son Cutha, fought with the Britons at a place called Fethan- leah,'^ in which battle Cutha fell, fighting bravely where * Dirham, in Gloucestershire. 2 Fretlierne, Gloucestershire. Cf. Henry of Huntingdon (b. iv.) for a more circumstantial account of this hattle. 8 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 585 — 597. the throng was thickest. Notwithstanding this, Ceaulin gained the victory, and taking much booty, seized on many of their vills. [a.d. 585—587.] [a.d. 588.] -^lla, king of Deira, died in the thirtieth year of his reign, and after him QEthelric, the son of Ida, reigned five years over both provinces. [a.d. 589.] The holy father Columban came to Burgundy from Ireland, the island of saints, with St. Gall, and other tried disciples, and there, by permission of king Theodoric, built the monastery of Luxeuil. Driven thence by Brunhilde, he went to Germany, where he left St. Gall, but he himself crossed into Italy, where he founded the monastery of Bobbio, and became the parent of many convents of monks. [a.d. 590.] [a.d. 591.] Ceol, the son of Cuthwulf, brother of king Ceaulin, began to reign, and he reigned over the West-Saxons live years. [a.d. 592.] A battle was fought at a place called Wodnes- beorh, [Wansborough ?] that is, Woden's Mount, in which there was a great slaughter, and Ceaulin was driven from his kingdom in the thirty-third year of his reign. [a.d. 593.] Ceaulin, Cwichelm, and Crida perished. OEihelric, king of Northumbria died; upon which his son Qilthelfrith assumed the reins of government and held them twenty-four years. He had seven sons, Eanfrith, Oswald, Oslaf, Oswin, Oswy, Offa, Oswudu, and Oslac, with one daughter named CEbbe. [a.d. 594, 595.] [a.d. 596.] In the 147th year after the arrival of the English in Britain, the 14th indiction, pope Gregory, by divine inspiration, sent Augustine the servant of God, with several other devout monks in his company, to preach the word of God to the English nation. [a.d. 597.] According to Bede, the aforesaid teachers arrived in Britain this year, and converted Ethelbert, king of Kent, to the faith of Christ in the thirty-fifth year of his reign. The king did not long defer the grant of an episcopal see to his teacher Augustine, in his metropolis of Canterbury, and, with royal assistance, he restored a church which had A.D. 598-004.] CEOLWULF, KING OF WESSEX. 9 been formerly erected there by the exertions of the faithful among the Romans, and consecrated under the name St. Saviour's. Ceolwulf, son of Cutha, king Ceaulin's brother, succeeding to the kingdom of the West-Saxons, governed it fourteen years ; during which he was continually engaged in wars, either with the Angles or the Britons, the Scots or the Picts. Ceolwulf was the son of Cutha, who was son of Cynric, son of Cerdic. [A.D. 598, 599.] [a.d. 600.] St. Ive the apostolical doctor, and a really inspired messenger from heaven and eminent bishop, de- parted to the Lord. His origin was in Persia, where he rose like the star in the east, but his course was divinely directed to the western regions in Britain. [a.d. 601.] Gregory writing to Augustine, in the nine- teenth year of Maurice, the fourth indiction, decreed that the bishops of London and York, receiving the pallium from the apostolical see, should be metropolitans in the same manner [as the archbishops of Canterbury]. [a.d. 002.] [a.d. 003.] Ethelfrith, a king of great bravery and am- bitious of renown, crushed the Britons more than any of the English chiefs who preceded him ; and exterminating or subjugating the native inhabitants, he either settled vast tracts of their territories with people of English race, or made the Britons tributaries to them. Roused by these proceedings, Aedan, king of the Scots, marched against him at the head of a vast army, but being defeated, few only accompanied his flight. Ethelfrith gained this battle at a place called Degsastan [Dalston?], in the eleventh year of his reign, and the first of the emperor Phocas. Assembling an army, a long time afterwards, at Chester, which the Britons call Carlegion, in execution of Divine justice, and as St. Augustine, the archbishop, had predicted,* he first slew twelve hundred British priests, who had joined the army to offer prayers on their behalf, and then exterminated the re- mainder of this impious armament. [a.d. 004.] Augustine consecrated Mellitus and Justus » Eccles. Hist, ii. 2. Cf. Sax. Chron., a.d. 007. 10 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 605 — 616 bishops : of whom Mellitus was to preach in the province of the East-Saxons, who having received the word of truth from his instructions, with their king Sebert, king^Ethel- bort's nephew, Ethelbert, himself, erected the church of St. Paul the apostle, in London, Sebert's metropolis. Justus was consecrated by Augustine, as bishop of Rochester, which the English call Hroveceaster. Having also consecrated the priest Lawrence as archbishop, to supply his own place, Augustine shortly afterwards, on Tuesday the seventh of the calends of June (26th May), was translated to the heavenly kingdom. [a.D. 605.] Pope St. Gregory, the apostle of the English, and the honour of Rome, after having most gloriously governed the see of the Roman and apostolic church for thirteen years, six months, and ten days, was translated to an eternal seat in the kingdom of heaven, on Friday the fourth of the ides (the 12th) of March. [ad. 606.] [a.D. 607.] Ceolwulf, king of the West-Saxons, made war against the East-Saxons. [a.D. 608—610.] [a.D. 611.] King Ceolwulf died, and was succeeded by Cynegils, his brother Ceol's son. He reigned thirty- two years, being son of Ceol, who was son of Cutha, son of Cynric, son of Cerdic. [a.d. 6.12, 613.] [a.D. 614.] Cynegils and his son Cuichelm, marched an army against the Britons at Beandune [Bampton?], and engaging them in battle slew two thousand and forty-six of their number. [a.D. 615.] [a.D. 616.] Ethelbert, king of Kent, who was son of Irmenric, whose father was Octa, the son of Oric, surnamed Gisc, who was son of Hengist, ascended to the realms of heavenly bliss, on the twenty-fourth of February, in the fifty-sixth year of his reign, being the twent3^-first after he was converted to the faith. His son Eadbald succeeding him not only refused to embrace Christianity, but took to wife the widow of his father. Redwald, king of the East- Angles, slew Ethelfrith, king of Deira and Bernicia in a A.D. 617— G25.] ANGLO-SAXON BISHOPS. 11 battle fought near the river Idle.* Edwin succeeded him, according to a prediction he had received, and expelled the seven sons 'of Ethel frith. Sebert, king of the East-Saxons, being removed to the heavenly kingdom, left his three sons, who persi«fted in heathenism, heirs of his kingdom in this world. They immediately made open profession of idolatry, and drove Mellitus, bishop of London, out of their territory. Mellitus retired into Kent, and after consulting Lawrence, the archbishop, withdrew into Gaul, accompanied by Justus, bishop of Rochester. However, the kings who had driven from their presence the herald of truth, were not long per- mitted to devote themselves to the worship of demons ; for having engaged in an expedition against the Gewissae, they all fell in a battle, as well as their troops. Lawrence being on the point of following Mellitus and Justus in their secession, that very night, Peter, prince of the Apostles, appeared to him and severely scourged him. In the morning, he repaired to king Eadbald, and exhibited to him the extent of the lacerations the stripes had made. On seeing this, the king was much terrified, and prohibiting all ido- latrous worship under the penalty of a curse,' and repudi- ating his incestuous marriage, embraced the Christian faith, and, sending to France, recalled Mellitus and Justus. [a.d. 617—620.] A.D. 621.] St. Lawrence, archbishop, departed to the Lord, during the reign of Eadbald, on the fourth of the nones (the 2nd) of February. He was succeeded.by Mellitus, the bishop of London, who became the third archbishop of Canterbury from Augustine. Cedd, the brother of Ceadda, succeeded Mellitus in the see of London.^ [a.d. 522—624.] [a.d. 625.] Mellitus, the archbishop, having governed the church five years, died on the eighth of the calends of May (24th April), in the reign of Eadbald. He was succeeded * Near Retford, in Nottinghamshire. Cf. Henry of Huntingdon, b. iii. and Bede's Eccl. Hist. b. 12, who place this battle in 620; the Sax. Cliroii. R. Wendovcr in the Fiores Ilist. in (517. For tlie "oracle" here alhided to, see the romantic legend of Edwine in Bede, b.ii., c. 12 2 The date should have been ClU. Cf. Bode's Eccl. Hist., ii. 7, and the Saxon Chron. X2 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 626 — 628. Ly Justus, bishop of Rochester, who consecrated Romanus bishop in his stead.^ [a.D. 6*^6.] PaiiHnus, a man beloved by God, who had been sent by St. Gregory with the rest to preach in England, and in course of time became the third bishop of Rochester, having been consecrated by Justus to become archbishop of the Northumbrian people, was sent to Edwin, king of that nation, in attendance on his bride, king Ethelbert's daughter, by king Eadbald the maiden's brother. " [a.D. 627.] An assassin named Eomer, sent by Cuichelm king of the West-Saxons, presented himself at the court of king Ed\nn on Easter Sunday, and drawing a dagger from under his garment attempted to stab the king. The blow was intercepted by Lilla, one of Edwin's most devoted attendants, who protected him by interposing his own person, but the assassin plunged his weapon with such force that the king was wounded through the body of his thane, who was killed on the spot. On the night of the same Easter-day the queen bore Edwin a daughter, who was the first of the Northumbrian race baptised by bishop Paulinus, and received the name of Eanfled. Penda succeeded to the kingdom of Mercia in the fiftieth year of his age, and governed it thirty years. He was the son of Wibba, the son of Crida, the son of Cynewald, the son of Cnebba, the son of Icel, the son of Gomer, the son of Angengeat, the son of Offa, the son of Wermund, the son of Wightleag, the son of Waga, the son of Wothelgeat, the son of Woden. [a.D. 628.] In the sixteenth year of the emperor Herac- lius, the fifteenth induction, Edwin the most illustrious king of the English in Britain, who reigned over the nation to the north of the Humber, received with his people the word of salvation at the preaching of Paulinus, the bishop sent from Kent by archbishop Justus. This occurred in the eleventh year of his reign, and about two hundred and thirty years,^ more or less, after the English tribes arrived in Britain. The king himself founded the episcopal see of 1 The date should be 624, and the mission of Paulinus 625, ib. c. 9. 2 It should be 180 ; Cf. Bede's Eccl. Hist. b. ii. c. 14. A.D. C29-G34.] EDWIN, KING OF NORTHUMBRIA. 13 York in favour of Paulinus. His temporal power increased in token of his embracing the faith and inheriting the heavenly kingdom, as he, first of the English princes, reduced the whole of Britain, except Kent, under his dominion. At this time, pope Honorius wrote a letter confuting the error of the Quarto-decimans respecting the observance of Easter, which had originated among the Scots ; John also, who succeeded Severinus' successor, disputed the same matter with them. For, before he was elected pope, he wrote to them on this Easter question, as well as concerning the Pelagian heresy, which had revived among them. Cynegils, and his son Cuichelm, the kings of the West- Saxons, fought a battle near Cirencester, with Penda king of the Mercians, and, peace being made and ratified, withdrew their troops. [a.d. 629—631.] [a.d. 632.] Eorpwald, son of king Redwald, son of Tytel, son of Uffa, by the persuasion of king Edwin, abandoned his idolatrous superstition, and embraced the Christian faith and sacraments with all his people ; but he was slain by a pagan named Ricbert. [a.d. 633.] The illustrious king Edwin, having glori- ously reigned seventeen years over both nations, Britons as well as English, was killed on the fourth of the ides (the 12th) of October, in the forty-eighth year of his age, by Penda, the heathen king of Mercia, a prince of distin- guished bravery, and Cedwal king of the Britons, a still more savage heathen, in a pitched battle severely contested on the plain of Heathfield. Affairs in Northumbria being thus thrown into confusion, Paulinus, taking with him queen Ethelburga, returned to Kent by sea, and was received with honour by Honorius the archbishop and Eadbald the king. [a.d. 631.] Cedwal, king of the Britons, having first slain king Osric, king Edwin's cousin, with all his army, after- wards put to death Eanfrith, son of king Ethelfrith, who had come to him to sue for peace. On his death, his brother Oswald advanced with his army, which, though small in numbers, was strong in the faith of Christ, and slaughtered the impious British chief with his immense army, which he boasted nothing could withstand. Oswald then assumed the J^4 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 635, 636. govornmont of both kingdoms, and, in the course of time, received the submission of all the nations and provinces of Britain. At that time the people of Wessex, under their king Cynegils, embraced the Christian faith, the word being preached to them by bishop Birinus. St. Wilfrid was born. [a.D. C35.] King Oswald applied to the elders of the Scots to send him bishops. Aidan was sent ; by whom, and the most illustrious and holy king Oswald himself, the church of Christ was first founded and established in the province of Bernicia. Birinus was sent by pope Honorius to preach in England, and under his teaching of the gospel in Wessex, king Cynegils and his subjects became believers ; the most victorious king Oswald was his sponsor at the baptismal font. From these kings the same bishop received Dorchester for the seat of his bishopric. [a.D. 636.] Sigebert, brother of Eorpwald, king of the East-Angles, a prince in all respects most Christian and most learned, early in his reign took measures for causing his whole province to partake of the faith and sacraments. Bishop Felix, a native of Burgundy, who had become very intimate with Sigebert, king of the East-Angles, while he was an exile in France, encouraged his designs, and accom- panying him to England after Eorpvvald's death, was ap- pointed by him bishop of the East-Angles, and having converted that province to the faith of Christ, and procured an episcopal see to be founded in the city of Dunwich, pre- sided for seventeen years over that nation. At that time a most holy man, named Fursey, came from Ireland to East-Anglia, and being received with honour by the aforesaid king, preached there the word of life, and con- verting many of the unbelievers to Christ, afterwards built a noble monastery. Meanwhile, the king having given up the administration of affairs, and entrusted them to his cousin Ecgric, retired to the monastery he had founded, and receiv- ing the tonsure, was for a long time enlisted in the service of the King Eternal. But when Penda, the heathen kmg of Mercia, made war against the East-Angles, he was drawn from the convent against his will, and, being reluctantly led to battle with only a staff in his hand, he was slain as well as king Ecgrig. Anna, son of Eni succeeded to the throne. ^ D. G37 — G45.] ANGLO-SAXON KINGS. 15 Cuichelm, the son of king Cynegils, was baptised by bisbop liirinus, in tlie city of Dorchester, and died the same year. [a.d. 637, 638.] [a.d. 639.] Bishop Birinus baptised Ciithred, the son of king Cuichelm, in the city of Dorchester, and received him from the font of regeneration. [a.d. 640 ] Eadbald, king of Kent, departed this Ufe in the twenty-fifth year of his reign, leaving the government of his kingdom to his son Erconberht. He was the first of the English kings who ordered the idols to be forsaken and de- stroyed throughout his whole kingdom, and at the same time he commanded the fast of forty days to be observed. His daughter, Ercongote, by his queen St. Sexburg, was a virgin endowed with sublime virtues. [a.d. 641.] [a.d. 64'2.] The most Christian king Oswald, the nephew of king Edwin, and son of king Ethelfrith, a prince who was always humble, gracious, and liberal to pilgrims and the poor, was slain in the thirty-eighth year of his age, and the ninth of his reign, by Penda, the heathen king of Mercia, in a great battle fought at a place called Maserfeld. [a.d. 643.] His brother Oswy, a young man about thirty years of age, shortly afterwards succeeded to his kingdom, and maintained himself in it by incessant struggles for twenty-eight years. Cenwalch, son of Cynegils, succeeded the same vear to the kinf^dom of Wessex, which he held twenty-one years. He built the church at Winchester, in which is the bishop's seat. [a.d. 644.] Paulinus, formerly bishop of York, but then of Rochester, departed to the Lord on the sixth of the ides (the lOtli) of October. He had been a bishop eighteen years, two months, and twenty-one days. Honorius, the archbishop, the successor of Justus, ordained Ithamar bishop of Rochester in the place of Paulinus. [a.d. 645.] Cenwalch, king of Wessex, being attacked by Penda, king of the Mercians, for having divorced his sister, was dethroned, and took refuge with Anna, king of East- Anglia. Likewise this same year king Oswin, son of Osric, cousin-gcrman to Edwin, — a prince of graceful aspect, tall in stature, courteous and affable, of gentle manners, liberal to IG FLOREN'CE OF WORCESTER. A.D. 646 — 653. all, the humblest of kings, and generally beloved— began to reign in the province of Deira, and governed it seven years. [a.d. 046.] King Cenwalch was baptised in East-Anglia, by Bishop Felix. [a.d. 647.] Felix, the first bishop of the East-Angles died ; in whose place archbishop Honorius consecrated his deacon, Thomas; who also departing this life, after being bishop five years, was succeeded by Boniface. [a.d. 648.] King Cenwalch returned from East-Anglia to Wessex, and the same year made a large grant of lands to his nephew Cuthred, son of king Cuichelm. [a.d. 649.] [a.d. 650.] Bishop Egilbert, a native of France, was appointed to the see of Wessex by king Cenwalch, after the death of Birinus, and exercised episcopal authority in that province for many years. [a.d. 651.] St. Cuthbert entered the monastery of Mail- rose, being admitted by Eata, the most reverend abbot of that church. Oswin king of Deira, a man of the deepest humility and eminent piety, was slain in a detestable manner on the thirteenth of the calends of September ((30th August), at the command of king Oswy, by his ealdorman Ethelwin ; having been treacherously betrayed by earl Hunwald, in whom he confided as a devoted friend. He was succeeded by Ethel wold, son of king Oswald. After the murder of king Oswin, bishop Aidan departed to the realms of bliss on the second of the calends of September (August 31st). Cuthbert, an excellent young man, beheld his soul carried to heaven by angels. Finan was raised to the bishopric in his place, being consecrated and sent by the Scots. [a.d. 652.] [a.d. 653.J Benedict, surnamed Biscop, a thane of king Oswin, and an Englishman of noble birth, quitted his home and kindred, his possessions and native country, for the love of Christ, at the age of twenty-five years, and be- taking himself to Rome, came back advanced in learning. Honorius, archbishop of Canterbury, departed this life on the second of the calends of October (30th September). He was succeeded in the see, at the expiration of a year and six months, by Deusdedit the sixth archbishop from Augustine, A.D. 65;3 G.).5.] CONVERSION OP TITK MID-ANGLES. I 7 and liaviiig been consecrated by Itbumar bishop of liocbestcr, on the seventh of the calends of April [*>J(Jth March], he governed ln"s church nine y<^ars, four months, and two days. The Mid- Angles, under their prince Peada, son of Penda king of j\rercia, received the Christian faith and sacraments, the prince himself being first baptized, with all his attend- ants, by bishop Finan, at tlie court of Oswy king of North- umbria. Afterwards, on his return home, the rest of his people were baptized by four priests, Cedd, Adda, l^etti, and Diuma, who accompanied him from Northumbria. At that time Sigebert, king of the P^ast-Angles, who succeeded Sebert, sumamed the Little, having embraced the faith of Christ on the exhortation of king Oswy while on a visit to him, was baptized by Finan, the bishop of the Northumbrians ; and on his return to his own seat of government, king Oswy sent with him Cedd the priest, a man of God, to preach the Word to the East-Saxons. Having gathered a numerous church for the Lord, he went home to confer with bishop Finan, and receiving from him the episcopal dignity, on his return to the province he completed with greater authority the work he had commenced. On one occasion, when he revisited the province of Northumbria, for the purpose of exhortation, Ethelwald king of Deira, king Oswald's son, requested him to accept a grant of land whereon he might build a monastery. In compliance with the royal will he selected a site for it at a place now called Leastingaig, and having erected the monastery, established in it the rules of a religious life. iSIeanwhile, at the instigation of the foe to all good men, Sigebert was slain by his own neighbours, because it was too much his practice to pardon his enemies, and forgive, with a gentle spirit, on their mere petition, the injuries he had received from them. Swithelm, the son of Sexbald, succeeded to his throne. [a.d. r)54.] Anna, king of the East-Angles, was slain by king Penda, and succeeded by his brother Ethelhere. A monastery was built by St. Botulph, at a place called Ikanhoe. [a.d. 055.] Penda, the perfidious king of Mcrcia, who had slain Sigebert, Ecgrig, and Anna, kings of the I'^ast- Angles, as well as Edwin and Oswald, kings of the North- c 18 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 656, 657. iimbrians. having mustered thirty legions, with as many noble thanes, advanced northward into Bernicia, to wage a war of coueople of the southern provinces. He compelled the Pictish nation to submit to the dominion of the English ; and made Peada his cousin, son of king Penda, king of the Southern Mercians. [a.D. 056.] King Peada was most foully murdered, through the treacheiT of his wife, at the very time when the feast of Easter was celebrating?. [a.D. 657.] Cenwalch, king of Wessex, fought with the Britons, and drove them as far as the Parret. The abbess St. Hilda began to build a monastery at a place called Streoneshealh, in which king Oswys daughter was a nun in the earlier part of her life, and afterwards became abbess. Her mother, queen Eanfleda, built a monastery, which is called In-Gethng, on the spot where king Oswine, the son of her father's cousin, king Osric, was unrighteously slain, and * •* The river Winwfsd, near which this battle was fought, is, accord- ing to Camden, the Are, which runs near Leeds." — Thorpe. A.D. 0.39 — 60^.] OSWY — AVULFIIERE, 1\) appointeil Trunihere, a man of God, who was kinsman to the nmrtlered king, ahbot. [a.d. O'iO,] Immin, Kaba, and Eadberlit, ealdormen of IVIcrcia, rebelled against king Oswj, raising to the throne Wulfliere, the son of Penda, who having been saved in con- cealment, was now coming to years of puberty; and thus, with their king, they enjoyed the liberty of professing Christianity. This king's first bishop was Trunihere, already named ; the second was Jaruman ; the third Cedd ; and the fourth Winfrid. [a.d. 000.] King Cenwalch divided the West-Saxon province into two dioceses, and made the city of Winchester bishop AVine's episcopal seat ; in consequence of which bishop Agilbcrt was so much offended that ho retired to France, and accepted the bishoj)ric of Paris King Ecgfrith, son of king Oswy, married Etheldritha, the daughter of Anna, king of the East-Angles. [a.d. (>01.] Cuthrod, son of king Cuichelm, to wit, grand- son of king Cyncgils and cousin-german of the kings Cenwalch and Centwin, together with the tributary-king Conbriht, who was great-grandson of king Ceauhn, and king Cedwal's father, (hed this year. Wulfliere, king of the Mercians, first ravaged Asccsdun, and then took possession of the Isle of Wiglit, which he gave to his godson Ethelwold, king of the South- Saxons, together with the district of Meanvara in Wesscx. Finan, bishop of the Northumbrians, died, and was suc- ceeded by Colman, who was also sent from Scotland. [a.d. nO'2, oe;5.] [a.d. 004.] In the thirtieth year after Scotch bishops were estabhslied in Northumbria, and the twenty-second of the reign of king Oswy, questions having been raised in that l)rovinco respecting Easter, the tonsure, and other ecclesi- astical aifairs, it was settled that a synod should be held at the monastery of Strconcshcalh, where Hilda was then abbess. It was attended by the kings Oswy and his son Alfrid, who had succeeded to the kingdom of king Etliel- wald, king Oswald's son; as also by bisliop Colman and his clergy, Agilbert bishop of the West-Saxons, with the priests Agatho and Wilfrid, Cedd bishop of the East-Saxons, and the abbess Hilda, with her officials. After much debate, at last, both the superiors and their subordinates agreed to c2 20 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.I). G64. rcliiKiui.sli (lie iiualiil usages of the Scotch, and hastened to adopt tliose ^vhich they liad ascertained to be better. Tlio controversy bemg conckided, and the questions solved, Agil- bort went home, and Cedd, giving up the traditions of the Scots, returned to his own diocese. Colman, silenced by the unanimous resolution of the Catholics, rejoined his adherents in Scotland, and on his witlidrawing to his own country, Tuda was appointed bishop of the Northumbrians in his stead; but he ruled the church only for a short time. Eata, a most re\eren(l man, who was abbot of Mailrose, and before that had founded the monastery of Ripon at king Alfred's request, w^as set over the brethren of Lindisfarne, and removed St. Cuth- bert from Mailrose to the island of Lindisfarne. The same year, tliere was an eclipse of the sun on the 3rd of May, at about the tenth hour. It w\as quickly followed by a j)estilence which snatched from the world Tuda, the priest of the Lord. The king, by the advice and with the concurrence of his father, king Oswy, sent the venerable fatlier Wilfrid, abbot of Ripon, to the king of the Franks, requesting that he might be ordained bishop, he being then about thirty years old. Thereupon the king sent him for consecration to Agilbert, who having withdrawn from Britain was made bishop of Paris, and, assisted by eleven other bishops, performed the office with great, ceremony. Deus- dedit, tlie sixth archbishop from Augustine, died on the second of the ides [the 14th] of July. Erconbert also, king of Kent, died the same year, and his son Egbert ascended tlie throne. Ceadda, that holy man, who was brother of Cedd, bishop and saint, and abbot of the monastery of Least- ingaig, on the command of king Oswy, was consecrated bishop of York, by Wine, bishop of Winchester, as Wilfrid was still an exile in foreign parts. Ethelburga, the mother of the convent of Barking, a woman beloved by Grod, and the first al)])ess of that monasterv, was released from the prison of tlie flesh on the fifth of the ides [the 11th] of October. She was sister of Erconwald, a man of admirable sanctity, after- w^ards bishop of London ; her life w^as such that no one who knew her could doubt that on her departure from this life the gates of the heavenly kingdom were opened to her. She was succeeded in the office of abbess by a nun beloved of God, whose name was Hildelith. Shortly afterwards, Cedd, bisliop A.D. G05 — GOT.] ETIIELWALD — EGBEUT. L' 1 of the East-Saxons, wont to liis monastery of Least ini^'aig, where lie fell siek and died on the seventh of the calends of November [2Gth October]. Ethelwald, king of the East- Angles, having died, he was succeeded by Aldulf, whose mother was Hereswitha, sister of 8t. Hilda, the abbess ; their father was Hererie, son of Eadfrith, son of Edwine. Boisihis, a monk of sublime virtues, superior of the monastery of Mail- rose, a man ins])ired with the spirit of prophecy, and a priest beloved of God, haNing been struck by a mortal disease, was exalted to the joys of eternal light. Sighere, king of the East-Saxons, with his part of the peo])le, apostatized from the taith, which coming to the ears of Wulfhere, king of the IMercians, he sent bishop Jaruman, Trumhere's successor, to correct the error. However, Sebbi, who shared the throne, as co-heir with him, preserved the faith he had embraced, with all the population subject to him. [a.d. QGo.'] Benedict, surnamed Biscop, went to Rome, for the second time, when Yitalian was pope, and a few months afterwards retired to the island of Lerins.^ Devotinir himself to the monks, he received the tonsure, and for two years served God, under the abbot's rule, according to the regular discipline. [a.d. 666.] St. Aldhelm was ordained abbot of Malmesbury in the church of SS, Peter and Paul by Eleutherius, the fourth bishop of the West-Saxons. Wina, bishop of Win- chester, being driven from his see by king Cenwalch, repaired to Wulfhere, king of the Mercians, and receiving from him the see of London, remained bishop of that city for the rest of his life. [a.d. 667.] The most illustrious English kings, Oswy, of the province of Northuml)ria, and Egbert, of Kent, with the consent of the holy church of the English nation, sent to Rome, for consecration to the office of bisho]), a priest named Wihard, one of the clerks of archbishop Deusdedit. But although he reached Rome, he was snatched away by death before he could be consecrated. Ceadda, bishop of York, governed the church gloriously for three years ; he then * The island of Lerins, off the coast of Provence, in the diocese of Antibes, on which was a celebrated monastery and school founded at the end of the fourth centui'y by St. Honoratus. See Gallia Christiana, t. iii. p. 1180. 22 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 668 — 671. rotli'od to the su])crinten(lenco of his monastery at Leastingaig, and WiltVid took npon himself the episcopal charge of the entire ])rovinre of Northnmbria. [a.D. 608.] Biseop, called also Benedict, visited Rome for the third time. There was then at Rome a monk named Theodore, a native of Tai'sus, in Silicia, a man Avell versed both in secular and ecclesiastical learning, master both of (ireek and Latin, of unblemished life, and sixty-six years of ai?e. Po])e Vitalian having consecrated him archbishop, on Sunday, the seventh of the calends of April [26th March], commiUed him to the care of Biseop, as he Avas a prudent and spirited man, to he conducted to Britain, in company Avith al>bot Adrian. [a.D. 669.] Archbishop Theodore arrived in Kent on Sunday, the sixth of the calends of June [27th May], and entrusted the government of the monastery of St. Peter the apostle to Benedict, also called Bisco]), with the office of abbot. Soon afterwards he made a progress through the island, consecrating bishops in suitable jjlaces, and com- pleted the consecration of Ceadda by new rites after the catholic form. In the city of Rochester, also, Avhere there had been no bishop since the death of Damianus, he ordained Putta, a man skilled in ecclesiastical discipline ; and not long- afterwards, on the death of Jaruman, at the request of king Wulfhere, and with the concurrence of king Oswy, he enjoined Ceadda to take charge of the united sees of Mercia and Lin- disfarne. Ceadda obeyed the injunction, and employed him- self in the ministry he had accepted, with great purity of life. King Wulfhere granted him fifty hides of land for the purpose of building a monastery at a place called At-Bearuwe. [a.D. 670.] Oswy, king of the Northumbrians, falling sick, died on the fifteenth of the calends of March [15th Feb.], in the fifty-eighth year of his age, leaving his son Egfrid as successor to his khigdom. King Cenwalch and the West- Saxons requested Theodore, archbishop of Canterbury, to consecrate as their bishop, Eleutherius, nephew of Agilbert, bishop of Paris, and having been consecrated accordingly at Winchester, he administered the united diocese seven years. [a.D. 671.] There was a pest among birds, Avhich destroyed vast numlx>rs. The venerable abbot Benedict, also called Biseop, having presided over the monastery of St. Peter the A.D. C72, C73.] CENWALCH — HLOTIIERE. 23 a])ostlo two yeai's, tilling tlio office of abbot, wont from IJrltain to Rome for tlio third time, by leave of archbishoj) Tlieo(l(^re. lie was siieeeeded in the i>;<)vennnent of the eoji- vent l>v a])b()t Adrian, whom we havo before mentioneil, ;ui African by birth, well read in the sacred writini^s, and an apt scholar both in Greek and Latin. [a.I). G7-.] Cenwalch, king of the West-Saxons, died in the thirtieth year of his reign ; his Cjiieen Sexburga, acconl- ing to the English chronicle,* reigned after him one year, but according to Bede,^ tributary-kings di\ided his king- dom and ruled it about ten years. Etheldritha, queen of tlie Noitluuubrians, used long importunities -with king Egfiid for leave to release herself from worldly cares and do tlu^ service of the Lord Christ in a monastery ; andhaNing at last, with no little ditticidty, succeeded, she entered the monastery of St. Ebba, the abbess, who was sister of the kings, SS. Oswald and Oswy, and aunt of king Egfj'id, recei\ ing the nun*s veil from the hands of bishop Wilfrid. After bishoj) Ceadda had gloriously rided the church in the province of Mercia for two years and a half, he became \ery iniirm, and being ]>rcpared for his end by partaking of tlie body an. 11)1. 24 FLORENCE OF WOKCESTEK. [a.D. 674, 675. Tlioodoro, nrchbishop of Canterbury, convened an episcopal synod at a i>laee called Hertford, in which Wilfrid, bishop of the Northumbrians, was represented by his own legates. There were present at this synod, Putta, bishop of ^ Rochester, Eleutlierius, bishop of the East-Saxons, and Winfrid, bishop of the Mercians ; to whom must be added Bisi, bishop of the East-Angles, the successor of Boniface already mentioned. He was a very holy and devout man, and had been consecrated by Theodore a short time before the synod ; and^ being afterwards prevented by severe infirmities from performing the duties of his office, two bishops, iEcci and Badwine, w^ere ordained in his lifetime to act for him. St. Etheldritha was made abbess in the district called Elge (Ely), where, having built a monastery for nuns, this virgin became mother in the heavenly life both by her example and precepts. [a.D. 674.] According to the English chronicle, Escwine succeeded this year to the kingdom of Wessex. He was the son of Cenfus, who was son of Cenferth, who was son of Cuthgils, who was son of Ceolwulf, who was son of Cynric, who was son of Cerdic. (Ireland, the island of saints, was gloriously filled with holy men and wonderful works.) Biscop (built a monastery) at the mouth of the river Wear, in the second indiction. [a.D. 675.] Wulfhere, king of Mercia, and Escwine, king of Wessex, fought a battle at a place called Beadenhead. The same year, being the seventeenth of his reign, king Wulfhere himself w^nt to heaven. He was the first of the Mercian kings who received the faith and the Avashing of holy regeneration ; and abolishing, and utterly rooting out the worship of idols among all his people, he caused the name of Christ to be published throughout his dominions, and built churches in many places. His queen, St. Ermengilda, was the daughter of Erconbert, king of Kent, and his queen, St. Sexburga, the daughter of Anna, king of the East-Angles, and sister of St. Etheldritha. St. Werburga, Wulfhere's daughter by Emiengild, a virgin of exemplary virtues, after her father's death, renounced the world, and resolving to take the habit of a nun, entered the monastery of her mother's aunt, St. Etheldritha, where by God's help she wrought many miracles. Her uncle, king Ethelred, hearing reports of her sanctity, appointed her to preside over several monasteries of virgins devoted to A.D. 07«3.] ST. WERBURGA — ERCONWALD. 25 God, witli tlie rank of al)boss, livincf in and anions: which according to monastic rules, and attectionately eonsuhin<^ their vrood in all thinccs, she combated in the service of Christ her King to the end of her life ; and dying in one of her monas- teries called Trentham, the beatified virghi was esi)Oused and taken to her lieavenly bridegroom. Her cori)se was carried to the monastery at Hanbury, as she had directed in her life- time, and being interred with great honour, remained without corruption until the time when the heathen Danes laid waste the provinces of England with cruel slaughter and barbarous ravages. King Wulf here's brothers were these : Ethelred, who succeeded him in his kingdom ; Peada, who, as we briefly mentioned, was king of the Southern Mercians ; and Merewald, who ruled in the western i)art of Mercia. Merewald's queen, Ermenburga, bore him three daughters, St. INIildburg, St. Mild- rith, and St. Mildgith, and one son, Merclin, a youth of eminent piety. Archbishop Theodore, being offended with Winfrid, bishop of the Mercians, on account of some act of disobedience, de- posed him from his bishopric and ordained in his stead Saxulf, the founder and abbot of the monastery called Burg, in the territory of the Girvii.* After his deposition, Winfrid retired to his monastery of Bearwe, and there ended his days in a course of holy living. Theodore also appointed Ercon- wald bishop of the East-Saxons, who were then under Sebbe and Sighere, with London for his see, where his predecessor Wine had his episcopal seat. Erconwald's life and conversation, both before and after he was made bishop, are said to have been most holy. He founded two monasteries, one for him- self, and the other for his sister; his own, called Chertsey, Avith the aid of the sub-king, Frithewold, he filled with monks and amply endowed; his sister's monastery was called Barking, and she became the first abbess. Waldhere succeeded Ercon- wald, and after him was Inguald, the last bishop of London mentioned by Bede in his History of England. Moreover, Hildelith succeeded Ethelburga, St. Erconwald's sister, and it was to her that St. Aldlielm addressed his book " On Virginity." Wulf hildis succeeded Hildelith as abbess, in the time of king Edijar. •o' Peterborough ; the Gervian tenitory was in the n.e. of Mercia. 26 FLORENCE OP WORCESTER. [a.d. 676, 677. [a.d. G7G.] Benedict Biscop went fVom Britain to Rome the fourth time, a('eomi)anied l)y Ceolfrid a pious monk, and l.rouj^ht back a bull of privileges, accejited not only with the license and concurrence, but at the express desire and instance of king P]i>irid, whereby the independence and immunities of his monastery were secured for ever. He also obtained the services of Jolm, precentor of the church of St. Peter the apostle; bringing him to Britain to teach his monks the course of chaunting throughout the year. Escwine, king of Wessex, died, and Centwine, who was son of Cynegils, son of Ceol, succeeded him. Ethelred, king of the Mercians, ravaged Kent, destroying the city of Rochester in the conmion ruin. Putta, its bishop, being exposed to this, took refuge with Saxulf, bishop of the Mercians, and accepting the cure of a church he gave him, ended his days there in peace. Theodore consecrated Cuichelm to be bishop in Putta's place, but as he retii'ed from the see shortly after- wards, because it was stripped of its possessions, Theodore a])pointed Gebmund bishop in his stead. On the death of Eleutherius, bishop of the West-Saxons, Haedcli took u])on himself his episcopal functions, having been consecrated by Theodore at London. St. Cuthbert devoted liimself to a life of solitude and contemplation as a hermit. [a.d. 677.] In the eighth year of Egfrid*s reign, a comet appeared in the month of August. The same year, in con- sequence of a dispute between king Egfrid and the most reverend T)ishop Wilfrid, the bishop was expelled from his see, and two bishops were appointed in his place, namely, Bosa, a reverend monk of the monastery of the abbess Hilda, who governed the province of Deira, and Eata, the venerable abbot of Mailrose, that of Bernicia. The one fixed his epis- copal seat in the city of York, the other in the church of Hagulstad (Hexham), or at Lindisfarne ; and both were taken from their convents for their promotion to be bishops. Eathred was also made bishop with them in the province of Lindis- farras (Lindsey), which king Egfrid had very recently taken possession of, defeating Wulfhere in battle, and driving him out of the country. This was the first bishop of its own that province had ; the second was Ethelwine, the third Edgar, the fourth Cyneberht. Before that, it was superintended by Saxwulf, who was also bishop at the same time of the Mer- A.D. 678 — 680.] ^VILFIUD — ST. HILDA. 27 cians and Ea-st-Anirlt"*. I» oonsoquonce, after his expulsion from Lludsey, he still continued to govern the two latter i)ro- vinces. Eatha'd, Bosa, and Eata were consecrated at Yoik by archhishop Theodore. Wilfrid, Ix'ing thrust out from his bishopric, intended to go to Rome, but after embarking, he was driven by a westerly wind to Friesland, where he was the first to do the work of an evangelist ; and, converting many thousand barbarians to the faith, spent the whiter there in great delight with the newly-con\erted ])eoj)le of God. [a.d. G78.] The holy Bede was born.^ [a.d. 679.] A severe battle was fought between Egfrid king of Northumbria and Ethelred king of Mercia, on the river Trent, in which kuig Alfwine, brother of king Egfrid, ■was slain. His sister Osfrith was married to king Ethelred. Bishop Wilfrid departing from Friesland ])roceeded to Kome, and having been exonerated from the charges against him, and found fit for his oflice by sentence of pope Benedict and several bishops, he returned to Britain, and converted the ])i-ovince of the South-Saxons to the faith of Christ. St. Ethcldritha, the virgin, abbess of Ely, was taken to the Lord from the midst of her flocjk on the ninth of the calends of July [2'5i"d June]. Hvv sister Sexburga succeeded to her office. [a.d. 680.] In the sixth year of the reigni of Ethelred, king of Mercia, the eighth indiction, archbishoj) Theodore comened a synod of the bishops, and great numbers of learned men, at a place called Heathfield, that he might ascertain what doctrines they severally held, as he had been directed by ])ope Agatho, through the medium of John the precentor, who was present at this synod. During this king's reign, the ])rovince of Mercia was divided into five dioceses,- and, in consccjucnce, Tatfrlth, a man of ])rofound learning, who belonged to the monastery of abbess Hilda, was selected to be l)ishop of the flwiccii ; but he died suddenly, before he could be consecrated; and, therefore, the reverend man, Bosel, ^ Florenco is quite incorrect in tho dato ho assigns for tlic birth of BeiU'. rt apjxiars to liave Leon in (Mthor (!7:{ or 074. Sco the question discussed !ind authorities referred to in the Preface to tho Kccles. Hist. p. vi., Axinj. Lib. ' Litchliold, Worcester (Ilwiccas), Leicester, Lindsoy, and Hereford. 38 FLORENCE OF >Y011CESTER. [a.D. G81 — 684. was shortly afterwards ordained bishop of that province. HiUla, the^ devout handmaid of the Lord, abbess of the monastery of Streoneshalh (Whitby), and daughter of king- Edwin's grandson Hererie, having done the work of heaven upon earth, was translated from this world to receive the rewards of life in heaven, on the fifteenth of the calends of December [17th November], in the sixty-sixth year of her age. She founded two monasteries, Streoneshalh and Hacanos (Hackness), in which she inculcated justice, devotion, continence, and other virtues ; but chiefly peace and charity. In a monastery governed by this abbess lived Cedmon, that celebrated monk, who received from heaven the free gift of poetical inspiration. Oshere, the sub-king, by licence from his suzerain, Ethelred, the most excellent king of the Mercians, gave a domain containing thirty households, at a place called Eippel, to Frithewald, a monk of bishop Winfrid's who has been already noticed, in order that he might establish there the monastic rule. [a.D. 681.] Bede was only seven years old Avhen, being a lad of great promise, his relations entrusted him to the most reverend abbot Biscop, to be brought up by him. Three years after Wilfrid had withdrawn, archbishop Theodore ordained Tunbert to the church of Hexham (Eata continuing at Lindisfarne) and Trumwine as bishop of the territory of the Picts. Eathred, having returned from Lindsey, because king Ethelred had recovered possession of that province, was set over the church of Ripon. [a.D. 682.] Centwine, king of Wessex, drove the Britons of the West at the sword's point as far as the sea. The most reverend abbot Benedict Biscop, choosing his cousin Euster- wine, a priest of eminent piety, and one of his own monks, placed the monastery under his rule as abbot. King Egfrid, for the redemption of his soul, gave another domain of forty families to abbot Benedict, who, sending there twenty-two monks, and appointing abbot Ceolfrid, his most strenuous supporter on all occasions, to be their superior, founded a monastery, by the king's command, at a place called Girvum (Jarrow). [a.D. 683.J [a.D. 684.] Egfrid, king of Northumbria, sent Berht in the command of an army to Ireland, who cruelly ravaged the A.D. (jSo.^ ST. CUTIinERT— KING EGFKID. 1*0 inononsivo natives. A synod havine; asscniMed at Twyford near the river Aliie, at wliieli king EglVid was present, and archbislioj) Tlieodorc j)resided, Tiinbert was deposed from his see, and C\ithbert unanimously elected 1)isho]) of Hexham ; but as he preferred su})erintending the ehiux'h of Lindisfarne, he was permitted to take that bisho])rie, Eatta returning to Hex- ham. Benedict Biseop left Britain for Home, for the fifth time. [a.d. 685.] Hlothere, king of Kent, having received a wound in battle with the East-Saxons, died while it was liealing, on Monday, the eighth of the ides, [the Gth] February. He was succeeded by Edric, his brother Egbert's son, who reigned one year and a half. Britain was swept with a pesti- lence which carried death into all quarters, and abbot Eustcr- wine, beloved of God, falling a prey to it was taken to the Lord ; in whose stead the brethren, after consulting abbot Ceolfrid, chose for their abbot, Sigefrid, a deacon belonging to the same monastery, and eminent for his sanctity and profound study of the scriptures. Biseop returned from Rome loaded with presents for ecclesiastical uses, and foreign valu- .ables. The consecration of St. Cuthbert took place on Easter day, in the presence of king Egfrid ; seven bishops assisting at the solemnity, of wdiom archbishop Theodore was primate. King Egfrid, having rashly led an army to ravage the territory of the Picts, was slain on Saturday, the thirteenth of the calends of June [20th May], in the fortieth year of his age, and fifteenth of his reign. He was succeeded by his brother Alfrid, a i)rince well read in the Scriptures. In the beginning of his reign, on the death of the most holy bishop Eata, John, a man of sanctity, was appointed bishop of Hexham. Bishop Trumwine, that devoted servant of the Lord, returned with his companions from the country of the Picts, and selecting Streoneshalh for his future abode, spent the rest of his life there to his own profit and that of many others ; dying also there, he mounted up to the kingdom of heaven. Ceadwalla, a most gallant youth of the blood-royal of the Gcwissic,^ slew Ethelwalhjking of the South-Saxons, having come upon him by surprise at the head of an army ; 1>ut he was shortly after- wards driven out by the caldormen Berhtini and Ethelhun, who thenceforth assumed the govermnent of the kingdom. ' Gewissrc ; the West-Saxons ; " OcciJentales," the Westerns. 30 FLORENCE OF WORCESTEK. [a.D. 686, 687. Centwiiio, kincr of the East-Saxons, departed this life, and was succeeded by Ceadwalla, just named, who was the son of (^ynebert, who was son of Ccadda, who was son of Cutha, wiio was son of Ceaulin, who was son of Cynric, who was son of Cerdi(\ [a.D. 686.] Bishop Wilfrid, after a long exile, returned to his see and bishopric of the church of Hexham, at the invita- tion of king Alfrid. On the death of Bosa, a most holy and lumible man, Jolm, succeeded him as bishop of York. Cead- walla, king of the Gewissa?, slew Beorthun, ealdorman of Sussex, and reduced that province to severe servitude. He and his brother Mull then ravaged Kent ; and afterwards, king Ceadwalla himself seized the Isle of Wight, the whole of which was till that time lost in idolatry ; and although not as yet himself i"egenerated in Christ, he offered bishop Wilfrid the fourth part of the island, containing three hundred families, to be appropriated to the Lord's service. Wilfrid accej^ted the grant, and committing the superintendance to his nephew Borwin,^ sent ministers of the Word into the island. Bishop Cuthbert, the man of God, having employed two years in his episcopal functions, retired again, on a divine warning, to the island of Fame. On the death of Edric, king of Kent, that kingdom was for some time dismembered by kings of doubtful pretensions, or aliens. [a.D. 687.] The Kentish-men having cruelly surrounded with fire and burnt to death Mull, the brother of Ceadwalla, king of the West-Saxons, with twelve of his soldiers, king Ceadwalla's indignation was so roused that he again devastated Kent. The most reverend father Cuthbert died in the island of Fame, on Wednesday, the thirteenth of the calends of April [20th March], the fifteenth indiction ; but his body was carried to the island of Lindisfarne, and buried in the church. Wilfrid, bishop of Hexham, administered Cuthbert's see for a year. His successor in the solitary life of his hermitage was Ethelwold, a venerable man, whose merits and course of life are exhibited in the numberless miracles he wrought. (St. Kilian, a Scot, born in Ireland, and bishop of Wurtzburg, became eminent.) ^ According to Bede, his name was Bernwini, and in the Saxon version Berhtwine. A.D. (}SS, 689.] CEADWALLA— INA. 31 [a.d. 088.] Ccadwiillii Jilxlicatiiic: iind retiring; to Komo, Tna, a jirincc of the royal race who built the monastery of Ulas- tonhiiry, succcoiled hhii in his kiuLrdoni. He was the son of (V»nre/ of Iluntiiiijdon, ibift, p. 110. 2 Fl.OKKXOF. OF WOKCF^^TV.K. [\.T>. GOO 002. [v.n. ()00.] ArohMslio\) TIuhhIoiv, of blossinl momovv, ioJ on "Moiulny tho tliirt^vntli of tho oalonds of October lOtU SoptomborJ in tho oiu;hty-oightl\ yoar oi hi^ ago and tho Nvontv-sivond of lib opis^oopaoy. (^Until this time tlio aroh- ishops of Canterbury >voro Ixomans, but, honcvforth, thoy roro EngUshnion,) [a.d. (>01.] Wilfrid, bisliop of Hoxliani, Innng again oousod. and oxpoUod from his S(.v by king AltVid and several ishops. shorilv afterwards sought a ivtreat uitli Krhelred, iuij of Mereia. by whom he was a]>pointoil to the bisho]>rie f the Mid-Anolos. At this time, Bosel. bishop of tlie ]>ro- iee of the Hwiivas,^ was atHietinl with such In^dily in- irmities, that he was unable to fultil his episcopal functions in >ei*son ; in ctMisei\uence of which Oft for. a man o{ singular \erit and eminent s;\nctity. who had long ivrfornunl the tUee of a priest in ablvss Hilda's monastery, but was now a >i*oaeher of the wonl in the iH^foro-namcil ]>n^vinco, was a-dained bishop as substitute for l>osel, by bishop Wilfrid of •IcssihI memory, at the command of king Ethelroil, Wcause rchbishop Theodoin> was then dead, and no prelate had Ikhju onsivrati^nl in his stead. Wihtivd, son of Eglvrt, king of Cent, being establisheil on tlie throne, n^leastnl his subjtvts ixnn alien intruders. Swebheard ixMgned jointly with him >ver part of the kingtlom. [a.i>. 00-.] The venerable Eglvrt, a name always to Iv uentioncil with honour, was an Englishman by birth, but iavh\g led a pilgrim's life hi Ireland, to stxniro a plaiM? in the leaN enly country, he formcil the design of preaching in Ger- nany. Not Wing able to carry it into otlect, as it was contrary 0 the Divine will, he sent there some holy and diligent men to lo the work of the gosjvl, of whom Willibrord was the nn^^st nninent, Knh for his n\erit and rank as a priest. They were ' In the early part of this Chronicle. Florence alvrays designates :iy this name what was afterwards calW the bishopric of "Wor- cester, and supplies some det,^s respecting it which are not found ?lsewhore. The Wiccii (Hwiocas. as our author calls them after the \nglo-Saxon fonn of the name> Huicii. or Jugautes. were originally a powerftil tribe of Britons who inhabited "Worcestershire, Warwickshire, »ad the north of Gloucestershire. On the north was a kindred tribe, :he Orvlo-Vioes, or noble "Wiccii, who originally possessed Salop, and i^art of Cheshire and N. Wales, and sttierwiirds conquered Worcester- shire, Ac, from the Wiccii proper. — Whitakrrs Hisivry of MnHcfK^tr. A.D. 09-3 097.] ST. WILLIBRORD. 33 fiwoiirably received l»y Pe]>m the Elder, eliief of the Frank^, M"lio sent them to ])reaeh in Hither Friesland. Following their example, two priests of the name of Hewald, English- men by l)iith, went into Old Saxony, that they might gain souls for Christ in that pro\-inee by their preaching ; but tlie barbarians no sooner discovered that they were of a difierent religion, than they seized them and subjected them to mar- t}Tdom, on the fifth of the nones [the 3rd] of Octoljer. Willibrord haA'ing received from prince Pepin leave to preach, went to Rome, to obtain from pope Sergius license to com- mence the work of evansrelisins: the heathen, which Ixfinc; gi-anted he returned to his mission. Berthwald, abbot of the monastery of Raeulf (Eeculver), near the northern mouth of the river Inlade, a man well versed in tlie Scriptures, and thoroughly acquainted with the rules both of monastic and ecclesiastical discipline, was chosen Inshop in Theodore's place. On the death of Oftfor, bishop of the Hwiccas,he was succeeded by St. Egwine, and in the course of a few years, with the license and support of king Ethelred, began to erect the Abbey of E^-esham. [a.d. 693.] Berthwald was consecrated bj- Godwin, the metropolitan bishop of France, on Sunday the tliird of the calends of July [29th June]. Among many other bishops consecrated by Godwin, was Tobias, ordained bishop of Rocliester, on the death of Gebmund. Bede, the monk, was admitted to the order of deacon by John, bishop of York. [a.d. 694.] The Kentish-men made peace with Ina, kmg of Wessex, by payiug liim three thousand seven hundi-ed and fifty pounds, as a mulct for having burnt his brother MuU, before mentioned.^ [a.d. 695.] The body of St. Etheldritha tlie Yii^gin was found without decay, as well as the dress in wliieh it was wrapi)ed, after liaving l)een Imried sixteen years. [a.d. 696.] St. Willibrord, who was born in Britain of an English family, at the request of Pepin eliief of the Franks, was ordained arehbi.shop of the Frisians, by pope Sergius, on the fea,st of tlie Nativity of St. Cecilia the Virgin [22nd Xovmiiber]. [a.d. 697.] St. GuthlaCj at the age of twenty-four ycar^ ^ See note to Saxon Chron. p. 031. Aniir]. Lib, D ;M- FLORENCE OF WOROESTEli. [a.d. G98 — 704. ixMicKincinc: Avorklly pomps and relinquishing all his property, l»<hiccd in a fresh coffin was deposited on the floor of the sanctuary. In a very short time, bishop Eadbert, the friend of God, was attacked with an acute disorder, and not long afterwards departed to the Lord on the day before the nones [tlie Gth] of JMay. His corpse Avas deposited in the tomb of St. Cuthbert, being placed on the chest in which the un- ♦lecayed remains of that father had recently been inclosed. Eadfrid, a man of God, succeeded Eadbert in the bishopric. [a.d. 699.] St. Guthlac retired to the isle of Croyland, on tlie eighth of the calends of September, [25th August], and bea,an to lead the life of a hermit.^ [a.d. 700—702.] [a.d. 703.] Bede, in his book Be Tcmporibus, thus writes in the year in which he composed it : — " If you wish to know how many years there are, according to Dionysius, since our Lord's Incarnation, reckon the numlier of indictions since the fiftli year of Tiberius, which are forty-six ; these multiplied by fifteen make six hundred and ninety ; add always the regular number of twelve, because, according to Dionysius, our Lord was born in the fourth indiction, and also the indiction of any year you choose, as, for instance, in the present year one, the total is seven hundred and thi-ee. That is the year of our Lord according to Dionysius." These are the words of Bede. [a.d. 704.] Ethelred, king of the Mercians, became a monk in the thu'tieth year of his reign,h'esigmng his kingdom to his ^ Repton in Derbyshire, the residence and biu-ial-place of some of the Mercian princes. 2 See Ingulph ; and Orderictis Vitalig, Anliq. Lib. vol. ii. p. 86. •^ Ethelred became abbot of the monastery of Bardney, of his own foundation. I A.D. 705 — 708.] CYNRED AND OFFA CO TO ROME. 35 nopliew C}iircd. The venerable monk Bcde, at the command of Cealfrid his abbot, received the order of priesthood from tlie holy John, bishop of York.^ [a.d. 705.] Alfrid, king of the Northumbrians, died at Driffeld on the nineteenth of the calends of January [14th J)ecember] having not quite completed the thirtieth year of his reign. He was succeeded in his kingdom by his son Osred, a boy about eight years old, "who held it eleven years. In tlie commencement of his reign, Hoidda, bishop of the West-Saxons, departed to life in lieaven ; on whose death, the bishopric of that proA-ince was divided into two dioceses, one of whicli was given to Daniel, the other to Aldhehn,- abbot of the monastery called jVIailduft' (Malmesbury) ; both being persons well versed in ecclesiastical allau's and knowledge of the Scriptures. St. Aldlielm was consecrated by the blessed Berthwald, arch- bisho]) of Canterbury. [a.d. 70G.] [a.d. 707.] Bede, having taken priest's orders in the thirtieth year of his age, began to employ liimself diligently in writing the work, to the composition of wliich twenty-nine years of his life were devoted. [a.d. 708.] Cynred, king of Mercia, and Offa, king of tlie East-Saxons, son of king Sighere, leaving their wives, their lands, their kindi-ed and country, for Christ's sake and the gospel's, and, having received the tonsure and become monks, jiersevered in i)rayer, fiisting, and almsgiving, at the threshold of the apostles, to the end of their days ; and thus became admitted at last to tlie vision of the blessed apostles in heaven, so long the object of their desires. St. Egwine, bishop of the llwiccas, accompanied tliem to Rome, on their in\dtation, and, having solicited pope Constantino to issue a bull, by which security might be given to the monastery he had built in the ' Thorpe considers this passage to be **an intprpolatioTi, from tlie inaccuracy of its date." The year 774, agreeing with this entry, was ado])tcd by IVlabillon, and seems to be generally received as tlie date of IJedc's birth, and in the next page we tind Florence supplying cor- responding detiiils. Some writers fix it as late as 777, and are sup- ported by the Chronological Kpitomc at the end of the ]*jCc1cs. Hist. It must be observed, however, that the entries in tbis, after tlie year 7.I1, were supplied by anothrr hand. See the I'reface to the Eccles. Hist. {Aul'iq. Lih.)j p. vi. ; and an entry in tiiis Chronicle, p. W. * Daniel became bishop of Winchester, and Aldlielm of Sherborne. D 2 ;',0 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [A.T). 709 — 714-. territory of Worcester against unjust claims, his petition was «»rantearted to the Lord on Easter-day of this year, which fell on the eiglith of the cidends of May [24th April]. Shortly after- wards, when Easter was ])ast, on the seventh of the ides [the 9th] of May, Osric king- of the Northumbrians also died, having declared Ceolwulf, brother of his prcish()j) of the East-Saxon.% Eadljcrht and Hathulac were bishops of the province of East- Anulia, and J)ani<'l and Foithere of the ])rovince of Wessex ; Aldwine was bisliop of tlie pi-ovince of Mercia; Walhstod, of the i)eople who live lieyond the river Severn towards the west ; Wilfrid of th<3 provinc<' of the Hwiccias,' and Kynebert of the ])rovinc<' of Lindisfarne. The bishopric of the Isle of ' Walhstod of Hereford. Wilfrid of "Worcester. -10 FLOUENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 732 — 734. Wlolit l>t>lonf>s to Uaniol, bishop of Winchester. The bishopric of the Soutli-Saxons having been now for some years void, the ])isliop of tlie West-Saxons had been invited to exercise tlie i-piscojial functions in it. All tliese provinces, and the otliers south of, and as far as, the ri^xH• Huniber, with their several kings, were subject to Ethelbald, king of the Mercians. As for the pro\ince of the Northumbrians, of which Ceohvulf was king, it was divided into four bishoprics, of which Wilfrid iield the church in York, Ethelwold in Lindisfarne, Acca in Hexham, and Pectelm in that which is called Can- dida-Oasa (Whitherne). The Britons were for the most part reduced to servitude under the English. [a.D. 732.] [a.D. 733.] There was an eclipse of the sun on the eighteenth of the calends of September, about the third hour of the day, so that nearly its whole disc seemed to be covered with a very black and fearful spot.^ Acca, bishop of Hexham, was driven from his see. [a.D. 734.] On the second of the calends of February [31st January], about cock-crowing, the moon turned blood- red for nearly an hour, then it changed to black, and after- wards reassumed its natural brightness. Tatw^ine, archbishop of Canterbury, departed this life on the third of the calends of August [30th July]. Nothelm, a priest of the church of London, succeeded him in the archbishopric. The most holy Bede, the venerable priest, the monk worthy of all praise, the admirable clu'onologer, died in this year, according to the English Chronicles, but in the year following [a.d. 735], according to his disciple, Cuthbert, who wTote an account of his death, and was present with many others at his de- parture. It took place on the Wednesday before the feast of our Lord's Ascension ; '^ that is, the eighth of the calends of June [2oth May], about the tenth hour, wdien he breathed his last in a devout and tranquil frame of mind, and so departed with joy to the realms above. He composed an account of most of the events which occurred in his own ^ The true date of this eclipse was the 14th August, 733. 2 According to Cuthbeit's Letter, Ascension-day foil that year on the 7th before the calends of Juno, corresponding witli '20th May. In the English Historical Society's edition of ])cdc and Florence,' his death is placed on the 2?th May, 70.j. A.D. 7^U 14:4:.] SAXON KINGS AND BISI10P8. 41 country (l(^wn to this jioriotl in a clear style, and his lifi» and Ins history ended too;ether. We too, God p:indin[>: us, have thouo-ht it worth our while to ]>e(|ucath to our I'aithful suc- cessors a record of events from the term of his hai)i)y end, wliicli we have gathered from the English Chronicles, or the credible accoinits of trustworthy persons ; as well as such as we have heard ourselves as undoubted facts, and, ui some cases, seen M'ith our own eyes, and acciu'ately noted. [a.d. 73t>.] Pectelm, bishop of Whitherne died, and was succeeded in the bishopric by Frithowald. [a.d. 730.] Xothelm, archbishop of Canterbury, received the pallium from Gregory (HI.), the eighty-ninth pope. [a.d. 7-^7.] Fortherc, bishop of Sherborne, and Frithogith, queen of the West-Saxons, went as ])ilgrims to Rome. [a.d. 738.] Ceolwulf, king of Northumbria, haAing abdi- cated his kingdom and transferred it to Eadbert his cousin, son of Eat a, became a monk. [a.d. 739.] Ethelwold, bishoj) of Lindisfarne, and Acca, bishop of Hexham, paid the debt of nature. Cynewulf succeeded Ethelwold, and Acca was succeeded by Frithoberht. [a.d. 740.] [a.d. 741.] Ethelhard, king of Wessex, died, and was succeeded by his kinsman Cuthred, who harassed Ethelbald, king of jNIercia, by continued hostilities. On the death of Nothelm, the archbishop of Canterbury, on the sixteenth of the calends of November [17th October], Cuthbert, who was the fifth bishop of Hereford, was raised to the archbishopric. Aldwulf, l^ishop of Rochester, also died, and Dunn was con- secrated in his place. [a.d. 742.] [a.d. 743.] Ethell)al(l, king of Mercia, and Cuthred, king of Wessex, fought a battle with the Britcms. Wilfrid, bishop of the Hwicii, dejiarting tliis life, Avas succeeded by Mildred. (St. Boniface, archbishop of Mentz, flourished). Stars were seen apjiarently falling fnmi heaven. [a.d. 744.] (St. Boniface founded the abbey of Fulda, in the wilderness of Bochon.) Wilfrid the younger, archbishop of York, died on the third of the calends of May [20th April], and Eglx'rt, king Edijcit's brother, was raised to the arehi- ojMscopal tlipone. Hnnicl bisjiop of Winchester, venerabk* for his great ag<', \nluutarily resigning his olliee, chose to 42 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 745 — 755. rotii'o in tho same city, and Ilunfrith was appointed bishop in liis istoad. [a.D. 745.] Daniel departed to the Lord, in the forty-tliird year from the* time lie was consecrated bLshop, and after long struggles in his heavenly warfare. [a.D. 74G.] Selred, king of tlio East-Saxons, was slain. [a.D. 747.] [a.D. 748.] Cynrie, the Etheling of the West-Saxons, was slain. Eadbert, king of Kent, died, and his brother Ethel- bei't was raised to the throne. [A.D. 740.] [a.D. 750.] (Pepin was anointed emperor by Boniface, archlushop of Mentz, by a decree of pope Zachary, and in consequence, the bishops of Mentz are considered to rank next to the popes.) Cuthred, king of the West-Saxons, fought a battle with the fierce ealdorman Ethelhun. [a.D. 751.] [a.D. 752.] Cuthred, king of Wessex, in the twelfth year of his reign, fought a severe battle with Ethelbald, king of the Mercians, near Beorhtford (Burford). [a.D. 753.] King Cuthred fought again with the Britons, and slew many of them. [a.D. 754.] Cuthred, king of the West-Saxons died, and his kinsman Sigebert, son of Sigeric, succeeded him. On the death of Hunfrith, bishop of Winchester, Cynehard was ap- ]K)inted in his place. Canterbury was destroyed by fire. [a.D. 755.] St. Boniface, the archbishop, while preaching tlie word of God in Friesland, suffered martyi\lom in company witli many others on the nones [the 5th] of June. Cynewulf, a descendant of king Cerdic, with the support of the West- Saxon nobles, expelled their king, Sigebert, on account of his many unjust acts, and reigned in his stead ; but Cynewulf granted him a district called Hampshire,, wdiich he held until he unjustly slew Cumbran, the ealdorman, who had adhered to him longer than any of the rest. After that, king Cynewulf himself marched against him, and drove him into a wood which the English called Andred. He abode there for a long- time, but at last he was run through with a spear, at a place called Privet's-Flood, by a certain herdsman, in revenge for the ealdorman*s death. The same king, Cynewulf, very often defeated the Britons in great battles. Ethelbald, king of tlie A.D. 7i>6— 7C3.] OFFA, KING OP MERCIA. 43 Mercians, was killed at Sivcoswald, aiul his body convoyed to lioptou and buried there. His kingdom was usurped )>y the tyrant Beornred, who held it for a short time with little joy or comfort, and then lost his crown and his life together. On his death he was succeeded by OllU, grandson of a cousin of Ethelbald, king of the IVIercians, being a son of Thingferth, who was son of Eanwulf, who was son of Osmond, who was son of Eop})a, who was son of Wybl)a, the father of king Penda. [a.d. 7>')C).'\ (Lullus succeeded Boniface in the arch- bisiioj)ric of Mentz, which he held thirty-two years.) [a.d. 757.] Eadbert, king of the Northumbrians, resigned his crown for Iono of his heavenly country, and received the tonsure of St. Peter the apostle. Oswulf, his son, assumed the government of the kingdom, and after reigning one year was slain by the Northumbrians, on the ninth of the calends of August p4th July]. [a.d. 708.] Cuthl)crt, archbishop of Canterbury, departed this life on the seventh of the calends of Novend)er [26th ()('tol)er]. At this ])eriod Swithred was king of the East- Saxons, Osmund of the South -Saxons, and Beorn of the East- Angles. [a.d. 759.] Breogwin, Cuthbert*s successor, was consecrated archbishop on the feast of St. Michael. Moll Ethelwald was raised to the throne of Northumbria. [a.d. 7G0.] Ethelbcrt, king of Kent, died, and Ceolwnlf, the jnost devout monk, formerly the illustrious khig of the Northumbrians, passeil to the joys of eternal light. [a.d. 701,] The winter of this year was very severe; and Moil, king of the Nortluunbiians, slew Oswino, a most noble Etheling, near Edwin's-cliif, on the eighth of the ides [the 0th] of August. [a.d. 702.] Breogwin, archbishop of (Janterbury, died on the ninth of the calends of September [21th August]; he was succeeded ])y Jainbcrt, abbot of St. Augustine's. [a.d. 703.] Jainbert was enthroned as archbishop on the feast of the puiiCication of St. Mary [2iid Eel).]. The same year Frithowakl, bishoj) of Whit heme, died on the nones [the 7th] of May ; IV'htwine having been consccratcMl in the . 70)4.] Archbishop Jalnbcrt received the pallium from jKtpe l*aiil, hi'otlier of his predecessor pope Stephen. rA.r>. 7()r).] INloU, king- of the Northumbrians, vacated his tlu-one, in ^vhicli lie was succeeded by Alhred, son of Eanwine, Avho was son of Byrnhom, who was son of Bosa, who was son of Bleacman, avIio Avas son of Ealric, Avho was son of Ida. [a.D. 7G6.] Egbert, archbishop of York, died on the thir- teenth of the calends of December [19th Nov.] at York ; and was succeeded by Etlielbert. Frithobert, bishop of Hexham, died ; and was succeeded by Alhmund. [a.D. 767.] [a.D. 768.] Eadbert, formerly the most illustrious king of tlie Northumbrians, and afterwards a monk of eminent piety, died on the thirteenth of the calends of September [20th Oct.], and was buried in the same porch in which his brother Egbert tlie archbishop lies. [a.d. 769—773.] [a.D. 774.] A red sign, in the shape of a cross, was visible in the hea\'ens after sunset. The Mercians and the Kentish-men fought a battle at Ottanford. Horrible snakes were seen in Sussex, to the wonder of all. During the feast of Easter [3rd Ai)ril], the Northumbrians drove their king, Alhred, king Moll's successor, from York, and raised Etlielbert, the son of Moll to the throne. [a.D. 775.] Milred, bishop of the Hwiccas, died ; and Wermund succeeded him in the bishopric. [a.D. 776.] Pehtwine, bishop of Whitherne, died on the thirteenth of the calends of October [19th Sept.]. [a.D. 777.] [a.D. 778.] . Etlielbert being expelled from his kingdom by the Northumbrians, Alfwold was raised to the throne. Cyne- wulf king of Wessex, and Oifa king of Mercia, fought a desperate battle near Bensington ; but Offa having gained the victory, took possession of the town, which he kept. Wer- nuuid, l)ishop of the Hwiccas, died ; and was succeeded by abbot Tilhere. Etlielbert was ordained bishop of York on the twentieth of the calends of July [loth June] at Whitherne. [a.D. 779.] Alhmund, bishop of Hexham, died on the seventli of the ides [7th] of September ; in whose place Til- bert Avas consecrated on the tenth of the nones [the 2nd] of October; and Higbald Avas ordained bishop of Lindisfariie A.D. 780 — 781.] rvXKIIARD, THE ETIIELIXG. 4.) at Soccal)iriir, in tlio room of (Snowulf. KiiiL'- All'wold sent onvovs to JloiiR' to doiuand the pallium forEaiil>al(l from pope Adrian. [a.d. 7.^0.] [a.d. 78 1. J Tillioro, Msliop of the Hwiccias, being* dead, Heatliorcd snccocdcd to his episcopal functions. Ethelbert, arclihishop of York, Ej^hert's succesj>or, died; and was suc- ceeded by Eanbald. He Avas the scholar of Alhwine, tlie jn-cceptor of the cm]icror Charles. A synod was held at Aclev. Cynewulf, bisho]) of Lindisfjirnc, and Werburga, queen of (Jeolred, formerly king- of the Mercians, died. [a.d. 782, 783.] [a.d. 784.] When Cynewulf, king- of Wessex, was takinc^ measures for ex])elling' Cynehard, who, being king Sigebert's brother, was the Etheling, it chanced that he came with only a few attendants to a vill called in English Merton, to visit some woman. The etheling, learning this, instantly collected a band of his retainers, and hastened to the spot with great glee. On his arrival, tintember]. He was buried in the monastery at the mouth of the river Tyne. [a.d. 793.] Ethelbert, the most glorious and holy king of the East- Angles, whose eminent virtues rendered him accept- able to Christ, the true King, and who was courteous and allable to all men, lost at once both his kingdom and his life, being beheaded by the detestable commands of Offa, the mighty king of Mercia, at the infamous suggestion of his own wife, queen C^Tiefrith ; but though inicpiitously slain and deprived of his kingdom, the king and martyr entered the coTU-ts of the blessed s]iirits, while the angels rejoiced in triumph. The consecration of archbi.shop Ethelhard was cele- brated on twelfth of the calends of August [21st July]. [a.d. 794.] Ethelred, king of the Northumbrians, was slain by his subjects; in conse(|Ucnce, Ceohvulf, bishop of Lindisfarne, and bishop Eadbold, departed the kingdom. Eadbert, surnamcd Pren, began to reign in Kent. Ofla, king of Mercia, dyuig on the fourth of the calends of August [29th July], his son Egbert succeeded to the glory of his kingdijm, but only reigned one hundred and forty-0!ie days, ending his life tlie same year. Mv was succeeded by Kenulf, a magnificent ])rinc^e, wlio was blessed with a saintly ollspring, and rided the kingdom with peace, justice, and piety. .l>>i FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 795 — 812. [a.d. TIK").] [a.d. 790.] Kcniilf, king- of Merela, ravaged nearly all Kent, and taking prisoner its king, Prcn, carried him away in chains Avitli him to Mereia. [a.d. 797.] [a.d. 798.] The body of 8t. Wihtbnrg, the Virgin, daugh- ter of Anna, king of the East- Angles, and sister of the sainted virgins, 8exl)nrga, Ethelbnrga, and Etheldritha, Avas discovered in a state of incorruption after it had been buried nearly fifty-five years at tlie vill, called Dyrham. Heathored, bishop of the Ilwiccias, died, and Deneberht was chosen and conse- crated in his stead. [a.d. 799.] Ethelhard, archbishop of Canterbury, and Kineberht, bishop of Winchester, went to Rome. [a.d. 800.] Brihtric, king of Wessex, died, and was suc- ceeded by Egbert. It happened that on the very day on whicli Brihtric died, Ethelmund, ealdorman of Mereia, led an expedition out of Mereia, and crossed the ford called, in English, Cymeresford. On hearing of his advance, Weohstan, ealdorman of Wiltshire, marched against him with the men of Wilts, and, after an obstinate engagement, in which numbers fell on both sides, and both the ealdormen were slain, the Wiltshire men gained the victory. Alhmund, son of Alhred, king of Nortliumbria, was killed. [a.d. 801.] [a.d, 802.] Higbald, bishop of Lindisfarne, died, and Egbert being elected his successor, Avas consecrated by Ean- bald, archbishop of York, on the third of the ides [2nd] of June. Wermund, bishop of Rochester, dying, Beornmod was consecrated in his stead. [a.d. 803.] Ethelhard, archbishop of Canterbury, died, and was succeeded by Wulfred. [a.d. 804.] Archbishop Wulfred received the pallium from pope Leo. [a.d. 805.] The church of St. Alban's was dedicated on the 1st of December in this year. Cutln'ed, king of Kent, Heaberht, the ealdorman, and Ceolburga, abbess of Berkeley, died. [a.d. 806—811.] [a.d. 812.] Wulfred, archbishop of Canterbury, and Wibcrht, bishop of Sherborne, went to Rome. A.D. 813 823.] WULFRED ST. KEXELM. 49 [a.d. 813. J Archbishop Wulfred returned to his see Avith the benediction of pope Leo. The same year, Egbert, king of Wcssex, ravaged the Western Britons on theii* eastern frontier. [a.d. 814, 815.] [a.d. 816.] Tlie English-school at Rome was destroyed bv fire. ' [a.d. 817, 818.] [a.d. 819.] St. Kenulph, king of Mercia, after a life spent in good deeds, was translated to eternal bliss in heaven, leav- ing his son (St.) Kenehn, a boy seven years old, heir to his kingdom. A few months only had elapsed when, betrayed by the artifices of his sister Quendryth, whose conscience was hardened by her fierce ambition, the young king was fiercely set u])on and secretly murdered by Ascebert, his cruel guardian, under a thorn-tree in a vast and dense wood ; but as heaven alone was witness to his murder, so heaven revealed it by the testimony of a column of liglit. Kenelm's innocent head fell to the ground, pure and milk-white as it was at liis birth ; from it a milk-white dove soared to heaven on golden wings. After his blessed martyrdom, Ceol- wulf succeeded to the kingdom of Mercia. Egbert, bishop of Lindisfiirne, died, and waii succeeded by Heathored. [a.d. 820.] [a.d. 821.] Ceolwulf, king of Mercia, was deprived of his kingdom. [a.d. 822.] Burhelm and Muca, two most resolute ealdor- men, were slain. A synod was held at a place called Clove- sho. Deneberht bishop of the Hwiccas, died, and was succeeded by Heaberht. [a.d. 823.] The Britons were defeated at a place called Gavulford (Camelford ?) by the men of Devonshire. Egbert, king of Wessex, and Beornwulf, king of Mercia, fought a battle at Ellandune, that is Ealla's-hill, and Egbert gained the victory with great slaughter. In consequence, he soon after- wards sent his sonEtliehvulf, andEalhstan, bishop of Sliorborne, and his ealdorman Wulfliard, with a large army, into Kent, who, immediately on their arriv.il, drove Baldred king of that province from his kingdom. After tliese successes, the men of Kent and Surrey, Sussex and Essex, voluntarily submitted to king Egbert; those provinces having been wrested in fonner E 50 FLORENCE OF AVORCESTER. [a.D. 824 — 827. times from the hands of his kinsmen, and reluctantly compelled to sul.)mit to the yoke of alien kings for the space of some years. The East- Angles, also, with their king, sent envoys to Egbert, king of Wessex, imploring him to be their protector and tower of defence against the hostile inroads of the Mercians; which petition he granted, and promised them his ready aid in all emergencies. However, Beornwulf, king of ^lercia, treated this compact with contempt, and assembling a considerable army entered the territories of the East- Angles in a hostile manner, and began to put to death their principal people; but their king advanced against the enemy at the head of his forces, and giving them battle, put king Beorn- wulf and the greatest part of his army to the sword: his kinsman Ludecan succeeded to his Idngdom. [a.D. 824.] [a.D. 82o.] Ludecan, Idng of Mercia, having assembled his forces, marched his army into the province of the East- Angles, to revenge the death of his predecessor Beornwulf. The people of that country with their king speedily en- countered him, and a desperate battle was fought, in which Ludecan and live of liis ealdormen, and great numbers of his troops fell, and the rest took to flight : Witilaf succeeded to the honours of his kingdom. [a.D. 826.] [a.D. 827.] There was an eclipse of the moon on the holy night of the Nativity of our Lord.^ The same year, Egbert, king of Wessex reduced the kingdom of Mercia under his own dominion. Then he extended his expedition to the further side of the river Humber. The Northumbrians met Jiim in peaceful guise at a place called Dore, and offered him terms of alliance and humble submission ; and so they parted witli great satisfaction on both sides. This king Egbert was the eighth among the Idngs of the English nations who ruled over all their southern provinces, separated by the river Humber and neighboiu-ing boundaries from those which lie to the north. The first who held this •extended dominion was ^Ua, Idng of the East-Saxons ; the second Celin, king of the West-Saxons, called in their dialect Ceaulin ; the thu"d was Ethelbert, king of Kent ; the 1 This eclipse happened on the 25th December, 828. A.D. 828 — 835.] THE bretwaldas. 51 fourth wiis Redwald, king of the Ecost- Anglos, who governed that peoj)le as ealdorman even in Ethelbert's liie-tinie ; the fifth was Edwin, king of the Xorthmnbriaii tribes, that is, those who dwelt to ihe north of the river Huiiiber, the most powerful of all the settlers in Britain. Redw :dd's dominion extended o\'er the whole population, both Engl!:^h and British, except that of Kent ; and he subjected to English rule the ISIenavian islands which lie between Ireland and EnglancL The sixth monarch of all England, he himself being the most christian kuig of Xorthiunbria, was Oswald. The seventh was Oswy, who for a time maintained his supremacy within nearly the same limits, and to a very great extent subjugated the Picts and Scots who inhabit the northern extremities of Britain, making them tributaries. The eighth, as we have already stated, was king Egbert. In liis time, as it is re- ported, St. Swithin was born, who, sprung from a noble Ime of ancestors, when liis youthful years were passed, was ad- mitteeen huried at Winchester, his son Ethelbald, contrary to the divine prohibition and Christian honour, and even the customs of all Pagan nations, ascended his father's l>ed, and marrie<:l Judith, the daughter of Charles, kin? of the Franks ; and thus licentiouslv governed the kingdom of Wessex for two years and a half after his father's death. 8t. Edmund, a man accepted by God, and descended from the Old-Saxon race, who was most truly devoted to the Christian faith, aiflible and courteous to all men, remarkable for his hiunility, a generous benefactor to the poor, and a most kind father to or])hans and widows, took the government of the province of East-Anglia. [a.d. 856—859.] [a.d. 860.] King Ethell)ald die«l and was buried at Sherborne ; and his brother Ethelbert, as was right, joined Kent, Surrey, and vSussex, to his own kingdom. In his days, a large army of Pagans came up from the sea, and assaulted and sackeil the city of Winchester ; but as they were return- ing to their ships laden with plunder, Osric, the ealdorman of Hants, with his people, and Ethelwulf, the ealdorman, with the men of Berks, boldly encountered them, and, battle being joined, the Pagans were put to the sword in every direction, and, being unable to make a longer resistance, fled like women, and the Christians remained masters of the field of death. Ethel1)ert having governed his kingdom five years in p<:'ace, with the love and respect of his subjects, went the way of all flesh, to their universal sorrow, and was honourably inteiTcd at Sherlx>rne, where he lies bv the side of his ]>rother. [a.d. 861.] [a.d. 862.] vSt. S within was translated to heaven on Thursday the sixth of the nones [the 2nd] of July. [a.d. 863.] [a.d. 864-.] The Pagans wintered in the Isle of Thanet, and made a close alliance with the men of Kent, who i)romis<.'d to ])ay them tribute if they kept the compact ; but the Pagans, breaking the treaty, stole out of their camp by night. 00 FLORENCE OP WORCESTER. [a.D. 865 — 868. like foxes, and regardless of the promised tribute, as they knew thev could gain more by surreptitious robbery than by observin^*^ the peace, ravaged the whole eastern coast of Kent. [a.D. 865.] [a.D. 866.] Ethered, brother of king Ethelbert, succeeded to the kingdom of Wessex. The same year a large fleet of the Pagans came to Britain from Denmark, and wintered in the kingdom of the East-Angles, which is called in the 8axon tongue, East Engle, and there the greatest part of tlieir troops procured horses. [a.D. 867.] The army of Pagans before mentioned, marched from amongst the East-Angles to the city of York, which stands on the north bank of the river Humber. At that time great dissentions had arisen among the North- umbrians, by the devil's instigation, as always happens to a people who have incurred Grod's wrath. For the !N^orth- umbrians had then, as we have related, driven out their I'ightful king, Osbriht, and raised to the throne a tyrant named ^lla, who was not of the royal race ; but by Divine Providence, and the exertions of the nobles for the common good, the discord was somewhat allayed on the approach of the Pagans, and Osbriht and -^lla, uniting their forces and assembling an army, marched to York. The Pagans fled at their approach, and attempted to defend themselves within the city walls. The Christians, witnessing their flight and alarm, pressed forward in pursuit, and set to work to break down the walls, which they eflected ; for that city was not fortified by strong walls in those times. The Christians having succeeded in making a breach in the w^all, and great numbers of them having entered the town pell-mell w^ith the enemy, the Pagans, driven to despair, charged them fiercely, and overthrew, routed, and cut them down, both within and without the walls. Almost all the Northumbrian troops, with the two kings, fell in this battle; the remainder who escaped made peace with the Pagans. In the same year died Ealhstan, who had been bishop of Sherborne fifty years, and was buried there. [a.D. 868.] A comet was very plainly \asible this year. Alfred, the revered ' king, who held then a subordinate station, demanded and obtained in marriage a Mercian lady of noble birth, being the daughter of Ethelred, surnamed A.D. 8G9, 870.] KING Alfred's marriage. GI !Mueil, ealdonnan of tlio Gaini. Her mother's name was Kadburli, of the royal race of the Mercian kings, a lady imich venerated, wlio for many years after her Inisband's ' death remained a most chaste widow to the end of her days. The same year the before mentioned army of Pagans, quitting Northumbria, entered Mercia, and advanced to Nottingham, called in the Britisli tongue, Tigguocobauc, but in Latin, '' The House of Caves," and they passed the winter there. On their approach, Burhred, king of Mercia, and all the nobles of that nation, sent messengers forthwith to Ethered, king of Wessex, and his brother Alfred, earnestly entreating them to render them such succour as would enable them to give battle to the aforesaid army. Their request was readily granted ; for the brothers, making no delay in fulfill- ing their promise, assembled a vast army from all parts, and entering Mercia advanced to Nottingham, unanimously desiring a battle. But the Pagans, sheltering themselves Anthin the fortifications, refused to fight, and as the Christians were unable to make a breach in the wall, peace was made between the Mercians and the Pagans, and the two brothei*s, Ethered and Alfred, returned home with their troops. The oratory of St. Andrew, the apostle, at Kemsege* was biult, and consecrated by Alhun, bishoj) of "Worcester. [a.d. 869.] The aforesaid cavalry of the Pagans, riding- back to Northumbria, reached York, and was quartered there for a whole year. [a.d. 870.] The before mentioned army of the Pagans passed through Mercia into East-Anglia, and wintered there at a place called Thetford. In the same year Edmund, the most holy and glorious king of the East-Angles, was mart\Tcd by king Inguar, an in- veterate heathen, on the twelfth of the calends of December [20th November], being Sunday, the second indiction, as we read in his Passion. In this year also Ccolnoth, archbishop ^ All the printed editions read patris ; but one of the MS. has vlri, uhifh must be tbe right reading. - J'robably Kempsey, near Worcester. This is one of the notices, not found in otber clironiclos, wbicli was probably gathered by I'lorunce from the records of his own mouaslery, or from local in- I'orniatiou. lied, " I will, indeed, give it to him." Upon this lie took the book from her hand, and went to his master and began reading it ; and when he had read it through he brought it l>ack to his mother and recited it to her. After this he learnt the daily course, consisting of certain psalms and a number of prayers ; these were collected in a volume, whicli he carried about with him in his bosom for his devotions, by day and by night, during all the fleeting course of this present life. But, sad to say, he was unable to gratify his most ardent wish of learning the liberal arts, as at that time there were no grammarians in all the kingdom of the West-Saxons. While he was still in the flower of youth, and sought to strengthen his resolutions to observe the Divine laws, but felt that he could not altogether rid himself of carnal desires, it was his custom, that he might not incur God's displeasure by doing anything contrary to His will, to rise very often in secret at cockcrow and the hour of matins, and resort to the churches and relics of the saints for the purpose of prayer, and there kneeling long he besought Abnighty God, in his mercy, to strengthen his determination to devote himself to His ser\ice by some infirmity which he might be able to bear, but which would not be disgraceful or inifit him for his worldly duties. Having often implored this with earnest devotion, he was a short time afterwards, God granting his prayer, aiflicted with piles ; and the disorder became so severe in the course of years, that even his life was despaired of. It happened, howe\er, providentially, that while hunting in Cornwall, ho turned aside to offer his devotion in a certain church in which the remains of St. Gueriir repose, and where St. Neot also lies. Prostrating himself for a long time in silent prayer, he entreated God's mercy, that in His unbounded love He would relieve him from the tortures of his present painful disease, and give him in exchange some lighter infirmity ; provided that it did not appear outwardly, lest he should become an object of contempt and unfitted for active services. Having finished his ])rayer ho proceeded on his road, and shortly afterwards found himself, by Divine aid, completely cured of his disorder, according to his supplications. But, alas! when he was relieved from that, another still more acute seized him on the F 66 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 871. day of his marriage, and incessantly harassed him day and night from his twentieth to his forty-fifth year, and more. He had by his before-mentioned wife, Ealswitha, the following sons and daguhters : — Ethelflede, his first-born child, then Edward, then Ethelgeovii, afterwards Elfthryth, and then Ethel ward. Ethelflede, when she became marriageable, was united to Ethered, ealdorman of Mercia ; Ethelgeovu, having made a vow of chastity, and becoming a nun, devoted herself to the service of God according to the rules of monastic life. Ethelward, the youngest of all, by the holy purpose and admirable provision of the king, vv^as placed under the care of diligent masters, as were also the nobles of nearly all the kingdom, and many of the lower order, that they might receive instruction in the liberal arts before they were strong enough for the business of the world. Edward and Elfthryth were brought up at their father's court, but they received a liberal education, and, besides their worldly exercises and studies, they learnt with care the Psalms and Saxon books, and especially Saxon poems. In the midst of wars and the frequent hindrances of the present life, the irruptions of tlie Pagans, and his daily in- firmities of body, Idng Alfred, single-handed, and, as well as his strength would allow, unremittingly devoted hunself to the government of his kingdom, the exercise of hunting in its various forms, the superintendence of his goldsmiths and other artificers, as well as those who had charge of his falcons, hawks, and hounds ; the building, by the aid of machinery invented by himself, of edifices more stately and costly than any which had been erected by his predecessors in the style of their age ; reading Saxon books, and especially committing to memory Saxon poems, and enjoining such pursuits on those around him. He heard mass daily, besides some psalms and prayers, and observed the canonical hours of devotion day and night ; and w^as wont to go alone by night, and frequent the churches, eluding the observation of his attendants, for the purpose of prayer. He was a bountiful almsgiver, afiable and agreeable to all the world, and a close enquirer into hidden things. Many Franks, Frisons, Gauls, Pagans, Britons, Scots, and Armoricans, both of the nobility and commonalty, came voluntarily and gave him their allegiance, all of whom he treated as his native subjects, ruling them, loving them, A.D. 871, 872.] KING ALFRED'S WARS. 67 honouring them, and heaping j)ower and wealth upon tliem, according to their rank and worth. He manifested a wonder- ful regard for his bishops and tlie whole ecclesiastical order, his ealdonnen and nobles, his inferior officers and all who were attached to his court ; having as much aiiection for their sons, who were brought \i\) in the royal household, as he had for his own, devoting liis time, day and night, in the midst of his other avocations, to inculcate upon them virtuous habits and the pursuit of learning. About a month after he began his reign, with so much reluctance, I may say — for he felt that without Divine aid he should never be able to resist, single-handed, the severity of the Pagan irruptions, since even when his brothers were alive, he had suflered great losses — king Alfred, with a small and very inadequate force, made a fierce attack on the whole army of the Pagans on a hill called Wilton, on the south bank of the Guilou, from which river the whole country takes its name. ^Vhen both parties had sustained the combat in differ- ent positions with vigour and bravery great part of the day, the Pagans, perceiving that they were in imminent peril, and could no longer withstand the enemy's impetuosity, took to flight ; but, sad to relate, they took advantage of the too great daring of their pursuers, and fjxcing round renewed the fight, and, thus snatching a victory, remained masters of the field of death. Let no one be sur]irised that the force of the Christians in this engagement was so small, for the ranks of the Saxons had been thinned in the eight battles they had fought with the enemy in the course of a single year ; in which battles one Pagan king and eight earls were slain, with vast numbers of their troops, not to mention the countless attacks, by day and night, with which king Alfred and the several ealdormen of the nation with their followers, as well as many of the king's thanes, had incessantly harassed the Pagans. God only knows how many thousand of the enemy were destroyed in these desultory attacks, besides those who were slain in the eight battles already mentioned. The same year the (West) Saxons made peace with the Pagans, on the terms that they should depart their country, which condition they observed. On the death of Cinefertii, bishop of Litclitield, Tunberht succeeded. [a.d. 872.] Alchun, bisho]) of the Hwiccas, having died, F 2 68 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 873, 874. Worefrith, a man learned in the Scriptures, who had been brought up in the holy church of Worcester, was ordained bishop by Etliercd, archbishop of Canterbury, on the seventh of the ides [the 7th] of June, being Whitsunday. At king Alfred's connnand, he made the first translation of the books of Dialogues of pope St. Gregory, from the Latin into the Saxon tongue, a Avork which he executed Avith great accuracy and elegance. The king induced him, and also Plegmund, a learned and venerable man, and a native of Mercia, who, in course of time, was made archbishop of Canterbury, together with Ethelstan and Werwif, two well educated Mercian priests, to leave that province and come to him, and he advanced them to high honours and station, that they might assist him in his great object, the acquisition of learning. He also sent euAoys to France, and invited over the venerable St. Grimbald, priest and monk, who was an excellent chanter, thoroughly versed in the Holy Scriptures and ecclesiastical discipline, and of exemplary conduct. To him was added John, also a priest and monk, a man of the most acute genius, and Asser, who was summoned from the monastery of St. David, on the furthest border of Britain in the West. Under the teaching of all these learned men the object of the king's desire was so daily advanced and accomplished that in a short time he acquired universal knowledge. The before-mentioned army of Pagans went to London, and wintered there ; and the Mercians made peace with them. [a.D. 873.] The army so often mentioned evacuated Lon- don, and marching as far as the province of Northumbria, wintered there m the district of Lindsey, and the Mercians renewed their treaty of peace with them. [a.D. 874.] Quitting Lindsey, the Pagan army entered Mercia, and wmtered at Eepton. It also compelled, by main force, Burhred, king of Mercia, to abandon his kingdom, and crossing the sea he went to Rome in the twenty-second year of his reign. He did not long survive his arrival at Rome, and dying there he received honourable interment in the church of St. Mary in the Saxon School, where he waits oui- Lord's advent, and the first resurrection of the just. After his expulsion, the Pagans reduced to subjection the whole kingdom of Mercia. However, they placed the province, in a miserable state, in the keeping of a weak thane, whose name A.D. 875, 87G.] KING Alfred's wars. C9 ■vvas Ceol^^1llf, on condition that ho should give it up to them peaceably "vvhenever they required. He delivered hostages to them for the performance of this condition, and SAvore that he would in no wise act contrary to their will, but submit to tlieir commands on all occasions. [a.d. 875.] The oft-mentioned army broke up from Repton in two divisions. One of them went with Halfdeno into the country of the Northumbrians, and, wintering there near the river Tyne reduced the whole of Northumbria under its dominion, and ravaged the lands of the Picts and Strathclyde Britons. The other division, under Guthruy, Oskmtel, and Amund, three kings of the Pagans, directed their march to a place called Grantebrycge (Cambridge), and wintered there. The same vear king Alfred fou2:ht a naval battle against six ships of the Pagans, and took one of them, the rest sheering off. [a.d. 876.] The oft-mentioned army of the Pagans sallied forth from Cambridge in the night time, and took possession of a castle called Wareham ; where there was an abbey of nuns, between the two rivers Fraw and Terente (Frome and Trent), in the district called by the Saxons Thornsa^t (Dorset), and the site of which is very strong, except on the west side, which is ojien to the land. With this army king Alfred made a firm treaty, the condition of which was that they should depart from his dominions ; and they gave him as many hostages as he demanded without dispute, and swore on all the relics, on which the king most confided, after God, and on which they before refused to swear to any people, tliat they would quit his kingdom as soon as tliey could. Notwithstanding, false as ever, and regardless of their oath's and hostages and the faith they had pledged, they broke the treaty, and, killing all the king's horse-soldiers, stole away suddenly to another place, called in the Saxon tongue, Exanceastre, but in Latin, the city of Exe, and standing on tlie eastern bank of that river near the southern sea which flows between France and Britain. King Alfred, having collected troops, went in i)ursuit, but they had already got into tlie place before he could come up with them. How- ever, ho extorted from them hostages of such cpiality and in such nvnnl)ers as he chose, and made a firm treaty with tliem, which they observed faithfully for some time ; and there they wintered. The same year, the Pagan king Halfdene distri- 70 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 877, 878. biited the territory of Northumbria between himself and his followers, and established colonies of his soldiers on it. RoUo and his band landed in Normandy on the fifteenth of the calends of December [17th November]. [a.D. 877.] The Pagan army which had been left with the fleet at Wareham sailed to Exeter, but before they reached that place, one hundred and twenty of their ships were lost in a storm. Autumn approaching, part of the Pagans sat down at Exeter ; another division went into Mercia, and gave portions of it to Ceohvulf, to whose keeping, as we have already said, they had committed the province. Some part they shared among themselves. [a.D. 878.] The oft-named army, abandoning Exeter, marched to Chippenham, a royal vill, situated in the left of Wiltshire, where it wintered, compelling by their irruptions many of the people of that district to take ship and cross the sea in penury and consternation ; but the greatest part of the inhabitants were reduced to submit to their yoke. At that time king Alfred, with a few of his nobles and some of his vassals, led a life of alarm and severe distress in the woods and marshes of Somersetshire ; for he had no means of sub- sistence but what he seized by frequent incursions, either by lurking about or using open violence, from the Pagans, and even such of the Christians as had submitted to them. The same year, the brother of Inguar and Halfdene having wintered in Demetia^ and made great havoc among the Chris- tians, crossed over with twenty-three ships to the coast of Devon, and there was slain, with twelve hundred of his followers, w^ho thus perished miserably in their wicked aggression before the stronghold of Cynuit, in which many of the king's thanes had shut themselves up with their families as a place of refuge. But the Pagans, seeing that the place was quite unprepared, and had no fortifications except ramparts thrown up after our fashion, made no attempt to eftect a breach, because it was impregnable from its natural position on every side except the east (as I have myself observed), they sat down before it, supposing that as there was no v^ater near the fort, those men would soon be compelled by hunger, thirst, and the blockade, ^ Dyvet, the antieiit name of Pembrokeshire and the western dis- tricts of South Wales. A.D. 878.] ALFRED AT ATUELNEY. 71 to surrender. But it did not turn out as they expected ; for the Christians, divinely insi)ired, before they were reduced to sucli extremities, and preferring either deatli or victory, made a sally upon the Pagans before the dawn of day, and taking them by siu'prise at the first onset, cut to pieces the king and most of his army, a few only escaping to their ships. The same year, after Easter, king Alfred, with his slender force constructed a fortress at a place called Aethelingaeig (Athelney) ; and from that fort, with his Somersetshire vassals. kei)t up an incessant warfare with the Pagans. Again, in the seventh week after Easter, he rode to Egbert's stone, in the eastern part of the forest of Selwood, which means in Latin, " the Great Wood ;" and there he was met by all the people of Somerset, Wilts, and Hants, who had not been driven across the sea by fear of the Pagans. These ])eople, on seeing the king come to life again, as we may sny, after suftering such great tribulations, were filled with joy beyond measure, as w^ell they might, and encamj^ed there for one night. At dawn of day, the king mo\ed his camp from that spot, and came to a spot called Ecglca (Hey), where he encamped for the night. The following day he unfurled his standards, and marched to a place called Ethandun (Hedding- ton), wliere, at the head of his troops in close order, he fought a desperate battle with the Pagans, and maintaining the contest with spirit for a long time, at last, by God's help, he gamed tiie victory with gi-eat slaughter of the Pagans, pursuing the fugitives to their fortress ; and all that he found outside the fortifications, men, horses, and cattle, he seized, })utting the men to death. He then boldly encami)ed his army before the gates of the Pagan fortress, and having remained there fourteen days, the Pagans suffering from cold, hunger, and terror, and at last driven to despair, sued for peace, on the terms that the king should receive as many hostages as he pleased, naming them himself, and not giving a single one in return — terms of ])eace such as they had never ])efore conceded. The king, having heard their proposal, was touched with pity, and selected as many hostages as he thought proper ; and after they were delivered, the Pagans swore, Ijcsides, that they would forthwitli depart from th.(» king's territories. INIoreover, king Guthrum engaged to eml>race Christianity, and receive baj)tism at king Alfred's hands, all of which articles he and 72 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 879 — 882. his men fulfilled as they had promised; for, seven weeks afterwards, Guthrum, the king of the Pagans, with thirty of his principal warriors, came to king Alfred at a place called Aah- (Aller), near Athehiey, and there the king receiving him as liis son by adoption, raised him up from the font of holy baptism, and gave him the name of Athelstan : the loosing of his crism took place on the eighth day at the royal vill called Wedmore. He staid with the king twelve nights after his baptism, the king assigning him and all his attendants spacious and handsome lodgings. [a.D. 879.] The aforesaid army of Pagans, leaving Chippenham, as they had promised, removed to Cirencester, which is situated in the southern part of the Wiccian territory, and there they remained one year. In the same year, a large army of Pagans sailed from foreign parts, and, entering the Thames, joined the former army ; but they wintered at Fulham, near the river Thames. The same year there was an eclipse of the sun, between nones and vespers, but nearer nones. ^ Dunberht, bishop of Winchester, died, and was succeeded by Denewlf. This man, if report may be trusted, was, during the early part of his life, not only illiterate but a swineherd. King Alfred, when yielding to the fury of his enemies he had taken refuge in a forest, chanced to light upon him as he was feeding his swine. Remarking his intelligence, the king caused him to be taught learning, and when he was sufficiently instructed made him bishop of Winchester; a thing that may almost be considered miraculous. [a.D. 880.] The oft-mentioned Pagan army, breaking up from Cirencester, marched into East-Anglia, and parcelling out tlie country began to settle in it. The same year, the Pagan army which had wintered at Fulham quitted the island of Britain, and again sailing across the sea reached the eastern part of France, when they remained a year, at a place called Grendi, that is Gand (Ghent). [a.D. 881.] The oft-mentioned army of Pagans penetrated into France, and the Franks fought against it ; and after the battle the Pagans supplied themselves with horses, and became mounted troops. [a.D. 882.] The aforesaid army of the Pagans dragged ^ This eclipse occurred on the 14th March, 880. A.D. 883 — 885.] KING Alfred's wars. 73 their ships up the river Mese (Meuse), far into France, and wintered there one year. In the same year king Alfred fousrlit a battle by sea against the Pagan fleet, of which he took two ships, having slain all who were on board ; and the commanders of two other ships with their crews, exhausted by fighting and wounds, laid down their arms, and, on bended knees, with humble supplications, surrendered themselves to the king. [a.d. 883.] The aforesaid army cbagged their ships up the river called Scaldad (Scheld) against the stream, to a convent of nuns called Cundath (Conde) and there remained a Avhole year. Asser,' bishop of Sherborne, died, and was succeeded by Swithelm, who carried king Alfred's alms to St. Thomas in India, and returned thence in safety. [a.d. 884.] Marinus was the hundred and seventh pope. For the love he bore Alfred, king of the Anglo-Saxons, and at his earnest request, he graciously freed the school of the Saxons living at Rome from all toll and taxes. Ho also exchanged many gifts with the king; among those he sent him was a no small portion of the most holy cross, on which our Lord Jesus Christ hung for the salvation of man. The aforesaid army of Pagans entering the mouth of the river Summe (Sonmie), sailed up it as far as Embene (Amiens), and remained there for one year. [a.d. 885.] The aforesaid army of the Pagans was divided into two botlies, one of which went into East France, and the other coming over to Britain landed in Kent, and laid siege to the city called in Saxon, Hrofceastre (Rochester), which stands on the eastern bank of the river Medway. The Pagans ran up a strong fort before the city gate, but were unable to storm the i)lace, as the citizens made a stout resistance until king Alfred came to their relief with a ])owerful force. On the king's sudden arrival, the Pagans abandoned their fort, leaving behind them all the horses they had brought with them iVom France; and, releasing most of their ])risoners, fled to their shii)s. The Saxons immediately secured the captives ' Asspr did not die till !J10 (see Saxou Chronicle) ; and he con- tinued liis Life of Alfred to the forty-fifth year of that prince's age, A.D. N!):{. Ethelward, not Swithelm, appears to have heen Asser's successor as bishop of Sherborne. See the list of bisliops al Ibe end of this work. 74 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 885, 886. and horses left by the Pagans, who, compelled by stern necessity, returned the same summer to France. The same year, Alfred, king of the Anglo-Saxons, sailed with a fleet full of troops from Kent to East-Anglia, for the sake of plunder ; and when they were off the mouth of the river Stour, they fell in with sixteen of the Pagans' ships ; a naval engagement ensued, and after desperate lighting on both sides, the Pagans were all slain, and the ships and all their treasure became the prize of the \'ictors. But while the royal fleet was retiring in triumph, the Pagans who lived in the eastern part of England, having collected ships from all quarters, met it at sea near the mouth of the river, and after a naval battle the Pagans gained the victory. Carloman, king of the Western-Franks, came to a miserable end while boar-hunting, being torn by the tusk of a singularly savage beast which he had attacked singly. His brother Lev»-is, who was also a king of the Franlvs, had died three years before. They were both sons of Lewis, king of the Franks, who died in the year in which the eclipse of the sun abeady mentioned took place. This Lewis was the son of Charles, king of the Franks, whose daughter Judith, Etheh\-nlf, king of Wessex, had made his queen, with her fathers consent. In the present year, also, a vast army of the Pagans poured forth from Germany into old Saxony, but those Saxons, joining their forces with the Prisons, fought bravely against them twice in one year, and, by God's mercy, gained the victory in both battles. Moreover, in the same year, Charles, king of the Alemanni, succeeded to the kingdom of the Western-Franks, and to all the kingdoms between the Tuscan sea and the gulf which separates Old Saxony and Gaul; all the nations making voluntary submission to him, except those of Armorica (Brittany). This Charles (Charles-le-Gros) was the son of king Lewis, who was the brother of Charles (the Bald), king of the Franks, who was the father of the before- mentioned Judith ; the two brothers were sons of Lewis (Le Debonnaire), and Lewis was son of Charles the Great, the antient and ^dse, who was son of Pepin. In this year, also, the army of the Pagans -wdiicli had settled in East-Anglia, disgracefully broke the peace which they had made with king Alfred. [a.D. 886.] The army of Pagans, so often before-mentioned, A.D. 887.] THE DANES AND THE FR.VNKS. 75 quitting East-France, came again into the country of the Western-Franks, and entering the moutli of the Seine, sailed up it a long way against the stream as fi\r as the city of Paris, wliere they wintered. They besieged that city the whole of tliat year, but by the merciful interposition of God, they were unable to break through its defences. The same year, Alfred, king of the Anglo-Saxons, after the biu'uing of cities and slaughter of the people, nobly rebuilt the city of London, and made it again habitable; he entrusted the custody of it to Ethered, earl of Mercia. To which king came all the Angles and Saxons who l)efore had been dispersed e\'erywhere, or dwelt among the Pagans without beino- bondsmen, and volun- tarily i)laced themselves under his dominion. [a.d. 887.] The above-mentioned army of the Pagans, leaving the city of Paris unharmed, as they found they could not succeed, rowed their fleet u]) the Seine against the current, a long way until they reached tlie mouth of the Malerne (Marne), where they left the Seine and entered the Marne, and after a long and toilsome voyage up that ri\'er, they came at last to a j^lace called Chezy, that is, " the Royal Yill," where they passed the winter of that year. In the following year they entered the mouth of the river Yonne, to the no small damage of that country ; and there they sat down for a whole year. In this year Charles, king of the Franks, went the way of all flesli ; but six weeks before his death he had been expelled from his kingdom by Arnulf, his brother's son. As soon as Charles was dead, five kings were appointed, and the kingdom was di\i«led out into fi^ c parts ; but the highest rank devohed upon Arnulf; and justly and deservedly, save only his dis- irraceful outrage on his uncle. The other four kings promised fealty and obedience to Arnulf, as was right; for none of them had any hereditary claims to the throne, on the father's side, exce]>t Arnulf only. Although, therefore, five kings were a|»i)ointed immediately on Charles's death, Arnulf had tlie emjure. The dominions were divided as follows : Arnulf had the country to the east of the Khine ; Rodolj)!! the interior of tlie kingdom ; Oda (Eudes) had the western states ; Beorngar (Beienger) and Witlia (Guido) had Loml)arcly and the terri- tories on that side of the mountains. But with such vast and important kingd(mis they did not remain in amity, for they fought two ])itched ])attles, and often ravaged each others 76 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 887. territories, and each, in turn, drove the otlier out of his kingdom. In this year, Athelelm, ealdorman of Wiltshire, carried the ahns of kino- Alfred and the Saxons to Eome. The same year, on the feast of St. Martin, bishop of Tours, Alfred, the often-named king of the Anglo-Saxons, by God's assistance, first began to translate, as well as read, books. This king, although seated on a throne, was pierced through by many sorrows ; for, as we have already said, from his twentieth to his forty-fifth year and more, he was in constant suffering from the severe attacks of an unknown disease, so that he was not safe for a single hour either from the pain it caused, or from apprehension of it. Besides this, he was perpetually harassed by the constant invasions of foreigners, which he had to resist vigorously both by land and by sea, without a moment's rest. What shall I say of his frequent expeditions against the Pagans, of his battles, of his unceasing cares in the government of his kingdom, in the restoration of cities and towns, and building others where there were none before, of edifices incomparably ornamented with gold and silver under his own superintendence, of the royal halls and chambers, both of stone and wood, admirably erected by his command, of the royal vills, constructed of stone, which he caused to be removed from their old site, and handsomely rebuilt in more fitting places ? Although he stood alone, yet God being his helper, he never suffered the helm of government to which he had once put his hand, to waver and become unsteady, though tossed by the waves and storms of this present life. For he unceasingly and most wisely used both gentle instruction, admonition, and command, to win over his bishops, ealdormen, and the better sort of his favourite thanes and officers to his own wishes and the public good ; and where these failed, after long forbearance, he had recourse to severe chastisement of the disobedient, holding vulgar stupidity and obstinacy in utter abomination. If the royal commands were not attended to, and in consequence of the people's sluggishness, things ordered were not completed, or were begun so late that in time of need they were of little use for want of being perfectly done — for instance, the castles which he ordered to be built, and which were not begun, or taken in hand so late that the enemy's forces broke in by sea and land before they were finished, then A.D. S^^T.] Alfred's court and charities. 77 the oi)})onents of the voyixl ordinances repented when it was too late, and sorely grieved that they had inconsiderately neglected liis orders, and extolling the king's forethought, engaged with the utmost zeal in the execution of what they had hefore disregarded. Among this king's other good deeds, ho directed two monasteries to be built, one for monks, at a place called Athelney, where he collected various descriptions of monks, and appointed John, a priest and monk, and a native of Old Saxony, first abbot. He also ordered a monastery proper for the residence of nuns to be built near the east gate of Shaftesbury, of which he made his own daughter, Ethelgeovu, who was already a consecrated virgin, abbess ; and these twa monasteries he richly endowed with possessions in land and wealth of all kinds. INIoreover, he vowed that he would religiously and faithfully dedicate to God one half of all the money which floAved into his colters every year, being justly acquired ; and this vow he made his serious business to fulfil with a v.'illing mind. He also, by a plan divinely inspired, connnanded his otiicers to tlivide his yearly revenues into two equal parts. AVhen this was done, he ordered one of these parts to be distributed into three portions ; one of which he annually bestowed on his noble officers who were continually engaged by turns about his person, performing various duties. For the king's attendants were most judiciously divided into three companies, so that one should be on duty at court, night and day, for a month ; at the end of which, on the arrival of another, the first returned home, and remained there tAvo months, attending to their private afi'airs. At the end of the second month it was relieved by the arrival of the third, and returned home for two months. So the third company, on being relieved by the first, also spent two months at home. In this rotation the service at court was administered by turns dining the whole life of the king. The second portion was paid to the artificers, who flocked to him in vast numbers, from dillerent nations, or were engaged on hire, men skilled in every kind of construction. The third portion was cheer- fully dispensed with admirable judgment to the foreigners wh(j resorted to his court from all countries, far and near, whetlier they asked him for money or not. As to the other moiety, half of all his means derived from his yearly 78 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 887. revenues, he ordered his ministers to divide it exactly into four equal portions, to the intent that the first portion should be discreetly bestowed on the poor of every nation who came to him ; the second, on the two monasteries lie had founded, and those who did God's service in them ; the third, on the school in which he had collected, with the utmost care, not only many of the sons of the nobility of his realms but others also of the lower order; the fourth, he distributed among the neighbouring monasteries throughout the whole of Saxony and Mercia, and even some years, by turns, among the churches of Britain (Wales), Cornwall, France, Brittany, Northumbria, and Ireland, according to his ability. Having put these affairs in order, he undertook, as far as his infirmity and means would allow, to devote earnestly to God one half of his services, both of mind and body, by day and by night. In consequence, he began to consider by what means he might regularly keep liis vow until his death. At length he shrewdly devised a useful plan, and sending for a quantity of wax had it weighed against pennies, and when there was wax in the scales of the weight of seventy-two pennies, he caused his chaplains to make six candles of equal size, so that each candle might be twelve inches in length, with the inches marked upon it. By this plan, therefore, six of these candles sufficed to burn for twenty-four hours, night and day, being set up before the relics of different saints, which he always took with him wherever he went. Moreover, the king made the strictest enquiiies into the administration of justice, as well as into all other matters ; reviewing with much shrewdness nearly all the judgments pronounced throughout the kingdom at wdiich he was not present himself, with a view to consider whether they were just or unjust. If he perceived any iniquity in these decisions he gently remonstrated with the judges, either personally, or through trusty friends, on their unrighteous decrees, inquiring whether they proceeded from ignorance or malevolence, that is, from affection, fear or ill-will to others, or from a greediness for lucre. In short, if the judges asserted that they had so given judgment because they knew no better, lie discreetly and gently reproved their inexperience and ignorance in such words as these : "I marvel much at your presumption in that having, by God's favour and my own, A.D. S88 — 891.] .vlfred's administration of justice. 79 taken upon you an office and station belonging to vrise men, you liave neglected the study and practice of wisdom. Either, therefore, at once resign the execution of the temporal authority now vested in you, or apply yourself to the study of wisdom much more earnestly than you have hitherto done. Such are my commands." Filled with consternation at such language as this, the ealdormen and presiding officers would strive to devote all their power to the study of justice, just as if they had been most severely punished. Thus, almost all the ealdonnen and judges, however illiterate from their youth upwards, applied themselves surprisingly to the learned studies, preferring rather to undergo a new discipline as scholars than to resign their offices. If, however, any one could not make progress in learning, cither from his advanced age or from dullness of an intellect unused to such exertions, the king required his son, if he had any, some kinsman, or, if no one else was to be had, one of his Uege-men, whether a freeman or serf, for whom he had long before provided means of instruc- tion, to read to him Saxon books, by day or night, whenever he found leisure. The old men sighed deeply, and heartily grieved that they had not attended to such studies in their early days ; counting the young men of the present generation fortunate who had such excellent opportunities of instruction in the liberal arts ; and regretting their own unhappy lot in neither having studied them while young, nor being able to acquire them in old age, however ardently they might desire to do so. [a.d. 888.] [a.d. 889.] Beocca, a noble caldorman, conveyed the alms of king Alfred and the West-Saxons to Rome. The same year died Ethelswitha, queen of Burhred, king of Mercia, and was buried at Ticinum (Pavia). In this year, also, Ethel wold, the caldorman, and Ethered, archbishop of Canterbury, tlied in the same month. Ethered was succeeded by Plegmund, a man of deep erudition. [a.d. 890.] [a.d. 891.] Abl)ot Beornhelm carried the alms of king Alfred and the West-Saxons to Rome. Guthrum, the Idng of the Northmen, who, as we mentioned before, was lifted by Alfred from the holy font, receiving the name <>f Athelstan, died this year. He and his followers were settled in East- 80 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 892 — 894. Lnglia, and first took possession of and colonized that province fter the death of St. Edmund, the martyr and king. The Ai after same year, the oft-mentioned Pagan army departed from the Seine and stationed themselves at a i)lace called Santlaudan (St. L6), situated between France and Brittany. The Bretons fought against them ; and, having put some to the sword, and" the rest to flight, some of whom were drowned in the river, remained masters of the field. [a.D. 892.] The aforesaid Pagan army removed from East to West-France; but before their fleet could join them, the emperor Arnulf, with the Eastern-Franks, the Old-Saxons, and the Bavarians, attacked the land army and routed it. Three Scotchmen, Dusblan, Mahbethu (Macbeth), and Malin- mumin (Maclinnon ?), desiring to lead a pilgrim's life for the Lord's sake, fled secretly from Ireland, taking with them a week's provisions, and embarking in a coracle made of nothing but two hides and a half; they reached Cornwall after an extraordinary voyage of seven days, without sails or tackling, and afterwards paid a visit to king Alfred. In the same year died Swifneh, the most learned doctor among the Scots. In this year also a star called a comet was seen about the time of the Rogation days. [a.D. 893.] The fleet and cavalry of the Pagans quitting East-France came to Boulogne, and crossing thence, wdth their horses in two hundred and fifty ships, to Kent, landed at tlie mouth of the river Limen (Lyme), which flows out of the great forest called Andred ; and having dragged their ships four miles from the river-mouth into this forest, they demolished a half-built fort which was inhabited by a few churls, and threw up for themselves a stronger one at a place called Appledore. Not long afterwards the Pagan Idng entered the mouth of the ri^'er Thames with eighty galleys, and built for himself a fortress in the royal vill called Middletun (Milton). [a.D. 894.] The Pagans who had settled in Northumbria made a lasting peace with king Alfred, which they confirmed by their oaths ; so also did those who dwelt in East-Anglia ; and, in addition, delivered six hostages ; but they broke the treaty, and as often as the army stationed in Kent sallied forth from their stronghold to plunder the country, they also either joined them, or pillaged whatever they could on their own account. When this was known, king Alfred, at the head of A.D. 894.] WARS WITH THE DANES. 81 ]>art of his army, and leaving part at homo, as was his wont, while some were stationed as garrisons in tlie eastles and cities, marched in all haste for Kent; where he pitched his camp between tlie two Pagan armies on a spot wliich was naturally- strong, being surrounded on all sides by water, flowing with strong eddies, with high rocky banks and overhanging woods ; so that if the enemy took the field for the purpose of j)lunder- ing or fighting, he could give them battle without delay. They, however, went about plimdering in bands, which were * sometimes on horseback, sometimes on foot, resorting for their prey to those districts wliieh they ascertained were not occupied by the king's troops. But not only some of the royal army, but those wlio were in tlie toAms, fell on them by surprise, night and day, with much slaughter, and so harassed them, that, abimdoning Kent after again ravaging it, they all in a body broke up from their quarters, for they had gone out together to pillage when they first sat down in these parts. But this time they swept off a more valuable booty, and resohed on crossing the river Tliames with it into Essex, and there meet their fleet, which they had sent forward. But tlie king's army getting before tjiem, gave them battle near Farnham, and, putting them to flight, recovered the booty and took the horses which they had brought from beyond sea. Crossing the Thames where there were no guards, they took refuge in an island surrounded by the windings of the river Colne, in w^hich they were blockaded, until provisions failed in the king's army, and the time came at which they were to be disbanded, and another come to relieve them. Those troops, therefore, returned home, and king Alfred bringing up the other half of his army in all haste, the Pagans, in consequence of their king being so severely wounded that they could not remove him, held their ground. While, however, king Alfred was on his march to attack the enemy, news was brought that the Pagans of Northumbria and East-Anglia had collected a fleet of two hundred ships,^ part of which, to the number of one hundred, had sailed round the south coast of England, and another division consisting of forty ships, had steered for the northern coast of Devonshire to ' An error probably for 140, as we may judge from what follows ; and see Saxon Chronicle under the year H!)l. G 82 FLORI^NCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 894. lay siege to some castle there, while the former besieged Exeter with a powerful force. Wlien the long heard this, he was not alarmed at the enemy's bold manoeu\Tes, though he was very indignant that his people should be at the mercy of the besieging armies. Collecting, therefore, all his cavalry M^th- out loss of time, he rode to Exeter, leaving a small force to oppose the enemy he was previously marching against. This force proceeding to London, and being joined by the citizens, and those who had come to their aid from the west of England, marched to Benfleet ; for they heard that a large detachment of the army stationed at Appledore had concentrated itself there with king Hsesten, who, advancing with his force fi'om Milton, had constructed a fortified camp in that position ; but in the meantime, they heard he had again gone on a predatory expedition. This king had a short time before made peace with king Alfred, and given several hostages, and allowed his two sons to be regenerated in the laver of baptism, as king Alfred desired; one of them being held at the font by the king himself, the other by the illustrious ealdorman Ethered. But on his arrival at Benfleet, King Ha3sten quickly fortifying his camp, began immediately to ravage the borders of the kingdom of his son's god-father. A severe battle was there- fore fought with the Pagans, and the Clu-istians put them to flight at the first onset, destroyed their works, and seizing on all they could find carried it off, with their wives and childi*en, to London. Some of their ships they broke up, others they burnt, and conducted the rest either to London or Eochester* They also took Hjfisten's wife and two sons before he returned to Benfleet from plundering ; and these they carried to king Alfred, but he did them no harm, because, as we said before, one of the boys was his own godson, and the other Ethered's, but renewing the peace, and taking hostages, not only restored Hsesten his wife and sons, as he requested, but gave him a large sum of money. Afterwards the king went to Exeter, at the earnest entreaty of his people there ; and the Pagans, terrified at his coming, retired to theii* ships, and then returning to their old quarters, began to ravage the country near Chichester, in the pro^dnce of the South-Saxons. But they were driven off" from the city by the to-wiismen, great numbers of them having been killed and wounded, and many of their ships were taken. Mean- A.D. 894, 895.] Wars vitii the d.a^'es. 83 "vvliile, the Pacran army being expelled by the Christians from Beniieet, as -svc menti«)neany as such, and not as a commander. However, they shortly afterwards raised him to the throne. King Athel- stan was severely mortified at Etliehvold's escape, and com- manded instant pui'suit to be made, but finding it impossible to overtake him, he arrested the nun whom the etheling had married without his permission and that of the bishops, and caused her to be taken back to her convent at Winburne. [a.d. 902.] [a.d. 903.] Athulf, a very brave ealdorman, the brother of queen Elswitha, king Edward's mother, died this year ; as also Yirgilius, a venerable Scotch abbot ; likewise Grimbald, the priest, a man of great sanctity and one of Idng Alfred's masters, ascended to the bliss of the heavenly kingdom. [a.d. 90-1.] The Kentish men fought against a numerous band of Danish pirates at a ]ilace called Hohne, and remained victors. The etheling Ethelwold returned to England from foreign parts, with a large fleet of ships which he had either bought or collected in East-Antrha. [a.d. 905.] There was an eclipse of the moon. The etheling Ethelwold ])rcvailed on the Danes who inhabited East- Anglia, by the promise of a large share of the booty, to join in a predatory irruption on the borders of Mercia. On their consenting, they quickly burst into the Mercian territory under their king Eric, in union witli Ethelwold, and, eager for ])kmder, carried fire and sword through the country, penetratiiig as far as Creccanibrd (Cricklade), where they crossed the river Thames, and travei'sing the wood called in the Saxon tongue Bradene, seized the surrounding vills, plundering ever^tliing they could lay their hands on. Being now loaded with rich booty, they hurried homeward in triumph ; but in viun, for the invincible king Edward piu-sued tliem with such troops as he could get together in lia^jte, and laid waste their lands situate be- tween rlie boundary territory of St. Edminid the king, and the river ()u>e. When about to draw ofi' his army from the work of devastation, he ordered the whole to retire in a body ; but the Kentish men remained behind in spite of the order. The 88 FL.ORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 906 — 910. king sent (no less than) seven messages to them, commanding them to retreat ; but they, having no aj^prehension of an attack, persisted in their enterprise in blind security. The Danes, learning this, quickly assembled in a body and fell on the Kentish men ; and a severe battle ensued, in which numbers perished on both sides. On that of the Kentish men were slain Siwulf, the ealdorman, and his son Seberht, Sigelm, the eiildorman, Edwold, the king's thane, abbot Kenulf, and many others. On the side of the Danes were slain Eric their king, the etheling Ethelwold, who had been elected king, and very many more ^ than fell on the side of the English ; but they remained masters of the field of death. The devout handmaid of Christ, queen Elswitha, king Edward's mother, and the found- ress of a monastery for nuns at Winchester, departed this life.'- [a.d. 906.] A comet-star was seen. The Pagan army out of East-Anglia and Northumbria, finding that king Edward was invincible, made peace with him at a place called in the English tongue Yttingaford. ^ [a.D. 907.] [a.d. 908.] The city called in the British tongue Karle- gion, and in the Saxon, Legeceastre (Chester), was rebuilt by order of Ethered, the ealdorman, and Ethelfleda. [a.d. 909.] Denulf, bishop of Winchester, died. [a.d. 910.] St. Erithestan succeeded to the bishopric vacant by the death of Denulf. The bones of St. Oswald, king and martyr, were translated from Bardney to Mercia. The Danes having broken the peace recently concluded, the invincible king Edward sent an army of West-Saxons and Mercians into Northumbria, which having accomplished its march, laid waste the country for nearly forty days without intermission, put numbers of the Danes to the sword, and brought back a crowd of captives and immense booty, com- ^ The Saxon Chronicle enumerates among these Ysop the hold, and Oskytel the hold. In our notes on Henry of Huntingdon, who calls them djces, we remarked that " hold " was probably a Danish title of rank ; but it escaped our notice that the word, as suggested by Dr. Thorpe in a note to the E. H. Society's edition of Florence is probably derived from the Scandinavian ; hollar, a ndaller, or holder of land on a free and privileged tenure still existing in Norway. - The Saxon Chron. gives her death in 902. ^ Supposed to be either Ifford, near Christchurch, or Ickford in Bucks. A.D. oil 913.] Tin: WAR IX MERCIA. 89 pelliiiir their kings, however reluctantly, to renew with king Edward the peace they had broken. [a.d. 1)11.] A glorious battle was fought between the English and Danes at a place called Teotanhele/ in the province of Stafibrd, the English gaining the victory. The same year the victorious king Edward collected a hundred ships, and embarking in them chosen troops, gave them orders to meet him in Kent, whither he intended to go by land. Meanwhile, the Danish settlers in Northumbria again breaking the peace they had made, and rejecting the terms of accommodation which king Edward and his witan proposed, audaciously ravaged the lands of the Mercians, thinking, indeed, that their naval power wns so su])anks of the river. Having laid hands on Cymelgeac, a British bishoj), on a plain called Yrcenofeld, they dragged him, with no little joy, to their ships. King Edward redeemed liim shortly afterwards for forty pounds of silver. Before long, the whole army landed, and made for the plain before mentioned, in search of plunder ; but the men of Hereford and Gloucester, with numerous bands from the neighbouring to's^^ls, suddenly fell on them, and a battle was fought in which Hroald, one of the enemy's chiefs, and the brother of Ochter, the other chief, and great part of tlie army wore slain. The rest fled, and were (biven by the Christians into an enclosure, where they were beset until they delivered hostages for their departure as quickly as possible from king Edward's dominions. The Idng, therefore, stationed detachments of his army in suitable positions on the south side of the Severn, from Cornwall to the mouth of the river Avon, to prevent the pirates from ravaging those districts. But leaving their ships on the shore, they prowled by night about the country, ])lundering it to the eastward of Weced (Watchet), and another time at a place called Porlock. However, on both occasions, the king's troops slew all of them except such as made a disgraceful retreat to their ships. The latter, dis- pirited by their defeat, took refuge in an island called Beoric,' where they harboured till many of them perished from hunger, and, driven by necessity, the survivors sailed first to Deemed,' and afterward in the autumn to Ireland. After these occur- rences, the invincible king Edward marched liis army to Buckingham, where he halted thirty days, causing forts to be built on both banks of the river Ouse ; and, in consequence, Turketil, one of the Danish chiefs, and all of the better sort from Bedford and many from Northampton were compelled to submit to the king.^ On the death of Cuthard, bishop of Lindisfarne, he was succeeded by Tilred. ' The Flat-Hohns in the Bristol Channel, - Deraetia, Dyvet ; the district of South Wales, about Milford Haven, from whence is the nearest passage to the south of Ireland. ^ Saxon Chronicle, where these transactions of the year 915 are assigned to !^18. 92 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 916, 918. [a.d. 910.] The victorious king Edward went to Bedford before the feast of St. IMartin [11th JSTovember], which place and its inhabitants submitted to him. He remained there thirty days, and caused a town to be built on the south side of the river Oiise. After Christmas, Ethelfleda, lady of the Mercians, built two towns, Cyricbirig (Cherbury), and Wead- byrig; she also built a third, Runcofan (Runcorn), before that feast. [a.d. 917.] The victorious king Edward went as far as Maldon before the feast of the Nati\*ity of St. John the Baptist, and rebuilt the to>\Ti, placing a guard of soldiers in it before he left it. The same year Turketil, the chief already men- tioned, went over to France with all his band, king Edward approWng and furthering the expedition. The venerable abbot Egbert was unjustly slain on the sixth of the calends of July. Three nights afterwards Ethelfleda, the lady of the Mercians, sent an army into the territory of the Britons to take the castle at Brv'cenanmere (Brecknock) ; and having stormed it, they carried the wife of the British king captive to Mercia, and thirty-four men with her. Rollo, the first duke of Nonnandy died, and was succeeded by his son William. [a.d. 918.] By king Edward's command, the city called Towcester was built before Easter, and another after Easter, about the Rogations at Wigmore. After the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, the Pagans of Northampton and Leicester, in violation of the peace, marched to Towcester, and assaulted it during a whole day, endeavouring to storm it ; but the defenders of the place making a stout resistance from within, and their neighbours hastening to their relief, the Pagans all took to flight. Thev afterwards made night attacks in the province of Buckingham on those who were oft* their guard, carrying away men as well as cattle, and butchered many of the inhabitants between Birnwood and Aylesbur>\ At the same time, the army of the Pagans who had colonised East- Anglia and Huntingdon abandoned their fortress at Hunting- don, and built themselves one which was stronger at a place called Wigingamere ; thinking, forsooth, that hostilities from that quarter would enable them to recover the lands which had been \\Tested from them. They then issued forth to assault Bedford; but as soon as theu* approach was ascer- A.D. 918.] TUE DANES WORSTED. 03 tiiinetl, tliose who liad tlie guard of the town wont out to i-'ngage them, and, battle being joineil, the enemy were defeated and put to flight with great loss. After a short interval the Pagans again assembled in a body from East-Anglia, Essex, and Mereia, and marched to a town called Wigingamere,* which they assaulted for a whole -CE OF WOUCEfSTER. [a.D. 918, 919. fiaiini: that he could no longer resist the king's -s-igour, to Edwiu'd, •vrith the citizens of Northampton and ihe people oi Aat n^ghbourhood, both Danish and English. After this the king returned home and despatched another army to Huntingdon, with orders to repair and rebuild the phice and leave a garrison in it. This being accomplished, all the people of that proA-ince who had sin^-ived the cruelties of the Danes, rejoicing to shake off their yoke, sought peace and protection from the king, and offered him their allegiance. After a few days' interval, the king assembled the army of Wessex, and marching to Colchester, repaired the walls of the town, and stationed in it a garrison of liired soldiers. Mean- while, many of the English in East-Anglia and Essex, who had been enslaved to the brutal Danes more than thuty years, jo^-fully submitted to king Edward; and even the Danish colonists of East-Anglia came to liim and swore that they would in future do nothing to his prejudice, either by sea or land. The army from Cambridge also came and chose him for itteiir lord and patron; conffrming th^ submission by oaths as he required. [a.d. 919.] In the beginning of this year, EtheWeda, lady of the Mercians, got possession of Leicester, peaceably, and nearly all the Danes belonging to the place submitted to her. The Danes also who predominated at York, engaged, some on tbi^ word, and others on oath, to submit to her will and pleasure in all things. After Rogations [31st May], the victorious king Edward the Elder led his army to Stamford, and built a strong castle on the south bank of the river Welland, and not only the Danes who held the fort on the north bank of that river, but all who were connected with the jilaoe, paid him homage. While the king was thus emj^loyed, tkat is to say, on the nineteenth of the calends of July, his sister, Ethelileda, lady of the Mercians, a woman of incom- parable prudence, and eminent for her just and \irtuous life, died,^ eight years after the sole government of the Mercians fell to her, during wlach she had ruled them with ftrmness and equity. She left Elfwina, her only daughter by Ethered the ^ Henrv of Huntingdon states that Ethelfleda died at Tamwortb twelve dajs before the feast of St. Jolin [r2th June], a.d. 918, agree- ing with two MSS. of the Saxon Chron. ; another MS. assigning the year 922 as the date. See p. 168 in Antiq. Lib. 96 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D, 924 — 931. [a.d. 924.] Edward the Elder, the invincible king of England, who reigned gloriously over all the people of Britain, whether English, Scotch, Cumbrians, Danes, or Welsh, after many great achievements, departed this life at the royal vill called Eearndun (Farringdon), in the fifteenth indiction, and the twenty-fourth of liis reign, leaving the government to his son Athelstan. His body was carried to Winchester, and interred in the New Minster with royal pomp. His son Alfward died shortly afterwards at Oxford, and was buried with his father. Athelstan's accession was inaugurated at Cingestone, which signifies the King's town ; and he was crowned with due ceremony by Athelm, archbishop of Can- terbury. The resolute Dunstan, a native of Wessex, was a boy in his time. [a.d. 925.] The valiant and glorious king Athelstan gave his sister in marriage, with great pomp and magnificence, to Sihtric, king of the Northumbrians, who was of Danish origin. [a.d. 926.] Fiery lights in the northern part of the heavens were visible throughout the whole of England. Shortly after- ward, Sihtric, king of Northumbria, departed this life, and king Athelstan expelled Gruthferth his son and successor, and united the kingdom to the others w^hich were under his imperial sway, for he defeated in battle and put to flight all the kings throughout Albion; for instance, Howel, king of the West Britons (the Welsh), and afterwards Constantino, king of the Scots, and Wuer (Owen) king of the Wenti (q. Gwent). He also expelled Aldred, the son of Eadulf, from his royal town called by the English Bebbanbyrig (Bamborough). All these, finding that they could no longer resist his power, sued for peace, and assembling at a place called Eamot, on the fourth of the ides [the 12th] of July, ratified by their oaths a solemn treaty. [a.d. 927.] [a.d. 928.] Tilred, bishop of Lindisfarne, died, and was succeeded by Withred. On the death of Tunberht, bishop of Lichfield, ^lle succeeded. [a.d. 929.] Wilferth, bishop of the Hwiccias, died, and was succeeded by Kinewold. [a.d. 930.] [a.d. 931.] Eadulf, bishop of Devon, died, and was buried at Crediton. A.D. 932—938.] ATIIELSTAX. 97 [a. I). 932.] Frithestan, bishop of Winclioster, a man of cniiiient piety, continued to reside at Wincliester at'tor the pious Byni-stan was bishop in liis stead. St. Frithestan sang mass daily for the repose of the souls of the departed, and at niirht went round the cemeteries, chanting psalms for their relief. On one occasion, when he was thus employed, and liad concluded the service with the words, " May they rest in peace ! " he heard, as it were, countless hosts uttering from the graves the response, " Amen." [a.d. 933.] St. Frithestan died. [a.d. 93-i.] Athelstan, the valiant king of England led an expedition into Scotland, consisting of a powerful fleet and a large body of cavalry, Constantine, king of the Scots, liaving broken the peace that he had made. King Athelstan ravaged great part of the country, and Constantine was compelled to give him his son as an hostage, witli fitting- presents ; and peace having been restored, the English king returned to Wessex. St. Byrnstan, bishop of Winchester, lf.B:d^fc§j..^nf^Q^^^ crossed the sea, and being hoi^'fli'idbly receivednby.fenHlf, a man of royal descent, ha(| lod^ing^SsslglOKlp.dtiiii ihiki^ abbey of Blandin ^>v OOLLEGE J^ A.D. 957 9u0.] EDWY AND EDGAR. 101 (St. Peter's, at Ghent). Wulfstan, arelibiftliop of York, died on the seventh of tlie calends of January [2Gth Dec.], and was buried at Oundle. Oskytel, a reverend man, succeeded him. [a.d. 957.] The people of Mercia and Nortlnmibria threw oft' their allegiance to Edwy king of England, disgusted at the folly of liis government, and elected his cousin, the etheling Edorar, kino-. So the kinc:dom was divided between the two kings in such manner that the river Thames formed the boundary of their respective dominions. It was not long before Edgar, king of Mercia, recalled St. Dunstan, the abbot, with honour and distinction. In the course of a short time afterwards, Coenwald, the pastor of the church of Worcester, a man of deep humility and also a monk, died, and St. Dunstan, the abbot, was promoted to the vacant bishopric, and consecrated by Odo, archbishop of Canterbury. In the year following, Edgar king of Mercia entrusted him with the government of the church of London, on the death of its pious pastor. [a.d. 958.] Alfsi, bishop of Dorchester, died: he was succeeded l^y Byrhthelm, a mild, modest, luuuble, and benevo- lent man. iS< Odo, archbishop of Canterbury, separated Edwy king of Wessex and Elgiva, either because, as report says, she was of near kin to him, or he was enamoured of her instead of his wife. In the same year, the archbishop, a man eminent for his talent, wortli, and virtues, and gifted with a prophetic spirit, de])arted this life and was borne on angel's wings to paradise. He was succeeded by ^Elfsige, bishop of Winchester, and Byrhthelm, the fifth bishop of Wells, was translated to the see of Winchester in Alfsin's place. [a.d. 959.] jElfsige, archbishop of Canterbury, on his jour- ney to Rome to obtain the pallium was frozen to death in the ice and snow whilst crossing the Alps. Edwy, king of Wessex, died, after a reign of four years, and was buried at AVinchester in the Xew Minster. His brother Edgar, king of ISIercia, then in the sixteenth year of his age, was chosen to succeed him by the unanimous voice of the Anglo-Britons, in the 510th year from the arrival of the Angles in Britain, and tlio 2G3rd year after St. Augustine and his companions landed in England: and tlie divided kingdoms were thus re-united. Byrhthelm, ])isho]) of the people of Somerset (of Wells) was elected to the 102 FLORENCE OF WORCESTEB. [aJ). 9.59, 960. archbisboprio oi Canterbury, bat h being the eeii«^ c^^onion that he 'w^is little qualified for so hish a dignity, he reruraed to the ehiireh he had latelv quirted. Th«eapon. St. Dunstan, nephew bv the brother's side of archbishop Aihelm. and abK^t of G-lasxonburv and aft^^rards bi^K^ of Worcester and London, iras bv divine grace and advic-e of the council chosen zo be primate and patriarch of the metropolis of England. Taught by his prud«it counsels, and those of other men of THsdoai. Edgar, king of England, put do^m wi^edness in aD quarters, severely punished the rebellious, cherished the just and humble, restored and aMriehed the ruined houses of God. and clearing the abodes of the el«gy of all that iras light and tiifling. ass«nbled troc^ of mon^ and nuns to the glory of the great Creator, establishing them in more than forty monast«ies built by his command. All these he hwioured as brethren, and loved as dear cinldren, admonishing with his own mouth the pastors he set over them, to exhort their flocks to live according to the monastic rule and wiiiiout refivoacfa, and so W well-pleasizig in all things to Christ and his saints. He was discreet, mild, humble, kind. lib«raL mercifuL power- ful in arms, and warlike : defending royally the rights of his kingdom by military force. He taught the people to give ready sul}«nission to their lords, and the lofds to rule the pe<:^le with justice. He enacted good bws, and his reign was most peacefuL He neither provoked war in any quarter, nor was compelled to engage in it by any provocaticm : but. by God's aid, he guarded the fitmiiers of his kingdo«n wirh prudenc-e, courage, justice, and modwation. In his wrath he was fierce as a Hon ag-ainst his «iemies: so that not only the princes and lords of the islands hdd him in awe, but the kings of many nations w«e eith«- struck with t«Tor and alarm by the reports of his wisdom and might, or loved, honoured, and extolled him for his munificence. The «nperor Oiho the First, who had married his aunt, seat him splendid jKescnts, and conduded a treaty of lasting peace with him. [jLJ>. 960.] St. Dunstan went to Bome in the third indic- tion. and having received die pallium from pope John, returned to his own country by a peaeeiful joomey. Alter the lapse of a few months he wait to court, and ap^pealing to the king's piety, suggested and humbly requested him to raise to the see o€ Ww^eester St. Oswald, nephew of his predecessor Odo. a A.D. 961— 0G9.] EDGAR. 103 devout, meek, aiid hunible monk, of whose growth in the fear of God, and the vii'tues of a holy life, he was fully satisfied. King Edirar having granteil this request, St. Oswald was consecrated and enthroned a^ bishop bv St. Dunstan himself. On the death of Guthard, bishop of Selse^', Alfred sueceedeil. [a.d. 961, 962.] [a.d. 963.] St. Ethelwold, a venerable ablx>t who had been brought up by St. Dunstan, succeeded to the bishopric of ^Vinche^te^ on the death of Byrhthelm ; and :lie same year, by the king's command, he expelled the clergy, and established monks in the Old ^liiit^ter. Being the king's principal coun- sellor, he strongly advised him to expel clerks (secular canons) from the monasteries, and give orders for their being replaced by monks and nuns. [a.d. 964.] Edgar the Pac-ific, king of England, married Elfthrith the daughter of Ordgar, ealdorman of Devon, and widow of Ethelwold, the illustrious ealdorman of East-Anglia, by whom he had two sons, Edmund and Ethelred. He had also by his first wife Ethelfleila the Fair, sumamed Eneda, daughter of the ealdorman Ordmar, a son named Edward, afterwards king and martyr ; and by St. WuHVith a daughter named Edgitha, a \'ii*gin devoted to God. In the same year, the king settled monks ui the Xew Minster, and at !Middleton, and aj)|^M>inted Ethelgar abbot of the former, and Cyneward of the latter. [a.d. 965, 966.] [-1.D. 967.] Edgar the Pacific, king of England, placed nuns in the monastery at Piumsey, founded by liis grandfather Edward the Elder, king of England, and aj^pointed St. MaTwyn to be their abbess. [a.d. 968.] Edgar the Pacific, king of England, sent Sideman, a devout man, to govern the monks at Exeter, with the rank of abVjot. On the death of Aldred, bishop of Lindisfarne, he wa*^ -sUCcetMled by Alfsy. [a.d. 969.] Edgar the Pacific, king of England, com- manded St. Dunstan, archbishop of Canterbmy, and St. Oswald and St. Ethelwold, bishops of "Worcester and "Win- chester, to expel the clerks and settle monks in the larger monasteries of Mercia. Thereupon St. Oswald, hi compliance with tile king's wishes, expelled from the monastery the clergy of the church of Worcester who refused to become monks: 104 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 970 — 973-. but on their compljnng, as lie tells us, in the present year, he accepted their monastic vows, and appointed Wynsin, a monk of Rumsey, a man of deep piety, their abbot, instead of a dean. [a.D. 970.] The relics of St. Swithin, the venerable bishop, after having been buried one hundred and ten years, were disinterred on Friday, the ides [the 15th] of July, in the thirteenth indiction, by the venerable bishop St. Ethelwold, and Elfstan and Ethelgar, abbots of Glastonbury and the New Minster, and deposited with the utmost reverence in tlie church of the apostles Peter and Paul (at Winchester). The same year Oswulf, bishop of Wilton, died, and was buried at Wilton : the venerable Alfgar was ordained in his stead. [a.D. 971.] The etheling Edmund, king Edgar's son, died, and was honourably buried in the monastery at Eumsey. The same year Alphege, ealdorman of Hampshire, died, and was buried at Glastonbury. Soon afterwards Ordgar, ealdor- man of Devon, king Edgar's father-in-law, died, and was buried at Exeter. [a.D. 972.] Edgar the Pacific, king of England, caused the church of the New Minster, began by his father, and completed by himself, to be consecrated wdth great ceremony. The same year Alfwold, bishop of Devon, departed this life in the nine- teenth year of his episcopacy, and was buried at Crediton. On the death of Oskytel, archbishop of York, his kinsman St. Oswald, bishop of Worcester, was elected his successor in the archbishopric. [a.D. 973.] [Stephen became the one hundred and thirty- fourth pope]*/ from him St. Oswald received the pallium. Edgar the Pacific, king of England, being then in the thirtieth year of his age, received the benediction of the bishops S S. Dunstan and Oswald, and all the other bishops of England, and was crowned and anointed as king with great ]-)omp and ceremony at the city of Acamann (Bath ?) in the first indiction, and on the fifth of the ides [the 11th] of May, being Whitsunday. Shortly afterwards, he sailed round the north coast of Britain with a large fleet and landed at Chester. He was met, as he had given orders, by eight tributary kings,- 1 This should be Benedict VI., a.d. 972—974. 2 The Saxon Chron. and Henry of Huntingdon count only six of these tributary kings. Of the last five here mentioned, two are supposed to have been princes of N. Wales, one of S. "Wales, one of Gaiway, and one of Westmoreland. A.D. 974. 07").] EDGAR. 105 namely, Kcnnctli, king of the Scots, Malcolm, king of the Cumbrians, ISIaocus (Magnus), king of several isles, and five otliers, named Dufnal, biferth, Huwal (Howel ?), Jacob, and Juehil, who swore fealty and bound themselves to military service by land and sea. Attended by them, king Edgar one day went on board a boat, and while they })lied the oars, ho took the helm, and steered skilfully down the course of the river Dee, and followed by his whole retuuie of earls and nobles jiursued the voyage fi'oni the palace to the monastery of 8t. John the Baptist. Having paid his devotions there, he returned to the palace with the same pomp. He is reported to have said to his nobles as he entered the gates, that any successor of liis might truly boast of being king of England when he should receive such honours, with so many kings doing him homage. Bryhthelm, bishop of Somerset, died, and was buried at Wells. He was succeeded by Cyneward, abbot of jNIiddleton. [a.d. 974.] This year there was .a violent earthquake tiirough the whole of England. Eberger, archbishop of Cologne, gave the abbey of St. Martin at Cologne to the Scots for e\er. Minborin, a Scot, was the first abbot. [a.d. 97-3.] King Edgar the Pacific, imperial monarch of the English world, the flower and glory of a race of kings, not less famous among the English than Eomulus among the Romans, Cyrus among the Persians, Alexander among the Macedonians, Arsaces among the Parthians, or Charles the Great among the Franks — after accomplishing all his under- takings in a manner worthy of a king, de})arted this life on Thursday the eighth of the ides [the 8th] of July, and the third indiction, in the thirty-second year of his age, the nine- teenth of his reign in Mercia and Northumbria, and the six- teenth of his reign over all England ; leaving his son Edward heir to his crowii and virtues. His body was carried to (ilastonburv and buried with royal pom]i. During his life he Ibriiied a fleet of 8,600 stout ships, and after Easter, every year, he used to collect a squadron of 1,200 ships on each of tlu.' eastern, western, and northern coasts of the island ; and make sail with the eastern squadron until it fell in with the western, wliicli then ])ut about and sailed to the eastward, while tlie western s(jua FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 975 — 977. whole island was circumnavigated every summer, and these bold expeditions served at once for the defence of the realm against foreigners, and to accustom himself and his people to warlike exercises. In the winter and spring he used to make progresses through all the provinces of England, and enquire diligently whether the laws of the land and his own ordinances Avere obeyed, so that the poor might not suiFer wrong and be oppressed by the powerful. By the former of these practices he encouraged a daring spirit, by the other the due administration of justice among his subjects, and in both consulted the interests of his states and kingdom. Thus his enemies on every side were filled with awe, and the love of those who owed him allegiance was secured. At his death the whole kingdom fell into a state of disturbance, and the season of gladness which peace established in his time was exchanged for one of universal tribulation. For, blinded by presents of value, Elfhere,' the ealdorman of Mercia, and many other nobles, expelled the monks from the monasteries in which they had been settled by king Edgar the Pacific, and introduced clerks with their wdves. But this madness was opposed by some conscientious men, such as Ethelwine, eal- dorman of East-Anglia, a friend of God, his brother Athwold, and the religious ealdorman Brihtnoth, who met together and declared that they could not permit the monks who possessed all the religion of the kingdom to be driven out of it ; they therefore assembled troops and defended the monasteries of the Eastern- Angles with great spirit- Wliile these events were occurring, there was a great dispute among the nobles respecting the election of a king ; for some chose the king's son Edward, and others his brother Ethelred. In consequence of this, the archbishops Dunstan and Oswald, with their suiFragans, and many abbots and ealdormeu, met in a body and chose Edward, as his father had directed ; and after his election the new king was crowned and anointed. Cyneward, bishop of Somerset, died. A comet-star was seen in the time of autumn. [a.D. 976.] England was visited wdth a severe famine. In this year the great earl Oslac w^as expelled from England. [a.D. 977.] A very numerous spiod was held at a vill called KyrtHng in East-Anglia; at another synod which was ^ Elfhere was ealdorman, or govenior of the late kingdom, and now important province, of Mercia. A.D. 978 — 982.] EDWARD — ETHELRED. 107 afterwards held at Calne, a i-oyal vill, the whole witan of Enirland there assembled, exee]>t vSt. Dimstan, fell from an upj>er ehamber : some were killeswich in ruins. Byrhtnoth, the intrepid ealdorman of Essex, fought a battle against them near Maldon ; but after great slaughter on both sides, the Danes' fortune was in the ascendant. In the same year, by the advice of Sigeric, archbishop of Canterbury, and the ealdormen Ethelward and Alfric, a tribute was given to the Danes for the first time ; ten thousand pounds being paid to them in consideration of their desisting from the constant pillage, burnings, and homicides which they practiced all along the coast, and of their concluding a settled peace. St. Oswald the archbishop, by divine aid, and encouraged by the supjiort of Esowy, bishop of Lincoln, on Tuesday the sixth of the ides [the 8th] of November, consecrated the monastery of Rumsey, which he and Ethelwine, ealdorman of East-Anglia, the friend of God, had built. [a.d. 992.] St. Oswald, the archbishop, departed this life and soared to the blissful kingdom of heaven, in the fifth indiction, on Monday the second of the calends of March [29th February], and was interred in the church of St. ISIary at Worcester, which he had built from the foundations. He was succeeded by Aldulph, the venerable abbot of Peter- borough, in whose stead Kenulf was appointed abbot. Shortly after the death of St. Oswald, Ethelwine the ealdorman of famous memory, and the friend of God, departed this life. He was younger than his brothers Ethelwold, Alfwold, and Ethelsine : but he excelled them in meekness, i)iety, goodness, and justice ; and, bemg a man of the highest worth and 110 FLORENCE OR WORCESTER. [a.D. 992 — 994. purity, was, we may be permitted to believe, admitted among the citizens of Paradise. His corpse was conveyed with great pomp to Rumsey, and interred there by St. Elphege, bishop of Winchester. By order of Etheked king of England, after consulting his nobles, the strongest-built ships from every part of England were assembled at London ; and the king man- ning them Avith a chosen body of troops, gave the command to Alfric, already mentioned, and Thored, both ealdormen, with Elfstan, bishop of Wilton, and bishop Esowy, with directions to blockade the Danish force in some port, and compel it to surrender. But ealdorman Alfric sent a private message to the enemy, advising them to be on their guard, and take care that they were not taken by surprize, and surrounded by the king's fleet. The ealdorman himself, a singular example of wickedness, in the night preceding the day which the English had fixed for bravely engaging the Danes, clandestmely joined the Danes with his whole force, and lost no time in making a disgraceful retreat with them. As soon as the king's fleet discovered this, it sailed in pursuit of the fugitives ; one ship only was soon taken, and after all the crew^ were dis- patched, given up to pillage. The rest of the fleet which was making its escape was accidentally met by the ships of the Londoners and East-Angiians, and a battle was fought in which many thousands of the Danes fell. Ealdorman Alfric's own ship with its armed crew was captured by the "sictors, Alfric himself escaping with great difliculty. [a.D. 993.] This year the aforesaid Danish army took Bamborongh by storm, and carried oif all that was found in store there. They then directed their course to the river Humber, and, burning many vills, and butchering many people, took much booty in Linclsey and Northumbria. The pro- vincials hastily assembled to oppose them ; but at the moment of attack, their leaders Frana, Frithogist, and Godwin, being Danes by the father's side, betrayed their followers and gave the signal for flight. The same year Alfgar, the sou of Alfric, the ealdorman, before-mentioned, was deprived of sight by command of king Ethelred. [a.D. 994.] Anlaf (Olaf) king of Norway^ and Sweyn king of Denmark arrived in London with ninety-four gallies on the ^ Olaf Trygvisson reigned from about a.d. 995 to 1000 See hislago in Laing's Heimskringle, vol. i., p. 367. A.D. iX^-l:, &{*0.] RAVAGES OF THE DAyE>. Ill day of the XatiWty of St. Mary [Sth September]. anute and regular pay if they would entirely desist from their barbarities. Consenting to the king's proposal, they returned to their ships, and. assembling their whole force at Southampton, wintere<:l there. Their pay was defrayed by Wessex ; but the tribute, amounting: to sixteen thousand pounds, was levietl throughout aU Encrland. Meanwhile. Elphecre, bishop of Winchester, and the noble ealdorman Ethelward. went to king Olaf by order of king Ethelred. and ha^-ing gi^•en hostage??, conducted him with honour to the royal \-ill of Andover where the king was residine. The king treated him with great distinction, and causing him to l>e confirmed by the bi^ho}>, adopted him a« Ids son. and made him a royal present. He. on his part, promised king Ethelred that he would never asrain in\-ade England ; and afterwards returning to his fleet, sailed for his own kingdom at tlie !•( ginning of summer, and faithfully kept his promise. [a.d. 99'5.] A comet was seen. Alfric. a monk of Glaston- bury- and bishop of Wilton. succee<.le of Canterbury', and Brightwold succeeded ALtric at Wilton. Lindisfanie-Ii is the name of an island conunonly called Haliir-Ealond (Holy Island^. It is surroundeil by the sea, but at the ebl) of tlie tide it may be approaches! dr\--shod everv «iay. In this island was the episcopal see of Cuthl^ert and hi-* pre] when Hiniruar and Hubba ravaced England, Eanlulf, who was then bi>hop of Lin
  • farne, and the clerg\- attached to his church, took the uncorrupted body of St. 112 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 996 — 999. Cutlibcrt, and quitting the island on account of the cruelties of the barbarians, wandered about with the body of St. Cuthbert for some years, not having any settled abode, until at last the episcopal see was fixed at Cunegaceastre (Chester-le-Street), in the time of Alfred, king of England. After the lapse of many years, in the reign of Ethelred, king of England, the lioly body was brought to Durham, in consequence of a divine revelation, and the seat of the bishopric was fixed there. For this reason the holy Bede places the original see at Lindis- farne ; for in his time Durham was unknown. The bishop's see was transferred to Durham in the year of our Lord 995. [a.D. 996.] Alfric, archbisho}) of Canterbury, was con- secrated. [a.D. 997.] The Danish army which had remained in England sailing round the coast of Wessex, entered the mouth of the river Severn, and at one time ravaged North (South ?) Wales, at another Cornwall, and then Watchet in Devon, burning many vills and making great slaughter of the inhabi- tants. Sailing round Penwith-Steort (the Land's-End) on their return, they entered with their ships the mouth of the river Tamar, which divides Devon and Cornwall, and carried fire and sword as far as Lydford, meeting with no resistance. They burnt besides the monastery of Ordulf, the ealdorman of Devon, called Tavistock, and, returning to their ships loaded with immense booty, wintered there. [a.D. 998.] The army of Pagans, already mentioned, landed at the mouth of the river Frome, and laid waste the greatest part of Dorsetshire. It then made frequent descents on the Isle of Wight, and back again to Dorsetshire, intent on plunder, as usual ; and when it lay in the Isle of Wight it gathered its means of subsistence from Sussex and Hampshire. An army was several times assembled to oppose these ravages, but as often as they were on the eve of battle, the English were checked by some treachery or misadventure, and they turned their backs and left the enemies masters of the field. [a.D. 999.] The often-mentioned army of Pagans entered the mouth of the river Thames and went up the Medway to Rochester, and in a few days entrenched themselves round it. The Kentish men assembled in a body to repulse them, and fought a sharp battle with them, but after great slaughter on both sides, the Danes remained masters of the field of death. A.D. 1000— 1002.] ETIIELRED's WARS. 113 [a.d. 1000.] This year the Danish fleet, ab-eady mentioned, sailed over to Normandy. King Ethelred ravaged nearly the -whole territory of the Cumhrians. He gave orders to his fleet to sail round North Wales and meet him at a place appointed ; but it was prevented by strong winds : it, however, laid waste the island of Mona. [a.d. lOUl.] The body of St. Jve, the arclibisliop, was discovered. The aforesaid army of Pagans sailing back from Normandy to England entered the mouth of the river Exe, and shortly afterwards marched to besiege Exeter. But when they attempted to make a breach in the walls they were repulsed by the citizens, who vigorously defended the place. Thereupon, greatly exasperated, they overran De^'onshire, burning the villages, laying waste the fields, and butchering the inhabitants, in their usual manner. Thereupon, the people of De^■on and Somerset assembled at a ])lace called Penho, but tiie English, not being able to resist the numbers of the Danes Mith their small force of soldiers, were routed with great slaughter, and the Danes got the victory. Tlien, having sup})lied themselves with horses, they did more mischief than before through nearly all Devon, and returned to their ships with immense booty. Thence they made for the Isle of Wight, and meeting with no opposition, plundered as usual there, sometimes in Hampshire, sometimes in Dorsetshire, attacking the inhabitants and burning the ^■ills with such fury, that neither the fleet dared to engage them by sea nor the army by land, to the king's deep sorrow, and the unspeakable distress of his peo])le. [a.d. 1002.] Ethelred, king of England, having held counsel with the great men of his kingdom, thought it expe- dient to make a treaty witli the Danes, hiring tliem with money, and paying them tribute to cease their ra\ages and keoi> the peace. Leofsy, the ealdorman, who was sent to them witli this i)roposal, urged them to accept the terms. They lent a favourable ear to his message, and granted his re(|uest, fixing the amount of tri1>ute for which they would keep the jieace. Shortly afterwards twenty-four thousand pounds were paid to them. Meanwhile, the said ealdorman Leofsy slew yEfic, a noble, and the king's high-reeve, at wliich the king was so incensed that he banished him from the country. The same year king Ethelred married Emma, who is called by the Saxons 1 114 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1002, 1003. Elfgiva, daughter of Eichard I., duke of Normandy. Aldiilf, archbishop of York, having assembled his suffragan bishops, abbots, priests, monks, and men of religion, on Wednesday, the seventeenth day of the calends of May [15th April], m the twenty-fifth year of the reign of Ethelred, king of England, the fifteenth indiction, disentombed the relics of St. Osvv'ald the archbishop, and deposited them with great ceremony in a shrine which he had caused to be prepared. He himself died shortly afterwards, that is, on the second of the nones [the 6th] of May, and was bui'ied in the church of St. Mary, at Worcester : he was succeeded by abbot Wulfstan. The same year king Ethelred gave orders for the massacre of all the Danes of every age and both sexes, in consequence of theii' haA-ing conspired to deprive him and his nobles of their life and kingdom and reduce the whole of England under their dominion. [a.D. 1003.] In this year, through the contrivance, negli- gence, or treachery of Hugh, a Norman covnit,^ queen Emma's steward of Devon, Sweyn, kmg of Denmark, took Exeter by storm, and levelling the wall from the eastern to the western gate, retired to his ships loaded with booty. After this, while he was ravaging Wiltshire, a large body of the men of Hants and Wilts assembled and marched boldly against the enemy to give them battle ; but w^hen the two armies came in sight of each other, Elfric, the ealdorman already mentioned, who was then in com^mand of the English, immediately resorted to his old devices, and feigning sickness, began to vomit, declaring that he w^as so ill that he could not fight the enemy. His troops perceiving his inactivity and cowardice, marched away in great sorrow, without joining battle; as it is said in the old proverb: "w^hen the general fails, the army quails."- Sweyn observing that the English faltered, led his forces to the city of Wilton, which he plundered and burnt. In this manner he burnt Searebury (Sarum), and then returned to his ships. Kilian, a Scot, and abbot of the Scottish monastery of St. Martin, died on the nineteenth of the calends of January [14th December]. Helias, a Scot, succeeded him. Sweyn, king of Denmark, landed from his fleet at Norwich, ^ The Saxon Chron. calls Hugh " a French churl." ^ In the Sax. Chron. two rhyming verses. See the note to Henry of Huntingdon's Hist, Antiq. Lib., p. 185. A.D. 1005, lOOC] WARS WITH THE DANES. 115 which he pillaged and burnt. Then Ulfkytel, the resohite ealdorman of East-Anglia, being taken by surprise, and having no time to assemble troops against the enemy, hehl council with the East-Anglian nobles and made peace with the king. But he broke the treatv' three weeks afterwards, and landing liis forces secretly, assaulted Thetford, which he pillaged, and after remaining there one night set it on fire at daybreak. On hearing this Ulfkytel ordered some of the country people to destroy the enemy's ships ; but they either did not venture, or neglected, to obey his orders. Meanwhile he got his troops together as quietly and (|uickly as he could, and led them against the enemy. Meeting them with an inferior force as they were retreating to their ships, a hard-fought battle ensued, in which some of the East-Anglian nobles fell; and after great slaughtt.-r on both sides, the Danes escaped with extreme diiiiculty. Indeed, if the East-Anglians had been in full force they would never have got back to their ships ; for they con- fessed themselves that they had never sustained 4jo fierce and determined an attack a.s that of the ealdorman Ulfkytel. [a.d. lOOo.] This year England was visited with a severe and general famhie, in consequence of which the Danish king Sweyn withdrew to Denmark — to return shortly afterwards. On the death of Alwine, bishop of Wells, he was succeeded by Living, also called Athelstan. [a.d. 1006.] Alfric, archbishop of Canterbury, died, and was succeeded by Alphege, bishop of Winchester, to which see Kenulf, abbot of Peterborough, v^as preferred. King Ethelred stripped AV'ulfgeat, son of Leofsy, his prin- cipal favourite, of his estates and honours, on account of his unrighteous judgments and arrogant deeds. The crafty and treacherous Edrie Streon insidiously plotting against the noble ealdonnan yElihelm, prepared a great entertainment at Shrews- bury, to which he invited him. iElihelm accepting the invita- tion was welcomed by Edric Streon as his intimate friend ; but on the third or fourth day of the feast, he took him to hunt in a wood where h<» had laid an ambuscade ; an«l when all were engaged in the chace, a rufhan of Shrewsbury called Godwin Port-Hund, which signifies the town's hound, who had bei n long bcfor*^ brilxnl by the ])rofuse gifts and promises of Edric to commit the crijue, suchlciily s])rung from his andjusk and basely assassinated the ealdorman ^^^Ifhelm. A short time i2 116 FLORENCE OP WORCESTER. [a.D. 1006, 1007. afterwards, his sons Wulfheag and Ufgeat were, by king Ethelred's orders, deprived of sight at Corsham, where he wa^ then residing. Kenulf, bishop of Winchester, died, and was succeeded by Ethelwold. In the month of July following, an immense army of Danes came over to England, and landing at the port of Sandwich, destroyed with fire and sword all that stood in their way, and pillaged to a vast extent both in Kent and Sussex. In con- sequence, king Ethelred collected an army in Mercia and Wessex, and resolved to give them battle with great vigour ; but they were little disposed to meet him openly in the field, but made frequent expeditions for pillage in various quarters, and then retreated to their ships according to their usual tactics. In this way they harassed the English army during the whole autumn ; but when it was disbanded on the approach of winter, the Danes crossed over to the Isle of Wight with their enormous booty and sojourned there until the feast of our Lord's Nativity ; at which, as the king was then in Shropshire, they went through Hampshire into Berkshire, and burnt Reading, Wallingford, Cholsey, and many villages. Moving from thence and crossing Ashdown, they reached Cwichelmes-lawe (Cuckamsley-Hill). Returning by another road they found the people of the country drawn up in battle array near Kennet, and immediately attacked them and put them to flight : they then retired to tJieir ships with the plunder they had taken. [a.D. 1007.] In this year Ethelred, king of England, with the consent of his witan, sent envoys to the Danes with orders to notify to them that he would supply them with pro^'isions and pay them tribute, on condition of their desisting from pillage and making and keeping a durable peace. They agreed to his terms, and thenceforth tlie whole of England provided them with subsistence and paid them a tribute of thu'ty-six thousand pounds. The same year the king made the before- mentioned Edric, son of Ethelric, ealdorman of Mercia ; he was a man, indeed, of low origin, but his smooth tongue gained him wealth and high rank, and, gifted with a subtle genius and persuasive eloquence, he surpassed all his contemporaries in malice and perfidy, as well as in pride and cruelty. His brothers were Brihtric, Elfric, Goda, Ethelwine, Ethelward, and Ethelmere, the father of Wulfnoth, who was the father of G odwin, ealdorman of Wessex. A.D. 1008, 1009.] ETIIELRED FITS OUT A FLEET. 117 [a.d. 1008.] Etiielrod, king of England, ordered ships to be diligently built in all the ports, nialving every three hundred and ten hides throughout England furnish one ship, and every nine a breast-]>late and a helmet. When these ships were ready, he put on board chosen troops, with supplies of pro- visions, and assembled the fleet at Sandwich to guard the coasts of the kingdom from foreign invasions. At that time, or a little before, Brilitric, brother of the traitorous ealdorman Edric Streon, a supple, ambitious, and proud man, falsely accused to the king Wulfnoth his ealdorman in Sussex, who immediately fled to avoid being arrested ; and collecting twenty ships, made frequent descents and plundered the sea- coast. But when it was notified to the fleet that whoever would might easily take him, Brilitric went in pursuit of hun with eighty ships. For a while he had a favourable voyage, l)ut a violent storm suddenly arose which tossed and shattered his ships and wrecked them on the shore, and Wulnoth burnt them soon afterwards. On hearing tliis, the king with his ealdormen and nobles returned home ; but the fleet by his orders proceeded to London ; and the vast toil of the whole nation was thus thrown away. [a.d. 1009.] Thurkill, a Danish jarl, came over to England with his fleet ; and afterwards, in the month of August, another immense fleet of Danes, under the command of Heming and Eglaf, touching at the Isle of Thanet, speedily joined the other fleet. Both then sailed to the port of Sand- wicli, where the troops landed, and proceeding to attack Canterbui-y, tried to storm the place ; but the citizens with the people of East-Kent quickly sued for peace, and obtained it on j)ayment of three thousand pounds. The Danes went back to their ships and directed their course to the Isle of Wight ; then, according to their custom, they made i)iratical descents on the coast of Sussex and Ham])shire and burned several vills. Thereupon king Ethelrcd collected troo|).s from all parts of England, and stationed them in districts lying near the sea to check these irru])tions ; but, notwithstanding, they did not desist from plundering wherever the locality j)er- mitted. On one occasion, when they had been ])illaging further inland than usual, and were on their return laden with booty, the king took i)()ssession, witli many thousand armed men, of the road they had to pa.ss in their way to their ships ; and as 118 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1009, 1010. his whole army was assembled, resolved either to conquer or die. But the traitorous ealdorman Edric Streon, his son-in-law (for he had married his daughter Elgitha), used every effort by insidious and perplexing counsels to prevent a battle and persuade the king, for that time, to let the enemy pass. His policy prevailed, and like a traitor to his country, he rescued the Danes from the hands of the English, and suffered them to escape. Drawing off their forces they with great joy regained their ships. After this, when the feast of St. Martin [11th November] was past, they sailed for Kent, and selecting their winter quarters near the river Thames, forcibly obtained their suppUes from Essex and other provinces on both banks of the river. They also frequently attacked the city of London and endeavoured to storm it, but the citizens repulsed them with severe loss. On the death of Osbriht, bishop of Selsey, he was succeeded by JElmar. [a.D. 1010.] The before-mentioned army of Danes sallied from their ships in the month of January, and traversing the wood called Chiltern, marched to Oxford, which they plundered and burned, pillaging the country on both sides the river Thames as they returned to their ships. Receiving intelligence that forces were assembled at London ready to attack them, part of the army which was descending the right bank of the river crossed it at a place called Staines, when both divisions being united, they marched through Surrey, loaded with booty, and regained their ships, which they refitted during Lent, while they were stationed in Kent. After Easter [the 9th April] they sailed to East-Anglia, and landing near Ipswich marched to a place called Ringmere, where they knew that Ulfkytel the ealdorman had posted his troops. They fought a desperate battle with him on the third of the nones [the 5th] of May,^ but when the fight was the thickest the East-Anglians gave way, Thurkytel, surnamed Myren-Heafod,^ a Danish jarl, being the first to flee. The Cambridge men stood their ground a long time, fighting manfully ; but they were at last defeated and forced to retreat. In this battle fell Athelstan, the king's son-in-law, Oswy, a noble thane, and his son, Wulfric, son of Leofwine, Edwy, brother of Elfric, before-mentioned, with many other noble thanes, and immense numbers of the ^ On Ascension day [18th May], Sax. Chron. 2 The "Ant-head." A.D. 1010, 1011.] TRIBUTE PAIP TO THE DANES. 119 common peojilo. The Danes, remaining masters of the field of deatli, obtained ]K)Sse.ssion of East-Anglia, and, mounted on liorsebaek, scoured the whole province during three months, ])lundt*ring, burning vills, and butchering men and beasts, nitliour cessation ; in the fens also they did the same, and afterwards pillaged and burnt Thetford and C':\. abridge. After all this they returned to the river Thames, the infantry embarking in s]ii})s, the cavalry proceeding on horseback. In a few days they went on another plundermg expedition, taking the direct road to Oxfordshire, which they first ravaged, and tiien Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire, and Hertfordshire, burn- ing vills and butchering men and animals, and afterwards retreating to their ships with much plunder. After this, about the feast of St. Andrew the apostle [30th November], they burned Northampton and as much of the surrounding- country as they pleased, and then crossing the river Thames, went into Wessex, and having set fire to Caningamersce (Ke;yTisham?) and the greatest part of Wiltshire, they, as usual, returned to their ships about Christmas. [a.d. loll.] East-Anglia, Essex, Middlesex, Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, half of Huntingdonsiiire, and a great part of Northamptonshire, and, on the south side of the river Thames, Kent, Surrey, Sussex, Hampshire, Wiltshire, and Berkshire, having been ruined with fire and sword by the before-mentioned army of Danes, Ethelred, king of England, and his witan ^ sent envoys to them sueing for peace, and offering them pay and tribute if they would desist from their ravages. Having received the message, they accepted the proposals, but as the event showed, not witliout guile and subterfuge ; for although they were plentifully supplied with provisions, and the tribute they demanded was paid, they continued to scour the country in bands, laying wiiste the vills, spoiling some of the wretched inhabitants of their goods, and killing others. At length, between the feast of the Nativity of St. ^lary [8th September] and that of St. Michael, they dug a trench, round Canterbury, and laid siege to it. On the twentieth day of the siege, through the treachery of the archdeacon .^Imar, wliosc life St. EI])hege had formerly saved, one quarter of the city was ^ " The witan, both clergy and laity." Sax. Chron, 120 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1011, 1012. set on lire, the army entered, and the place was taken ; some of the townsmen were put to the sword, others perished ui the flames, many were thrown headlong from the walls, some were hung by then* private parts till they expired ; matrons were dragged by their hair through the streets of the city, and then cast into the fire and burnt to death ; infants, torn from their mothers' breasts, were caught on the point of spears or crushed in pieces under the wheels of waggons. !RIeanwhile, Alphege, the archbishop, was seized, and being- loaded with fetters was imprisoned and tortured in various ways. ^Imar, the abbot of St. Augustine's monaster}*, was permitted to depart ; Godwin, bishop of Rochester, was made j)risoner, as well as Leofruna, abbess of St. Mildred,^ Alfrid, the king's reeve, with the monks and canons, and vast numbers of the people of both sexes. Then Christ's Church was plun- dered and burnt, and the whole male population, including the monks, women and children being excepted, were decimated ; nine were put to death, and eveiy tenth pei*son suffered to live. The numbers who perished in this decimation were four monks and eight hundi*ed of the laity. "SMien the people had been thus slaughtered, and the city pillaged and burnt to the ground, Alphege, the archbishop, was brought out in fetters and dragged along, severely wounded, to the ships ; then he was again thi'ust into prison, where he underwent great suffermgs durmg seven months. Meanwhile, the wrath of God raged fiu'iously against that blood-thirsty people, and two thousand of them perished from excruciating pains in the bowels ; the rest being attacked in a similar manner were admonished by the faithful to make satisfaction to the arch- bishop ; but they deferred it, and the mortality still continued, carrying them off by tens and twenties, and sometimes more. [a.D. .1012.] Ediic Streon, the traitorous ealdorman, and the great lords of the realm, of both estates," assembled in London before Easter [13th April], and remained there until the tribute of forty-eight thousand pounds promised to the Danes v/as paid. Meanwhile, on the Holy Saturday, when om* Lord rested in the grave [19th April], the Danes offered to Alphege, the archbishop, his life and liberty on payment of three thousand pounds, but he refusing such terms, they put off ^ lu oLe isle of Thanet. - Sax. Chron. ; regni primates. Florence. A.D. 1012, 1013.] MURDER OF ST. ALPIIEGE. 121 liis execution until the next Saturday. When it aiTived, tlieir fury was greatly inflamed against him, and having intoxicated themselves hy deep draughts of ■wine, and being incensed at Iiis having forbidden any ransom to be paid for his li})eration, they brought him forth from his dungeon and dragged him to their husting.^ Presently they started up, felled him to the ground with the backs of their battle-axes, and showered on him stones, bones, and ox-skulls. At length one of them, whoso name was Thnnn, a man he had confirmed only the day before, with compassionate impiety, split his liead with an axe, and he instantly fell asleep in the Lord, on the thirteenth of the calends of May [19th April], and his triumphant spirit ascended to hea\'en. His coq^so was candied to London on the day following, and being received by the citizens with deep reverence, was inteiTcd in St. Paul's church by Ednoth, bishop of Lincoln,^ and Alfliun, bishop of London. After these events, the tribute being paid and the peace ratified by oaths, the Danish fleet, which had before kept together, dispersed far and wide ; but forty-five of tlie ships remained with the king, the crews swearing fealty to him, and engaging to defend England against foreigners, on condition that he supplied them with food and raiment. [a.d. 1013.] Living was preferred to the arclibishopric of Canterbury. In the month of July, Sweyn, king of Denmark, sailed with a powerful fleet to the port of Sandwich, and having remained there a few days departed, and, sailing round East-Anglia, entered the mouth of the river Humber ; thence he went up the river Trent to Gainsborough, where lie encamped. Earl Uhtred, with his Northumbrians and men of Lindsey, in the first instance, and afterwards the inhabitants of the Five Burghs, and, before long, the whole population north of the Watling Street, that is, the road which the sons of king Weatla made across England from the eastern to the western sea, offered him submission ; and peace being ratified ^ Saxon Chron. The liuh-thiiuj -was the popular assembly, as well as the court of judicature, of the Northmen — Florence uses the word cnncU'ium. - Of Dorchester. The see was not removed to Lincoln until about the year lO.']-*) ; but Florence generally uses the latter title. See the account of the translatiou in Henry of Huntingdon's pp. ^19 and :{()4, Antlq. Lib. 122 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1013. with him, delivered hostages and swore fealty to him ; upon which he commanded them to supply his army with horses and provisions. All this being accomplished, he committed the ships and hostages to the care of his son Canute, and select- ing an auxiliary force from his new subjects, undertook an expedition against the East-Mercians ; and having passed the Watling Street, published an order to his troops to the effect that they should lay waste the fields, burn the villages, plunder the churches, slay without mercy all the men who fell into their hands, reserving the women to satisfy their lusts, and, in short, do all the mischief they could. His men doing as they were ordered, and revelling in all kinds of brutality, he came to Oxford, and getting possession of it sooner than he expected, took hostages and pushed forward to Winchester. On liis arrival there, the citizens, panic-struck at his enormous cruelty, at once made peace with him, and gave him such hostages as he chose to demand. These being delivered, he moved his army towards London, but many of his troops were drowned in the river Thames, because they never thought of looking for a bridge or a ford. Having reached London, he tried various ways of taking it, either by stratagem or by assault ; but Ethelred, king of England, with the citizens, supported by Thurkill, the Danish jarl, so often mentioned, who was then in the city with him, stoutly defended the walls and drove him off. After this repulse, he first marched to Wailingford, and then to Bath, pillaging and destroying as usual all that fell in his way. There he sat down for a time to refresh his army ; and Ethelmar, ealdorman of Devonshire, with the western thanes, came to him and made their peace, delivering hostages. Having accomplished all this according to his wishes, and returned to his fleet, he was hailed and acknowledged king by all the people of England ; if, indeed, he can be called a king, who acted in almost all things as a tyrant. Even the citizens of London sent him hostages and made peace with him, for they were apprehensive that his fury towards them was raised to such a pitch, that he would not only confiscate all their property, but either have their eyes torn out, or cause their hands or feet to be amputated. Finding things in this state, king Ethelred sent his queen, Emma of Normandy, to her brother Bichard II., earl (duke) of Normandy, together with his sons, Edward and Alfred; attended by their tutor Alfliun, bishop of A.D. 1013, 1014.] DEATH OF 8WEYN. 123 London, and Elfsy, abbot of Peterboroiiprh. He himsolf re- mained for a time with the Danish fleet, wliich then lay in the river Thames, at a place called Greenwich, and afterwards sailed to the Isle of Wight, where he celebrated the feast of the Nativity. After Christmas, he sailed over to Normandy, and was received with due honour by earl Richard. Mean- while, the tyrant Sweyn gave orders that his fleet should be profusely supplied, and that an almost insupportable tribute should be levied. Earl Thurkill issued the same orders with respect to his fleet which lay at Greenwich. Besides all this, both of them made excursions to plunder as often as they chose, and committed great enormities. [a.d. 1014.] The tyrant Sweyn, in addition to his endless and cruel atrocities both in England and other countries, filled up the measure of his damnation by daring to exact an enormous tribute from the town where rests the uncorrupt body of the precious martyr Edmund ; a thing which no one had dared to do since the time the town was given to the church of that saint. He frequently threatened, that if the tribute were not speedily paid, he would burn the town and its inhabitants, level to the ground the church of the martyr, and inflict various tortures on the clergy. Moreover, he often disparaged the martyr's merits, presuming to say that there was no sanctity attached to him ; but thus setting no bounds to his frow^ardness, divine vengeance did not suffer the blasphemer to continue in existence. Towards evening of the day on which he had held a general Thing-Court at Gains- borough, repeating his threats while surrounded by throngs of Danes, he alone of the crowd saw St. Edmund coming towards liini with a threatening aspect. Struck with terror at this spectacle, he began to shout with great vehemence : " Help, comrades, help ! lo, St. Ednmnd is at hand to slay me." While he spoke, the saint tiirust his spear fiercely through him, and he fell from the war-horse on which he was seated, and suftering excruciating torments until twilight, died in agony on the third of tlie nones [the 3rd] of February. As soon as he was dead, the bands of men belonging to the Danish fleet elected his son Canute king. But the elders of all England, unanimously, sent messengers in haste to king Etheli-ed, saying that they neither did nor should love any one better than their natural lord, if only he were willing to 124 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1014, 1015. govern them more justly, and treat them with greater gentle- ness than he had hitherto done. On recei\Tng this message, he sent his son Edward to them, accompanied by his own envoys, with gracious salutations to all his people, both high and low, and assiu-ing them that for the future he would be a gentle and lo\ing lord to them, consulting their wishes and con- forming to theii* advice in ever;)i;liing, and would graciously pardon whatever afironts they had put upon him or liis, either by word or deed, if they all unanimously agreed, without fraud, to receive him back as their king. To this they all retm*ned a favourable reply. Then an act of plenary concord was agreed to on both sides, both verbally and by a [solemn] treaty. In addition, the chiefs of the nation pledged them- selves imanimously not to suffer again a Danish king to reign in England. This being settled, the English sent over to Normandv, and during^ Lent the kino- was brousrht back with the utmost expedition, and received with universal honour. Meanwhile, it was agreed between Canute and the men of Lindsey, that on their fiu-nishing him with horses for his troops, they should join in a plundering expedition ; but before they were equipped, king Ethelred came upon them with a powerfid army, and ha\Tng driven out Canute and his naval force, laid waste, and gave to the flames, the whole of Lindsey, putting as many of the inhabitants as he could to the sword. Canute, however, consulted liis safety by a hasty flight, and directing his course to the south, quickly gained the port of Sandwich : there he exhibited the hostages his father had received from all parts of England, and ha^Tug cut off their hands and ears, and slit their nostrils, suffered them to depart : he then sailed for Denmark, intending to return the year following. To add to all these calamities, king Ethelred ordered a tribute of thirty thousand poimds to be paid to the fleet lying at Green- wich. The sea broke its bounds on the third of the calends of October [3rd September], and overwhelmed many vills and great numbers of people in England. [a.D. 1015.] Wliile a great coimcil was being held at Oxford this year, the traitorous ealdorman, Edi'ic Streon, perfidiously invited to his lodgings two of the most considerable and influential persons in the Seven Burghs, Sigeferth and ^lorcar. and there caused them to be secretly murdered. King Ethelred took possession of theii* effects, and ordered A.D. 1015, lOlG.] Canute's successes. 125 Elgitlia, Sigeferth's widow, to be taken to the town of Malmesbuiy. While slie was confined there, Edmund the otheling canio and married lier against his fatlier's will, and between the feast of the Assumption [15th August] and the feast of the Nativity of St. Mary [8th September], he went to the Five-burghs, and seizing the lands of Sigeferth and Morear, compelled the ^■illeins to acknowledge him as their lord. About the same time, king Canute arrived in the port of Sandwich with a large fleet, and shortly afterwards, sailing round the coa^t of Kent, entered the mouth of tlie river Frome, and swei)t oft' much booty in Dorsetshire, Somersetsliii-e, and Wiltshire. King Ethelred then lying sick at Corsham, his sou Edward the etheling, on the one hand, and Edwin Streon, the ealdorman, who was steeped in stratagems and deceit, on the otlier, leN'ied a great army. But when their forces were united, the ealdorman laid all manner of snares for the etheling, and plotted his death ; which being found out, they presently parted and made way for the enemy. Soon afterwards, the same ealdorman inveigled the crews of forty ships of the royal fleet, which were manned by Danes, to follow liis fortunes, and joining Canute with them, placed himself at his service. The West-Saxons also submitted to liim, giving him hostages, and afterwaids furnished horses for his army. On the death of Ethelwold, bishop of Winchester, he was succeeded by Elsy, called also Elfwin. [a.d. 1016.] Canute, Idng of the Danes, and the ealdorman Edric Streon, the traitor, having before our Lord's Epiphanv [6th May] crossed the river Thames at Cricklade, with a ]DOwerful body of horse, commenced hostilities in Mercia, laying waste and burning many vills in Warwickshire, and massacring all the people they met with. When this came to the ears of the etheling Edmund, surnamed Ironside, he lost no time in collecting troops; but when the army was mustered, tlie ]M(Tcians r(ifused to engage with the West-Saxons and Danes, unless they were joined by king Ethelred and the Londoners ; in consequence, the army was disbanded, and every one returned home. The feast (of Epij)hany) being over, Ednmnd the ethohng gathered a still larger army, and, when it was assembled, sent messengers to London requesting his fatlier to join him as soon as possible with all the troops he could nuister ; uj)on whicli, the king levied a number of 126 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1016. soldiers and hastened to meet him. But vrhen the forces were united, it was intunated to the long, that unless he took precautions, some of the auxiharies would betray him to the enemy. In consequence, disbanding his troops, he returned to London, and the etheling went into Northumbria ; from which many conjecture that it was liis intention to assemble a still larger army against Canute ; but as Canute and Edric on the one side, so he and Uhtred, earl of Northumbria, on the other, ravaged several provinces. They first laid waste Staffordshire, then Shropshire and Leicestershire, because the people of those districts refused to take arms against the Danish armv. Meanwhile, Canute and Edric Streon devastated, first, Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire, Huntingdonshire, Nor- thamptonshire, Lincolnshire, and Nottinghamshire, and after- wards Northumbria. On learning this, the etheling Edmund desisted from ravaging the country, and hastened to his father at London. Earl Uhtred hurried home, and, compelled by necessity, submitted, with all the Northumbrians, to Canute, and gave him hostages ; nevertheless, by Canute's command or permission, he was put to death by Thurbrand, a noble Dane, and Thurketil, the son of Neavan, fell with him. This crime being perpetrated, Canute appointed Egric earl (of Nor- thumbria,) in Uhtred's place, and then returning south with great expedition by another road, he regained his ships with his entire army before the feast of Easter. About this time, on Monday the ninth of the calends of May [23rd April], in the fourteenth indiction, Ethelred, king of England, died at London, after a life of severe toils and tribulations, which St. Dunstan, on liis coronation day, after placing the crown upon his head, predicted, in the spirit of prophecy, would come upon him : " Because," he said, " thou hast been raised to the throne by the death of thy brother, whom thy mother has slain, therefore hear now the word of the Lord ; ihus saith the Lord : ' The sword shall not depart from thy house, but shall rage against thee all the days of thy life, cutting off thy seed, until thy kingdom become the kingdom of an alien, whose customs and tongue the nation which thou rulest knoweth not. And thy sin, and the sin of thy mother, and the sin of the men who were parties to her wickedness, shall be expiated only by long continued punish- ment.' " His body was honourably interred in the church of A.D. lOlC] CANUTE ELECTED KING. 127 St. l*aul the apostle. After his death, the bisliops, abbots, ealdormen, aiid all who ranked as nobles in England, ai>sembled together, and unanimou:. lOlG.] DEATH OF EDMUND IRONSIDE. 131 tliat day. Eadnoth, bishop of Lincoln,' formerly abbot of liaiiise}', and abbot Wulsy,'- were also slain ; having come to otter up prayers to God for the troops engaged in the battle. After the laj)se of a few day-^, when king Edmund Ir onside still wished to renew the battle with Canute, the traitorous ealdorraan Edrie, and some others, would not consent, but counselled him to make peace with Canute and divide the kingdom. At length he yielded to their suggestions, though with great reluctance, and after an exchange of messages, and hostages given on both sides, the two kings met at a place called Deerhurst. Edmund and his friends took their station on the western bank of the Severn ; and Canute, with his, on the eastern bank. Then the two kings went in fishing boats to an island called Olanege (Olney?)^ in the middle of the river, and agreeing there on a treaty of peace, amity, and fraternity, ratified by oaths, they divided the kingdom. Wessex, East-Anglia, Essex, with the city of London, [ and* all the country south of the Thames, were allotted to Edmund, while Canute obtained the northern parts of Eng- land ; but the supremacy of] the crown was still vested in Edmund. Then, having exchanged their arms and dress, and fixed the tribute to be paid to the fieet, the two kings parted. The Danes returned to their ships with the plunder they had taken, and the citizens of London having secured peace by payment of a sum of money, allowed them to pass the winter among them. After these events, king Ecbiiund Ironside died at London,^ about the feast of St. Andrew the apostle [30th Nov.] in the fifteenth indietion, but he was buried with his grandfather, king Edgar the Pacific, at Glastonbury. On his decease, ' Of Dorchester. - Of Ramsey. ' Henry of Huntingdon relates that the issue was decided by a sinpclo combat between the two kings in this island. See the note to p. ItJO of his History in the Ant'ni. Lib. Roger of Wendover gives the same account. ^ "There is here a cliasm in all the MSS. of about a line. Imme- diately following the word ' Lundonia,' 'Canute' is written in a later hand. The words within brackets are supplied from R. de "Wend- over.'*— Thorpe. ^ The Saxon Chronicle, as well as our author, is silent as to the tragical death attributed to Edraiuid Ironside by Henry of Huntingdon and Roger de Wendover, the latter of whom places the scene at Oxford. J 2 132 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1016. king Canute commanded all the bisliops, ealdormen, and chief men of England, to assemble at London. ^Vlien they were come before them, pretending ignorance, he shrewdly in- quired of those who had been witnesses between himself and Ednuuid when they concluded the treaty for amity and partition of the Idngdom, what had passed between Edmund and him with regard to Edmund's brothers and sons ? Whether his brothers and sons were to succeed him in the kingdom of Wessex if Edmund died in his (Canute's) life- time? They immediately began to say, that they could certainly affirm that king Edmund intended to give no part of his kmgdom to his brothers, either diu-ing his lifetime or after liis death ; and they added, that they knew that it was king- Edmund's wish that Canute should be the guardian and protector of his sons until they were of age to govern. But, as God knows, they bore false witness and foully lied, tliinkiiig that he would be more favoiu-able to them, and reward them handsomely, for their falsehood. Instead of that, some of tliese false witnesses were soon afterwards put to death by the king's orders. After these inquiries, king Canute used every effort to induce the great men of the realm, already mentioned, to swear allegiance to him ; and they gave him their oaths that they would elect him king and humbly obey him, and find pay for his army ; and he, on his part, gi'V'ing them his naked hand as his pledge, accompanied by the oaths of the Danish chiefs, they utterly repudiated the claims of Edmund's brothers and sons, and denied their rights to the tlu'one. Edwy, one of these ethelings, the illustrious and much reverenced brother of king Edmund, was at once, by a most infamous policy of the wittan, sentenced to be banished. Canute, having heard the flatteries of these men, and the affront they had offered to Edwy, retired to his chamber in grfcat joy, and calling Edric, the perfidious ealdorman, to his presence, demanded how he could manage to deceive Edwy, so that his death might be compassed. He replied that he knew a man named Ethelward who could betray Edwy to death easier than he could, and that the king might speak with him and offer him a great reward. Having learnt the man's name, the king sent for liim, and said designingly to him : " Thus and thus has Edric the ealdorman spoken to me, saying that you can contrive to lead Edwy the etheling to his A A.D. 1017.] CANUTE. 133 destruction. Only do Avhat Ave devise, and you shall be con- firmed in the lionours and rank of your ancestors ; and find means to take his life, and you shall be dearer to me than a brother." He replied that he was ready to seek him out, and betray him to death, if it was anyliow in his power. But he made this promise without any intention to be Edwy's mur- derer, and only by way of pretence, for he was of the noblest blood in England. Leofsy, the reverend abbot of Thorney, succeeded to the bishopric of Worcester. [a.d. 1017.] In this year king Canute undertook the government of all England, and divided it into four parts, reserving Wessex to himself, and committing East-Anglia to earl Thurkill, Mercia to Edi'ic the ealdorman, and Northum- bria to Eric the earl. He also made a compact with the nobles and all the peo])le, in which they joined ; and they ratified a solemn concord between them on their respective oaths, and thus terminated and put into oblivion all their past animosities. Then king Canute, by the advice of Edric the traitor, outlawed Edwy the etheling, king Edmund's brother, and Edwy, who was called king of the churls. This Edwy Avas in the course of time reconciled with the king, but Edwy the etheling, betrayed by those he had hitherto supposed to be his best friends, was the same year, by the order, and at the instance of, king Canute, put to death, although innocent. Edric also advised him to make away with the young ethelings Edward and Edmund, king Edmund's sons; but as he thought it Avould be a foul disgrace to him, if they were murdered in England, he sent them, after a short time, to the king of Sweden, to be put to death there ; but, although they were allies, that king was by no means disposed to execute his wishes, and he sent them to Solomon king of Hungary, to spare their lives, and have them brought up at his court. One of them, namely Edmund, in course of time died there ; but Edward married Agatha, a daughter of the brother of the emperor Henry, 1)y whom he had Margaret queen of the Scots, Christina, a nun, and Edgar the etheling.^ In the month of ' Solomon was not king of Hungary till lOG-3. Stephen was king from U'.n to lO.'JH. For the errors and improbabilities of this account of the fortunes of Kchvard Ironside's descendants, wliich is given in nearly the same way by Ordericus Vitatis, see the notes to that work in Bohn's edition, vol. i., p. lis. 134 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1018 1020. July king Canute married the queen Elgiva, king Ethelred's widow ; and on the feast of our Lord's Nativity, which he kept at London, he ordered Edric the perfidious ealdorman to l)e slain in the palace, apprehending that he liimself might some day become a A'ictim to his treachery, as he had his former lords Ethelred and Edmund frequently deceived ; and lie caused his body to be thrown over the city walls, and left unburied.^ Along with him were slain Norman, son of Leof- win the ealdorman, who was brother of earl Leofric, and Ethelward son of Ethehnar the ealdorman, and Brihtric son of Alphege, governor of Devon, all of whom were iimocent. The king appointed Leofric ealdorman in his brother's place, and afterwards treated him "^vith great kindness. [a.D. 1018.] This year seventy-two thousand pounds were levied from all England, besides ten thousand five hundred pounds contributed by London, for the pay of the Danish army. Eorty ships of the fleet remained with king Canute, and the rest returned to Denmark. The English and Danes came to an agreement at Oxford respecting the observance of kmg Edgar's laws.^ [a.D. 1019.] Tliis year, Canute, king of the English and the Danes, went over to Denmark, and remained there dm'ing the winter. On the death of ^hnar, bishop of Selsey, Ethel- ric succeeded. [a.D. 1020.] King Canute returned to England, and held a great council at Ckencester on Easter-day [17th April], and outlawed Ethelward the ealdorman. Living, archbishop of Canterbury, departed this life, and was succeeded by Ethel- noth, surnamed the Good, son of Ethehnar, a noble. The same year, the chiu-ch which king Canute and earl Thurkill had built on the hill called Assendun^ was consecrated in their ^ Henry of Huntingdon gives a somewhat different account of the period, the cause, and the mode of Edric's execution. See his history, in Jnliq. Lib'., p. 19G. 2 The Danelag, or Dane-lavr, was in force through the whole of En.^land to the n.e. of the Wathng Street. In c. 12 of king Edgar's Laws, it is said, " I will, that with the Danes such good laws stand as they may best chuse," &c.; and in the followuig chapter, " Let the Danes chuse, according to their laws, what punishment they will adopt." ^ Assington, in Essex, mentioned before. One M.S. of the Saxon Cliron. says : [Canute] " caused to he built there a minster of stone and hme, for the souls of the men who were there slain," &c. A.D. 1021— 102 7. J CANUTE. 135 presence by Wulfstan, archbishop of York, and se^ oral other bishops, vrith great pomp and magnificence. On the death of Aldhun, bisliop of Lindisfarne, that cluirch was bereaved of pastoral care for nearly three years. A chapter of the canons having assembled, when the election of a bishop Avas proposed, a certain good priest named Edmund stood up, and said in joke, •• Why do you not choose me your bishop?" Those present did not treat this as a jest, but elected him, and after appointing a fast for three days, consulted St. Cuthbert's will respecting it. And the priest stood at the saint's head, cele- brating mass, a voice was heard, while he was in the middle of the canon, ajjparently proceeding from the saint's tomb, which tlirice named Edmund bishop. [a.d. 1021.] Betbre the feast of St. Martin [11th Nov.], Canute, king of England and Denmark, banished from England Thurkill, the earl often mentioned, and his wife Edgitha. Algar, bishop of the East-Angles (of Elmham) died, and was succeeded by Alwin. [a.d. 1022.] Kthelnoth, archbishop of Canterbury, Mcnt to liome, and was received with great honour by pope Benedict, who gave him the pallium.^ [a.d. 1023.] The body of St. Alphege, the mart\T, was translated from London to Canterbury. Wuilstan, archbishop of York, died at York on the fifth of the calends of June [28th May], but his body was carried to Ely and buried there. He Avas succeeded bv ^Elfric Puttuc, i)rovost of Winchester. [a.d. 1024.] " [a.d. 1025.] Edmund, a monk, was made bishop of Lindis- farne. [a.d. 1026.] ^Ifric, archbishop of York, went to Rome, and received the pallium from pope John. Richard II., duke of Normandy, died, and was succeeded by Richard III., who, dying the same year, was succeeded by his brother Robert. [a.d. 1027.] Canute, king of England and Demnark, received intelligence that the Norwegians held tlieir kinf>- Olaf in contempt on account of his meekness and simplicity, liis justice and piety. In consequence, he sent large sums of gold and silver to certain of tliem, earnestly entreating them to reject and depose Olaf, and submitting to him, accept hmi 1 The Sax. Chron. gives fuller details of the journey and ceremonial. 136 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1028 1031. for their kiiig. Thev greedily accepted liis bribes, and caused a message to be retiinied to Canute that they were prepared to receive liim whenever he cliose to come. [a.D. 1028.] Canute, king of England and Denmark, ■went over to Norway with fifty stout siiips, and expelled kuig Olaf from the kingdom, which he subjugated to himself. [The same year was born Marianus, of Ireland, the cele- brated .Scot, by whose study and pams tliis excellent Chronicle was compiled from various books.] [a.D. 1029.] Canute, king of England, Denmark, and Xorway, returned to England, and after the feast of 8t. Martin [11 Xov.] banished Hakon, a Danish earl, who had married the noble lady Grunilda, his sister's daughter by ,Wyrtgeorn, king of the "Winidi, sending him away under ])retence of an embassy ; for he feared that the earl would take either his life or his kinsrdoms. [a.D. 1030.] The before-mentioned, earl Haco perished at sea : some, however, say that he was killed in the islands of Orkney. Olaf, king and martyr, son of Harold, king of Xorway, was wickedly slain by the Xorwegians. [a.D. 1031.] Canute, king of England, Denmark, and Xorway, went in great state fi'om Denmark to Rome,^ and, ha\ing made rich offerings in gold, silver, and other precious objects, to St. Peter, prince of the apostles, he obtained fi'om pope John that the English School should be free from all tribute and taxes. On his joiu'ney to Rome and back, he distribiued large ahns among the poor, and procured at great cost the abolition of the tolls le\'ied at many barriers on the roads, where they were extorted from pilgrims. He also vowed to God, before the tomb of the apostles, that he would amend his life and conduct ; and he sent thence a memorable letter by the hands of Li^'ing, the companion of his joiu'ney, (a man of great prudence, at that time abbot of Tavistock, and afterwards, in the course of the same year, Ednoth's successor in the see of Crediton), and others his envoys to England, wliile he himself came back from Rome by the same road he went there, \-isiting Denmark before his return to England. I think it right to subjoin the text of this letter. ^ The Saxon Cliron. and Heniy of Huntingdon agree with Florence as to the date of Canute's journey to Rome; but it was probably five or six years earher. Wippo, a cotemporary vrriter, places it in 1027. A.D. 1031.] Canute's letter. 137 " Canute, king of all England, and of Denmark, Norway, and part of Sweden, to Ethelnoth, metropolitan, and Alfrie, arelibi.shop of York, and to all the bishops and prelates, and to the whole nation of the English, both the nobles and the commons, ijreetins: : — '' I notify to you that I liavo lately taken a jonrncy to Rome, to pray for the forgiveness of my sins, and for the wel- fare of my domhiions, antl the people under my rule. I had long sinee vowed this journey to God, but I have been hitherto prevented from aecomplishing it by the aftairs of my kingdom and other causes of impedhnent. I now return most humble thanks to my God Almighty for suffering me in my lifetime to visit the sanctuary of his apostles, 8S. Peter and Paul, and all others which I could find either within or without the city of Rome, and there in person reverentially worshij) according to my desire. I have performed this chiefly, because I have learnt from wise men that St. Peter the apostle has received from God great power in binding and in loosing, and carries the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and therefore I esteemed it very profitable to seek his special patronage with the Lord. " Be it knovni to you that, at the celebration of Easter, a great assembly of nobles was present with our lord, the pope John, and Conrad the emperor ; that is to say, all the princes of the nations from Mount Garu-anus to the neiorhbouring sea. All these received me with lionour and presented me with magnificent gifts ; but more especially was I honoured by the emperor with various gifts and valuable presents, l)oth in gold and silver vessels, and in palls and very costly robes. 1 spoke witli the emperor himself, and the lord pope, and the princes who were there, in regard to the wants of my people, English as well as Danes ; that there should be granted to them more equal justice and greater security in their journeys to Rome, and that they should not be hindered by so many barriers on the road, nor harassed by unjust tolls. The emperor a.ssented to my demands, as well as king Rodolph, in whose dominions^ these ])arriers chiefly stand ; and all the princes made edicts that my people, the merchants as well as those who go to j^ay their devotions, shall i)ass to and fro in their journies to Rome in ])eace, and under the security of just laws, free from all molestation ])y the guards of barriers or 138 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1031. the receivers of tolls. I made further complaint to my lord the pope, and expressed my high displeasure, that my archbishops are sorely aggrieved by the demand of immense sums of money, when, according to custom, they resort to the apostolical see to obtain the pallium ; and it is decreed that it should no longer be done. All things, therefore, which I requested for the good of my people from my lord the pope, and the emperor, and long Rodolph,^ and the other princes through whose territories our road to Rome lies, they have most freely granted, and even ratified their concessions by oath ; to which four archbishops, twenty bishops, and an innumerable multi- tude of dukes and nobles who were there present, are witnesses. Wherefore I return most hearty thanks to Almighty Ood for my having successfully accomplished all that I had desired, as I had resolved in my mind, and having satisfied my wishes to the fullest extent. ^' Be it known therefore to all of you, that I have humbly vowed to the Almighty Grod himself henceforward to amend my life in all respects, and to rule the kingdoms and the people subject to me with justice and clemency, giving equit- able judgments in all matters ; and if, through the intem- perance of youth or negligence, I have hitherto exceeded the bounds of justice in any of my acts, I intend by God's aid to make an entire change for the better. I therefore adjure and command my counsellors to whom I have entrusted the affairs of my kingdom, that henceforth they neither commit themselves, nor suffer to j)revail, any sort of injustice through- put my dominions, either from fear of me, or from favour to any powerful person. I also command all sheriffs and magis- trates throughout my whole kingdom, as they tender my regard and their own safety, that they use no unjust violence to any man, rich or poor, but that aU, high and low, rich or poor, shall enjoy alike impartial law ; from which they are never to deviate, either on account of royal favour, respect of person in the great, or for the sake of amassing money wrong- fully, for I have no need to accumulate wealth by iniquitous exactions. " I wish you further to know, that, returning by the way I went, I am now going to Denmark to conclude a treaty for a 1 V Eodolph II., king of Burgundy. A.D. 1032—1034.] CANUTE'S LETTER. 139 solid peace, all the Danes concurring, with those nations and peoples who would have taken my life and crown if it liad been possible ; but this they were not able to accomplish, God bringing their strength to nought. — May He, of his merciful kindness, ujihold me in my sovereignty and honour, and hence- forth scatter and bring to nought the power and might of all my adversaries ! AYhen, therefore, I shall have made peace with the surrounding nations, and settled and reduced to order all my dominions in the East, so that we shall have nothing to fear from war or hostilities in any quarter, I pro- pose to return to England as early in the summer as I shall be able to fit out my fleet. I have sent this epistle before me in order that my people may be gladdened at my success ; because, as you yourselves know, I have never spared, nor vdW I spare, myself or my exertions, for the needful service of my whole people. I now therefore command and adjure all my bishops and the governors of my kingdom, by the duty they owe to God and myself, to take care that before I come to England all dues belonging to God, according to the old laws, be fully discharged ; namely, plough-ahns, the tythe of animals born in the current year, and the pence payable to St. Peter at Rome, whether from towns or vills ; and in the middle of August the tythes of corn ; and at the feast of St. Martin the first-fruits of grain (]myable) to every one's parish church, called in English ciric-sceat. If these and such-like dues be not paid before I come, those who make default will incur fines to the king, according to the law, which will be strictly inforced without mercy. Farewell." [a.d. 1U32.] Tlie cluirch of St. Edmund, king and mart}T, was dedicated this year. [a.d. 1033.] Leofsy, bishop of the Hwiccas, a devout and humble man, died at the episcopal vill of Kempsey, on Tuesday, the fourteenth of the calends of September [19th August], and, as we may be allowed to hope, ascended to the heavenly realms : his V)ody was buried with honour in the church of St. Mary, at Worcester. Brihteag, abbot of Pershore, sister's son of Wulfstan, archbishop of York, was raised to the vacant see. [a.d. 1034.] Eatheric, bishop of Lincoln [Dorchester], died, and was buried in the abbey of Ramsey ; Ednoth succeeded him. Malcolm, king of the Scots, died. 140 FLORKNCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1035, 1036. [a.d. 103,").] Canute, king of England, before his deatli, gave tlie kingdom of Norway to Swe^n, who was reported to he his son by Elfgiva of Northamj)ton, the daughter of Alf liehn the eakfornian, and the noble lady Wulfruna. Some, liowevor, asserted that this Elfgiva desired to have a son by the king, but as she could not, she caused the new-born child of a certain priest to be brought to her, and made the king fully belie\e that she had just borne him a son. He also gave the kingdom of Denmark to Hardicanute, his son by the queen Elfgiva. Afterwards, the same year, he departed this life at Shaftesbury on Wednesday, the second of the ides [the 12th] of November ; but he was buried at Winchester in the Old Slinster, with due honours. After his burial the queen Elfgiva took up her abode there. Harold also said that he was the son of king Canute and Elfgiva of North- ampton, although that is far from certain ; for some say that he was the son of ^ cobbler, and that Elfgiva had acted with res'ard to him as she had done in the case of Swevn : for our . *^ . 1 part, as there are doubts on the subject, we cannot settle with any certainty the parentage of either. Harold, however, assuming the royal dignity, sent his guards in the utmost haste to Winchester, and tyrannically seized the largest and best part of the treasure and wealth which king Canute had bequeathed to queen Elfgiva, and having thus robbed her, permitted her to continue her residence at Winchester. He then, with the consent of many of the higher orders of England, began to reign as though he was the lawful heir ; but he had not the same power as Canute, because the arrival of Hardicanute, tlie more rightful heir, was looked for. Hence, shortly aftewards, the kingdom was divided by lot, Harokl getting the northern, and Hardicanute the southern portion. Robert, duke of Normandy, died, and was succeeded by his son William the Bastard, then a minor. [a.d. 1036.] The innocent ethelings Alfred and Edward, sons of Ethelred, formerly king of England, sailed from Normandy, where they had been for many years at the court of their uncle Richard, and, attended by many Norman knights, crossed over to England with a small fleet to confer with their mother, who still abode at Winchester. Some of the men in power were very indignant at this, being much more devoted to Harold, however unjustly, than to the ethe- A.D. 1037, 1038.] MURDER OF PRINCE ALFRED. 141 lings : esjDecially, it is said, earl Godwin. The earl, therefore, arrested Alfred on his road to London to confer with king Harold as he had commanded, and threw him into prison. At the same time he dispersed some of his attendants, others he put in fetters and afterwards deprived of their sight, some lie scalped and tortured, amputated their hands and feet and heavily mulcted : many he ordered to be sold, and put to death six hundred of them at G uilford with various torments : but we trust that the souls of those, who, guilty of no crime, had their bodies so cruelly slaughtered in the fields, are now rejoicing with the saints in paradise. On hearing of this, queen Elgiva sent back her son Edward, who had remained with her, in all haste to Normandy. Then, by order of Godwin and others, Alfred was conducted, heavily chamed, to the Isle of Ely ; but as soon as the ship touched the land, his eyes w^ere most barbarously plucked out while he was on board, and in this state he was taken to the monastery and handed over to the custody of the monks. There he shortly afterwards died, and his body was buried, with due honours, in the south porch at the west end of the church ; but his spirit is in the enjoyment of the delights of paradise. [a.d. 1037.] Harold, king of Mercia and Northumbria, was elected by the nobles, and the whole people, king of all England; Hardicanute being entirely deposed, because he wasted his time in Denmark, and deferred coming over, as he was requested. His mother Elfgiva, formerly queen of England, was banished from the kingdom, without mercy, at the begin- ning of winter. As soon as a ship could be got ready she sailed for Flanders, where she received an honourable welcome from the noble count Baldwin, who, with a liberality becom- ing his rank, took care that she should be freely supplied with all things needful, as long as she required it. A little before this, the same year, ^fic, dean of Evesham, a man of deep piety, died. [a.d. 1038.] Ethelnoth, archbishop of Canterbury, departed this life on the fourth of the calends of November [29tli September]. Seven days after, Ethelric, bishop of Sussex, died ; for he had prayed to God that he might not long sur- vive his beloved father Ethelnoth. Grimkytel succeeded him in the bishopric, and Eadsige, one of the king's chaplains, succeeded Ethelnoth in the archbishopric. In the same year 142 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1039, 1040. died Mlfric, bishop of East-Anglia, and Brihteag, bishop of the Hwiecas, ended his days on Wednesday the third of the calends of January [20th December], whose see king Harold gave to Living, bishop of Crediton. Stigand, the king's chaplain, was appointed in -iElfric's place, but was afterwards ejected, and Grimkytel chosen in his stead ; so that he held for the time the two dioceses of Sussex and Essex ; but Stigand was restored, and Grimkytel ejected, and Stigand kept the bishopric of Sussex for himself, and procured that of East- Anglia for his brother Ethelmar ; but not satisfied with this, he was raised to the thrones of Winchester and Canterbury : he also strove hard to hold with them the bishopric of Sussex, and nearly carried his point. Ethelmar was succeeded by -^rfast, bishop of Elmham, who, lest he should have seemed to have done nothing — for the Normans are very ambitious of future renown — transferred the see from Elmham to Thetford. [a.D. 1039.] Brihtmar, bishop of Litchfield, died, and was succeeded by Wulfsy. The Welsh slew Edwin, earl Leofric's brother, with TurkiU and JElfgeat, son of Eatsy, two noble king's thanes, and many others at the same time. Hardicanute, king of Denmark, sailed to Flanders, on a visit to his mother, Elfgiva. [a.D. 1040.] Harold, king of England, died at London, and was buried at Westminster. After his funeral, the nobles of almost the whole of England sent envoys to Hardicanute at Bruges, where he was staying with his mother, and, thinking it was for the best, invited him to come to England and ascend the throne. Thereupon, he fitted out fifty ships, and em- barking Danish troops, before midsummer sailed over to England, where he was received with universal joy, and shortly afterwards crowned ; but during his government he did not)iing worthy his royal power. For as soon as he began to reign, calling to mind the injuries which both he and his mother had suffered at the hands of his predecessor, and reputed brother, king Harold, he despatched to London, iElfric, archbishop of York, and earl Godwin, with Stor, the master of his household, Edric, his steward, Thrond, captain of his guards, and other men of high rank, with or ders to dig up the body of Harold and throw it into a sewer ; and when it was thrown there, he caused it to be di-aggcd out and cast into A.D. 1040, 1041.] HAROLD. nARDICANUTE. 143 the river Thames. Shortly afterwards, it was picked up by a fi;iheriiian, and being immediately brought to the Danes, was honourably buried by them in a cemetery they possessed at London.^ After this, he ordered that eight marks should bo paid to every rower in his fleet, and twelve to each steersman, to be levied from the Avliole of England ; a tax so burthensome, that scarcely any one would pay it, and he became thoroughly detested by those who at first were most anxious for his coming. Besides, he was greatly incensed against earl Godwin, and Living, bishop of Worcester, for the death of his brother Alfred, of which they were accused by .^Ifric, archbishop of York, and some others. In consequence, he took the bishopric of Worcester from Living and gave it to ^Ifrie ; but the following year, he ejected -rElfric and graciously restored Living, who had made his peace with him. Godwin, to obtain the king's favour, presented him with a gaUey of admirable workmanship, with a gilded figure-head, rigged with the best materials, and manned with eighty chosen soldiers s])lendidly armed. Every one of them had on each aim a golden bracelet weighing six ounces, and wore a triple coat of mail and a helmet partly gilt, and a sword with gilded liilt girt to his side, and a Danish battle-axe inlaid with gold and silver hanging from his left shoulder ; in his left hand he bore a shield, the boss and studs of which were also gilt, and in his right hand a lance, called in the English tongue *' Atagar.''- Moreover, he made oath to the king, with ahuost all the chief men and greater thanes in England, that it was not by his counsel, or at his instance, that his brother's eyes were put out, but that he had only obeyed the commands of his lord, king Harold. [a.d. 1041.] This year Hardicanute, king of England, sent his huscarls^ through all the provinces of his kingdom to collect the tribute which he hac^ imposed. Two of them, Feader and Thurstan, were slain on the 4th of the ides [the 4th] of May, by the citizens of Worcester and the peo^ilo of ^ The cemetery of St. Clement-Danes, where the Northmen had a settlement on the bank of the Thames, outside the walls of London. The Saxon Chron. is silent as to Harohl's corpse beiuf? tlirown into the Thames and fished up, but Henry of HunLiugdun gives the sam,e account as our autlior. - An^^'lo Saxon, (clfjar ; old Norsk, atytivr. ' Tlie Danish body-guards. 144 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1041, 1042. that iieiglibourhood, in an upper chamber of the abbey-tower, where they had concealed themselves during a tumult. This so incensed the king, that to avenge their deaths he sent Tliorold, earl of Middlesex, Leofric, earl of Mercia, Godwin, earl of Wessex, Siward, earl of Northumbria, Roni, earl of Hereford, and all the other English earls, with almost all his huscarls, and a large body of troops, to Worcester, where jElfric was still bishop, with orders to put to death all the inhabitants they could find, to plunder and burn the city, and lay waste the whole province. They arrived there on the second of the ides [the 12th] of November, and beginning their work of destruction through the city and province continued it for four days ; but very few of the citizens or provincials were taken or slain, because, having notice of their coming, the people fled in all directions. A great number of the citizens took refuge in a small island, called Beverege, situated in the middle of the river Severn, and having fortified it, defended themselves so stoutly against their enemies that they obtained terms of peace, and were allowed free liberty to return home. On the fifth day, the city having been burnt, every one marched off loaded with plunder, and the king's wrath was satisfied. Soon afterwards, Edward, son of Ethelred the late king of England, came over from Normandy, where he had been an exile many years, and being honourably received by his brother, king Hardicanute, remained at his court. [a.D. 1042.] Hardicanute, king of England, while he was present at a joyous feast given at a place called Lambeth, by Osgod Clapa, a man of great w^ealth, on occasion of his giving the hand of his daughter Githa in marriage to Tovi, surnamed Prudan, a noble and powerful Dane, — and carous- ing, full of health and merriment, wdth the bride and some others, fell down, by a sad mischance, while in the act of drinkmg, and continued speechless until Tuesday the sixth of the ides [the 8th] of June, when he expired. He was carried to Winchester and buried near his father Canute. His brother Edward was proclaimed king at London, chiefly by the exertions of earl Godwin, and Living, bishop of Worcester. Edward was the son of Ethelred, who was the son of Edgar, who was the son of Edmund, who Avas the son of Edward the Elder, who was the son of Alfred. Abbot Elias, a Scot, died on the second of the ides [the A.D. 1042, 1043.] EDWARD THE CONFESSOR. 145 12tli] of April. Being a prudent and religious man, lie was intrusted with the government of the monastery of St. Pan- taleon, as well as of his own abbey of St. Martin. He com- mitted to the flames, in the monastery of St. Pantaleon, a beautiful missal which a French monk had copied, without leave, for the use of the community/ that no one in future might dare to do it without permission. He was succeeded by Maiolus the Scot, a holy man. [a.d. 1043.] Edward was anointed king at Winchester on the first day of Easter, being the third of the nones [the 3rd] of April, by Eadsige, archbishop of Canterbury, JElrie, archbishop of York, and nearly all the bishops of England. In the same year, fourteen days before the feast-day of St. Andrew the apostle [IGth November], the king went suddenly and unexpectedly from the city of Gloucester to Winchester, accompanied by the earls Godwin, Leofric, and Si ward ; and by their advice took from his mother all the gold, silver, jewels, precious stones, and other valuables she possessed, because she had been less liberal to him than he expected, and had treated him harshly both before and after he was king. Notwithstanding, he gave orders for her being supplied with all necessaries, and ordered her to remain there quiet. Animchadus, a Scottish monk, who led a life of seclusion in the monastery at Fulda, died on the third of the calends of February [30th January]. Over his tomb lights were seen, and there was the voice of psalmody. Marianus, the author of this chronicle, took up his station as a recluse for ten years at his feet, and sang masses over his tomb. He has related what follows respecting this Animchadus : " When I was in Ireland," says Marianus, " in an island called Keltra, he entertained, with the permission of his superior, named Cortram, certain brethren who came there. Some of them departed after their meal, but those who remained sat warm- ing themselves at the fire, and asked him for something to drink, and on his refusing to give it without leave, they urged him to coinj)ly. At last he consented, but first sent some of the beverage to his superior, as for his blessing. On the mor- ' In commune scriptum. This somewhat obscure phrase has been elsewhere translated "in the vulvar tongue," — a turn which we think it liardly admits, while we confess that we are not quite satisfied with our own version. 146 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1043-5. rosv, being asked for what reason he sent it, he related all the circumstances. But his superior, for this slight fault, immediately ordered him to quit Ireland, and he humbly obeyed. He then came to Fulda, and lived a life of holy seclusion, as I have already said, until his death. " This was told us by the superior, Tigernah, on my com- mitting some slight fault in his presence. Moreover, I my- self heard, while I was in seclusion at Fulda, a very devout monk of that monastery, whose name was William, implore the aforesaid Animchadus, who was then in his tomb, to give him his benediction ; and, as he afterwards told me, he saw him' in a vision standing in his tomb, shining with great brightness, and giving him his benediction with outstretched arms ; and I too passed the whole of that night in the midst of a mellifluous odour." These are the words of Marianus. [a.D. 1044.] ^Ifward, bishop of London, who was abbot of Evesham, both before and while he was bishop, being unable to perform duly his episcopal functions, by reason of his infirmities, wished to retire to [his abbey of] Evesham, but the monks of that house would by no means consent.^ Wherefore he removed the greatest part of the books and ornaments which he had collected in that place, and some, it is said, which others had contributed^ and withdrawing to the abbey of Eamsey, took up his abode there, and offered all he had brought with him to St. Benedict. He died on Wednes- day, the eighth of the calends o/ August (the 25th July), in this same year, and is buried there. At a general synod, held about that time in London, Wulf- mar, a devout monk of Evesham, also called Manni, was elected abbot of that monastery. The same year, the noble lady, Gunhilda, daughter of king Wyrtgeorn, by king Canute's sister, and successively the wife of earls Hakon and Harold, was banished from England with her two sons. Hemming and Thurkill. She went over to Flanders, and resided for some time at a place called Bruges, and then went to Denmark. Stigand, the king's chaplain, was appointed bishop of East- Anglia. [a.D. 1045.] Brihtwold, bishop of Wilton, died; and was suc- ceeded by the king's chaplain, Heriman, a native of Lorraine. ^ Because he was afflicted with the leprosy. See Hist. Rames., c. civ. A.D. 1046-8.J A FLEET COLLECTED. 147 Tlie same year, Edward, king of England, assembled a very powerful fleet at the |)ort of Sandwich, to ojipose Magnus, king of Norway, who threatened to invade England ; hut the expedition was abandoned in consequence of Sweyn, king of Denmark, having commenced hostilities against liim. [a.d. 1046.] Living, bishop of the Hwiccas,^ Devonshire, and Cornwall, died on Sunday, the tenth of the calends of April [the 2.3rd March]. Soon after his death, the bishoprics of Crediton and Cornwall were given to Leofric the Briton, who was the king's chancellor; and A hired, who had been a monk of Wincliester and was then abbot of Tavistock, was made bishop of the Hwiccas. Osgod Clapa was banished from England. Magnus, king of Norway, son of St. Olaf the king, defeated Sweyn, king of the Danes, and reduced Denmark under his own dominion. [a.d 1047.] So much snow fell in the West, that it crushed the woods, and this year the winter was very severe. Grimky tel, bishop of Sussex, died, and was succeeded by Heca, the king's chaplain. ^Elfwine, bishop of Winchester, also died, and Stigand, bishop of East-Anglia, was translated to his see. Sweyn, king of Denmark, sent ambassadors to Edward, king of England, requesting that he would send a fleet to join liim against Magnus, king of Norway. Then earl Godwin counselled the king to send at least fifty ships, full of soldiers; but as the proposal was objected to by earl Leofric and all the people, he declined to furnish any. After this Magnus, king of Norway, having collected a numerous and powerful fleet, fought a battle with Sweyn, in which a vast number of troops were killed on both sides, and having driven him out of Denmark, reigned there himself, and made the Danes pay him a heavy tribute : shortly afterwards he died. [a.d. 1048.] Swoyn recovered Deinnark, and Harold Har- faager,'* son of Siward, king of Norway, and brother of St. Olaf by the mother's side, and by the father's uncle to king Magnus, returned to Norway, and shortly afterwards sent ' It will bo recolloctod that tho ancient t«Tritory of the ITwiccas included and nearly corresponded with the diocese of Worcester. ^ It should he Harold Ilardrada, a common blunder of the Eniilish chroniclers. King Harold Harfaaj^er reii^ned from about a.d. 8G1 to about ySl.— See his Saga in Laing's Heiniskruigla, vol. i. p. 271. L 2 148 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1048, 1049. ambassadors to king Edward, making offers of peace and amity, which were accepted.^ There was a great earthquake on Sunday the first of May, at Worcester, Wick, Derby, and many other places. Many districts of England were visited with a mortality among men and cattle ; and a fire in the air, commonly called wild-fire, burnt many vills and cornfields in Derbyshire and some other districts. Edmund, bishop of Lindisfarne, died at Gloucester, but was carried by his people to Durham, and buried there. Edred succeeded him, but being struck by the divine ven- geance, Ethelric, a monk of Peterborough, was appointed in his stead. [a.D. 1049.] The emperor Henry assembled a vast army against Baldwin, count of Flanders, chiefly because he had burno and ruined his stately palace at Nimeguen. In this expedition were pope Leo, and many great and noble men from various countries. Sweyn, king of Denmark, was also there with his fleet at the emperor's command, and swore fealty to the emperor for that occasion. He sent also to Edward, king of England, and requested him not to let Baldwin escape, if he should retreat to the sea. In conse- quence, the king went with a large fleet to the port of Sandwich, and remained there until the emperor had obtained of Baldwin all he desired. Meanwhile, earl Sweyn, son of earl Godwin and Githa, who had left England and gone to Denmark, because he was not permitted to marry Edgiva, abbess of the monastery of Leominster, whom he had de- bauched, returned with eight ships, alleging falsely that he would now remain loyally with the king. Earl Beorn, son of his uncle Ulf, a Danish earl, who was son of Spracing, who was son of Urso, and brother of Sweyn, king of Denmark, promised him to obtain from the king the restoration of his earldom. Earl Baldwin having made peace with the emperor, the earls Godwin and Beorn, by the king's permission, came to Pevensey with forty-two ships ; but he ordered the rest of the fleet to return home, with the exception of a few ships which he retained there. When, however, he was informed ^ The paragraph inserted in the Chronicle under the year 1047, describing Sweyn's application for naval aid, and the refusal it met with, is here repeated in the original text, apparently from inad- vertence, in almost the same words. A.D. 1049.] MURDER OF BEORN'. 140 tliat Osgod Clapa lay at Wulpe^ witli twenty-nine ships, he i-ecalled as many as possible of the ships he had sent away. But Osgod, taking with him his wife whom he had left for safety at Bruges, returned to Denmark with six shi])s ; the rest sailed over to Essex, and returned with no small ])lunder, which they carried off from the neighbourhood of Eadulf's Ness f however, a violent tempest overtook and sunk all except two, which were captured at sea, and all on board perislied. During these occurrences earl Sweyn went to Pevensey, and perfidiously requested earl Beorn, his cousin, to go with him to the port of Sandwich, and make his peace with the king, according to promise. Beorn, relying on his relation- ship, accompanied him with only three attendants ; but Sweyn conducted him to Bosham, where his ships lay, and, taking him on board one of them, ordered him to be bound with thongs, and kept him on board until they reached the mouth of the river Dart. There they slew him, and threw him into a deep trench, and covered him with earth. They then sent away six of the ships, two of which were soon after- wards taken by the men of Hastings, who, having killed all on board, carried them to Sandwich and presented them to the king. Sweyn, however, escaped to Flanders with two ships, and remained there until he was brought back by Aldred, bishop of Worcester, who reconciled him with the king. In the month of August of the same year, some Irish j)irates, entering the moutii of the river Severn with thirty- six ships, landed at a place called Wylesc-Eaxan, and, with the aid of Griffyth, king of South-Wales, plundered in that neighbourhood, and did considerable damage. Then, joining their forces, the king and the pirates crossed the river Wye and burnt Dymedham, massacring all they found there. Aldred, ))ishop of Worcester, with a few of the peoj)le of Gloucester- shire and Herefordshire, flew to arms against them ; but the Welshmen who were in their ranks, and had promised to be faithful to them, sent a messenger privately to king Griftyth, begging him to lose no time in attacking the English ; in consequence of which he hastened to the spot with his own followers and the Irish pirates, and falling on the Enghsh be- fore day-break, slew many of them and put the rest to flight. ' A village on the coast of Flanders, N.W. of Sluys. ^ Neas, a promontory. loO FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1050, lOol. Eadnoth, bishop of Dorchester, died, and was succeeded by Ulf, the king's chaplain, a native of Normandy. Oswy, abbot of Thorney, and Wulfnoth, abbot of Westminster, died; also Siward, coadjutor-bishop of Eadsige, archbishop of Canter- bury, and he was buried at Abingdon. Moreover, in this year pope St. Leo came to France, at the request of the most excellent abbot Herimar, having in his company the .prefect and some of the principal persons of Rome, and dedicated with great ceremony the monastery of St. Remigius, the apostle of the Franks, built at Rheims, in which city he afterwards held a numerous synod of archbishops, bishops, and abbots, which lasted six days. There were present at this synod Alfwine, abbot of Ramsey, and the abbot of St. Augustine's monastery [at Canterbury], who were sent there by Edward, king of England. [a.D. 1050.] Macbeth, king of Scotland, distributed freely large sums of money at Rome. Eadsige, archbishop of Canter- bury, died, and was succeeded by Robert, bishop of London, a Norman by birth. Spearheafoe, abbot of Abingdon, was elected bishop of London, but was ejected by king . Edward before consecration. Heriman, bishop of Wilton, and Aldred, bishop of Worcester, went to Rome. [a.D. 1051.] OElfric, archbishop of York, died at South- well, and was buried at Peterborough ; Kinsige, the king's chaplain, succeeded him. King Edward released the English from the heavy tax payable to the Danish troops, in the thirty-eighth year after his father Ethelred had first imposed it. After this, in the month of September, Eustace the elder, count of Boulogne, who had married a sister of king Edward, named Goda, sailed to Dover with a small fleet.^ His soldiers, while they were bluntly and indiscreetly inquiring for lodg- ings, killed one of the townsmen. A neighbour of his wit- nessing this, slew one of the soldiers in revenge. At this the count and his followers were much enraged, and put many men and women to the sword, trampling their babes and children under their horses' hoofs. But seeing the townsmen flocking together to re^st them, they made their escape, Uke cowards, with some difficulty, and leaving seven of their num- ber slain, they fled to king Edward, who was then at Glou- cester. Earl Godwin, being indignant that such things should ' Cf. Sax. Cliron. under the years 1048 and 1052. i A.D. 1051.] REVOLT OF GODYHN AND HIS SONS. 151 bo done within his jurisdiction, in grout wrath raised nn inimonse army from the whole of his earldom, that is, from Kent, Sussex, and Wessex ; his eldest son, Sweyn, also a.ssemblod the men of his earldom, that is, of the counties of Oxford, Gloucester, Hereford, Somerset, and Berks ; and his other son, Harold, assembled the men of his earldom, namely, Essex, East-Anglia, Huntingdon, and Cambridge. This did not escape the notice of king Edward, and he therefore sent messages to Leofric, earl of Mercia, and Siward, earl of Northumbria, besririnG: them to hasten to him with all the men they could muster, as he was in great peril. They came at first with only a few followers ; but when they learnt the real state of aftairs, they sent swift messengers throughout their earldoms and gathered a large army. Likewise earl Ralph, son of Goda, king Edward's sister, assembled as many as he could from his county. Meanwhile, Godwin and his sons, with their respective armies, entered Gloucestershire after the feast of the nativity of St. Mary [8th September], and encamping at a place called Langtreo, sent envoys to the king at Gloucester, demanding the surrender of count Eustace and his followers, as well as of the Normans and men of Boulogne, who were in possession of the castle on the cliff at Dover, on pain of hostilities. The king, alarmed for a time at this message, was in great distress, and in the utmost perplexity what to do. But when he found that the troo])s of the earls Leofric, Siward, and Balph were on their march, he replied with firnmess that he would by no means consent to give up Eustace and the rest who were demanded. On hearing this, the envovs returned from their })ootless errand. As they Avere departing, the army entered Gloucester, so exasperated, and unanimously ready to fight, that, if the king had given permission, they would have in- stantly engaged earl Godwin's army. But earl Leofric con- sidering that all the men of greatest note in England were assembled either on his side or the other, it ap])eared to him and some others a great folly to figlit with their own countrymen, and he proposed tiiat, hostages having been given by both parties, the king and Godwin should meet at London on a day appointed, and settle their controversy in a legal way. This alaces on the sea-coast, be- sides some others. All these, with one voice, declared that they were ready to live or die with him. As soon as his arrival was known in the king's fleet, which lay at Sandwich, it went in chase of him ; but he escaped and concealed himself wherever he could, and the fleet re- turned to Sandwich, and thence sailed to London. On hear- ing this, Godwin shaped his course again for the Isle of Wight, and ke})t hovering about along the shore until his sons Harold and Leofwine joined him with their fleet. After this junction, they desisted from plundering and wasting the country, taking only such provisions as necessity required for the subsistence of their troops. Having increased their force by enlisting as many men as they could on the sea- coast and in other places, and by collecting all the mariners they met with in every direction, they directed their course towards the ])ort of Sandwich. Their arrival there was notified to king Edward, who was then at London, and he lost no. time sending messengers requiring all persons, who had not revolted from him, to hasten to his succour ; but they ' Penv):th.Steort—tho Land's End. ^ linti^errirles — Boats-carlos. Our author uses the word again, a few sentences later, in the general sense of mariners, seamen. 154: FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1052. were too slow in tlieir movements, and did not arrive in time. Meanwhile, earl Godwin, having sailed up the Thames against the current, reached Southwark on the day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross [14th September], being Monday, and waited there until the flood-tide came up. In the interval, he so dealt with the citizens of London, some in person, others through his emissaries, having before seduced them by a variety of promises, that he persuaded nearly all of them to enter heartily into his designs. At last, everything being duly planned and set in order, on the tide's flowing up they quickly weighed anchor, and, no one offering them any resist- ance at the bridge, sailed upwards along the south bank of the river. The land army also arrived, and, being drawn up on the river-bank, formed a close and formidable column. Then the fleet drew towards the northern bank, with the intention, apparently, of enclosing the king's fleet, for the king had also a fleet, as well as a numerous land army. But as there were very few men of any courage, either on the king's or Godwin's side, who were not Englishmen, nearly all shrunk from fighting against their kinsfolk and countrymen ; so that the wiser sort on both sides interfered to restore peace between the king and the earl, and both armies re- ceived orders to lay down their arms. 1 he next morning the king held a council, and fully restored to their former honours Godwin, and his wife, and all his sons, except Sweyn, who, touched with repentance for the murder of his cousin Beorn, mentioned before, had undertaken a journey barefoot from Flanders to Jerusalem, and who, on his return, died in Lycia^ from illness brought on by the severity of the cold. The king, also, took back with due honour queen Edgitha, the earl's daughter, and restored her to her former dignity. The alliance being renewed, and peace established, they promised right law to all the people, and banished all the Normans, who had introduced unjust laws and given un- righteous judgments, and in many things had influenced the king to the disadvantage of his English subjects. A few of them only were allowed to stay in England, namely, Robert the deacon, and his son-in-law Richard Eitz-Scrope, ' According to the Saxon Chronicle, Sweyn died at Constantinople on his journey home. Malmesbur}' relates that he was slain by the Saracens. A.D. 1052, 1053.] THE NORMANS BANISHED. loO Alfred, tlie king's horse-thane, Anfrid, surnamed Coek's-foot, with some others who had been the king's greatest favourites, and had remained faitliful to him and tlie commonwealth. But Robert, archbishop of Canterbury, William, bishop of London, and Ulf, bishop of Lincoln, with their Normans, had some difficulty in making their escape and getting beyond sea. William, however, was, for his worth, soon afterwards re- called and reinstated in his bishopric. Osbern, surnamed Pentecost, and his companion Hugh, surrendered their castles ; and, being allowed by earl Leofric to pass through his terri- tories in their way to Scotland, received a welcome from Macbeth, king of the Scots. The same year there was such a violent wind in the night of the feast of St. Thomas the apostle [the l?lst December], that it threw down many churches and houses, and shattered or tore up by the roots trees without number. [a.d. 1053.] Rhys, the brother of GrifFyth, king of South Wales, was put to death by order of king Edward at a place called Bullington, on account of the plundering inroads he had frequently made, and his head was brought to the king at Gloucester on the eve of our Lord's Epiphany [5th January], In the same year, on the second day of tlie festival of Easter [12th April], which was celebrated at Winchester, earl God- win came to his end while he was sitting at table with the king, according to his usual custom ; for, being suddenly seized with a violent illness, he fell speechless from his seat. His sons, earl Harold, Tosti, and Gurth, perceiving it, carried him into the king's chamber, hoping tliat he would presently recover ; but his strength failing, he died in great suffering on the fifth day afterwards [15th April], and was buried in tl)c Old Minster. His son Harold succeeded to his earldom, and Harold's earldom was given to Algar, son of earl Leofric. In the month of October died Wulfsige, bishop of Litch- field, Godwin, abbot of Winchcombe, and Ethelward, abbot of Cilastonbury. Leofwine, abbot of Coventry, succeeded Wulfsige ; and Ethelnoth, a monk of the same monastery, succeeded Ethelward. Rut A hired, bishop of Worcester, kept tlie abbey of Winchcombe in his own hands until such time as he appointed Godric, the son of Goodman, the king's chaplain, to be abbot. Jilfric, brother of earl Odda, died at Deerhurst 156 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1054, 1055. on the eleventh of the calends of January [22nd December], but he was buried in the monastery at Pershore. Aed, a-long-bearded clerk in Ireland, a man of great emi- nence and earnest piety, had a large school of clerks, maidens, and laymen ; but he subjected the maidens to the tonsure in the same manner as clerks, on which account he was compelled to leave Ireland. [a.D. 1054.] Siward, the stout earl of Northumbria,^ by order of the king entered Scotland, with a large body of cavalry and a ])owerful fleet, and fought a battle with Macbeth, king of the Scots, in which the king was defeated with the loss of many thousands both of the Scots and of the Normans before mentioned ; he then, as the king had com- manded, raised to the throne Malcolm, son of the king of the Cumbrians. However, his own son and many English and Danes fell in that battle. The same year, on the feast of St. Kenelm, the martyr, [17th July], Aldred, bishop of Worcester, instituted Godric as abbot of Winchcombe. The bishop was then sent by the king as ambassador to the emperor, witli rich presents ; and being received with great honour by him, and also by Heri- man, archbishop of Cologne, he remained at his court for a whole year, and in the king's name proposed to the emperor to send envoys to Hungary to bring back Edward, the king's cousin, son of king Edmund Ironside, and have him con- ducted to England. [a.D. 1055.] Siward, earl of Northumberland, died at York, and was buried in the monastery at Galmanho,^ which he had himself founded : his earldom was given to Tosti, earl Harold's brother. Shortly afterwards, king Edward, in a council held at London, banished earl Algar, earl Leofric's son, without any just cause of offence. Algar presently went to Ireland, and having collected eighteen pirate ships, returned with them to Wales, where he implored Griffyth the king to lend him his aid against king Edward. Griffyth immediately assembled a numerous army from all parts of his dominions^ * Henry of Huntingdon tells us that Siward employed his son in this expedition, in which he fell. See that historian's account of the manner in which Siward received the intelligence, and of the circum- stance attending his own death, pp. 204, 205, Ant^q. Lib. ^ An abbey at York, afterwards restored, and called St. Mary's. A.D. 1055.] HEREFORD STORMED. 157 and directed Algar to join him and his army at a place ap- j)ointed with liis own troops ; and having united their forces they entered Herefordshire, intending to hiy waste the English marshes. Earl Ral[)h, the cowardly son of king Edward's sister, having assembled an army, fell in with the enemy two miles from the city of Hereford, on the ninth of the calends of November [24th October]. He ordered the English, con- trary to their custom, to fight on horseback ; but just as the engagement was about to commence, the earl, with his French and Normans, were the first to flee. The English seeing this, followed their leader's example, and nearly tlie whole of the enemy's army going in pursuit, four or five hundred of the fugitives were killed, and many were wounded. Having gained the victory, king Griftyth and earl Algar entered Hereford, and having slain seven of the canons who defended the doors of the principal church, and burnt the monastery built by bishop Athelstan, that true servant of Christ, with all its ornaments, and the relics of St. Ethelbert, king and martyr, and other saints, and having slain some of the citizens, and made many other captives, they returned laden with spoil. On receiving intelligence of this calamity, the king imme- diately commanded an army to be levied from every part of England, and on its being assembled at Gloucester, gave the command of it to the brave earl Harold, who, zealously obeying the king's orders, was unwearied in his pursuit of GrifTyth and Algar, and boldly crossing the Welsh border, encamped beyond Straddell [Snowdon] ; but they knowing him to be an intrepid and daring warrior, did not venture to wait his attack, but retreated into South Wales. On learning this, he left there the greatest part of his army, with orders to make a stout resistance to the enemy if circumstances should require it ; and returning with the remainder of his host to Hereford, he surrounded it with a wide and deep trench, and fortified it with gates and bars. Meanwhile, after an inter- cliange of messages, Grifiyth, Algar, and Harold, with their attendants, met at a place called Biligesteagea, and peace being proposed and accepted, they contracted a firm alliance with each other. After these events, earl Algar's fleet [of pirates] sailed to Chester, and waited there for the hire he had en- 158 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1055, 1056. gaged to pay them ; but he himself went to court and M'^as restored by the king to his earldom. At that time died Tremerin, a Welsh bishop/ who had been a monk. He was, for a long time, coadjutor to Athelstan, bishop of Hereford, after Athelstan became incapable of performing his episcopal functions, having been blind for thirteen years. Heriman, bishop of Wiltshire, being offended at the king's refusing to allow him to remove the seat of his bishopric from the vill called Ramsbury to the abbey of Malmesbury, resigned his bishopric and, going beyond sea, took the monastic habit at St. Bertin,^ in which monastery he abode for three years. [a.D. 1056.] Athelstan, bishop of Hereford, a man of great sanctity, died on the fourth of the ides [the 10th] of February, at the episcopal vill called Bosbury ; his body was carried to Hereford, and buried in the church which he himself had built from the foundations. He was succeeded by Leovegar, earl Harold's chaplain, who, on the sixteenth of the calends [the 16th] of June in the same year, together with his clerks and Ethelnoth the vice-reeve and many others, was massacred by Grriffyth, king of Wales, at a place called Claftbyrig [Cleobury?]. He held the see only eleven weeks and four days. On his being thus cut off, the bishopric of Hereford was administered by Aldred, bishop of Worcester, until a successor could be appointed. This same bisliop Aldred and the earls Leofric and Harold afterwards reconciled Griflyth, king of Wales, with king Edward. Marianus, becoming a pilgrim for the sake of his heavenly country, went to Cologne and took the habit of a monk in the monastery of St. Martin, belonging to the Scots, on Thursday, which was the calends [the 1st] of August. Earl Ethelwin, that is Odda,^ the friend of the churches, the solace of the poor, the protector of widows and orphans, the enemy of oppression, the shield of virginity, died at Deerhurst on the second of the calends of September [•31st August], having been made a monk by Aldred, bishop of Worcester, before his death; but he lies in the abbey of Pershore, where he was buried with great pomp, ^thelric, bishop of Durham, voluntarily resigned his see and ' Bishop of St. David's. ^ The abbey of St. Bertin, at St. Omer. ^ Odda, earl of Devon. A. D. 1056,1057.] EDWARD ETHELING RETCRXS. 159 retired to his monastery of Peterborough, wliere he had been brought up and made a monk ; and there he lived twelve years, having been succeeded in his bishopric by liis brother, jEifelwin, a monk of the same abbey. [a.d. 1057.] Edward the etheHng, son of king Edmund Ironside, accepting the invitation of his uncle, king Edward, returned to England from Hungary, where he had been exiled many years before. . For the king had determined to appoint him his successor and heir to the crown ;^ but he died at London soon after his arrival. Tiie renowned Leofrio, son of the ealdorman Leofwine, of blessed memory, died in a good old age, at his own vill of Bromley, on the second of the calends of September [31st August], and was buried with great pomp ut Coventry; which monastery, among the other good deeds of his life, he and his wife, the noble countess Godiva, a worshipper of God, and devoted friend of St. Mary, Ever-a- Virgin, liad founded, and amply endowing it with lands on their own patrimony, had so enriched with all kinds of orna- ment, that no monastery could be found in England possessed of such abundance of gold, silver, jewels, and precious stones as it contained at that time. They also enriched, with valuable ornaments, the monasteries of Leominster and Wenlock, and tliose at Chester dedicated to St. John the Baptist and St. Werburgh, the virgin, and the church which Eadnoth, bishop of Lincoln, had built on a remarkable spot, called in English St. Mary's Stow,^ which means in Latin St. Mary's place. They also gave lands to the monastery at Worcester, and added to the buildings, ornaments, and endow- ments of Evesham abbey. During his whole life, this earl's sagacity was of the utmost advantage to the kings and the wliole commonwealth of England. His son Algar was a])pointed to his earldom. Hakon, bishop of Essex, died, and ^Ethelric, a monk of Christ-church at Canterbuiy, was ap- pointed in his stead. The afore-mentioned earl lialph died ' Sco a brief notice of the conflicting accounts of the chroniclers on this controverted question in Ordericus Vitalis, vol. i., page 450, Buhiis Atififj. Lib. * Henry of Huntingdon describes it as "under the hill at Lin- coln ;" but Hishop Farmer says that "Stowe was in the bishop's manor by Trent side." The prior} of Stowe, or Mary-Stowe, was annexed to Eynshain abbey, in Oxfordshire. 160 FLORENCE OP WORCESTER. [a.D. 1058, 1059, | on the twelfth of the calends of January [21st December], and was buried in the abbey of Peterborough. [a.D. 1058.] Six days before Palm-Sunday [10th April], the city of Paderborn, and two monasteries, that of the cathedral and that of the monks, w^ere destroyed by fire. In the monks' monastery there was a Scottish monk named Paternus, who had been in the cloister for a great number of years, and had foretold this fire ; yet such was his desire of martyrdom that nothing could induce him to leave the place, and he was burnt to death in his cell, passing through the flames to the cool refreshment of paradise. Some blessed things are related concerning his tomb. " Within a few days after this occurrence, on the Tuesday after the octave of Easter [26th of April], as I was departing from Cologne on the road to Fulda in company with the abbot of Fulda, for the sake of seclusion, prayed on the very mat on which he was burnt." Thus saith Marianus, the Scottish recluse. Algar, earl of Mercia, was outlawed by king Edward for the second time, but, supported by GrifFyth, king of Wales, and aided by a Norwegian fleet, which unexpectedly came to his relief, he speedily recovered his earldom by force of arms. Pope Stephen died on the third of the calends of April [30th March]. He was succeeded by Benedict, who sent the palUum to Stigand, archbishop of Canterbury, ^thelric was ordained bishop of Sussex; and abbot Siward was consecrated bishop of Rochester. Aldred, bishop of Worcester, dedicated with great ceremony to Peter, prince of the apostles, tlie church which he had built from the foundations in the city of Worcester, and afterwards, with the king's license, appointed Wulfstan, a monk of Worcester, ordained by him, abbot of the new foundation. Then, having resigned the bishopric of Wilton, which he held in commendam, and restored it to Heriman, before mentioned, he crossed the sea, and went through Hungary to Jerusalem ; a pilgrimage which no English archbishop or bishop is known to have performed before. [a.D. 1059.] Nicholas, bishop of Florence, was elected pope, and Benedict was deposed. Marianus having shut himself up in the cloister Avith Sigefrid, abbot of Fulda, was ordained priest at the tomb of St. Kilian, at Wurtzburg, on Saturday in Mid-Lent, the third of the ides [the 13th] of A.D. lOGO-2.] LIFE OF ST. WULFSTAX. 161 March, and on Friday after Our Lord's Ascension, being the day before the ides [the 14th] of May, lie entered on his ten years' inclosure in the abbey of Fulda. [a.d. lOGO.] Henry, king of the Franks, died, and was succeeded by his eldest son Philip. Duduc, bishop of Wells, died, and Avas succeeded by Giso, the king's chaplain ; they were both natives of Lorraine. Kinsi, archbishop of York, died at York on the eleventh of the calends of January [22nd December]. His body was carried to the abbey of Peter- borough, and buned there with great pomp. Aldred, bishop of Worcester, was elected his successor as archbishop of York at Christmas ; and the see of Hereford, which had been intrusted to his administration on account of his great diligence, was given to Waiter, a Lorrainer, and chaplain to queen Edgitha. [a.d. 1061.] Aldred, archbishop of York, went to Ptome in company with earl Tosti, and received the pallium from pope Nicholas. There, also, Giso of Wells, and Walter of Hereford, were consecrated bishops by the same pope. Until John, the successor of Giso, all the bishops of Wells had their episcopal see at Wells, in the church of St. Andrew the A])ostle. Maiolus, abbot of the Scots, died at Cologne; Foilan succeeded him. [ad. 10G2.] Wulfstan,^ a venerable man, was made; bishop of Worcester. This prelate, beloved of God, was born in Warwickshire, in the province of Mercia, of pious parents; his fiither's name being Ealstan, and his mother's Wulfgeova, but he was well instructed in letters and ecclesiastical func- tions at the monastery of Peterborough. Both his parents were so devoted to a religious life, that long before their end, they took the vows of chastity, and separated from each other, delighting to spend the rest of their days in habits of lioly devotion. Inspired by such examples, and chiefly in- duced by his mother's persuasions, he quitted the world while he was yet in his youth, and took the monastic habit and i)rofession in the same monastery at Worcester where ' Our author, who has alrf.-ady, on several occasions, given fuller particulars than other chroniclers of events connected with the counties of Worcester and Hereford, here furnishes us very naturally witli an account of the life and character of Wulfstan, the celebrated bishop of Worcester, afterwards archbishop of York. M 162 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1062. his father had before devoted himself to the service of Grod, being admitted by the venerable Brihteag, bishop of the same church, who also conferred upon him the orders both of deacon and priest. Entering at once on a strict and deeply religious course of life, he quickly became remarkable for his vigils, his fastings, his prayers, and all kinds of virtues. In consequence of this regular discipline, he was appointed, first, for some time, master and tutor of the novices, and afterwards, from his intimate acquaintance with the eccle- siastical services, his superiors nominated him precentor and treasurer of the church. Being now intrusted with the custody of the church, he embraced the opportunities afforded him of serving God with greater freedom ; and, devoting himself wholly to a life of contemplation, he resorted to it by day and night, either for prayer or holy reading, and assiduously mortified his body by fasting for two or three days together. He was so addicted to devout vigils, that he not only spent the nights sleepless, but often the day and night together, and sometimes went for four days and nights without sleep, — a thing we could hardly have believed, if we had not heard it from his ow^n mouth, — so that he ran great risk from his brains being parched, unless he hastened to satisfy the demands of nature by the refresh- ment of sleep. Even, at last, when the urgent claims of nature compelled him to yield to sleep, he did not indulge himself by stretching his limbs to rest on a bed or couch, but would lie down for awhile on one of the benches in the church, resting his head on the book which he had used for praying or reading. After some time, on the death of JEthel- wine, prior of the monastery, bishop Aldred appointed this reverend man to be prior and father of the convent, an office which he worthily filled ; by no means abating the strictness of his previous habits, but rather increasing it in many respects, in order to afford a good example to the rest. After the lapse of some years, on the elevation of Aldred, bishop of Worcester, to the archbishopric of York, there was unanimous consent both of the clergy and the whole body of the laity [of Worcester] in the election of Wulfstan as their bishop; the king having granted them permission tc choose whom they pleased. It so chanced that the legates from the apostolical see were present at the election, namely, A.D. 1062.] WULFSTAN MADE BISHOP. 1G3 Ernicnfrcd, bishop of Sion,^ and another, who wore sent by our lord the pope Alexander to king Edward on some eccle- siastical questions, and by the king's orders spent nearly the whole of Lent at Worcester, waiting for the reply to their mission at the king's court in the ensuing Easter. The legates, during their stay, observing Wulfstan*s worthy con- versation, not only concurred in his election, but used their especial influence with both the clergy and people to advance it, and confirmed it by their own authority. But he most obstinately declined the oflHce, exclaiming that he was un- worthy of it, and even declaring with an oath that he would rather submit to lose his head than be advanced to so high a dignity. When he could by no means be persuaded to consent by the arguments frequently addressed to him by many pious and venerable men, at last being sharply reproved for his obstinate wilfulness by Wulfsi the liermit, a man of God, who was known to have lived a life of solitude for more than forty years, and being also awed by a divine revelation, he was compelled, with the greatest reluctance, to give his consent ; and his election having been canonieally confirmed on the feast of the Decollation of St. Jolin the Baptist [29th August], and having accepted the oflfice of bishop, he was consecrated on the day on which St. Mary's Nativity is cele- brated })y the church, which happened on a Sunday, and shone forth in the splendour of his life and virtues as bishop of Worcester. The consecration was performed by the venerable Aldred, archbishop of York, Stigand, archbishop of Canterbury, being then interdicted by the pope from perform- ing his episcopal functions, because he had presumed to take the archi)ishoi)ric while Robert, the archbishop, was still living ; but Wulfstan made his canonical profession to Sti- gand, the afy tlie heavenly viaticum, he yielded up his life and his kingdom on tlje fiftli of the ides [the Dth] of September, liaving reigned in England twenty years, ten months, and twenty-eiglit days. He lies buried at Caen, in the church of St. Stoj)hen, the Proto-martyr, which he founded and en- dowed liimself. His son William crossed over to England in great haste, taking with him Wulnoth and Morcar ; but as soon as he reached Winchester he placed them in confinement as before; and on Sunday the sixth of the calends of October [JGth September] he was crowned at Westminster by ' Cf. Ordfrieus Vitalis, b. vii. c. xi ; and two notes in vol. ii., pp. 382, '^H^, of the fdition in Bohna Antiq. Lib. ' Ordcricus Vitalis ;^ivos a dilVcrcnt representation ; /6A/., p. 413. Chapters xv — xvii. of this worlv give the best account of the closing acts and scenes of the Conqueror's life. 186 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1087, 1088. Lanfranc, archbishop of Canterbury. Then returning to Winchester he divided his father's treasure among the churches in England, according to his directions ; namely, that some of the principal churches should have ten marks of gold, some six, and others less ; and to each of the churches in his cities and vills he gave sixty pence : he also commanded that crosses, altars, reliquaries, missals,-^ candlesticks, holy- water pots,^ and chalices,^ and various ornaments, studded with gems, gold, silver, and precious stones, should be dis- tributed among the greater churches and abbeys. His brother Robert also, on his return to Normandy, liberally distributed the treasures he found ; giving them to the monasteries and churches and the poor, for the good of his father's soul ; and, releasing from prison Ulf, the son of Harold, formerly king of England, and Duncan, son of Malcolm, king of the Scots, conferred on them the honour of knighthood, and permitted them to depart. [a.D. 1088.] This year there was great dissension among the English nobility; for part of the Norman nobles, although they were few in number, favoured king William, while the other part, which was the most numerous, adhered to Robert, earl of Normandy, and wished to invite him over, and either betray alive the brother w^ho was king to his brother the earl, or deprive the king of his crown and life. The chief movers in this execrable design were Odo, bishop of Bayeux, who was also earl of Kent, and Robert, earl of Morton, his brother, both of whom were brothers of king William the Elder, but only by the mother's side.* There were also concerned in the ' Textos. Looking to its connection with other church furniture, this word might perhaps be rendered coverings (for the altar or its ornaments), although in pure Latin it would then be texta. We are, however, inclined to think that it means books used in the service of the altar ; the missal, together with the canon of the mass, containing the introits, graduals, tracts, lessons, &c., besides the epistles and gospels ; all which may be called texts. ^ Situlas; the word is so applied in an inventory of the church of Spires, a.d. 1419. "Item, unus situlus cum aspergerio argenti pro aqua benedicta. ^ Fistulas ; the word was originally applied to the reed used in administering the cup to the faithful, when the communion was given in both kinds. * Bishop Odo and Robert, earl of Morton, were the sons of Harlotta, the mother of William the Conqueror, by Herluin de Conteville, to whom she was married before the death of Robert. A.D. loss.] THE barons' REVOLT. 187 plot Geoffrey, bishop of Coiitfinces, witli his nepliew Robert, earl of Northunibria, Roger, earl of Shrewsbury, and what was worse still, William, bishop of Durham ; for at this very time the king relied on his discretion as a faithful counsellor, lie being a man of great sagacity, and the whole common- wealth of England was under his administration. They were men whose vast landed possessions gave them great pre- ponderance in England. The number of their comrades in arms, and associates in the conspiracy, daily increased. This execrable design was secretly discussed during Lent [March 1st — April 9th], so that it might burst forth after Easter [10th April] ; for withdrawing from the king's court they fortified their castles, and prepared to spread fire and sword, rapine and slaughter through the country. What an accursed deed was this, a conflict worse than civil war ! Fathers fought against sons, brothers against brothers, friends against kins- men, foreigners against foreigners. Meanwhile, Odo, bishop of Bayeux, having fortified Rochester, sent to Normandy, exhorting earl Robert to lose no time in coming to England, informing him of what had taken place, and assuring him that the kingdom was ready for liim, and that if he were not wanting to himself, the crown was his own. Struck with the unexpected news, the earl announces it to his friends with exultation, already anticipates a triumph, secure of success, and invites numbers to share the s})oil. He sends an auxiliary force to the support of bishop Odo, his uncle, in England, and promises to follow it as soon as he can assemble a larger army. The troops despatched by earl Robert on their arri\al in England had the custody of Rochester intrusted to them by bishop Odo ; Eustace the younger, count of Boulogne, and Robert de Belesme, as the men of highest rank, assuming the command. When the king received intelligence of this movement, he was strangely troubled ; but relying on his undaunted valour, and having sent messengers who, by virtue of his royal authority, summoned to his side those he considered loyal, he wxMit to London for the purpose of ordering all matters and providing means for the prosecution of the war. Assembling troops, both horse and foot, to form an army, which, though small, contained as many Normans as he could at ])resent muster, but consisted chiefly of English, and making [just] laws and 188 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1088. promising all sorts of good things to his adherents, he put his trust in God's mercy, and prepared to march to Rochester, where he heard the enemy's main body was stationed. For he was given to undei'stand that the bishop Odo was there with all his force, and the troops from beyond sea. Having put his army in motion, he found that Tunbridge, a place belonging to Gilbert Pitz-Richard, was held against him ; he therefore laid siege to it, stormed it in two days, and forced Gilbert, who was wounded, to surrender himself and his castle. The report of this reaching Odo's ears, after con- sulting with his friends, he left Rochester and proceeded with a few followers to the castle of his brother Robert, earl of Morton, called Pevensey. Finding his brother there, he exhorted him to hold out, assuring them that they should be safe there ; and while the king was engaged in the siege of Rochester, the earl of Normandy would arrive with a large army, and, relieving them and their garrison, make himself master of the kingdom, and amply reward his adherents. The king, having reduced Tunbridge and received the fealty of the inhabitants, left Gilbert there in consequence of his wound, and, placing a garrison in the castle, was on the point of continuing his march to Rochester according to his first intention, when he heard that his uncle had left it and gone to Pevensey. Acting, therefore, on sound advice, he led his army in pursuit of him to that place, hoping that he should sooner terminate the war, if he could first triumph over the authors of all the mischief we have described. He made forced marches, he prepared his engines, he besieged his two uncles. The place was strongly fortified, but he made incessant efforts to reduce it.^ Meanwhile the storm of war raged in every part of Eng- land. The garrison of Rochester fell on the people of Canterbury and London with fire and sword ; for Lanfranc, the archbishop, and nearly all the nobles of that province, were with the Idng. Roger,^ an ally of Robert, was at his ' Our author's account of the important events connected with the siege of Rochester, which ended in the expulsion of the bishop of Mayeux, is very concise. Cf. Ordericus Vitalis, vol. ii., pp.436 — 441. ^ Roger de Montgomery, earl of Shrewsbury. Arundel was the first English fief granted to his father. A.D. 1088.] CIVIL WARS. 189 castle of Anindol, expecting the arrival of the earl of Nor- mandy.^ Geoffrey, bishop of Coutances, held Bristol castle in conjunction with his ncjihew and accomplice in conspiracy and treason, Robert de Mowbray, a man of military experience ; who, collecting troops, attacked Batli, a city of the king's, and having burnt and plundered it, passed on towards Wilt- shire, where he ravaged the vills and slaughtered many of the inhabitants, and at length reached Ilchester, and sat down before it, determined to take it. The besiegers were animated in their attacks by the hope of plunder and the desire of victory. The men in the garrison made a stout resistance in defence of themselves and those who were dear to them. At length, of the two, those who were driven to extremity triumphed, and Robert, being repulsed, retired, mourning over his ill success. William d'Eu made an irruption into Grloucestershire, and having plundered the royal vill of Berkeley, committed great ravages through the country with Bre and sword. [^Worcestej' defended by Bishop Wulf start.'] While so much destruction was wrought in every quarter, Bernard du Neuf-Marche, Roger de Lacy, who had lately (vrested Hereford from the king, and Ralph de Mortemer,^ locomplices in the conspiracy, with the vassals of Roger, earl )f Shrewsbury, having assembled a numerous army of English, S^ormans, and Welsh, burst into the province of Worcester, leclaring that they would burn the city of Worcester, blunder the church of God and St. Mary, and take summary /■engeance on the inhabitants for their loyalty to the king. ')n hearing this, the reverend father Wulfstan, bishop of iVorcester,'* — a man of deep piety and dove-like sim})licity, ' Comitis prcedicli. Florence of Worcester, throiif^hout his chron- cle, (kvsi<;nat('S Robert as <'arl,iiot duko, of Normandy. ^ Ordcricus Vitalis adds "O.-hern, son of rkioliard,sui-iiainod Scroop," o the list. lie appears, by Domesday Book, to liavo held in capite ands in Worc(>st(^rshire. 3 St. Wulfstan, bishop of Worcester, 1002 — Jan. 18, 1095. Florence, n tliis and subs('(pient j)assa<;es, naturally enters into more details of •v(!nts connected with Worcestershire and the adjoining counties, than my other chronicler. 190 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1088. beloved alike by God and the people he entirely governed, faithful to the king as his earthly lord, under all circum- stances,— was in great tribulation ; but soon rallying, by God's mercy, prepared himself like another Moses to stand manfully by his people and city. While they armed themselves to re- pel the enemy, he poured forth supplications in the impending danger, exhorting his people not to despair of the help of God, who fighteth not with sword and spear. Meanwhile, the Normans, taking counsel, entreated the bishop to remove from the church into the castle, saying that his presence would give them more security if they should be in greater peril : for they loved him much. Such was his extraordinary kindness of heart, that, from duty to the king and regard for them, he assented to their request. Thereupon the bishop's retainers bravely made ready to fight ; the garrison and the whole body of the citizens assembled, declaring that they would encounter the enemy on the other side of the Severn, if the bishop would give them leave. Taking their arms, therefore, and being arrayed for battle, they met the bishop as he was going to the castle, and besought him to grant their desire, to which he freely assented. " Go,'* said he, "my sons, go in peace, go in confidence, with the blessing of God, and mine. Trusting in God, I promise you that no sword shall hurt you this day, no disaster, no enemy. Be firm in your loyalty to the king, and do valiantly for the safety of the people and the city." On hearing these words they cheerfully crossed the bridge which had been repaired, and beheld from a distance the enemy rapidly approaching. The fury of war was already raging with violence through their ranks, for, despite of the bishop's injunctions, they had set fire to his own domains. On hearing this, the bishop was striken with deep sorrow, seeing the impoverishment of the possessions of the church ; and holding council upon it, was wrought upon by the unanimous voice of all present to pronounce a curse upon the enemy. A miracle ensued, which showed at once the power of God, and the worthiness of the man ; for the enemy, who were dis- persed in parties through the fields, were instantly struck with such feebleness in their limbs, and loss of eyesight, that they were scarcely able to carry their arms, or recognise their com- rades, or discern those who were advancing to attack them. A.D. 1089-91.] WORCESTER SAVED BY WULFSTAN. 191 While they in their blindness were at a loss what to do, con- fidence in God and the bishop's blessing encouraged our party. They had so lost their wits that they neither had the sense to efloet a retreat, nor sought any moans of defence ; but being by God's judgment given up to the fate of the reprobate, they easily fell into the hands of their enemies. The foot 3oldiers were put to the sword, the knights and their mounted followers, English, Norman, and Welsh, were taken prisoners, the rest barely managing in their feeble state to make their escape. The king's liege-men and the bishop's retainers returned home in triumph without the loss of a single man ; thanking God for the preservation of the property of the L'hurch, and the bishop for his salutary counsels. [a.d. 1089.] Lanfranc, archbishop of Canterbury, died on Thursday the 9th of the calends of June [24th May]. The same year, on Saturday the third of the ides [the 11th of August], about the third hour, there was a great earthquake throughout all England. [a.d. 1090.] William the younger, king of England, coveted to wrest Normandy from his brother Robert, and subject it to his own dominion. His first step was to make terms with Walter de St. Valery and Odo d' Aumale, for putting their castles into his hands, and he afterwards got possession of other castles in the same way ; and in all these he stationed troops, with orders to ravage Normandy. Earl Robert, find- ing this, and discovering the disloyalty of his nobles, sent envoys to Philip, king of France, his liege-lord, to invite him into Normandy ; whereupon he and the king laid siege to one of the castles in which his brother had placed a garri- son. This being reported to king William, he sent privately a, large sum of money to king Philip, and earnestly entreated him to raise the siege and return home ; to which Philip con- sented. [a.d. 1001.] In the month of February, king William the y^ounger went over to Normandy with the determinjition to wrest it from his brother Robert; but while he remained there peace was made between them on the terms that the earl should freely cede to tlie king the county of Eu, the ab- bey of Fecamp, the abbey of Mount St. Michael, Cherbourg, and the castles which had revolted from him ; while the king undertook, on his part, to reduce tiie province of Maine, 192 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1091. and the castles in Normandy which were then held against the earl to subjection to him ; should restore their English domains to all the Normans who had forfeited them by their adherence to the earl ; and should grant him such lands in England as they had already agreed on. It was stipulated, in addition, that if the earl should die without leaving a son born in lawful w^edlock, the king should be his heir ; and if the king should happen to die under similar circumstances, the earl should be his heir. This treaty was ratified by the oaths of twelve barons on the king's side and twelve on the earl's. Meanwhile, their brother Henry, at the head of all the troops he could muster, got possession of Mount St. Michael, some of the monks abetting him ; and began to ravage the lands of the king, taking some of his vassals prisoners and plundering others. Thereupon the king and the earl assem- bled an army and besieged the mount during the whole of Lent [26th February], having frequent skirmishes with prince Henry, in which they lost some of their men and horses. The king, however, becoming weary of the length of the siege, drew off without coming to terms ; and shortly afterwards took from Edgar the etheling the possessions which the earl had granted him, and forced him to quit Normandy. [Irruptions of the Scots.'] In the month of May, Malcolm, king of the Scots, made an irruption into Northumbria with a great army,^ intending, if he was successful, to proceed further and make the people of England feel his power. However, God w^ould not allow it, and his enterprise failed ; but before he returned his army pillaged Northumbria and they carried away much booty. On re- ceiving this intelligence the king returned to England with his brother Robert in the month of Aus'ust, and not lonsr afterwards set on foot an expedition, consisting of a consider- able fleet and a large body of horse, to bring Malcolm the king of the Scots to submission ; but before he reached Scot- land, a few days before the feast of St. Michael, nearly all the ships were sunk, and many of his horsemen perished from * Cf. Ordericus Vitalis, b. viii. c. xxii. A.D. 1091.] PEACE WITU MALCOLM. 193 cold and hunger. He was met by king ^Malcolm, with his army, in the provinces of Lothian.^ Earl Robert perceiving this, iHvited over Edgar the etheling, who having been ex- pelled from Normandy by king William was then living with the king of the Scots. By his assistance he concluded a peace between tlie two kings, on the terms that Malcolm should do fealty to William in the same manner his father had done, and that William should restore to Malcolm twelve vills Avhich he had held under his father, and should pay him, yearly, twelve marks of gold. But the peace concluded between them was of sliort duration. Edgar himself was also reconciled with the king througli the earl's mediations. Winchcomhe Church struck hy Lightning. On Wednesday the first of the ides [the 15th] of October, a thunderbolt struck with great force the tower of Winch- combe church, making a large aperture in the wall near the summit, and, after having riven one of the beams, struck the head from a crucifix and threw it on the ground, breaking also tlie riglit leg. An image of St. Mary, which stood near the crucifix, was also struck down. A thick smoke, with a suifoeating stench, then burst forth and filled the whole church, lasting until the monks went the circuit of the cham- bers of the monastery, with holy water and incense, and the relics of the saints, chanting psalms. Moreover, on Fri- day the sixteenth of the calends of November [IGth October] a violent whirlwhind from the south-west shook and demo- lished more than six hundred houses and a great number of churches in London. Kusiiing through the church of St. Mary, called " le Bow," it killed two men, and tearing up the roof and timbers, and whirling them for a long time to and fio in the air, at last drove six of the rafters, in the same order in which they were before fixed in the roofs, so deep into the earth that only the seventh or eighth part of tliem was visible, although they were twenty-seven or twenty-eight feet lonfc. 'O* ' Loldis ; not " the district of Leods,*' as siigi^ested in a note of the Enomrii IIisTOKiCAL Society's cditiou of Florence. See Ordericus Vitalis, vol. iii , j). 10. O 194 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1091, 1092. After this the king returned from Northumbria into Wessex through Mercia, and kept the earl with him until nearly Christma?, but refused to fulfil the conditions of the treaty which had been made between them ; at which the earl was so much dissatisfied that he hastened back to Normandy on the tenth of the calends of January [23rd December], taking Edgar the etheling with him. [TAe Pope and Antipope Urban II. and Clemens?^ There were at this time, as was- reported in England, two popes of Rome, so called, who opposed each other, and made a schism in the church of God, namely, Urban, whose original name was Odo, bishop of Ostia, and Clement, wlio was called Guibert, archbishop of Ravenna. This affair so perplexed the church of England for many years, to say nothing of other parts of the world, that from the time of the death of Gregory, who was also called Hildebrand, up to this period, it yielded submission and obedience to no one claiming to be pope. Italy and Gaul had already acknowledged Urban as the vicar of St. Peter. [a.D. 1092.] The city of London was almost entirely destroyed by fire. On Monday the nones [the 5th] of April, Osmund, bishop of Salisbury, assisted by Walkelin, bishop of Winchester, and John, bishop of Bath, consecrated the church which he had built in the castle of Sarum. Remi, who by license from William the Elder had transferred the seat of his bishopric from Dorchester to Lincoln, was desirous of conse- crating the church which he had built at Lincoln, worthy indeed to be the cathedral of a bishop's see,^ because he felt that the day of his death was at hand ; but Thomas, arch- bishop of York, opposed him, asserting that the church was built within his diocese. However, king William the younger, for a sum of money paid to him by Remi, summoned nearly all the bishops of England to assemble together on the twen- tieth of the ides [the 9th] of May, and dedicate the church ; but two days before the time fixed, by the mysterious provi- dence of God, bishop Remi himself departed from the world, and in consequence the consecration of the church was de- ferred. After this the king went into Northumbria, and * Cf. Henr^ of Huntingdon, pp. 219, 220, Antiq. Lib. A.D. 1002, 1093.] WILLIAM II.'S ILLNESS. 195 restored tlie city wliicli is called in the British tongue Cairleii, and in Latin Lugubalia (Carlisle), and built a castle there ; for this city, like some others in that quarter, had been laid in ruins by the heathen Danes two hundred years before, and had been uninhabited up to this time. [a.d. 1093.] King William the younger being seizerought the city of Mans and a great part of that province under his domiiuon by force of arms. 204 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a D. 1098. Meanwhile, Hugh, earl of Chester, and Hugh, earl of Shrewsbury, led troops into the Isle of Anglesey, and mas- sacred many of the Welsh whom they took in the island, and put out the eyes of others, having first cut off their hsmds and feet, and emasculated them. They also dragged from his church a priest named Kenred, from whom the Welsh received counsel on their undertakings, and having emascu- lated him and put out one of his e^ es, they cut off his tongue ; but on the third day, by the mercy of Grod, his speech was restored to him. At that time Magnus, king of Norway, son of king Olaf, who was son of king Harold Harfaagar,^ having added the Orkney and Menavian islands to his dominions, sailed there with a small fleet. But when he attempted to bring his ships to land, Hugh, earl of Shrewsbury, met him with a large body of men-at-arms on the strand of the sea- shore, and, as it is reported, fell by an arrow discharged by the king's own hand on the seventh day after he had treated the priest just mentioned with such barbarity. The city of Antioch was taken by the Christians on Wed- nesday the third of the nones [the 3rd] of June ; where, after a few days, the spear with which the Saviour of the world was pierced when hanging on the cross, was discovered in the church of St. Peter the apostle, by a revelation from St. Andrew the apostle, the most merciful of saints. Encouraged by this discovery, the Christians marched out of the city, carrying it with them, on Monday the fourth of the calends of July [28th June], and giving battle to the pagans, put to flight at the point of the sword Curbaran, commander of the forces of the soldan of Persia, and the Turks, Arabs, Saracens, Publicans, Azimates, Persians, Agu- lans, and many other nations ; gaining, by God's aid, a signal victory, and having slain many thousands of the enemy. There was an unusual light in the heavens, which shone during nearly the whole of the night of the fifth of the calends of October [27th September]. The same year the bones of the king and martyr Canute were disinterred and placed in a shrine with great reverence. Roger, duke of ' Magnus IH., king of Norway, was son of Harold Hardraada. For details of his expeditions to the isles, and particularly of that in which Hugh earl of Shrewsbury fell, see Odericus Vitalis, b. x. c. vi. and the notes in pp. 216, &;c. of vol. HI. in the Antiq. Lib. A.D. 1098, 1099.] COUNCILS AT ROME AND BARI. 20.3 Apulia, having assembled a large army, besieged the city of (Jai)ua, wiiicli had revolted from his government. Pope Urban, accompanied, in obedience to his command, by Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury, went to the council which he had convened at Bari on the calends [the 1st] of October; in which council many articles of the Catholic faith were treated of by the apostolical pope with eloquent reasoning. A ques- tion being also raised by the Greeks, who endeavoured to j)rov^e, on evangelical authority, that the Holy Sjiirit proceeds from the Father alone, Anselm so handled, discussed, and ex- hausted the subject, that there was no one in the assembly who did not admit that he was fully satisfied. [a.d. 1099.] Pope Urban held a great council at Home in the third week of Easter [10th April], in which some decrees were justly repealed, and new ones made against the adversaries of holy church, and the pope, with the unani- mous agreement of the council, launched a sentence of ex- conununication against all laymen giving ecclesiastical investi- tures, and all who received them at their hands, as well as against those who should consecrate any one for preferment so given. He also excommunicated all those who did homage to laymen for any ecclesiastical dignity ; for he said that it was horrible that hands which had been so highly honoured, above the ministrations of angels, as to create, by their touch, God, the Creator of all things, and offer him for the re- demption and salvation of the whole world before God the Father, should be debased so low as to be humbly linked in hands which night and day are polluted by immodest con- tacts, or defiled by ra|)ine and the unrighteous shedding of blood. " Fiat, fiat" [Be it so], was the general exclama- tion ; and so the council ended. After this, the archbishop proceeded to Lyons. William the younger returned from Normandy to England, and held his court at Whitsuntide in London. He there gave the bishopric of Durham to Ranulph, a man whom he had made the instrument of his extortions throughout England. Thomas, archbishop of York, shortly afterwiirds consecrated him there. Jerusalem was taken by the Turks on Thursday the ides [the l.Jth] of July. The Christians fouglit a battle with Amiravis, the connnander of the army and second in power over the whole kingdom of Babylon, the day before the idea 206 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1099, 1100. [the 12th] of August, on the same day of the week, and, through Christ's mercy, obtained the victory. Paschal, a venerable man, who had been ordained priest by pope Hilde- brand, was elected pope by the people of Rome on the ides [the 13th] of August, and was consecrated on the following day, Sunday the nineteenth of the calends of September [14tli August]. On the third of the nones [the 3rd] of November, the sea overflowed the shore, destroying towns, and drowning many persons, and innumerable oxen and sheep. Osmund, bishop of Salisbury, died on Friday the third of the nones [the 3rd] of December. [a.D. 1100.] Pope Clement, who was also called Guibert, died. On Sunday the ides [the 15th] of July, the church which abbot Serlo, of pious memory, had built from the foundations at Gloucester, was consecrated with great cere- mony by bishops Samson, of Worcester, Gundulph, of Roches- ter, Gerard, of Hereford, and Hervey, of Bangor. [^William Rufus slam.^ On Thursday, the fourth of the nones [the 2nd] of August, in the eighth indiction, William the younger, king of England, while hunting in the New Forest, which is called in English Ytene, was killed by an arrow, carelessly aimed by a French- man, Walter, surriamed Tirel;^ and being carried to Winches- ter he was buried in the old minster, in the church of St. Peter. Nor can it be wondered that, as common report states, almighty power and vengeance should have been thus dis- played. For in former times, that is, during the reigns of king Edward and other kings of England, his predecessors, tins tract of land was thickly planted with churches and with inhabitants who were worshippers of God ; but by command of king William the elder the people were expelled, the houses half ruined, the churches pulled down, and the land made an habitation for wild beasts only ; and hence, as it is believed, arose this mischance. For Richard, the brother of William the younger, had perished long before in the same forest, and a short time previously his cousin Richard, the son of Robert, earl of Normandy, was also killed by an arrow by ' Cf. Ordericus Vitalis, b. x. c, xiv., and the notes, for fuller details of the eii ciimstances attending the eath of William Rufus, and the history of Walter Tirel. A.D. 1100.] RANULPII FLAMBARD. 207 one of his knights, while ho was hunting. A church, built in the old times, had stood on the spot where the king fell, but, as we have already said, it was destroyed in the time of his father. During the reign of this king, as we have partly mentioned above, many signs appeared in the sun, moon, and stars ; the sea often overflowed its banks, drowning men and cattle, and destroying many vills and houses; in the district of Berkshire, blood flowed from a fountain for three weeks ; and the devil frequently appeared in the woods under a horrible form to many Normans, and discoursed largely to them respecting the king, and Ranulph, and some otliers. Nor is it to be won- dered at ; for in their time law was almost silent, and monev only weighed with the judges in all causes brought before them. At that time some men obeyed the king's will rather than justice, and Ranulpii, contrary to ecclesiastical law and the rules of his order, for lie was a priest, received from the king, first abbeys, and then bislioprics, wliose holders had recently died, to let to farm; and thereout he paid the king every year 'a largo sum of money. His cunning and shrewdness were such, and in a short time he so grew in the king's favour, that he appointed him his pleader and collector of toxes throughout the kingdom.^ Possessed of this immense power, he mulct some of the wealthier sort in various parts of England of their goods and lands, while he incessantly iiarassed those who were in poorer circumstances with unjust taxes. Thus did he on both high and low in various ways, — both before he was made a bisho]) and afterwards, — and this up to the time of the king's death, for on the very day he died he held in his own hands the archbishopric of Canterbury and the bishoprics of Win- chester and Salisbury. William the younger reigned thirteen years, wanting thirty-eight days ; his youngest brother Henry succeeded liim, and was forthwith crowned at Westminster by Maurice, bishop of London, on tlie nones [the 5th] of August. On the day of his consecration he gave freedom to the church of God, which in his brother's time was jnit up to sale and let to farm; he discontinued the exaction of the un- ' All the Chronicles dvvrll on tho c-liaracter of this shrowd but un- principled lawyer. Soo Honry of ]Juntingdon. pp. t33S and 310, ^/(^/r;. ///6.; Ordoricus Vitalis, /6ic/, vol. iii., p. 279; and William of Malmesbury, ibid, p. 336. 208 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1101. just dues and oppressive taxes with which the kingdom of P^ngland was burthened, and firmly established peace in his dominions, and ordered it to be preserved; he restored the laws of king Edward to all in common, with such amendments as his father had made, but he retained in his own hands the forests which he made and possessed. Not long afterwards he committed to custody in the Tower of London, Ranulph, bishop of Durh.am, and recalled Anselm, archbishop of Can- terbury, from France. Meanwhile, Robert, earl of Flanders, and Eustace, count of Boulogne, came back from Jerusalem. Then Robert, earl of Xormandy, returned to his own country with the wife he had married in Sicily.^ In the interim, Henry, king of England, con- voked the great English lords at London, and married Matilda, daughter of Malcolm, king of Scots, and queen Margaret; and she was crowned and consecrated queen by Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury, on the feast of St. Martin, being Sunday. Thomas, archbishop of York, a man of eminent piety, whose memory was held in great veneration, and who was affable and beloved by all, departed this life at York, on Sunday, the fourteenth of the calends of December [18th November], and was succeeded by Gerard, bishop of Hereford. [a.D. 1101.] Ranulph, bishop of Durham, made his escape fiom prison after Christmas with great address, and crossing the sea, went to Robert, earl of Normandy, and jDersuaded him to appear in arms in England.^ Many also of the nobles of this country sent messengers to him and entreated him speedily to come over, promising him the crown and kingdom of England. The city of Gloucester w^as destroyed by fire, with the principal monastery and others, on Thursday the eighth of the ides [the 6th] of June. Expedition of Robert Ciirthose to England. Robert, earl of Normandy, having raised a large body of horsemen, archers, and foot soldiers, assembled his ships, called ' It should be Apulia. Robert married Sibylla, daughter of Geoffrey de Conversana, near Bari, who was nephew of Robert Guiscard. See Orderic. Vital. ; vol. iii., pp 256, 257. The duchess SibvUa died much lamented by the Normans, in Lent, 1103 Ibid, p. 343. 2 Ibid, p. 281, 287. A.D. 1101] Robert's expedition to England. 209 in the Norman tongue Ultres-port.^ The king, receiving intelligence of this, ordered his bouts-carles^ to guard the sea, and to watch that no one approached tlie coast of England from Normandy ; while he himself, having collected an im- mense army from every part of England, encamped near Hastings in Sussex, concluding for certain that his brother would land in that quarter. The earl, however, by the advice of bishop Ralph, so tampered with the fidelity of some of the king's boats-carles, by promises of various kinds, that throwing otf their allegiance, they deserted to the earl, and became his pilots to England. All being ready, he embarked with his army, and about the Feast of St. Peter ad Vincula [1st August] landed at Portsmouth, and, immediately marching his army towards Winchester, pitched his camp on a suitable spot. Immediately that his arrival was known, some of the English nobles w^ent over to him as they had before promised, others remained with the king, although in heart they were faithless to him. The bishops, however, with the common soldiers and English people, stood by him resolutely, and were ready to a man to be led to battle for his cause. But the wiser men on both sides, agreeing in sound counsels, mediated a peace be- tween the brothers, on the terms that the king should pay to the earl yearly three thousand marks, that is tw^o thousand pounds in silver, and should freely restore their former do- mains in England to all who had forfeited them by their adherence to the earl ; and that the earl should reinstate in their possessions in Normandy, without cost, all who had been deprived of them on the king's account. Peace being restored, the king disbanded his army, and part of the earl's troops returned to Normandy, and part remained with him in England. Godfrey, king of Jerusalem, who was before the powerful duke of TiOrraine, son of Eustace the Elder, count of IJoulogne, departed this life and lies buried in the church of Golgotlia.^ After his death the Christians unanimously ' Tr(''port. * Butse-carles: [An;;. Sax. butse, or bates-carles, from hat, a boat, and carl, or ceorl ;] the boatmen of the Cinque-ports, and other harbours in the channel. Our author snbseijuently usrs the phrase for mariners generally, the boats-carles being pre3?«ed or enlisted into the kin^^'s naval servicre. ^ The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, at Jerusalem. P 210 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1101, 1102. elected his brother, Baldwin, king. Eobert de Belesme, earl of Shrewsbury, son of earl Koger, began to repair and sur- round with a broad and lofty wall (as the issue proved, to oppose king Henry) the castle which Ethelfeda, lady of the Mercians, had formerly built in the reign of her brother Edward the Elder, at a place called in the Saxon tongue Brycge [Bridgnorth], on the west bank of the river Severn. He also commenced building another castle in Wales at a place called Caroclove. [^Robert de Belesme s B,ebellion.~\ [a.D. 1102.] The before-mentioned Robert, earl of Belesme, who was then master of the county of Ponthieu also, and possessed a great number of castles in Normandy, strongly fortified against king Henry the town of Shrewsbury and the castle which stands in it ; and also the castles of Arundel and Tickhill, supplying them with provisions, engines, and arms, and stationing in them knights and foot-soldiers. He also hastened, by all the means in his power, the completion of the walls and towers of the castles of Brycge and Caroclove, havino: the works carried on night and day. Moreover, in order to rouse his Welsh vassals to a ready, faithful, and willing submission to his orders, he bestowed on them liberally lordships and lands, horses and arms, and all kinds of largesses. But his plans and operations were speedily cut short, for his plots and designs being made manifest by sure evidence, the king proclaimed him a traitor. Thereupon, having quickly assembled all the Welshmen and Normans he could collect, he and his brother Arnulph ravaged part of Staffordshire, and carried off into Wales many horses and cattle, and some few men. The king, without delay, besieged first his castle of Arundel, and having built forts against it, retired. He then ordered Robert, bishop of Lincoln, with part of his troops to lay siege to Tickhill, while he himself, with nearly the whole military force of England, sat down before Bridgnorth, and began to construct machines and erect a strong fort before it. Meanwhile, by moderate bribes he easily in- duced the Welsh, in whom Robert placed great confidence, to break the oaths they had sworn to him, and utterly desert him and turn their arms against him. The town [of Shrewsbury] A.D. 1102.] ECCLESIASTICAL AFFAIRS. 211 and all the castles having been surrendered within thirty days, he reduced his enemy Robert to submit, and drove him from England in disgrace : his brother Arnulph was shortly after- wards condemned to a similar fate for his treason.^ [A Synod held at London.^ After this the king was in London on the Feast of St. Michael, at his palace of Westminster, with all the great men of his realm of both orders, spiritual and temporal, where he invested two of the clergy with bishoprics, namely, Roger, the chancellor, with the see of Salisbury, and Roger, his larder er, with that of Hereford. There, also, Anselm, the archbishop, held a great synod on ecclesiastical affairs, at which were present Gerard, archbishop of York, Maurice, bishop of Lon- don, William, bishop-elect of Winchester, Robert, bishop of Lincoln, Samson of Worcester, Robert of Chester, John of Bath, Herbert of Norwich, Ralph of Chichester, Gundulph ot Rochester, Hervey of Bangor, and the two newly-invested bisliops, Roger of Salisbury, and Roger of Hereford. Osbern, bishop of Exeter, could not attend, being detained by sickness. In this synod, several abbots, both Frenchmen and English, were deposed, and deprived of the preferments which they had obtained unfairly, or in which they lived disreputably; namely, Guy, abbot of Pershore, Aldwin, abbot of Ramsey, and the abbot of Tavistock, Haimon, abbot of Cerne, and the abbot of Michelney, Ethelric, abbot of Middleton, Goodric of Peterborough, Richard of Ely, and Robert of St. Edmund's. Roger, the before-mentioned bishop-elect of Hereford, was taken ill at London and died ; and Reignclm, the queen's chancellor, was substituted for him by a like investiture. Henry, king of England, gave Mary, the queen's sister, in marriage to Eustace, count of Boulogne. [The King and Archbishop's quarrel about Investitures.^ [a.d. 1103.] There was a violent dispute between kin^ Henry and archbishop Anselm; the archbishop being opposed to the king's conferring investitures of ecclesiastical prcfer- ' See fuller details of the revolt of Robert de Belesme, and king Henry's successful campai'^n airainst him, in B. xi. c. iii. of Ordericus Vitalis. Vol. iii. p. 331, &c. in the Antiq. Lib. p2 212 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1103, 1104. ments, and refusing either to consecrate or communicate with those to whom the king had already given churches ; because the apostolical pope had forbidden this to him and all others. In consequence, the king commanded Gerard, the archbishop of York, to consecrate the bishops to whom he had given in- vestitures, namely, William GifFard, and Eoger, who had been his chaplain, and was now preferred to the bishopric of Salisbury. Gerard was willing to comply with the king's command, but William, in deference to the canons, made light of both that and archbishop Gerard's consecration. Where- fore the king sentenced him to forfeit all he had, and he was banished the realm : the others remained unconsecrated. Shortly before this, Reignelm had surrendered the bishopric of Hereford to the king, believing that he had offended God . because he had accepted the investiture of a church from the hands of a layman. The king held his court during Easter at Winchester. Anselm, the archbishop, after the many injuries and slights he had endured, at the king's request set out for Rome on the fifth of the calends of May [27th April], as it had been settled between him and the king ; being accompanied by William, bishop-elect of Winchester, and the deposed abbots, Richard of Ely and Aldwin of Ramsey. Robert, earl of Normandy, came into England to confer with his brother, and before he returned released him from the annual pension of three thousand silver marks, which the king was bound to pay him yearly according to their agree- ment.^ Blood was seen by many persons to flow from the ground at a place called Heamstede in Berkshire. In the same year, on the third of the ides [the 3rd] of August, there was a violent storm of wind, which did more damage to the fruits of the earth in England than men then living had ever witnessed in former times. [a.D. 1104.] Two venerable abbots died, — Walter of Evesham, on the thirteenth of the calends of February [20th January], and Serlo of Gloucester, on the fourth of the nones [the 4th] of March. Henry, king of England, held his court at Westminster during Whitsuntide. On Tuesday the seventh of the ides [the 7th] of June, about the sixth ^ According to Malmesbury, Robert resigned his pension at the instance of the queen, as the price of his liberty. A.D. 1104-6.] RELICS OF ST. CUTHBERT. 213 hour, four circles of a white colour were seen round the sun, one under the other, as in a painting. All who observed it marvelled, such appearances having been never before seen by any of them. William, earl of Morton, was disinherited of all his English domains. It would be difficult to describe the miseries which the land of England sutiered at that time from the king's exactions. The body of St. Cuthbert, the bishop, was exposed to view while Ilanulj)h was bishop, and was clearly found to be uncorrupted, as well as the head of St. Oswald, king and martyr, and the relics of St. Bede and other saints, by lialph, abbot of Seez,^ afterwards bishop of Rochester, and the monks of Durham, in the presence of earl Alexander, the brother of Edgar, king of Scots, and afterwards king himself. Having been permitted to assist on so sacred an occasion, he caused a shrine to be made at the cost of many gold and silver marks, in which the sacred body was deposited, wrapped in new vestments. {The King invades Normandy. ~\ [a.d. 1105.] Henry, king of England, crossed the sea, and on his arrival nearly all the Norman barons deserted the earl, their lord, whom they despised, and flocked to the king for the gold and silver which he brought over with him, putting their castles and fortified cities and towns into his hands. After having burnt Bayeux, with the church of St. Mary there, and taken Caen from his brother, he returned to P^ngland, finding it was not in his power at that time to make himself master of the whole of Normandy, and intend- ing to return the ensuing year and subdue the remainder, to the disinheritance of his brother. William, earl of Morton, in revenge for the loss of his English domains, did all the mis- chief he could to the king's vassals and possessions. [a.d. 1106.] Robert, earl of Normandy, came over to ' Ralph d' Escures, bishop of St. Martin, at Seez, being driven out of Normandy by the persecutions of Robert de Belt'srae, took refuf^e in England, and was appointed bishop of Rochostc^r, llth Auj^ust, 1 lOS, raised to the see of Canterbury the 2fith April, 1114, and di( d the 20th October, 1122. See Urdcric. Vital., vol. ii. p. 4G5, and vol. iii. p. 34'J. 214 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1106. England to have a conference with his brother Henry, and met him at Northampton/ Then the earl begged him to restore what he had taken from him in Normandy ; but the king gave a flat refusal to all his demands, and the earl left him in great wrath and recrossed the sea. On Friday, in the first week of Lent, the fourteenth of the calends of March [16th February], in the evening, a strange star was visible between the south and west, and shone for twenty-five days in the same form and at the same hour. It appeared small and dim, but the light which issued from it was exceedingly clear ; and flashes of light, like bright beams, darted into the star itself from the east and north. Many aflSrmed that they saw several strange stars at that time. On the night of Holy Thursday, shortly before daybreak, two moons were visible, one in the east, the other in the west ; and both were full, the moon being then fourteen days old. In this year a most execrable quarrel took place between the emperor of Germany and his son. [The Battle of Tinchehrai.'] Henry, king of England, crossed the sea before the month of August, proceeding to Normandy ; and nearly all the principal Normans submitted to him, except Robert de Belesme, William de Morton, and a few others, who main- tained their allegiance to earl Robert. On the assumption of St. Mary [15th August], king Henry came to Bee, where he had a meeting with Anselm, the archbishop, and they came to terms of peace and concord on all the matters on which they had differed. Soon afterwards, the archbishop, by the command and at the request of the king, returned to England. The king, having assembled an army, marched to a castle belonging to the earl of Morton, called Tinchebrai, and laid siege to it. While the king was detained before the place his brother Robert fell upon him at the head of his army, on the eve of St. Michael, having with him Robert de Belesme and William, earl of Morton ; but right and victory were on ' Cf. Henry of Huntingdon, p. 242. This interview, at which Robert threw himself in vain at the feet of the author of his misfor- tunes, is described with simple pathos by John Brompton. A.D. HOG, 1107.] ROBERT CURTHOSE, PRISONER. 215 the king's side.^ Robert, earl of Normandy, William, earl of Morton, and Robert d'Estoteville were taken prisoners in the battle; but Robert de Relesme escaped by flight. William Crispin was also captured, and many others, at the same time. Affairs having taken this turn, the king brought all Normandy to submission and governed it according to his will ; intelligence of which he communicated by letters to arelibishop Anselm. [a.d. 1107.] Edgar, king of the Scots, died on the eighth of the ides [the 6th] of January, and was succeeded by his brother Alexander. Peace having l)een established in Nor- mandy under the king's go\ernraent, and Robert, duke of Normandy, and AVilliam, earl of Morton, having been sent forward to England in custody, the king himself returned to his kingdom before Easter [14th April]. [A Council at London respecting Investitures.^ On the calends [the 1st] of August, a great council of all the bishops, abbots, and barons of the realm was held in the royal palace at London ; and for three days, in the absence of archbishop Anselm, the subject of ecclesiajstical investitures was fully discussed between the king and the bishops. Some of them strove to persuade him to follow the practice of his father and brother, and disregard the decree of the apostolic see ; for pope Paschal, adhering strictly to the decision pro- nounced, had coincided with pope Urban on all points, and, like him, had interdicted [ky] investitures, and thus the king was brovght to agree with him on the matter. Afterwards, when Anselm was present, the king publicly allowed and or- dained that from thenceforth no person should ever be invested in any bishopric or abbey in England by receiving the pastoral staff or ring at the hands of the king or any layman ; Anselm, on his j)art, conceding that no one elected to the prelacy should be refused consecration to his office on account of his having done homage to the king for it. Gerard, archbishop of York, phicing his hand in that of Anselm, according to his ' With all the faults of Robert Curthose, it cannot be said that ri;j;ht was on Henry's side. For further details of his previous expe- dition into Normandy and the battle of Tinchobrai, see Henry of Huntin^'don, p. 242, and Orderic. Vital, vol. iii. pp. 371, 375—381. 216 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1107, 1108. desire, solemnly promiised that he would manifest to him and his successors in the archbishopric the same submission and obedience which the bishop-elect of Hereford had promised to himself before his consecration. The following bishops-elect, namely, William of Winchester, Roger of Salisbury, Reignelm of Hereford, William of Exeter, and Urban of Glamorgan,^ in Wales, came to Canterbury at the same time, and were consecrated together by archbishop Anselm, on Sunday, the third of the ides [the 2nd] of August ; the suffragan bishops of his see, namely, Gerard, archbishop of York, Robert, bishop of Lincoln, John of Bath. Herbert of Norwich, Robert of Chester, Ralph of Chichester, and Ranulph of Durham, all assisting in the office of consecra- tion. There was certainly no person then living who had any remembrance of the election and consecration at one time of so many bishops in England, at any former period since the reign of Edward the Elder, when archbishop Pleg- mund ordained seven bishops to seven churches in one day.^ In this present year died Maurice, bishop of London, Richard, abbot of Ely, Robert, abbot of St. Edmundsbury, Miles Crispin, Robert Eitz-Hamon, Robert Bigod, and Richard de Red vers, who were all of the king's council. [a.D. 1108.] Gundulph, bishop of Rochester, died on the nones [the 7th] of March. Henry, king of England, in order to preserve the peace strictly, made a law that any man taken in the act of thieving or robbing should be hanged. He also put down base and counterfeit coin under the severest pe- nalties, enacting that no person detected in making false money should be allowed to compound for their offence without losing their eyes and mutilation of their lower limbs. And since it frequently happened that the current pennies w^ere so bent and broken that they were refused, he enacted that no penny or halfpenny, — which he also directed should be round, — nor even a farthing [should be taken] unless it were perfect. Great benefit resulted to the whole kingdom from this enactment ; and thus the king dealt with secular affairs, to the relief of the sufferings of the country. Gerard, 1 Llandaff. 2 Neither the Saxon Chronicle nor William of Malmesbury record this fact. Plegmoud was archbishop of Canterbury from S90 to 923. A. D. 1108.] COXCCRNING P^IESTS' WIVES. 217 archbishop of York, died, and Thomas, the cousin of his pre- decessor Thomas, succeeded him. DECREES OF A SYNOD HELD AT LONDON. In the year of our Lord, 1108, the following decrees were made concerning priests, deacons, subdeacons, and canons of every order, by Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury, together with Thomas, archbishop-elect of York, and all the bishops of England, in the presence of the glorious king Henry, and with the assent of his barons : — " It is DECREED that priests, deacons, and subdeacons, shall live chastely, and shall not have any women in their houses, except such as are of the nearest kindred, according to the rule of the holy council of Nice. Those priests, deacons, or subdeacons who, after the prohibition of the synod of London, have retained their wives, or taken others, it" they choose to continue to celebrate mass, are to so put them away that neither the women are to come to their houses, nor they to the houses of the women ; they are, also, never to meet by appointment in any other house, nor are such women to reside on the lands of the church ; and if it be necessary for any lawful purpose to hold converse with them, let them meet out of doors, in the presence of two credible witnesses. " If any clerk be charged with the violation of this statute, on the testimony of two or three lawful witnesses, or the common report of his parishioners, he shall purge himself by the oaths of credible witnesses of his own order, in addition to his own ; namely, by six, if he be a priest ; by four, if he be a deacon, and by two, if he be a subdeacon. He who makes dijfault in so clearing himself, shall be adjudged a transgressor of the sacred canons. " Those priests who, without reverence for God's altar and their own holy orders, shall choose to live with women, are to be excluded from the ])erformance of divine offices, to be dart of London. At this synod he himself presided as archbishop of Canter- bury and legate of the apostolic see ; assisted ])y William, R 242 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1127. bishop of Winchester, Roger of Salisbury, William of Exeter, Hervey of Ely, Alexander of Lincoln, Everard of Norwich, Sij^efrid of Chichester, Richard of Hereford, Geoffrey of Rath, Jolm of Rochester, Bernard of St. David's in Wales, Urban of Glamorgan or Llandaff, and David of Bangor. Richard, bishop of London, and Robert, bishop of Chester,-^ were then dead, and no successors had yet been appointed to their sees. But Thurstan, archbishop of York, sent messen- gers with letters assigning reasonable cause for his non-ap- pearance at the convocation. Ralph, bishop of Durham, fell sick on the road, and was not able to complete the journey, as the prior of his church and the clerks whom he sent for- ward solemnly attested. Simon, bishop of Worcester, had gone to visit his relations beyond seas, and was not yet returned. Great multitudes, also, of the clergy and laity, both rich and poor, flocked together, and there was a numerous and important meeting. The council sat for three days, namely, the third of the ides [the 13th] of May, the following day, and the third day afterwards, being the seven- teenth of the calends of June [16tli May]. There were some proceedings with respect to secular affairs ; some were deter- mined, some adjourned, and some withdrawn from the hearing of the judges, on account of the disorderly conduct of the immense crowd. But the decrees and statutes made in this synod by common consent of the bishops we have thought it desirable to record in this work, as they were there publicly declared and accepted. They are these : — / I. We wholly prohibit, by the authority of St. Peter, prince of the apostles, and our own, the buying and selling of any ecclesiastical benefices, or any ecclesiastical dignities whatever. Whoever shall be convicted of having violated this decree, if he be a clerk, or even a regular canon, or a monk, let him be degraded from his order ; if a layman, let him be held out- lawed and excommunicated, and be deprived o/ his patronage of the church or benefice. II. We totally interdict, by the authority of the apostolic see, the ordination or promotion of any person in the churcli of God, for the sake of lucre. ' The bishopric of Lichfield was removed to Chester in 1075, but again restored to its former seat. The present bishopric of Chester is one of the new sees founded after the Reformation. A.I). 1127.] DECREES OF A SYNOD. 243 III. We condemn certain payments of money exacted for the admission of canons, monks, and nuns, IV. Xo one shall be ai)pointed a dean but a priest, and no one but a deacon, archdeacon. If any one in minor orders be named to these dignities he shall be enjoined by the bishop to take the orders required. But if he disobey the bishop's monition to take such orders, he shall lose his appointment to the dignity. Y. We utterly interdict all illicit intercourse with women, as well by priests, deacons, and sub-deacons, as by all canons. If, however, they will retain their concubines (which God forbid), or their wives, they are to be deprived of their ecclesiastical orders, their dignity, and benefice. If there be any such among parish priests, we expel them from the chancel, and declare them infamous. Moreover, we command, by the authority of God and our own, all archdeacons and officials, whose duty it is, to use the utmost care and diligence in eradicating this deadly evil from the church of God. If they be found negligent in this, or (which God forbid) con- senting thereto, they are for the first and second offence to be duly corrected by the bishops, and for the third to be punished more severely, according to the canons. VI. The concubines of priests and canons shall be expelled from the parish, unless they shall have contracted a lawful marriage there. If they are found afterwards offending, they shall be arrested by the officers of the church, in whatever lordship they may be ; and we command, under pain of ex- communication, that they be not sheltered by any jurisdiction, either inferior or superior, but truly delivered up to the officer of the church, to be subjected to ecclesiastical discipline, or reduced to bondage, according to the sentence of the bishop. VII. We prohibit, under pain of excommunication, any arch- deacon from iiolding several archdeaconries in different dioceses; let him retain that only to which he was first appointed. VIII. Bishops are to prohibit all priests, abbots, monks, and priors, subject to their jurisdiction, from holding farms. IX. We command that tithes be honestly paid, for they are the sovereign right of the most high God. X. We forbid, by canonical authority, any person from giving or receiving churches or tithes, or other ecclesiastical benefices, without the consent and authority of the bishop. 11 2 244 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1127, 1128. XI. No abbess or nun is to use garments of richer material than lamb's-vvool or cat-skin. King Henry, who remained at London during these pro- ceedings, being informed of the acts of the council, assented to them, and ratified and confirmed by his royal authority the decrees of the synod held at Westminster by William, arch- bishop of Canterbury and legate of the holy Roman church. One Hugh, of the diocese of Rochester, being appointed abbot, was advanced, with deserved honour, to the dignity for which he was designated, that of abbot of St. Augustine's, by William, archbishop of Canterbury, on Sunday, the second of the ides [the 12thj of June, at Chichester. Richard, bishop of Hereford, died at his vill, called Dydelebyrig,-^ on Monday the eighteenth of the calends of September [15th August] ; - his body was carried to Hereford, and buried in the church there, with the bishops his predecessors. Henry, king of England, M^ent over sea. [a.D. 1128,] Thurstan, the archbishop, consecrated at York, Robert, who had been intruded by Alexander, king of Scots, on the petition of David, his brother and successor, into the see of St. Andrew's. The archbishop had called in Ralph, bishop of Durham, and one Ralph, formerly ordained bishop of the Orkney islands, to be his coadjutors in the ceremony. This Ralph having been ordained without the election or consent of the lord of the land, or of the clergy and people, was rejected by all of them, and acknowledged as, bishop by no one. Being bishop of no city, he attached him- self sometimes to the archbishop of York, sometimes to the bishop of Durham ; he was supported by them, and em- ployed by both as coadjutor in the performance of their episcopal functions.^ Robert, being consecrated by these bishops, was not permitted by the Scots, as it is reported, to ' Ledbury, Herefordshire. ^ This accounts for this Ralph's being called " bishop of Durham," by Henry of Huntingdon and Roger of Wendover, who seem to have lost sight of his original and proper designation. The ubiquitous bishop forms a distinguished figure in the group sketched by the former author before the battle of the Standard, a.d. 1138, in which we are informed he was commissioned by the archbishop of York to supply his place. Henrjf of Huntingdon represents him as standing on a hillock, and arl dressing the army before the battle in a florid discourse, which the historian has preserved. See pp. 267 — 269, in the Antiq. Lib. A.D. 1128.] BISHOPS AND ABBOTS. 245 make any profession of submission or obedience to the cliureh of York or its bishop, although he was a canon of that church. A man of north and advanced years^ who was a canon of the church of Lyons, was elected bishop of London ; for Ilichard, bishop of that city, was dead, and this person, named Gilbert, and surnamed The Universal,^ was appointed in his stead by king Henry and archbishop William, with the assent of the clergy and people. He was consecrated by the archbishop himself, in the mother church of Canterbury, on Sunday, the eleventh of the calends of February [22nd January]. Sigefrid, bishop of Chichester, and John, bishop of Itochester, assisted and took part in the ceremony, in the presence of the abbots, and other great and noble persons, assembled at Canterbury on the occasion ; his profession having been first made in the same way his predecessors had done, by which he promised canonical submission and obedience in all tilings to the archbishop and his successors. Urban, bishop of Glamorgan or Llandaff, considering that ho had not been justly dealt with in regard to certain questions with Bernard, bishop of St. David's, which he had litigated in the council of the preceding year, crossed the sea, after the feast of the Purification of St. Mary [2nd February], and proceeding to Rome, laid the cause of his journey, supjiorted by clear attestations from his own diocese, before the apos- tolical poj)e. The pope lent a favourable ear to his pre- tensions and statements, and addressed letters to king Henry and archbishop William, and the other bishops of England, enjoining them by his apostolical authority to suffer no oppo- sition from any one to Urban's just demands. The venerable Godfrey, abbot of Shrewsbury, died on Wednesday, the fourth of the calends of April [24th March]. Geoffrey, prior of Canterbury, was, at the request of David, king of Scots, and with the permission of William the arch- bishop, elected abbot of a place in Scotland called Dunfermline, and ordained by Robert, bishop of St. Andrew's. Urban, bishop of Llandatf, returned to England, after a successful ' Gilbert the Universal, so called from his extensive learning. See his character sliortly drawn in Henry of IIinitin<;(lon's caustic style. *' Letter to Walter," p. MO of his works in the Antuj. Lib. 246 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1129, 1130. journey ; and, by the king's command, the apostolical man- dates respecting him were carried into effect. One of the monks of the church of Shrewsbury, named Herbert, having been elected abbot, and consecrated by arch- bishop William at Lewes, assumed the government of the monastery at Shrewsbury as such abbot. Hugh, abbot of Chertsey, died. William, count of Flanders, surnamed The Sad, falling into an ambush, was wounded by his ene- mies, and, his sufferings increasing, died, amidst universal lamentations, on the sixth of the calends of August [27th July], and was buried at St. Bertin. Ralph, bishop of Durham, died on the nones [the dthi] of September ; and Geoffrey, archbishop of Rouen, departed this life on the fourth of the calends of December [28th November]. [a.D. 1129.] William, bishop of Winchester, died on the eighth of the calends of February [25th January], and was buried at Winchester. In the month of July, Henry, king of England, returned from Normandy to England. His nephew, Henry, abbot of Glastonbury, elected to the see of Winton in the month of October, was consecrated bishop by William, archbishop of Canterbury, on Sunday, the fifteenth of the calends of December [17th November]. Roger, archdeacon of Buckingham, and nephew of Geoffrey de Clinton, having been elected to the see of Chester, was ordained priest on the twelfth of the calends of January [21st December], and the next day was consecrated bishop at Canterbury by the arch- bishop. He was afterwards enthroned, by the archbishop's mandate, m the episcopal chair at Coventry,^ by Simon, bishop of Worcester, on Monday, the sixth of the calends of February [27th January]. [a.D. 1130.] Hugh, abbot of Reading, was elected arch- bishop of Rouen. Christ church, at Canterbury, was dedicated with great pomp, by William, archbishop of that city, on the fourth of the nones [the 4th] of May. The following bishops were present at the consecration : — John, bishop of Rochester, Gilbert of London, Henry of Winchester, Simon of Worcester, Alexander of Lincoln, Roger of Salisbury, Godfrey of Bath, Everard of Norwich, Sigefrid of Chichester, Bernard of St. David's; with Owen, bishop of Evreux, and John, bishop of Seez, from beyond sea. On the ' See note before, p. 242, A.L). 1130-32.] BISHOPS AND ABBOTS. 247 fourth day afterwards — that is, on the nones [the 7th] of May — the city of Rochester was destroyed by lire, while the king was there ; and on the day following, being the feast of our Lord's Ascension, the new cluircli of St. Andrew was consecrated by William the archbishop, some of the before- mentioned bishops assisting him in the service. [Ansger], the excellent prior of Lewes, was elected at Winchester abbot of Reading, and afterwards ordained ; also Ingulph, prior of Winchester, having been elected at Woodstock abbot of Abingdon, was ordained by Roger, bishop of Salisbury. William, abbot of Gloucester, having voluntarily resigned his pastoral charge by reason of age, chose, with the consent of the brethren, a pious monk, of the same house, named Walter, who was ordained abbot by Simon, bishop of Worcester, on Sunday, the nones [the 3rd] of August. Serlo, also, a canon of Salisbury, was ordained abbot by the same bishop, at Blockley, an episcopal vill, and appointed to govern the abbey of Cirencester. Robert, prior of the church of Llanthony, being elected to the see of Hereford, was consecrated at Oxford, by William, archbishop of Canterbury. Henry, king of England, went over the sea. [a.d. 11.31.] Reginald, the reverend abbot of Ramsey, died on the thirteenth of the calends of June [20th May]. William, the venerable abbot of Gloucester, and Hervey, who had been bishop of Bangor, and^'as afterwards the first bishop of Ely, died on the third of the calends of September [30th August], the ninth indiction. [a.d. 1132.] A comet was seen on the eighth of the ides of October [8th October], and remained visible for nearly five days. The greater part of the city of London, with the principal church of St. Paul the apostle, was destroyed by fire, in Wiiitsun week — that is, on tlie second of the ides [the 14th] of May. In the thirty-third year of the reign of Henry, king of England, on Wednesday, the same day in the course of the year on which his l)rotlier and predecessor, king William Rufus, was slain, and on which king Henry himself assumed the government at the connneneement of his reign, it is stated that the following appearance occurred. While the king, having gone to the coast for the purpose of crossing the sea, delayed his departure, although the wind was often fair for the voyage, at lust, on the day mentioned, he went down to 248 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1132. the shore about noon to take his passage, surrounded by his guards, as is the custom of kings. Then suddenly a cloud was seen in the air, which was visible throughout England, though not of the same size ; for in some places the day only appeared gloomy, while in others the darkness was such that men required the light of candles for whatever they had to do. The king and his attendants, and many others, w^alked about in great wonder ; and, raising their eyes to the heavens, observed that the sun had the appearance of shining like a new moon. But it did not long preserve the same shape ; for sometimes it was broader, sometimes narrower, sometimes more curved, sometimes more upright, now steady as usual, and then moving, and quivering and liquid like quicksilver. Some say that the sun was eclipsed.-"^ If this be true, the sun was then in the head of the dragon, and the moon in its tail, or the sun in the tail, and the moon in the head, in the fifth sign, and the seventeenth degree of that sign. The moon was then in her twenty-seventh day. On the same day, and at the same hour, many stars appeared. Moreover, on the same day, when the ships were anchored on the shore, ready for the king's voyage, the sea being very calm and little wind stirring, the great anchors of one of the^ ships were suddenly wTenched from their hold in the ground, as though by some violent shock, and the ship getting \Hider weigh, to the surprise di" numbers who strove in vain to stop lier, set in motion the ship next to her, and thus eight ships fell foul of each other by some unknown force, so that they all received damage. It was also generally reported that on the same day and about the same hour, many churches in the province of York were seen sweating, as it were, great drops. All these occurrences took place, as it is said, on Wednesday, the fourth of the nones [the 2nd] of August. And on Friday, in the same week, the second of the nones of the same month [4th August], at daybreak, there was a great earthquake in many parts of England. There were some also who said that in the week following, on Monday, the ^ Cf. William of Malmesbury's account of this eclipse, to which, however, he has not assij^ned the exact date, though he tells us that he was an eye-witness. He mentions, also, an earthquake ; a shock of which, probably, caused the convulsion which dashed the ships iu liurbour against each other. 1 A.D. 1 1.j3-o.] death of iienuy 11. 240 sixth of the ides of the same month [8th August], when the moon was three days old, they saw her first as she generally appeared at that age, and after a short space of time, in the evening of tlie same day, tliey observed her full, like a round and verv briixht shield. Manv also reported that on the same night they saw two moons, distant about a spear's length from each other. [a.d. 1133.] Notwithstanding, king Henry crossed the sea, leaving England for Xormandy, never to return alive and see England again. In the month of November the city of Worcester was exposed to the ravages of fire, a frequent occurrence. [a.d. ] 134.] Robert, brother of king Henry, and formerly earl of Normandy, who was taken prisoner of war by the king when in Normandy, at the castle of Tinchebrai, and had been long confined in England, died at Cardiff, and, being carried to Gloucester, was buried with great honours in the pavement of the church before the altar. Godfrey, bishop of Bath, died on the seventeenth of the calends of September [l()th August] ; after some interval he was succeeded by a monk named Ilobert, a Fleming by descent, but born in Eng- land. Thus Robert, from a monk became a bishop, such being the pleasure of Henry, bishop of Winchester, who is now, but was not at that time, legate of the Roman church.^ [a.d. 1135.] Henry, king of England, died on the fourth of the nones [the 20t]i] of December, in the sixty- ninth year of his age, after a reign of thirty-five years and four months ; and Stephen, his sister's son, being elected to the kingdom of England, was consecrated king, by William, archbishop of Canterbury, on the thirteenth of the calends of January [20th December], at London, where he held his court, at Christmas, surrounded by the nobles of England, with great courtesy and royal pomp. The holy festival being ended, the corpse of king Henry, lately deceased, was brought from Normandy to England,'"^ and the king went to meet it, ' From this passaf>o, as we have remarked elsewhere, the continuator of Flor(!iu'e a[)pear.s to have been a coteinporary witli Henry de Ulois, at Iciujt, when he was in the /enitli of his power. . - Henry I. died at the easLle oi" JJons, near Rouen. Ordericus Vit.dis, in his thirteenth hook, and William of Mahn('sl)ury, in the first book of his "Modern History," give an account of lus obsequies, 250 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a,D. 1135. attended by a large body of nobles, and for the love he bore his uncle, he supported the bier on his royal shoulders, assisted by his barons, and thus brought the corpse to Heading. Masses were sung, many rich offerings made, alms distributed to multitudes of the poor, and the obsequies having been duly solemnised, and his effigy exposed to view on a hearse, the royal corpse was deposited, with the highest honours, in a tomb constructed, according to custom, before the altar in the principal church, dedicated to the most blessed and glorious Virgin Mary, which king Henry himself, for the good of his soul, had endowed with Lmds, woods, meadows, and pastures, and enriched with many ornaments. May Henry, England's king, to whom such wealth was given, From purgatorial pains released, partake the bliss of heaven ! After his interment, Stephen being on the throne, and, in- deed, long before, the bonds of peace were broken asunder, and the greatest discord prevailed in all parts of Normandy and England. Man rose up against man — discord was rife in the^" land, wasting the substance of both high and low, and pene- trating on all sides within strong and lofty walls. Every one spoiled his neighbour's goods. The powerful oppress the weak by violence, and obtain exemption from inquiry by the terror of their threats. Death is the lot of him who resists. The wealthy nobles of the land, rolling in affluence, care little to what iniquities the wretched sufferers are exposed ; all their concern is for themselves and their own adherents; they store their castles and fortified towns with all things necessary, and garrison them with armed bands, fearing a revolution which should alter the succession to the crown, and not reflecting on the dispensations of the providence of God, " whose ways are past finding out." While all should be hushed in peace in the presence of royalty, as before a roaring lion, there is no end of devastations and ravages in numberless places, and especially in Wales. From this any one may perceive with how little prudence and firmness, with what injustice rather than justice, England, which ought to be ruled far otherwise, so far as they took place in Normandy. Henry of Huntingdon adds some disgusting details of the treatment of the royal corpse, in the rude process by which it was preserved for transport to England. Hist., p. 262. « J A.D. 1136.] KING STEPHEN. 251 is now governed. In tlie prevailing lust of money, and an inordinate anihition for preferment of every kind, moderation, the mother of virtues, is scarcely to be found. Stephen, king of England, marched into Devonshire with a large force of horse and foot, and besieged, for a long time the castle of Exeter,^ which Baldwin, surnamed de Redvers, had fortified in defiance of the royal authority. But at length, the garrison being short of provisions, terms were made, and Baldwin, with his wife and children, were expelled from Eng- land, his hinds being forfeited. Ansger, the venerable abbot of Reading, died on the sixth of the calends of February [27th January], and Godfrey, bishop of Bath, on the seven- teenth of the calends of September [16th August]. [a.d. 1136.] Speedily after the death of king Henry on the fourth of the nones (the 2nd) of December a severe battle was fought in Gower,^ between the Normans and the Welsh, on the calends [the Isi] of January, in which five hundred and sixteen of tlie two armies perished. Their bodies were horribly dragged about the fields and devoured by the w^olves. Afterwards the Welsh made a desperate inroad, attended with the destruction, far and wide, of churches, vills, corn, and cattle, the burning of castles and other fortified places, and the slaughter, dispersion, and sale into captivity in foreign lands of countless numbers, both of the rich and poor. Among these, tlie noble and amiable Richard, son of Gilbert,^ falling into an ambush, was slain by the Welsh, on the seventeenth of the calends of May [15th April] ; and his body being carried to Gloucester, was honourably buried in the chapter-house of the brethren. Another bloody battle was afterwards fought at Cardigan, in the second week of the month of October, in this same year, in which the slaughter was so great that, with- out reckoning the men who were carried oft' into captivity, tiiere remained ten thousand women, whose husbands, with numberless children, were either drowned, or burnt, or })ut to ' There is a curious account of the siege in the " Gosta Stophani," ai)pou(l('d to IIuntin;j;(Ujn's History in the Antit/. Lib., pp. 3.S7 — .'543. ■^ A district of South Wales, nearly correspondin;^ with the present county of Glaniorj^an. Neither Huntirii^don nor Mahnesbury mention this expedition ; but the anonymous author of the " Gesta Stephani" des(Tib(s it in some detail. — Jfj. pp. o'2i) — 332. ' Kichard, son of (iilberi tie Clare, to whom th(> territory of Car- dii,'an had been given by king Henry, was murdered by Jorwerth. 252 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1137. the sword. When the bridge over the river Tivy was broken down it was a wretched spectacle to see crowds passing to and fro across a bridge formed by the horrible mass of human corpses and. horses drowned in the river. William, archbishop of Canterbury, died at one of his vills,^ on the tw^elfth of the calends of December [20th November], in the fifteenth year of his patriarchate, and was buried at Canterbury. Gruy, abbot of Pershore, a man of great prudence, died on the nones [the oth] of August. Benedict, abbot of Tewksbury, a man of devoted piety and strict con- tinence, died on the ides [the 15th] of March. Removed from this world's strife, God give them endless life ! [a.D. 1137.] In the month of March, before Easter, which fell on the fourth of the ides [the 10th] of April, Stephen, king of England, went over sea, and spent some time in'/ foreign parts. Griffyth-ap-Rhys, king of Wales, perished"^ through the artifices of his wife.^ The Welsh, having suffered much in the defence of their native land, not only from the powerful Normans, but also from the Flemings, after numbers had fallen on both sides, at last subdued the Flemings, and did not cease to commit devastations on all sides ; plundering and burning the vills and castles, and putting to death all who made any resistance, and the helpless as well as the armed. Among the rest, a knight, they say, of great bravery, whose name was Pagan us, fell, pierced through the head by a lance while engaged in capturing and slaying some plundering Welshmen : his body was carried to Gloucester, and buried in the monk's chapter house. The city of York was destroyed by fire, with the principal monastery, on Friday in Whitsun- w^eek, which fell on the 6th of the ides [the 8th] of June. Shortly afterwards the city of Rochester was also destroyed * Probably at his " vill of Westminster," where Henry of Hunting- don tells us (Hist. p. 254) that this William Curboil, archbishop of Canterbury, sometimes resided. Huntingdon draws no favourable character of this prelate, either in his History, p. 262, or in the " Letter to Warin," pp. 315 and 326. ^ So far from this being the case, Gvvenlian, the wife of Griffyth- ap-Rhys, prince of South Wales, a woman of a gallant spirit, seconded her husband's efforts for independence, and, in his absence, took the field in person at the head of her forces. iSee Giraldus Cambreensis Itin. i., c. iv., and Dr. Powell's notes : see also Warrington's History of Wales, p. 293. A.D. 1137.] MIRACLES AND RELICS. 2^3 l>y fire. On Thursday the fourth of the calends of August [29th July] the church of Batli, and, in the same month of August, the city of Leicester, were burnt. \^3Iiracles at Windsor.'] One day, while the people were attending the celebration of mass at Windsor, as we have been informed by trustworthy persons, there was a sudden radiance in the interior of the church ; and some persons, wondering wliat it was, went fortli and beheld a strange star shining in the heavens, and on their return observed that the light within descended from the star. Miracle succeeded miracle. Many observed the crucifix which stood on the altar in motion and wrinffini; its hands, the right with the left, or the left with the right, after the manner of persons in trouble. After this was done three times the whole crucifix trembled, and was bathed in sweat for nearly half an hour, returning afterwards to its former state. l^Relics found at Soitthwell.] At Southwell, a vill of the archbishop's, while a grave was being made for a funeral, there were found some relics of saints, and a glass phial with raised sides to prevent its being broken, and full of very clear water ; which being given to the sick, they were on tasting it restored to their former health. I give the first of these miracles jis I heard it ; the last was related to me by Henry, bisho]) of Winchester. [Thurstan, archbishop of York, with Roger, bishop of Salisbury, and some otlior bishops and great men of the realm, held a council at Northampton, in the hearing of many persons].^ [^Schism in the Church of Rome — Pope and Anti-pope.] The see of Rome had now been in an unsettled state for seven years, in consequence of there being two popes, namely, Gregory, who was also called Innocent, and Peter, called Leo, in whose cause a war broke out between Lothaire, em- peror of the Romans, and Roger, duke of Apulia. Both these princes abounded in wealth, but the first was the most ' The last parai^raph is evidently an interpolation in this place. The mcfiting at Northampton is suljsoqucntly inoiitioned with mure detail in the course of the events of the present year. 254 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1138. religious as well as superior in dignity ; the latter, to his own confusion, was moi-e liberal with his gold. But the imperial majesty, as it is fitting and just, surpasses in all things the royal dignity. Each appointed a bishop of bishops at Rome, Lothaire supported Gregory, who was canonically elected ; Roger granted the papacy of Rome to Peter Leo. But this mutual strife offending the cardinals and the prefect of the city, they admitted for lucre, first Gregory, expelling Leo, and then Leo, expelling Gregory, to the apostolic see. At last Gregory, appointed by Lothaire, ruled the see of the aj)ostles. Peter Leo, the whelp of the ancient Peter the Lion, sits at the Lateran, like another pope. If both were ins|)ired by the ambition of power, neither was pleasing to God. While they performed their part in the world, they were reserved for the judgment of God, whose judgments are profound. In consequence of this great schism having lasted for so many years in tlie chief of all the churches throughout the world, a day was fixed by common agreement among jbhe princes on which a battle, by way of duel, should be fought between the two nations, the Romans and Apulians, that God, the Omnipotent Judge of all, might give the victory to whom he pleased. The emperor Lothaire, therefore, although he was suffering from illness, assembled an immense army, and pitched his camp in Apulia. Roger met him at the head of many thousand troops, both horse and foot. In the encounter which ensued, by God's Providence the emperor and his army obtained the victory, and Roger and his forces were con- quered, and fled. The royal crown which he had caused to be made that he might be crowned king, inlaid with gold and precious stones, and the royal spear, resplendent with gold, were discovered by treachery, and presented to the emperor as an acceptable gift. Returning to his own country, he soon afterwards lost his kingdom and his life. Lewis, king of France, died ; and was succeeded by his son Lewis. Stephen, king of England, returned to England in the month of December, and held his court during. Christmas at Dunstable, a town in Bedfordshire. \^A Thuringian Tradition.'] [a.D. 1138.] Conrad [IL], duke of Bavaria, the ninety-ninth emperor of the Romans, and nephew of Henry the Elder, A.D. 1138.] A TIIURIN'GIAN TRADITIOX. 2.3.5 wlio liad for empress the daugliter of Henry, king of Eng- land, died after a reign of twelve years. In former times, a tribe, migrating from the north, reached the country of Thuringia, intending to settle there ; and the inhabitants of tliat country granted them a large portion of their territory, as the foreigners requested. The people increased and multi- plied exceedingly. After the la|)se of a long period, they refused to pay tlie acknowledgment due to the Thuringians. In consequence, both sides met under arms, as is the custom of that nation, that the debt might be demanded and paid. This was done not once only, but a second time, without a •wound being received on either side ; the third time it was agreed that both parties should meet unarmed, under a guar- antee of peace. The great body of foreigners assembled under an impression of the weakness of the Thuringians, and that their country was deficient both in counsel and courage for its good government. On the a})pointed day they came to the conference, having, by way of caution and self-protection, tiieir long knives sheathed under their garments. The pro- ceedings were not conducted peaceably, but with violent dis- putes. In short, the Thuringians were overcome, the fierce and alien race triumphed ; for, drawing tlieir long knives, they slaughtered many of the Thuringians. These inhabitants of the land were driven with ignominy from their country and kindred, and nearly all their territory fell into the hands of those on whom inconstant fortune now smiled. The country which, up to that time, had been called Thuringia, then clianged its name, and, fi-om the long knives of the con- querors, was afterwards called, not Saxony, but, in the English idiom, Saixony.^ \^Sie(^e of Bedford — Irruption of the Scots.'] The festival days of Christmas being ended,^ Stephen, king of England, to maintain his regal crown in conformity to his name,^ put himself at the head of his army and besieged and ' From Sfjex, Anglo-Saxon for a knife, dagger, or short sword. Adelung, however, rejectinj; this derivation, says that the most likely derivation is from the old German sass, Ang. Sux siet, an inhabitant, settler. * Henry of Huntingdon says that king Stephen began the siege of Bedford on Christmas-eve. ^ A pun on Tt^ui/oj;, in Greek, a crowD. 256 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1138. took the castle of Bedford, wliicli stood out against him, as he had before taken that of Exeter. Receiving intelligence by a messenger that his enemies^ had made an irruption, and were devastating the lands, burning the vills, and besieging castles and towns, he marched with a strong force into Northumbria. He did not long remain there, having, with some difficulty, accomplished the object he had in view. Those who are well acquainted with the facts, relate that, for nearly six months, a terrible irruption was made by numerous enemies of different races into Northumbria and the adjacent country, both far and near. Multitudes were taken, plundered, imprisoned, and tortured ; ecclesiastics were put to death for the sake of the property of their churches ; and scarcely any one can com- pute the number of the slain on the enemy's side or our own. On the death of the apostolical Leo Peter, Innocent succeeded him, all who had taken the part of Peter against him making satisfaction, and being entirely reconciled to him. This pope consecrated Alberic, abbot of ^ercelli, as bishop of Ostia, on Easter-day, at Rome. [How the Devil, in the shape of a black dwarf, was made a monk.] About this time reports of the following miracle were cir- culated in all quarters. There is a noble monastery in the arch-diocese of Treves called Prum, dedicated to the apostles St. Peter and St. Paul, and founded in ancient times by Pepin, kins: of the Franks, the father of Charles the Great. A strange occurrence is reported by all who were then inmates of this monastery. One morning, the cellarer, in company with his servant, having gone into the wine-vault, for the purpose of procuring wine, as usual, for the sacrifice of the altar, found one of the casks which he had left full the pre- ceding day emptied down to the orifice commonly called the bung- hole, and the wine spilled over all the pavement. In great dismay at the loss which had happened, he chid sharply the servitor who was with him, saying that he had fixed the spigot very negligently the evening before, and that the loss had thus occurred. After saying this, he enjoined him, under severe threats, to tell no one what had happened ; fearing that if it came to the abbot's ears, he would put him out of ^ The Scots, under king David. A.D. 1138.] TUB DEVIL AMONG THE MONKS. 257 liis office in disgrace. When evening came, before the brethren retired to rest, he went into the cellar, and having carefully secured the bung-holes of the vessels in which wine was con- tained, shut the door, and went to bed. In the morning, on entering the cellar as usual, he per- ceived that another cask was emptied as low as the bung-hole, and the wine spilt, as on the preceding day. At this sight, not knowing to whose negligence he could lay the blame of the waste, he was filled with wonder and grief, and repeating his commands to the servitor to tell no one what had hap- pened, in the ev^ening before he went to bed he fastened all the bungs of the casks with the utmost care, and went to his pallet, sorrowful and anxious. Rising at day-break, and opening the cellar, he saw, for the third time, that the bung had been extracted from a cask, and that the wine was spilt as far as the hole. Being terrified, and not without cause, at these occurrences, and fearing to conceal any longer the loss to the community, he hastened to the abbot, and throwing himself at his feet, told him, in order, all that he had seen. The abbot, taking counsel with his brethren, ordered that towards evening tlie bung-holes of all the casks which held wine should be anointed round with chrism ; which was done. At dawn of day, the before-mentioned brother going into the cellar according to his custom, found a wonderfully dwarfish black boy clinging by the hands to one of the bungs. Hastily seizing him, and bringing him to the abbot, he said : "Behold, my lord, this urchin whom you see has done us all the damage which we have discovered in the cellar ; " after which he related to him how he had found the boy hanging from the bung. The abbot, astonished at the singular appearance of the boy, took counsel, and ordered that a monk's dress should be j>repared for him, and that he should associate with the youths who were scholars in the monastery. This was done, and as the ahl)ot commanded, the boy lived with the young scholars day and night, but never took meat or drink, and never spoke either in public or private ; while the others were taking repose at night or in the noontide hours, he sat upon his bed, constantly moaning and heaving incessant sighs. Meanwhile, the abbot of another monastery coming to oiler his devotions in that church, was detained there for some days, and the scholar-lads frequently passing before him while s 258 FLORENCE OP WORCESTER. [a.D. 1138. he sat witli the abbot and seniors of the monastery, the little boy, stretching forth his hands towards him, cast a tearful glance on him, as if he wished to ask him some favour. This being frequently repeated, the abbot, wondering at his dimi- nutive appearance, inquired of those who sat with him why they kept such a little boy in the convent ? They replied, smiling, " My lord, the lad is not what you suppose ; " and they told him the loss he had caused them, and how he was found clinging by the hands to the bung of a cask, and how he had conducted himself when living among them. On hearing this, the abbot was alarmed, and, groaning deeply, exclaimed, " Quickly expel him from your monastery, lest you incur greater loss, or serious peril ; for he is clearly a devil lurking in human form, but by the mercy of God protecting you, through the merits of the saints, whose relics you have here, he has been unable to do you further injury." At the command of the abbot of the same monastery, the boy was immediately brought before him, and while they were in the act of stripping off his monastic dress, he vanished from their hands like smoke. [A council at Northampton.] Stephen, king of England, held a council at Northampton, in the octave of Easter, which fell on the fourth of the ides [the 10 th] of April. Thurstan, archbishop of York, and all the bishops, abbots, earls, barons, and nobles of England took their seats at it. In this council an archdeacon named Robert, the choice of some few, was appointed bishop of the church of Exeter, then vacant by the death of its bishop, Willifim de Warewast. Two abbeys were also given away ; that of Winchcombe to a monk of Cluni, as it is said a rela- tion of the king, named Robert ; the other, that of York, to a monk of the same abbey. One of these, the abbot-elect of Winchcombe, was ordained abbot of that monastery by ]the venerable Simon, bishop of Worcester, on the eleventh of the calends of June [22nd May]. \Boyal visit to Gloucester. 1 The king, breaking up his camp at Northampton, marched towards Gloucester, and when his approach was known, the citizens met him more than five miles on the road with great A.D. 1138.J Stephen's expeditions. 2.59 joy, and conducted him into their city, receiving very graciously the honours they paid hiiu. On his arrival there, on the third Rogation day [10th ^lay,] the monks received him with pro- cessional pomp, and he ottered on the altar his royal ring, which the king's chaplains redeemed lor fifty sliillings and brought back to him the same day. From thence Milo, who was then his constable, conducted him with great honour to the royal palace, where the next day the citizens swore alle- giance to him. On the third day, being Thursday, the king returned with his attendants to the abbey, and joyfully assisted at masses and processions in honour of our Lord's Ascension. [Stephen marches to Hereford.] The festival being concluded, the king, having heard that the castle of Hereford was fortified against him, put liimself at the head of a powerful expedition, and pitched his camj) against it, finding on his arrival that the report he had heard was true. Wlierefore he remained there for the space of nearly four or five weeks, and issued orders throughout England that bodies of troops should march to support him in putting down all who opposed his royal title. Meanwhile, the city of Hereford, below the bridge over the river Wye, was burnt before his eyes. Not long afterwards, the lamentable conflagration of the city of Oxford reached the ears of the king and his court. Tlie garrison of Hereford, perceiving of a surety by the numbers and strength of the royal army, that the king would triumph over them, made terms and surrendered to him. And since Stephen was, nay is,^ a loving and peaceable king, he injured no one, but suf- fered his enemies to depart free. The king also took the fortified place called Wibbeleage,^ which Geoffrey de Talbot had lield against him, but afterwards evacuated. It was by his devices and ability that the king's adversaries were supported in breaking the peace. The aforesaid castles and that of Here- ford were garrisoned by the king's troops. Meanwhile, Alberic, the before mentioned bishop of Ostia, came to England commissioned as apostolical legate to root ' Florence, it will be observed, speaks of what was actually passing, and seems, from liis connection with Worcester, to have espoused the cause of k'uvj^ Stephen, ^ Weobiey, in Herefordshire. 8 2 2G0 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1138. out and destroy, build up and plant, all things that required it. The letters from the apostolical see having been read in the presence of the king and the nobles of England, out of reverence for the apostolical see, he was at length received, though not at first. Making a progress throughout England, lie noted everything, and kept in mind whatever needed cor- rection by the provision and appointment of a council. The king having spent some time at Hereford departed with his troops. The city, thus deprived of the royal presence, was burnt, beyond the river Wye, by the before-named Geoffrey, on the eighteenth of the calends of July [the 15th June], none of our own people, but seven or eight of the Welsh, having been killed. I omit saying anything of the blood-shed of many others, for I am ignorant respecting it ; but this 1 pray: May Christian souls in everlasting rest Be with the saints, their warfare ended, blest j And John' corrected, if there ought occur, In which the reader finds his pages err! [The Bishops arrested.] Then the king, when the Nativity of St. John [24th June] was near, proceeded to Oxford, and hearing that the castle of Devizes was fortified against him, sent messengers to Roger, bishop of Salisbury, the founder of the castle, who was then at Malmesbury, commanding him to come and confer with him. It is said that the bishop undertook this journey with great reluctance, believing that he should never return ; taking with him his two nephews, the bishops of Lincoln and Ely, and a large retinue of mounted and well-armed soldiers. Seeing this, the king, suspecting treason, ordered his followers to arm themselves and be ready to defend him, if need should arise. While the king was engaged with the bishops in treat- ^ We are here furnished with the name of the writer of this con- tinuation of the Chronicle of Florence of Worcester. He must have been living when Ordericus Vitalis visited Worcester, in his joux'ney to England, about the year 1124. Both their works and probably their lives closed in 1141. Ordericus tells us that he saw at Worcester the continuation on which John was, doubtless, engaged at the time of his visit; but he is mistaken in attributing the original Chronicle to this John, instead of Florence. See the remarks in the preface to this volume, and a note in vol. i., p. 493, of Ordericus Vitalis, Bohn's Antiq. Lib. A.D. 1138.] THE BISHOPS ARRESTED. 261 Iiig of various aftairs, a furious quarrel arose between the two j)arties of soldiers respecting their quarters; and tlie king's troops flying to arms, the bishops' men took to flight, leaving all their baggage behind, Roger, bishop of Salisbury, with the bishop of Lincoln and his son Roger, surnamed The Poor, were taken ; the bishop of Ely made his escape, and havino; reached the castle of Devizes, fortified it and held it against the king. The king, much incensed, went in pursuit of him, placing the bishops he had arrested in custody ; Roger in the crib of an ox-house, and the other in a mean hut, while he threatened to hang the third, unless the castle was speedily surrendered to him. Roger finding this, and alarmed for his son, bound himself by an oath that he would neither eat nor drink until the king had possession of the castle ; which oath he kej)t, and neither ate nor drank for tliree days.^ [Transactions at Bristol and Bath, Sfc] The king proceeded thenee with his royal attendants to London. But Geoffrey de Talbot, deserting with his followers, went over to the son of the earl of Gloucester, who held Bristol castle against the king, and devoted himself to its defence. One dav, under colour of giving assistance to a certain straggler, but more, as it subsequently appeared, with a view to reconnoitre Bath and afterwards assault it, he took liis way there in company with two valiant knights, William Hoset and another.''^ This being discovered, Robert, the bisliop of Bath, thinking to triumph over the king's enemies, drew out a body of soldiers, and marched cautiously against him. Two of them fled, but Geoffrey was taken and placed in custody. The garrison of Bristol, being much enraged at this, marched to Bath with a threatening aspect under the son of the earl, their lord, and sent a message to the bishoj), threatening that unless their comrade, Geoffi'ey, was released, ' Ct". the account of the circumstances attending the seizure of the bishops and their castles, in Henry of Huntingdon s History, p. 271, Autit/. Lib ; (iesta Stephani, ibid, 370, &c.; and William of Malmes- bury, ibid, 507. ^ In the " Gesta Stephani," we find that Geoffrey's cousin, Gilbert de liacy, was his conij)anion in this enterprise. See in this work fuller detiiils than those given by our author, of the transactions of this year in the West of Englandj p. 350 — 357. 262 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1138. they would hang the bishop and his followers on a gallows. Upon this, the bishop, apprehensive, like a mercenary soldier, for the lives of himself and his people, brought forth Geoffrey from custody, and delivered him to them, in compliance with their demands. When this reached the king's ears, he was inflamed with anger against the bishop, regarding him as the abettor of his enemies ; and he would probably have taken from him his pastoral staiF, though in so doing he would rather have been actuated by his animosity than by his love of peace. But as the bishop had acted under restraint and against his will, the king " gave not place to his wrath," upon which, according to the apostolical precept, it is sinful to " let the sun go down." Soon afterwards the king moved his army towards Bristol, where, in those times, infernal cruelties, befitting the reigns of Nero or Decius, were exercised by a kinsman of the earl, whose name was Philip Gray. By his agency, a variety of bitter torments were invented there, which, afterwards introduced far and wide in every part of England, nearly reduced the island to ruin. The king, therefore, having wasted and burnt the lands and vills of the earl of Glou- cester in that neighbourhood, besieged the castle for some time. At last, weary of the length of the siege, he drew oft to besiege the earl's other castles, CarifF in Dorsetshire,^ and Harptree in Somersetshire, and having constructed forts over against them, and garrisoned them with soldiers, he departed, and marched with his whole army to attack Dudley Castle, which Ralph Paganel had fortified against^ him. Having given the surounding country to the flames, and seized and carried oft" large herds of cattle, he went by sea, with a large body of troops, to besiege Shrewsbury Castle, which William Fitz- Allan held against him. Hearing, how- ever, of the king's approach, he secretly escaped, with his wife and children, and some others, leaving those in the castle who had sworn to be true to him, and never surrender it. After the castle had been besieged for some days, accord- ing to the accounts of those who were well-informed, a ma- chine of this sort was prepared : — A large structure of timber was put together and brought forward ; the castle ' Castle Gary, as well as Harptree, is in Somersetshire. A. D. 1138.] BATTLE OF THE STANDARD. 263 dite in possession of her father's kingdom, according to the allegiance which had been sworn to her in his lifetime. This was the beginning of troubles. This defection, tlie most serious of all, nay, almost the concluding one, brought ruin on the whole country. [Irruption of the Scots, and Battle of the Standard.] Durino: these events, David, king of Scotland, made a third irruption from the borders of his kingdom, with large bands both of horse and foot, and began to set on fire farms, towns, and castles, on the confines of Northumbria, and lay waste nearly all the country. But as he threatened at last to ])ursue his inroad as far as York and the Humber, Thurstan, archbishop of York, had a conference with the Yorkshiremen, and prevailed on tliem all, with one consent, to take the oath of fealty to king Stephen, and resist the king of Scots. Davi et^nstable, conferred upon him at London the preferment c: the abbey of Gloucester. Theobald, archbishop of Canter- bury. Simon, bishop of Worcester, Roger, bishop of Coventry Robert, bishop of Exeter, and Reynold, abbot of Eveshaii.. having been unanimously chosen, proceeded bv the pope - command to the threshold of St. Peter. On their arrival. they were received with great honour by the apostolic see, and allowed seats in the Roman council, a circumstance widioot paraUd for many ages before. Having there freely opened their business, they returned home with joy. bringing with them the synodal decrees, now recorded far and wide throughout England. The two mouks who had been sent to bring over the lord-abbot Gilbert, also retiimed in safety, and presented him to king Stephen, who received him graciously, and conferred on him, to hold freely, the fief of the church of Gloucester. He came to Worcester on the feast of Whitsun- tide, which fell on the third of the ides [the 11th] of June, ^ It has been siroposed, from this expression, that the continuator was a monk of Gloucester ; bat he speaks thus of the new abbot as beio^ii^ to bis own diocese of Worcester. A.D. 1139.] Stephen's progress. 267 and was there ordained, with great rejoioinirs and di^Tne lauds, by the venerable Robert, bishop of Hereford ; and going from thence on the following day, wns installed at Gloucester with great joy and exultation, and the acclama- tions of the commonalty of both orders, in a manner befitting such a man in the Lord. [Kin^ SUph^n at Worcester^ Hereford, and Oxford.] Within the octave of Easter, which happened on the second of the calends of May [30th April], Stephen, the magnificent king of England, coming to Worcester, with a royal retinue, was received with great festivity by the clergy and the people of the city and neighbourhood, in solemn procession. The prayers being endet), and the blessing given as usual, the king took his royal ring from his finger, and offered it on the altar; and on the morrow it was returned to him, by common consent of the monks. Therefore the king, remarking with surprise the humility and devotion of the flock of the church of Worcester, yea, rather of the Lord, took back his ring, as he had been adjured to do for the love of St. 3tlary, mother of God. After his departure from Worcester, the king en- camped at Ludlow, where he caused forts to be erected in two positions, and stationed strong bodies of troops in them to assault the castle, which held out against him ; and then returning, by way of Worcester, marched towards London. Some of the soldiers, unsparing in their execrable warfare, and driven by their headstrong courage, determined to try their strength on Ludlow. To ac-complish this undertaking, large bodies of troops began to flock together. It was truly a pitiable sight to l>ehold one poising his spear acainst another, and running him through ; thus putting him to death, without thinking what would be the judgment the spirit would receive. Eut king Stephen checked such designs, by the terror of his threats; and going a se<- ' ' ^"^e to Ludlow, by way of Worcester, settled all tliings , 'y, and then made a quiet and joyful journey to Oxford — that is, the ox-ford. While he stayed there, a charge of r- ' '^' • -- - -ly requiring it, he arrested Roger, bi^lJop of S is nephew, the bishop of Lincoln, and also Roger, his chancellor, for engaging in a treasoiuible oon^Mncr against his crcwn. 2G8 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1139. an(J committed them to custody. On hearing this, Nigel, bishop of Ely, fearing for himself and his adherents, fled with a body of soldiers to Devizes, that he might find protection there. The case of these bishops has been already more fully stated in this work ;^ but it appears to have been brought to a point in the present year. In a council afterwards held it was enacted that all fortified towns^ castles, and strong places whatever, throughout England, devoted mainly to secular purposes, should submit to the jurisdiction of the king and his barons ; but that churchmen, namely, the bishops, whom I will call God's watch-dogs, should not cease to bark in defence of their flock, and take every care lest the invisible wolf, their malignant foe, should tear and scatter the sheep. [The Empress and the Earl, her Brother, land in England. ^ In the month of October, the earl of Gloucester, son of king Henry, late king of England, but a bastard, with his sister by the father's side, formerly empress of the Romans, and now countess of Anjou, returned to England with a large army, and landed at Portsmouth, before the feast of St. Peter ad Yincula, on the calends [the 1st] of August, while the king was besieging Marlborough ; and their arrival filled all England with alarm. On receiving this intelligence, Stephen, king of England, was much disturbed in his mind, and in great wrath with those whose duty it was vigilantly to guard the sea-ports. He is the king of peace, and would that he were also the king of vigour and justice, treading under foot his enemies, determining all things by the balance of equal justice, and in the power of his might protecting and strength- ening the friends of peace. When, however, he learned that the ex-queen^ had received the ex-empress, with her large band of retainers, at Arundel, he was much displeased, and marched his army thither. But she, being awed by the king's majesty, and fearing that she might lose the rank she held in England, swore solemnly that no enemy of his had come to England on her invitation ; but that, saving her dignity, she had granted hospitality to persons of station, who were for- merly attached to her. The king, on hearing this, dismissed ' See before, p. 260. ^ Alice, widow of Henry I., who had Arundel Castle for her dower. A.D. 1139.] THE EMPRESS MATILDA. 2G9 her, and ordered the bishop of Winchester to conduct the ex- enipress with lionoiir, as slie was his cousin, to her brother, at I'ristol castle, while he himself went in pursuit of the earl. But hearing nothing certain about him, for he had taken to certain by-roads for a time, he led his troops to another quarter, as ho had planned. Milo, the constable, having ab- jured his oath of allegiance to the king, went over to the earl of Gloucester, his liege-lord, with a large body of troops, pro- mising him on his fealty to lend him help against the king. The calamities which flowed from this quarter, namely, the city of Bristol, and spread over all England, are beyond the knowledge or eloquence of man to describe ; for of those who opposed him, or obeyed the royal authority, as many as could be taken were made prisoners, and all the captives were thrown into chains, and subjected to horrible tortures. New varieties of cruel punishment were invented ; mercenary troops were enlisted in every direction for carrying on the work of destruction, to whom w^as giv'en, or sold for their pay, the inhabitants of the villages and farms, with all their goods and substance.^ [The Empress at Bristol Castle — Cruelties at Gloucester.^ This lady stayed at Bristol more than two months, receiving liomage from all, and exercising the prerogatives of the croun of England at her pleasure. She went there in the month of October, and came on the eighteenth of the calends of No- vember [15th October] to Gloucester, where she received the submission and homage of the citizens and the people of the neighbourhood. But tortures worthy of Decius and Nero, and death in various shapes, were inflicted on those who refused to do her homage, and chose to maintain their fealty to the king ; and the city, glorious in ])ast ages, was filled with shrieks and fearful torments, and became horrible to those who inhabited it. In the midst of these miseries the king laid siege to the castle of Wallingford, which stood out against him. Weary of the long siege, and having erected forts in opposition to it, he marched away, and encamped near Malmesbury, where he also threw up works against his adver- saries, the authors of rebellion: " See an account of these atrocities in the " Gesta Stophani,"" p. 353. 270 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1139. [The City and Cathedral of Worcester Sacked.] Meanwhile sad tidings came to the ears of the citizens of Worcester. It was generally reported that the city would, ere long, be sacked by the enemy, and, having been pillaged, be set on fire. Terrified by these reports, the citizens of Worcester consulted as to what was best to be done. After this council they had recourse for refuge in their misery to the sanctuary of the most high God the Father, and his most blessed Mother, and committed themselves and all theirs to his divine protection, under their patron saints, SS. Oswald and Wulfstan, bishops of that city. Then might be seen crowds of the citizens carrying their goods into the church. Oh, wretched sight ! Behold the house of God, which should have been entered with oblations, where the sacrifice of praise should have been ofi'ered, and the most solemn vows paid, seems now but a warehouse for furniture ! Behold the prin- cipal conventual church of the whole diocese is converted into quarters for the townsmen, and a sort of council-chamber ; for little room is left for the servants of God in a hostelry crowded with chests and sacks. Within is heard the chaunt of the clergy, without the M'^ailing of children ; and the notes of the choir are mingled with the sobs of infants at the breast, and the cries of sorrowing mothers. Oh, misery of miseries to behold ! There stands the high altar, stripped of its orna- ments, the crucifix removed, and the image of Mary, the most holy Mother of God, taken away. Curtains and palls, albs and copes, stoles and chasubles, are secreted in recesses of the walls. All that gave grace and pomp to the celebration of divine service, on the festivals of the saints, all the wonted magnificence, had vanished. These things were all put out of the way, from fear of the enemy, lest he should come upon tliem by surprise, and sweeping off all he could lay hands on, succeed in his insane enterprise. In the beginning of the winter, one morning at day-break, namely, on Tuesday, the seventh of the ides [the 7th] of No- vember, when we were engaged in the church at lauds,^ and ^ It will be observed that our author here speaks of himself as one of the monks of the church of Worcester engaged in the choir ser- vice, when these trying occurrences, which he describes as an eye- witness, took place. A.D. 1139.] "WORCESTER SACKED, 271 had already chaunted primes, behold the reports we had heard tor many days were realised. A numerous and powerful army arrived from the south, the centre of mischief. The city of Gloucester had risen in arms, and, supported by a countless host of horse and foot, marched to attack, pilhige, and burn the city of Worcester. We now, in alarm for the treasures of the sanctuary, put on our albs, and, while the bells tolled, V)ore the relies of Oswald, our most gentle patron, out of the church, in suppliant procession ; and, as the enemy were rushing in from one gate to the other, carried them througl* the cemetery. The enemy, collected in a body, hasten first to assault a strong fort, which stands in the southern quarter of the city, near the castle. Our people make a brave and obstinate resistance. The enemy being repulsed at this point, as beacons were lighted on the north side of the city, they endeavour to make an entrance in that quarter. I'here being no fortifications on that side, the entire host rushes tumul- tuously in, mad with fury, and sets tire to the houses in many j)arts. Alas ! a considerable portion of the city is destroyed, but most of it remains standing and unburnt. Immense I)lunder is carried off, consisting of chattels of all kinds, from the city, and of oxen, sheep, cattle, and horses from the country. Many people are taken in the streets and suburbs, and dragged into miserable captivity, coupled like hounds. Wliether they have the means, or have them not, whatever their cruel foes fix for their ransom they are forced to promise on oath to pay, and to discharge the amount. These things are done on the first day of a winter, which will, doubtless, be very severe to the wretched sufferers. And now, the plunder being carried off, and numbers of buildings burnt, the host of tierce revellers draw off, never to return on such a foul enterprise. The earP came to Wor- cester on the thirteenth of November, and, beholding the ravages of the flames, mourned over the city, and felt that the evil was done to himself. Wherefore, burning for revenge, ' Not the earl of Gloucester, it is evident. The author's words are — Comes civilatts Wigomiam venit. During the reii^a of Henry 1. Waller de lieaucharup was vi.'^count or sheriff of Worcestershire, in right of his wifV; Eniincline, daughter and heiress of Urso d'Ahitol, appointed to that ottice by the (Joncjueror. On the accession of kia{^ Stephen he deprived William de Jieauchamp, who had succeeded 272 FLORENCE OP WORCESTER. [a.D. 1139. he hastened to Sudely, with a body of troops, having heard that John Fitz-Harold had revolted against the king, atid joined the earl of Gloucester. If it be inquired what the earl did there, the reply is such as it is scarcely fit to record : returning evil for evil, he seized the people, their goods, and cattle ; and, carrying them off, returned the next day to Worcester. \King Stephen at Worcester and Hereford.'] After these events, the king, with a large army, marched from Oxford to Worcester ; and, having before his eyes what he had before heard of its disaster, he mourned over it. Halting there for three or four days, he conferred the dignity of con- stable, of which he had deprived Milo of Grloucester, on William, the son of Walter de Beauchamp, sheriff of Wor- cestershire.^ Here a report reached the king that his enemiee, having violated their sworn promises of peace, had assaulted Hereford, and forced an entrance into the monastery of St. Ethel bert, king and martyr, as if it had been a fortified castle. The king, therefore, put himself in march, and encamped at Little Hereford, or Leominster, where some of the inhabitants, taking counsel, swore fealty to him ; while others refusing, sent him this message : " Although we will not swear, the king may, if he pleases, trust to the truth of our words." The holy days of Advent being close at hand [3rd December], a truce was agreed on betw^een them, and the king returned his father, Walter, of that dignity, and for a time gave the castle and city of Worcester to Waleran, earl of Mellent, with the title of earl of Worcester. This nobleman is therefore probably the person meant by our author; and what appears in the text is agreeable to the cha- racter given of him by the author of " Gesta Stephani," p. 309. He did not, however, long retain his honours in Worcestershire, being deprived of them by the empress Maud. ^ See the preceding note. We are unable to account for this act of favour on the part of king Stephen to one of a family who were the most strenuous adherents of Henry I., his daughter the empress, and Henry HI.; under all whom they held the offices of steward sheriff of Worcestershire and Warwickshire, and constable. William de Beau- champ, fourth in descent from Walter, married Isabel, the heiress of WiUiam Mauduit, earl of Warwick ; acquired that title in her right, and became the ancester of the powerful family of Beauchamp of Warwick. The earls Beauchamp of the present day are descended from Walter, of Powick, a younger son of William and Isabel. A.D. 1140.] KING Stephen's progresses. 273 to Worcester, where a certain clerk of eminent piety, Maurice by name, who had been elected by the clergy and people to the church of Bangor, was presented to the king at tlie castle, by Robert, bishop of Hereford, and Sigefrid, bishop of Chichester, wlio, bearing him company, attested his canonical election and fitness for the office of bishop ; and the king con- firmed the appointment. But being urged by the bishops to do homage to tlie king, he replied that he could in no wise do so. " There is," he said, " among us a man of great piety, whom I consider as my spiritual father, and who was arch- deacon to my predecessor David, and he forbade me to take this oath." To which they made answer, " Reason requires that you should do as we have done." Whereupon he said, " If you, who are men of high authority, have done this, I will not further hesitate to do the same." He therefore swore fealty to the king. [Kinff Stephen goes to Oxford j and thence to Salisbury.'] From Worcester the king proceeded to Oxford, and from thence, with his court, to Salisbury, where he intended to celebrate the feast of Christmas, and, as was the royal custom, to wear his crown. The canons presented him with two thousand pounds, and he granted them entire exemption from all taxes on their lands ; moreover, he gave them twenty marks for their own use, and forty for roofing the church ; and promised that when peace was restored, he would refund to them what they had bestowed upon him. [The King at Reading — Marches against Ely.'] [a.d. 1140.] A few days after Christmas, the king and his court proceeded to Reading, where a lesson is taught by the lot of mortals concerning the little value of kingly pomp.^ While there, by the advice of his council, he gave pastors of their own to two abbeys, Malmesbury and Abbotsbury, which bishop Roger, as long as he lived, had shorn of their honours and kept in his own hands. Malmesbury abbey he bestowed on John, a monk of great worth, and that of Abbotsbury on another named Geoftrey. Then, in order to secure peace, ' This is probably an allusion to the pompous intormont of Henry II., not long before, in the abbey of Reading. See p. 250. T 274 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1140. and put an end to warfare, wliicli I call a vain thing, he pre- pared an expedition against Ely ; a measure much to be de- plored, because it tended to increase the arrogance of the soldiery, by satisfying their love of vain glory. They enlist themselves, they accept the terms, they array themselves in arms, and the conqueror seizes all that belongs to the van- quished, according to stipulations founded on the detestable love of gain ; and, if I may compare great things with small, ■they whisper to one another, like Judah and his brother Jonathan, dwelling in the land of Gilead, to Joseph and Azarias : " Let us also get us a name, and go fig'ht against the heathen that are round about us."^ They deal wounds with sword and spear, little heeding what will be the fat« of the miserable souls of the slain. During the rebellion of those who revolted against the king, many on both sides were wounded, taken prisoners, and thrown into confinement. The bishop of Ely, finding the valour of the king and the impetu- osity of his troops, gave way, nay, fled like a hireling, and retiring to the neighbourhood of Gloucestershire, went over to earl Robert. Nor was it to be wondered at, for he had lost, as it were, his right hand, when his uncle, Roger, bishop of Salisbury, died. The king took possession of Ely castle, and placed his own soldiers in it.^ [Thurstan, Archbishop of York, retires to Ponfefract.] Thurstan, the twenty-sixth archbishop of York in succes- sion, a man advanced in years and full of days, put off the old man and put on the new, retiring from worldly affairs, and becoming a monk at Pontefract, on the twelfth of the ides of February [21st January], and departing this life in a good old age, on the nones [the 5thJ of February, he lies buried there. [Winchcomhe and other places attacked.] Milo, the ex-constable, having assembled a numerous body of troops, assaulted Winchcombe on Thursday, the second of the calends of February [31st January], and burnt the greatest part of the place, which he plundered ; and carried off those whom he had stripped of their goods, to exact from ^ Maccab, e. v. 55—57. ^ See « Gesta Stephani," pp. 371—373. AD. 1140.] THE CIVIL WARS. 275 them, most unjustly, the ^lammon of unrighteousness [in the shape of ransom]. Thence he diverged to Sudely, but whilst he was meditating an attack, the royal garrison of the place fell on him, and forced him to retreat, leaving, as it is re- ported, two of his men dead on the spot, and fifteen taken prisoners. The king and the earl of Worcester came with a large army to Worcester, and after a few days, the earl first, and tlien the king, advanced to Little Hereford in great force, for the purpose of driving out their enemies. During the king's abode in those parts, the earl, mindful of tlie injuries received from his townsmen, attacked Tewkesbury with a strong body of men-at-arms, and burnt the magnificent house of the earl of Gloucester, which was within a mile of Glou- cester, and everything in its vicinity, as well as some property belonging to others ; but, yielding to the supplications of the lord abbot and monks of Tewkesbury, he spared their posses- sions. Having taken much spoil, both of men and of their goods and cattle, he was moved by clemency to order the release of the captives, and permit them to return to their homes ; and on the morrow he returned to Worcester, declar- ing to all that he had scarcelv ever made such a confla2:ration either in Xormandy or England. The king, also, on his return to Worcester, set forward on the road to Oxford. The before-mentioned Maurice and Uhtred were conse- crated bishops of Bangor and LlandaiF by Theobald, arch- bishop of Canterbury, assisted by the bishops of Hereford and Exeter. The king, on his arrival at Winchester, by the advice of his barons, gave the bishopric of Salisbury to Philip, his chancellor, and the abbey of Fecamp to Henry, a monk who was his kinsman. The sun was eclipsed while the moon was in the tail of the Dragon, but it illumined the head. A compact was made between Philip, king of France, and Ste])hen, king of England, after consulting their barons, that Steplien's son should marry the sister of the king of France. The betrothal took place abroad in the month of February, in the presence of the queen-mother of England and a great number of English nobles there assembled. [Hobert FitZ'Huhertj a Freebooter.] Tliere was a certain knight, whose name was Robert, the son of a nobleman named Hubert. This man, fearing neither T 2 276 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1140. God nor man, but trusting solely to his own might, took the castle of Malmesbury by a well-devised stratagem. Some of the king's knights, who were quartered there, took refuge in the church of St. Aldhelm, the bishop, for sanctuary. Pressing these to surrender, he one day burst into the chapter-house of the monks, at the head of armed men, and with terrible threats required them, on pain of confiscation of their pro- perty, to give up the illustrious royalists, with their horses. They, however, in horror at permitting the peace of God, and their patron, St. Aldhelm, being broken, refused to consent to his demand ; but at last, al- though reluctantly, to appease his fury, they gave up the horses. After Robert Fitz-Hubert had held the castle for some time, and had exhausted the whole neighbourhood by - his ravages, the king came to its succour, and besieged the place for nearly eight days. William d'Ypres, a kinsman, they say, of this Robert, was the go-between for the surrender of the castle, and settled, at last, with the king, terms of peace — the castle being given up, with entire submission to his royal rights ; which was done. Meanwhile, Robert joined the earl of Gloucester, proposing to stay with him for a time, but all the while meditating treachery. Not long afterwards, as he had neither sense nor inclination to follow a right course, but still thirsted for blood, he betook himself, with his own retainers, to Devizes, without the earl's knowledge ; and having first made a com- pact with his followers, that the castle, once taken, should never be surrendered, he scaled the wall by force or strata- gem,^ and sounded the note of triumph to the king's soldiers in the garrison, stormed by surprise the exterior forts, and made many the victims of his cruelty. Four days afterwards, by force or fraud, he got possession of the citadel within, and, in the pride of his heart, ravaged every part of the neigh- bourhood by day and by night, doing incessantly all the damage he could. At last, he repaired to John, a knight of renown, who then held the castle of Marlborough under fealty to the king, and required him, with threats, to follow his ^ He gained the summit in the night time by means of scaling ladders made of thongs. Cf. the account of this ruffian in the " Gesta Stephani," pp. 374, &c. Malmesbury also gives some strange anec- dotes of his barbarity. A.D. 1140.] THE CIVIL WARS. 277 advice, or rather his injunction, and agree with him and hold with him in wreaking his satanic malice, not only on the king, but on the earl and every one else ; menacing him, on his refusal, that he should forfeit his life when lie least expected it. John replied : " In tlie name of God, I would rather make another man my prisoner than be taken myself;" and inmiediately seized him, and throwing him into confinement, in just retaliation caused all the tortures which he had inflicted on others to be exhausted on himself. The earl of Gloucester, and Milo, the ex- constable, hearing of these occurrences, came to the said John, with many fol- lowers, and the earl promised to give him five hundred marks, on condition that he should deliver Robert to him on a set day, upon receiving good hostages from himself. John, won over by the promise of the money and the hostages, delivered Robert to the earl, on the terms of his being restored to him within fifteen days. This compact being made, the earl re- turned to Gloucester, taking Robert with him. They then treated respecting the castle of Devizes, of which the earl required at his hands a voluntary surrender. Robert, how- ever, refused, being loth to break the oath he had made to his comrades, that the castle should never be given up. But being terrified by threats of being hung on a gallows, in Older to save his life, he engaged to yield to the demand. Within the time fixed by the agreement, this rufiian was led back to the presence of John ; to whom the earl told all that had hap|)ened, and how John, terrified by his threats, had promised to deliver up the castle. He also requested him again to permit Robert to accompany him to Devizes, pledg- ing himself that if he should chance to obtain possession of the castle, it should be given up to John, to be held under fealty to Iiim. The earl's proposal being acceded to, he im- mediately returned to Devizes with Robert. In the mean- time, the said John sent letters to all, both within and without the castle, assuring them, on his solemn oath, that neither he nor the earl would do any injury to Robert ; any how, they were to see to it that their oath not to give up the castle to any one was faithfully adhered to. The earl returned to Gloucester, leaving the ex-constable and a man of great power, nanuMl Humphrey, with some others, behind him ; with general orders that, if Robert refused to make a volun- 278 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1140. tary surrender of the castle, he should be hung. Eobert did refuse, and his friends refused also, lest they should appear perjured. In short, after his two nephews had been hanged, he was taken and hanged also. All praise be to God who delivered up the wicked I Before the Assumption of St. Mary [15th August], the earl of Gloucester marched his army towards Bath, but the king- had long before despatched light troops to watch the enemy's motions, and place an ambuscade for the defence of themselves and the country. The two parties met ; on the one side were the king's troops, among whom were two knights, John and Roger, both men of spirit and courage ; on the other side were the earl's retainers. Many were taken prisoners ; more were wounded and slain ; one of whom, Geoffrey Talbot,^ a bold but crafty knight, now joining the king, now the earl, and thus steeped in treachery, was mortally wounded, and dying in consequence on the eleventh of the calends of September [22 August], was buried with the canons at Gloucester. The royal troops, however, gained the victory. [Nottingham plundered and burnt.] Before the Nativity of St. Mary [8th September], Robert, son of king Henry, instigated by Ralph Paganel, took with him the knights of the earl of Warwick, and with those he drew out of Gloucestershire and a great body of common soldiers, made a sudden attack on the town of Nottingham, and finding there was no force to defend it, commenced plundering it, the townsmen from all quarters taking refuge in the churches. One of these, who was reported to be a wealthy man, having been laid hold of, was led tightly bound to his house that he might be forced to give up his money. The man conducted the free-booters, over greedy for spoil, into a chamber underground, where all his household wealth was supposed to be stored. But while they were intent upon pillage and breaking open doors and locks, he cunningly slipped away, and gaining the chambers and then the hall, closed all the doors behind them and fastened them with ^ See *' Gesta Stephani," pp. 361 — 376. — Antiq. Lib. It was this Geoffrey Talbot wtio sacked and burnt Hereford. See before, pp. 261 and 272. I A.D. 1140.] STEPHEN MADE PRISONER. 279 bolts. He then set fire to his house and consigned the buildings and all his goods, together with the robbers, to the flames. It is reported tliat more tluin thirty men wlio were in the cellar perished by the fire, and some say that it spread througli the whole town and burnt it to the ground ; for, the knights and the whole army swore that they were guiltless of having set it on fire. Thus the whole place was consumed, and all who could be taken outside the churches were carried into captivity ; some of them as far as Gloucester. The rest of the common people, men, women and children, who had fled to the churches, not daring to come forth for fear of being taken l)y the enemy, nearly all perished as the churches fell a prey to the raging conflagration. It was a cruel sight, and even the enemy were filled with sorrow when they be- held the temples of God, which even the heathen would have spared, consumed by fire. Thus Nottingham was laid in ruins ; a most noble town, which from the time of the Norman conquest of England to the present had flourished in the greatest peace and tranquillity, and abounded in wealth of all kinds and a numerous population. A certain monk, of profound learning and knowledge, Peter by name, was preferred to the abbey of Malmesbury by Henry, bishop of Winchester, and legate of the holy Roman church. Having assumed the monastic habit at Cluni, he filled for some time the office of prior of La Charite, and was removed from thence to preside over the monastery of St. Urban, pope, in the diocese of Catalonia, but troubles increasing and threatening his own safety, he was compelled to quit the place, and at the instance of the before-mentioned bishop of Winchester, came to England, and this year under- took the government of the aforesaid church. [Stephen made prisoner at the battle of Lincoln.] Stephen, king of England, after long toils and sieges of castles, in whicli he had struggled during five years and six weeks for the peace of the kingdom, at last, on the day of the Purification of St. Mary [2nd February], which fell on Sexagesima Sunday, was, by the just judgment of God, out- mano'uvred and taken prisoner at the siege of Lincoln castle by Robert, earl of Gloucester, his uncle's son, and Ranulph, 280 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1140. earl of Chester ;^ and, being first brought to Gloucester on Quinquagesima Sunday [9th February^, was then conducted to the city of Bristol and placed in custody. Many of his adherents were taken with him and thrown into prison. [The Empress Matilda acknowledged queen.] Meanwhile, the lady empress-queen, Henry's daughter, who was staying at Gloucester, was overjoyed at this event, having now, as it appeared to her, got possession of the kingdom for which fealty had been sworn to her f she there- fore, having consulted her council, left the city on the fifth day after Ash-Wednesday [17th February], and attended by two bishops, Bernard, bishop of St. David's, and Nigel, bishop of Ely, with Gilbert, abbot of Winchester, and many barons, knights, and officers, proceeded to Cirencester, the first place at which she lodged after such joyful intelligence, and of which she received the allegiance. Departing thence, when she drew near to the city of Winchester, there ad- vanced to meet her, in great state and pomp, the bishops of almost all England, many barons, a great number of men of high rank, innumerable knights, divers abbots with their societies, and two convents of monks and a third of nuns, chanting in procession hymns and thanksgivings, and the clergy of the place with the citizens and crowds of the people. Thereupon, the famous city of Winchester was delivered over to her; she.received possession of the royal crown of England,'* and the legate himself cursed those who curse her, blessed those who bless her, excommunicating her adversaries, and absolving those who submitted to her government. The lady [Matilda] departing from Winchester with her court went to Wilton, where Theobald, archbishop of Canter- ^ The best account of the battle of Lincoln is given by Henry of Huntingdon, who was a canon of that church, and most probably resident there at the time of the battle. See his History, pp. 273 — • 280, Antiq. Lib. The account in " Gesta Stephani" is singularly de- ficient in details, ibid, p. 378. Roger of Wendover's is rather more circumstantial, ibid, vol. i., p. 492, ^ See before, under the year 1126, p. 241. ^ " The royal crown, which she had always ardently desired," says the author of " Gesta Stephani," p. 381. The bishop-legate, Henry de Blois, caused her to be proclaimed queen in the market place of Winchester J but it does not appear that Matilda was ever crowned A A.D. 1140.] THE EMPRESS MATILDA. 281 bury, came to pay his respects. Here such crowds of people flocked to meet her, that the gates of the town hardly allowed their entrance. After celebrating there the feast of Easter, she came in the Rogation days [4th May] to Reading, where she was received with honours ; the chief men and the people ])ouring in from all quarters to tender their allegiance. While there, she sounded one of the leaders, Robert D' Oyley, respecting the surrender of Oxford castle, and upon his con- senting to it, she proceeded there and received the fealty and homage of the whole city and the country round. Con- tinuing her progress, she was received at the monastery of St. Albans, with processions, and honours, and rejoicings. Many of the citizens of London came to her there, and had various conferences with her touching the surrender of the city. [A violent thunder- storm.] About this time a terrible occurrence took place in the diocese of Worcester, w^hich we think is worthy relating. On Wednesday before the octave of our Lord's Ascension [11th May], about the ninth hour of the day, at a village called Walesburn, distant one mile from Hampton, the country seat of the bishop of Worcester,^ there aroie a violent whirlwind, accompanied by a frightful darkness reaching from earth to heaven, which striking the house of a priest named Leofrid levelled it to the ground and shattered it to pieces, with all the out-buildings ; it also tore off the roof of the church, and carried it across the river Avon. Nearly fifty houses of the villagers were thrown down and ruined in the same way. Hailstones also fell as large as a pigeon's egg, which striking a woman caused her death. At this spectacle all present were filled with terror and dismay. [3Iatilda goes to London.] The empress, as we have already said, having treated with the Londoners, lost no time in entering the city with a great att(,'n The words between the brackets convey a gross anachronism. King Edf^ar died in 975, and [St.] Edward, who succeeded him, was murdered in 978. A note in the margin of one of the MSS. states the fact that "Aelfdryth" erected the monastery of St. Cross with the motive here stated, but omits the words in the text, which assigns a date to the foundation incompatible with the facts. 286 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1140. government and country, as they had hitherto been the authors and promoters of all its dissensions and disturbances. But the earl refusing to carry this into effect, without the consent of the empress, his sister, repudiated all that had been con- certed in the affair, and utterly rejected all terms of peace and alliance with the king. Whence it came to pass that they parted without any pacification, and during the whole of the ensuing year, in all parts of the kingdom and country, pillage of the poor, slaughter of men, and violation of churches cruelly ^ ^ The old printed text ends here abruptly In one of the MSS. the interval between the year 1141, where the first Continuation of Florence's Chronicle terminates, and the year 1152, where the second Continuation begins, is supplied by a transcript from Henry Hun- tingdon's history of that period, for which see pp. 273 — 291, Antiq. Lib. THE END OF THE FIRST CONTINUATION OF FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. THE SECOND CONTINUATION OF THE CHRONICLE OF FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.d. 1152.] The emperor Conrad succeeded the emperor Frederic. A divorce was decreed between Lewis, king of France, and queen Eleanor, the daughter of William, duke of Aqui- taine, by whom the king then had two daughters. Henry, duke of Normandy, married this Eleanor, and received witli her the county of Aquitaine. St. Bernard, abbot of Clair- vaux, died on the thirteenth of the calends of September [20th August]. [a.d. 1153.] [a.d. ]154.] Benedict, prior of Canterbury, was trans- ferred as abbot to Peterborough. Adrian was made pope. [a.d. 1155.] Queen Eleanor bore a son, whom she called Henry. Frederic was crowned as emperor. [a.d. 115G.] Queen Eleanor gave birth to a daughter, named Matilda. [a.d. 1157.] Queen Eleanor gave birth at Oxford to her son Richard. [a.d. 1158.] Queen Eleanor gave birth to Geoffrey. [a.d. 1159.] Adrian died, and thereupon a schism arose from the election of two popes. The kings of France and England acknowledged pope Alexander, while the emperor adhered to Octavian, on whose behalf he wrote to the two kings before mentioned, but did not obtain his object. [a.d. 11 ()().] The marriage between Henry, son of the king of England, and the daughter of the king of France, was celebrated. Theobald, archbishop of Canterbury, died. 288 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1161-70. [a.d. 1161.] Queen Eleanor bore a daughter, to whom she gave the name of Eleanor.^ [a.d. 1162.] The council of Tours was held,^ at which Thomas, the archbishop, was much honom-ed by the jDope. [a.d. 1163.] [a.d. 1164.] The bishops of England are called together at Clarendon, to take account of the customs of the realm.^ Loose clerks are denoimced. Archbishop Thomas withdraws privately ; the king duly summoned him to answer in his court. [a.d. 1165.] Eleanor bore a son, who was called John Sans-terre.^ [a.d. 1166— 69.J [a.d. 1170.] In this year the king held his court, during the feast of Easter, at Windsor ; at which festival there were present William, king of Scotland, and Da\-id his brother, and nearly all the nobles and great men of England, both bishops, earls, and barons. [A council of nobles at London.] After celebrating^ the feast of Easter, the kinsr went from thence to London, and there held a great council for the coronation of his eldest son Henry, and making laws for his kingdom ; and there he dismissed nearly all the sheriffs of England and their baiUffs, for having ill-treated the liege- men of his realm. And each of the sheriffs and bailiffs found pledges for himself to abide by the judgment of the court, and give such redress to our lord the king, and the liege-men of the realm, as they ought to do out of their reprises. After- wards the king caused all the liege-men of his realm, to wit, the earls, barons, knights, free tenants, and even \'illeins, to swear, on the holy gospels, in their several counties, that they would tell the truth, namely, what and how much the sheriffs ^ Accordino: to Roger of Wendover and Matt. Westm., the princess Eleanor was born in 1162. ^ The council of Tours was not held till 1163. ^ The famous " Constitutions of Clarendon" were framed on this occasion. They may be seen in Wilkins's Cone, and Roger of Wendover. * John Lack-Land, afterwards king John; he was born in 1166. A.D. 1170.] PRTXCE HENRY CROWNED. 289 and their bailiffs levied on them, and what judicially, and what extrajudicially, and for what default. But great injury was thu3 done to the English nation, for, after the inquisition was made, the king reinstated some of the sheriffs in their offices, and they became afterwards more oppressive than they were before. Moreover, in the aforesaid council, the king caused Roger, archbishop of York, Hugh, bishop of Durham, and the other bishops of his kingdom, to be summoned to meet at London at a time appointed. [_Coro7iatlon of Henri/ II.'s eldest son Henry ^ On the following Sunday, which was the eighteenth of the calends of July [1 4th June], and the vigil of SS. Vitus and Modestus, martyrs, and St. Crescentia, virgin, king Henry caused his eldest son Henry to be crowned and consecrated king at Westminster, by Roger, archbishop of York and legate of the episcopal see, being assisted in the ceremony by Hugh, bishop of Durham, Gilbert, bishop of London, Josce- line, bishop of Salisbury, and Walter, bishop of Rochester; and almost all the earls, bishops, and nobles of the realm being present. On the morrow after the consecration, the king made William, king of Scotland, and David, his brother, and all the earls, barons, and frank-tenants of his kingdom, do homage to the new king, his son ; and swear, on the relics of the saints, allegiance and fealty to him against all the world, save only their fealty to himself. And there the king obtained the consent of the earls and barons for crossing the sea to Normandy, because Lewis, king of France, bruited abroad that his daughter Margaret was not crowned with her husband, the new king of England, and therefore proposed to stir up war in Normandy. [King Henry falls sick in Normandy.] Accordingly, the king passed over to Normandy, setting sail from Portsmouth about the feast of St. John the Baptist [24th June], and sent his son, the new king, to England, empowering him to administer affairs and justice under a new seal, which he ordered him to make. About the octave of u 290 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1170. the feast of SS. Peter and Paul [6th July], the king came to Ferte-Bernard,^ and consulted Count Theobald about making peace between himself and the king of France, and then they departed. And the king, about the feast of St. Mary Mag- dalen [22nd July], went as far as Yendome^ to treat with the king of France, and in that conference they came to such a mutual understanding, that for the time they remained in alliance. The conference being ended, the king returned to Nor- mandy, and reaching La Motte Gernee, not far from Dom-* front,^ about the feast of St. Lawrence [10th August], there fell so dangerously ill, that it was reported throughout France that he was dead; and there he divided his kingdom and dominions amongst his sons. He gave to Henry, his eldest son, the kingdom of England and the duchy of Normandy, with the counties of Anjou and Maine ; and committed to him the maintenance and promotion of his youngest brother John. To his son Richard, he gave the duchy of Aquitaine, with all its appurtenances, to be held of the king of France. Afterwards, he commanded the bishops, earls, and barons, who were about him during his sickness, that if he did not recover, they should convey his body to Grammont, near St. Leonard's,^ and showed them a charter which the good men of Grammont had granted him for the interment of his remains at the entrance of the chapter-house of Grammont, at the feet of the superior of that house, who lay buried there. On hearing this they were much surprised, and were unwilling to allow it, saying that it was derogatory to his royal dignity. The king, however, persisted in enjoining compliance with his wishes ; but, by the will of Divine Providence, he shortly afterwards recovered from his sickness, and, as soon as he was able, in fulfilment of a vow made during his illness, he proceeded with all haste, about the feast of St. Michael [29th ' La Ferte-Bernard, on the Huisne, in the department of La Sarthe. ^ Veiidome, on one of the branches of the Loire. Some ruins of its ancient castle still remain. ^ Domfront was a strong frontier fortress of Normandy, of great importance in the preceding times. * St. Leonard's stands on the right bank of the Vienne, about ten miles from Limoges. A.D. 1170.] becket's grievances. 291 September], to St. Mary's of Ilocamadour,* and having per- formed his pilgrimage returned into Anjou. \_Disputes between Inng Henry and Thomas a BechetJ] Meanwhile, St. Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury, who was now in the sixth year of his exile, hearing that in his absence, and in despite of his privileges, a new king had been consecrated in England, at London, by Roger, arch- bishop of York, was greatly chagrined ; and turning in his mind how he nnght best vindicate the rights of the church of Canterbury, sent i'requent messengers to pope Alexander, entreating him to censure the archbishop of York and his coadjutors who had assisted him in the consecration of the new king of England. Likewise, the same year, Lewis, king of France, solicited the lloman pontiff on behalf of the afore- said archbishop of Canterbury, entreating him, as he valued his personal regard, and the respect he paid him, and from his love of the kingdom of France, and for the honour of the apostolic see, no longer to allow the procrastinating pleas lodged by the king of England. Comj)assionating, also, the de- solate condition of the church of Enghind, William, archbishop of Sens, petitioned the apostolic see, and besought the church of Rome that, all appeals being quashed, the king of England should be sentenced to excounnunication, and the kingdom laid under an interdict, unless peace were restored to the church of Canterbury. The day peremptorily fixed, beyond which the sentence could no longer be deferred, was now at hand. The king of England, therefore, constrained by his fears of the rigour of the canons, at length consented to restore peace to the English church, and about the feast of St. Denys, on Monday the fourth of the ides [the 12th] of October, he came as far as Amboi,se, in the neighbourhood of Tours, attended by the archbishops, bishops, and great men of his realm, to meet William, archbishoj) of vSens, and Theobald, count de Llois, who brought with them St. Thomas, archbishop ' De rupe Aflamntoris. The place is situated near Cahors, on the high road from Paris to Bayonne. Its famous Oratories, dedicated, tlie one to St. Mary, and the other to St. Amadour, on the summit of the rock overiianging the valley of the little river Alzou, which falls into the Dordogiie, are still the resort of the religious. u 2 292 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1170. of Canterbury. On the morrow, king Henry, in conformity to tlie will of Divine Providence, and in compliance with the instances of the king of France, and the mandate and moni- tion of pope Alexander, as well as by the advice of the arch- bishops and bishops of his realm, re-admitted the before- mentioned archbishop of Canterbury to his favour and love, and he pardoned him and all who were in exile with him, and shared his wrath and persecution ; promising that all the possessions of the church of Canterbury should be restored to him entire, as he held them the year before he departed from England. There were great rejoicings among the people throughout the kingdom on the arrival and re-establishment of their father, Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury ; for he, apprehen- sive of the peril of souls, and conducted to his see by the king's orders, returned to England on the calends [the Ist] of December, in the seventh year of his exile. Arriving at Canterbury, he was received by the clergy and people as an angel of the Lord, the multitude shouting with one voice, *' Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord." On his part, he, like a good shepherd, received them all with the kiss of peace, and addressing to them a paternal admonition, enjoined on them the love of their brethren ; while, if needs be, they should lay down their lives, and .contend unto death for the law of God. The lord pope having, on the complaint of St. Thomas, learnt the presumption of the before-mentioned archbishop of York, and the bishops, his coadjutors, he sus- pended Hoger, archbishop of York, Hugh, bishop of Durham, and Walter, bishop of Rochester, from their episcopal func- tions, and issued a sentence of excommunication against Gilbert, bishop of London, and Josceline, bishop of Salisbury. This harsh proceeding, which was published on the restoration of St. Thomas, further embittered the king's mind, and gave a fresh poignancy to the envenomed tongues of the arch- bishop's detractors. For Roger, archbishop of York, Josceline, bishop of Salisbury, and Gilbert, bishop of London, as soon as the sentence was published against them, sailed for Nor- mandy, and sharpening their tongues, like a sword, prejudiced the king by their complaints against the archbishop of Can- terbury, and more and more roused his indignation against him. The champion of Christ was, therefore, again subjected A.D. 1170.] becket's martyrdom. 293 to losses, and made acfain the mark for more atrocious and excessive injustice; and he was even prohiliited, by a public edict, from going beyond the bounds of his church. Whoever gave him, or any of his friends, a civil word, was thought a public enemy. But the man of God bore all these injuries with exemplary ])atience, and living on familiar terms with those about them, edified all by his conversation. \_Martyrdom of St. Thomas a BecTcet.~\ This year the son of the empress ^latilda^ held his court at Bures, in Normandy, on the day of our Lord's Nativity, which fell on Friday, in much sorrow and trouble at the refusal of the archbishop of Canterbury to absolve the English bishops from the sentence of excommunication which he had pro- nounced on them. The king's indignation being thus raised, four knights of his household and family, desirous of relieving him from the disturbance of mind which they observed to be preying I'pon him, secretly and without the king's knowledge hurried to the coast, for the purpose of crossing the sea to England, and, having landed there, lost no time in taking the road to Canterbury. The holy fiither had scarcely resided a month at his church, when, five days after Christmas, the four knights, or rather the hirelings of Satan, before mentioned, whose names are William de Tracy, Hugh de Morville, Richard Briton, and Reginald Fitz-Urse, rushed furiously and ready armed into the church, at the entrance of which they cried loudly, "Where — where is the traitor?" No one making any answer, they again demanded, "Where is the archbishop of Canterbury?" Upon which he replied, " Here am I, the servant of Christ, whom ye seek." One of the ill- omened knights then said to him in a rage, " You shall die, for it must not be that you live any longer." The archbishop answered, with as much firmness of expression as of spirit, " I am ready to give up my life in the cause of God, and as the champion of justice and of the liberties of the church. But if ye seek my life, 1 forbid you, in God's name, and under the penalty of being held accursed, from doing any sort of injury to any other, be he monk, or clerk, or layman, of high or low degree; let them be free I'rom harm, as they are from any ' Henry Fitz-Empress. 294 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1170. pretence for it." Do not his words seem to express those of Christ, when he said, during his passion, " If ye seek me, let these go their way " ?^ Having said this, and seeing the exe- cutioners draw their swords, he bowed his head in the act of prayer, and poured forth these his last words : " I commend myself and the cause of the church to God and St. Mary, and the saints who are the patrons of this church, and to St. Denys." After that, in the midst of all his anguish, the undaunted martyr, with wonderful firmness, uttered not a word nor a cry, nor suffered a groan to escape him ; nor did he raise his arm or cover himself with his robe to protect himself from his assailants, but retained immovably the attitude he had assumed, bowing his head to the stroke of their swords, until their work was done. Thereupon the knights before mentioned, being in fear from the concourse of multitudes of both sexes, who flocked together on all sides, that a rescue would be made, and their attempt foiled, hastened the accomplishment of their villanous deed ; and one of them, brandishing his sword and aiming a blow at the archbishop's head, nearly struck oif the arm of a certain clerk, named Edward Grim,^ at the same time wounding in the head tlie Lord's anointed ; for this clerli: had thrust out his arm over the father's head to intercept the assailant, or rather to ward off the blow. Still the righteous sufferer for justice stood like an innocent lamb, without a murmur, without a complaint, and offered himself a sacrifice to the Lord. And now, that not one of the accursed gang might be able to say that the bishop was free from injury by his hands, a second and third knight dealt heavy blows on the head of the intrepid champion of the faith, which they fractured, and levelled the victim of the Holy Spirit to the ground ; and a fourth,^ raving with an excess of bar- barity, cut off his shaven crown, while he was prostrate and at the last gasp, and, shattering his skull, inserted the point of his sword, and scattered his blood and brains on the stone pavement. Thus, in the beginning of the seventh year after his banish- ment, this martyr, Thomas, contended even to death for the * John xviii. 8. ^ He was the bishop's eross-bearer. ^ His name was Hugh de Horsey. A.D. 1170.] THE ASSASSINS ESCAPE. 295 law of his God and tlie riglits of the cliurch, which in Eng- land were well nigh lost, fearing not the words of wicked men ; but founded upon a rock of strength, that is Christ, fell in Christ's church and for Christ's cause, himself innocent, by the swords of the impious, on the fifth day of Christmas, which is the morrow of the feast of Innocents [20th Decem- ber]. Tlien all left him ami fled, that the saying of Scrip- ture might be fulfilled : " I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered."^ Meanwhile, the knights who had perpetrated this accursed deed made their retreat by way of the martyr's stable, and bringing out his horses parted them among themselves, each taking which he pleased ; and then without loss of time, sensible of the atrocity of their crime, and despairing of pardon, did not dare to return to the king's court, whence they had come, but retired into the western part of England as far as Knaresborough, the vill of Hugh de Alorville, where they abode until they were treated as in- famous by tlie inhabitants of that district ; for all avoided having any intercourse with them, nor would any one sit at table in their company. They, therefore, ate and drank alone, and the fragments of their repast were thrown to the dogs, which having tasted, even thej' refused to devour. See here manifestly the just vengeance of God, that they who despised the anointed of the Lord should be even spurned by doGTs ! INIean while the king, who was holding his court at Bures as we have before mentioned, had gone to Argentan, where hearing that the archbishop of Canterbury had been cruelly murdered in the church of Canterbury, his grief was intense and inexpressible ; and existence became wretched to an un- heard of degree. For three days he partook of no food, and refused to speak to any one ; and led a life of solitude with closed doors for five weeks, until Rotro, aichbishop of Ilouon, and the bishoj)s of Normandy, came and comforted him. How- ever, when they had so done, Lewis, king of France, and William, archbishop of Sens, wi'ote to pope Alexander against the king of England, respecting the death of the archbishop of Canterbury, to this effect : * Zcchariah xiii. 7 ; Mark xiv. 27. 296 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1170. [The Letter of the king of France.] " To his most holy lord and father, Alexander [III.], by the grace of God, pope, Lewis, king of France, sends greeting and . due reverence. " The son who dishonours his mother is a stranger to the laws of human feeling ; nor is he mindful of the Creator's benefits, who does not sorrow for insults offered to the holy see. But it is to be especially lamented, and the novelty of the enormity draws forth a fresh burst of unspeakable grief, when the Lord's saint was the mark for a malignant attack, the pupil of Christ's eye was pierced with the sword, and the light of the church of Canterbury was no less cruelly than basely extinguished. Let justice be roused in its keenest form, and the sword of Peter be unsheathed to avenge the martyr of Canterbury ! For his blood cries for vengeance through the church universal, which not so much claims it for him as for the injury inflicted on her. Lo ! the Divine glory has been revealed in miracles, as we are informed, at the martyr's tomb, and it is manifested from heaven on the spot where his mortal remains rest, for whose name he fought to the end. The bearers of these presents, men bereaved of their father, will detail the particulars to your Holiness ; and we pray you to lend a willing ear to their testimony of the truth, and in this affair, as well as in others, give them the same credence as you would to ourselves. Your Holiness, farewell." [_How the king sent to the pope of Rome, after the death of St. Thomas.^ While affairs were in this state, the lord [archbishop] of Rouen, the lord [bishop] of Evreux, and the lord [bishop] of Worcester, together with several of the clerks and others attached to the king's court, set forth on a journey to the Roman pontiff, on behalf of the king and his realm. But the lord of Rouen, being worn wdth age and infirmity, when he had accomplished nearly half the journey, could proceed no further, and returned to his own see. But the before-men- tioned bishops, with the king's clerks, proceeded on their way, and succeeded with great difficulty in obtaining the pope's con- A.D. 1170.] MISSION TO THE POPE. 297 sent that two cardinals, Tlieodine and Albert, should, on his part, come into Normandy, to take cognizance of the case at issue between the kino: and the church of Canterbury touching the death of St. Thomas, and respecting other ecclesiastical dignitaries, and decide concerning them as God should direct. The envoys who had proceeded to Rome wrote to their lord and king in the following tenor : \_The Letter to the Idng hy his clerks whom he sent to Rome.^ '* To their most dearly beloved lord, Henry, the illustrious king of England, duke of Normandy and Aquitaine, and count of Anjou, R., abbot of W ^, R., archdeacon of Salisbury, Robert, archdeacon of Lisieux, Richard Barre, and Master Henry, greeting, and loyal service in all things and all j)laces. " We would have your majesty know, that Richard Barre having gone forward before us, and, after much danger and suffering, arrived tirst at the court of our lord the pope, we four, and the two bishops, the dean of York, and Master Henry, with much difficulty got as far as Sienna. There we were detained for some days, as count Macarius had so beset all the roads that no way was open to us for getting out of the place. When, however, we four, who with the bishops were very desirous to depart, could not accomplish it, being in much trouble of mind, by common consent we made our escape privately at midnight, and so by mountain paths, and almost impassable tracks, we at length after much peril and apprehension reached Tusculum.^ There we found Richard Barre very anxious, as was his duty, to maintain your honour, and exerting himself with much prudence and industry for your profit. But he was in great distress and dismay, as he had neither been admitted to an interview with the lord pope, nor had others shown any kindness or civility to him. On our arrival, the pope refused to see us, and allow us the kiss, even of his foot ; and scarcely any of the car- dinals condescended so much as to exchange a word with us. After long delay, during which we were much harassed by anxiety and bitterness of spirit, we entreated those who were faithfully attached to you to use their influence that in some ' *' Abbaa Wallatia; ?" ' Now called Frascati. 2&8 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1170. ■way the pope might grant us a hearing. In the end, at their instance, the lord abbot of W , and R., arcli deacon of Lisieux, were admitted to an audience, as being those of us "who were least suspected. But when, in making their salu- tations on your belialf, they mentioned your name as a most devoted son of the Roman church, the whole conclave cried out, * Hold, hold [' as if it were odious to the lord pope even to hear your name. So leaving the conclave they returned late to our lord the pope, and laid before him, after con- sulting together, what your majesty commanded us ; at the same time recounting all the benefits you had conferred on the late archbishop of Canterbury, and the succession of usurpations and affronts to your dignity of which he had been guilty. All this we detailed, first in private, and afterwards in the presence of our lord the pope and all the cardinals ; the clerks of Canterbury, Alexander, and Gunter, the Fleming, shewing cause before them on the other side. " The Thursday before Easter [23rd March] being now near at hand, and that being the day on which, according to the usage of the Roman Church, the lord pope is wont to absolve or excommunicate in public ; as we had certain in- formation that up to this point their consultations tended to the trouble of you and your kingdom, we consulted those we knew to be most favourable to your majesty, namely, the lord [bishop] of Porto, the lord Hyacinthus, the lord [bishop] of Pavia, the lord Peter di Mirio (the lord John of Naples was absent), and urged them most anxiously and earnestly to let us know the pope's intentions, and what he proposed to deter- mine in our case. But as they reported to us nothing but what was disastrous and disgraceful to your highness, we presumed, from the sad accounts given by these persons and by your faithful servant, brother Francis, that the pope had firmly resolved, with the general consent of the conclave, to issue that very day a sentence of interdict against you, per- sonally, and against all your dominions on this side or beyond the sea. Being placed in these most difficult circumstances, we used our utmost efforts, through the cardinals and those of our associates who had access to them, and by means of their intimate friends, to induce the pope to abandon this measure, or, at least, to defer it until the arrival of your bishops. " Finding it impossible to effect this, we, as our duty is, A.D. 1172.] THE envoys' letter. 299 and as we are your debtors, being neither able nor willing to bear tlie indignity to your person, nor the oppression to your whole dominions, at last had a meeting of our friends in the presence of some of the cardinals, at which means were dis- covered by which your honour and welfare would be secured, with ad\antage to your territories and profit to the bisiiops. By this proceeding we get rid of the danger and disgrace with which you, your dominions, and bisljops were threat- ened, although ibr this immunity we expose ourselves to extreme peril ; believing, however, and having a sure hope that the whole affair will take the course which we think you would desire. The lord bishop of Worcester and the lord bishop of Lisieux, with Robert, dean of Lisieux, and Master Henry will soon be here. We left them beyond measure anxious and troubled, because they were not able to come with us, as they wished to attend to your business. It was their opinion and our own, that we ought to hasten forward somewhat in advance of them, in order to throw impediments in the way of the proceedings of your adversaries to your dis- honour and injury. For we had certain information that the charge against you was lodged in court, and we were appre- hensive of what is customary on that day. Farewell ! and may your highness long live. Be comforted in the Lord, and lot your heart rejoice ; for after this cloud there will be fair weather, to your glory. We came to the court on the Saturday before Palm-Sunday [21st March], and the bearer of these presents leaves us on Easter-day [28th March]." [^ICinff Henry s Heconciliation with the Court of Rome.'] [a.d. 1172.] King Henry crossed over to Ireland, and made peace with the people there. He tlien returned and obtained absolution from the cardinals, Ilotro [archbisliop] of Ilouen crowned Margaret, the king's daughter, as tlie future queen of England. Meanwhile the king returned from Britain, and about the feast of St. Michael, the apostle, came into Normandy to the city of Avranches, where he found the before-named cardinals, and on Wednesday the fifth of tlie calends of October [27th September], being the feast of SS. Cosmo and Damianus, the martyrs, he made satisfac- 300 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1172. tion to God and the pope toucliing the death of St. Thomas the martyr. For he cleared his innocence before the afore- said cardinals, and the archbishop of Eouen, and the bishops, clergy, and people of his dominions, in the church of St. Andrew the apostle, at Avranches. He also swore on the Holy Gospels, before the churchmen already named, that he neither commnnded nor wished that the archbishop of Can- terbury should be slain, and that when he heard of it he was thrown into the deepest distress. But whereas he could not take the malefactors who had murdered Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury, of blessed memory ; and whereas he feared that they wrought that impious deed in consequence of their observing his disturbed state of mind, he took, for satisfac- tion, an oath to the following effect : — First, he swore that he would create no schism with pope Alexander, or with his catholic successors, so long as they treated him as a catholic king. Next, he swore that he would neither hinder, nor suffer any hindrance, to appeals being freely made in his kingdom to the pope of Rome in ecclesiastical causes ; provided that if he saw reason to suspect the parties, they should give security that they would not seek the injury of himself or his kingdom. Moreover, he swore that he would take the cross from Christ- mas then ensuing, for the term of three years, and would go to Jerusalem in person during the summer next following, unless he staid with leave of pope Alexander, or his catholic successors. But if, in the meantime, he should, from urgent necessity, go into Spain against the Saracens, the time spent in that expedition should be considered as added to that employed in the pilgrimage to Jerusalem. He swore, besides, that in the meantime he would pay to the Knights Templars such sums of money as, in the judg- ment of the brethren of the order, would be sufficient for the maintenance of two hundred knights for the defence of the territory of Jerusalem for the space of one year. Moreover, he pardoned all, both clerks and laymen, who were in exile on account of St. Thomas, for their wrath and disaffection, and granted them permission to return home in freedom and peace. He also swore that whatever possessions had been taken away A.D. 1173, 1174.] THE KING ABSOLVED. 301 from the cluircli of Canterbury should be restored entirely, as the aforesaid archbishop held them the year before he departed from England. He also swore that he would altogether disallow any cus- toms derogatory to the rights of the church in his territories, which had been introduced during his reign. All this he swore that he would observe in good faith and without covin. He also caused king Henry, his eldest son, to swear that he would observe all these articles, those excepted which referred only to him personally. And that this compact might be placed upon record in the Roman Church, the king commanded his own seal and the seals of the cardinals to be affixed to the instrument in which these articles are contained. [a.d. 1173.] This year, Richard, archbishop of Canterbury, deposed William, abbot of Peterborough, for certain causes. Tlie count of St. Giles^ did homage to the king-father. King Henry and his son quarrelled. A hundred and forty Flemings, making an irruption into England, Avere drowned. Geoffrey Ridel, archdeacon of Canterbury, was elected bishop of Ely ; his consecration by Richard, archbishop of Canter- bury, was deferred till the year following. William Turbe, bishop of Norwich, died on the seventeenth of the calends of February [IGth January], St. Thomas the Martyr was canonised in the beginning of Lent [21st February]. Mary, sister of St. Thomas, was made abbess of Barking. Robert, earl of Leicester, landing in England with three thousand Flemings, burnt the castle of Hagenest ; but he and his wife, and all the Normans and French who accompanied him, are taken prisoners. Part of the Flemings are slain, some part are drowned ; but none escaped. Done without the burgh of St. Edmund's on the sixteenth of the calends of November [17th October].-'^ [a.d. 1174.] The Flemings coming over in aid of the king's son, burn Norwich. Richard, prior of Dover, is con- secrated archbishop of Canterbury by the lord pope. All the world is afllicted with coughs and colds. • Also called the count of Thoulouse. ' This is the first notice in the present continuation of the Chronicle of Fh)rence which shows the connection of the writer or writers with St. Edniondsbury. It ap{)ears also, from the following paragraph, and others subsecjuontly in which the present tense is used, that the Con- tinuation is a record of passing events. 302 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. A.D. 1175-9. The king-father, on his arrival in England, found it in rebellion against liim ; but, while he was paying his vows at the shrine of St. Thomas, the king of Scotland was taken prisoner, and the king carried him with him to Normandy.^ The same day the king-son returned to France, the fleet w^hich he had assembled against his father having been dis- persed. [a.d. 1175.] The castles were razed to the ground in all parts both of England and Normandy. William, king of the Scots, a captive according to the laws of war, gave hostages, and so returned from Normandy to Scotland.^ John of Oxford, dean of Salisbury, is consecrated bishop of Salisbury on the nineteenth of the calends of January [14th December]. [a.d. 1176.] The emperor Frederick sacks Milan. Roger, archbishop of York, was maltreated at Westminster, because he made pretensions to a seat in council at the right hand of the legate. John of Salisbury, an excellent clerk, is made bishop of Chartres. [a.d. 1177.] Johanna, daughter of the king of England, was married to William, king of Sicily. Secular canons were removed from Waltham, and regular ones introduced. The emperor Frederic, renouncing his schism at Venice, acknow- ledged pope Alexander. [a.d. 1178.] William, abbot of Ramsey, was made arch- abbot of Cluny. The king knighted his son Geoffrey. Richard de Lucy founded, the abbey of Lesnes.^ Saladin, being van- quished by Eudes, master of the Temple, betook himself to flight. [a.d. 1179,] Roger, the [abbot]-elect of St. Augustine's, received the pontifical ornaments from the pope. A council of ' He was committed to custody at Falaise. ^ The charter afterwards executed by William, kins: of Scotland, acknowledging, as the terms of his release from captivity, Edward's rights of suzerainty over that kingdom, is inserted in the latter part of the present " Continuation," among other documents connected with king Edward's claims. ^ Roger of Wendover informs us that " Richard de Lucy, justiciary of England, on the 11th June, 1178, laid the foundations of a conven- tual church [the abbey of Lesnes of our author] in honour of St. Thomas the martyr, at a place called Westwood, in the territory of Rochester." Vol.'ii., p. 36, Antiq. Lib. A. D. 1180-5.] VARIOUS OCCURRENCES. 303 three hundred and ten bishops was held at Rome^ on the fourteenth of the calends of April [19th March]. Seven ears of corn grew on one stalk. Lewis, king of France, made a pilgrimage to the tomb of St. Thomas. Pope Alex- ander sent a letter to Prester John in India.^ [a.d. 1180.] A new coinage, of a round shape, was struck in England. Lewis, king of France, died, and was buried at the abbey of Barbeaux. Hugh, abbot of St. Edmund's, re- turning from tlie tomb of St. Tliomas, fell from his horse, and so died from infirmity and old age. [a.d. 1181.] A boy, named Robert, was sacrificed by the Jews, at St. Edmund's, on Wednesday the fourth of the ides [the 10th] of June. King Lewis was succeeded by his son Philip, who put himself under the guidance of the king of England. Pope Alexander wrote touching rendering succour to the Holy Land. Lucius succeeded Alexander. [a.d. 1182.] Henry, duke of Saxony, having incurred the hostihty of the emperor Frederic, came into Normandy to king Henry, with his wife and family. Tax-gatherers were burnt throughout France. [a.d. 1183.] King Henry, the son, died penitent, in sack- clotii and ashes, on the third of the ides [the 11th] of June, and was buried at Mans. Then Walter de Constance was consecrated bishop of Lincoln at Rouen ; tlie year following lie was raised to the arcliiepiscoj^al see of Rouen. [a.d. 1184.] Richard, archbishop of Canterbury, died. He was succeeded by Baldwin, bishop of Worcester. A fountain in Scotland flowed with blood. Saladin and Safadin, ( kings of the Saracens, wrote to the lord pope touching the J ransom of captives, in the year of the Htyira 578. The emperor Frederic gave the crown of the German empire to his son Henry. The holy order of the knights in Spain, with the red sword for their badge, was confirmed by the pope. Astrologers struck terror into men's hearts by predicting future events from the conjunction of planets. [a.d. 1185.] The patriarcii Heraclius, and Roger, master of the Hospital,^ came into England. John, the king's son, ' The third council of J/atoran. Soo an account of its proceedings in Ro^^cr of Wench) v(t, ihid, vol. i , p. 44. - 'I'iic letter is preserved in Hoveden, H)id, vol. i., p. 4!)1. ' Roger Desmoulinsj he was sluiu at the siege of Acre, iu 1187. 304 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1186-9. was knighted. Duke Henry returned into Saxony, contented with his patrimonial states. The church of Lincoln was shattered by an earthquake, on the eighteenth of the calends of May [1.5th April]. Pope Lucius died, and Urban suc- ceeded him. [a.D. 1186.] Geoffrey, duke of Brittany, the king's son, died, and was buried at Paris. Hugh, a native of Grenoble, and prior of the Carthusian order in England, becomes bishop of Lincoln. Henry, king of Germany, married Constance, daughter of Roger L, king of Sicily, who was the son of Roger, count of Sicily, brother of Robert Guiscard, of Norman origin. The following verse was inscribed on the seal of king Roger : — " Apulia, Calabria, Sicily, and Africa are mine." Guy of Joppa^ was crowned king of Jerusalem. [a.D. 1187.] Constance, countess of Brittany, gave birth to a posthumous son, named Arthur. The cross of Christ was captured by Saladin, near Tiberias,^ on the fourth of the nones [the 4th] of July ; and two hundred and thirty per- sons were beheaded with B. de Chatillon, their lord. Pope Urban died ; Gregory YIII. succeeded him. Richard, earl of Poitou, the first of the peers, took the cross. Pope Gregory died ; Clemens III. succeeded him. [a.D. 1 1 88.] The kings of France and England took the cross. Richard Barre, archdeacon of Lisieux, was sent as ambassador to the emperors of Rome and Constantinople, respecting a free passage for the kings of France and England. At Dunstable, on the fifth of the ides [the 9th] of August, at the ninth hour of the day, a cross of wonderful size was seen in the heavens, with Jesus Christ nailed to it, crowned with thorns : blood flowed from the wounds, but did not fall to the ground. This appearance lasted from the ninth hour until evening. The emperor Frederic wrote to Saladin^ for the liberation of king Guy and twenty thousand Christian souls. [^Order of the Gilber tines. ^ [a.D, 1189.] St. Gilbert, founder and creator of the order of Sempringham,^ died on the nones [the 5th] of February. ' Guy de Lusignan. ^ 8ee Roger de Hoveden, vol. ii., p. 60, Antiq. Lib. ^ The letter is preserved by Wendover. See vol. ii., p. 64. * In Leicestershire, the Gilbertines soon counted 26 houses, con- taining 700 brethren and 1,500 sisters in their order. A.D. 1190, 1191.] DEATH OF HENRY 11. 305 King Henry Fitz-empress, died on the second of the nones [the Gtli] of July, and >vas buried at Fontevrault. Earl Itichard was absolved by the archbishops of Canterbury and Iiouen for having taken arms against his father. Geoftrey Iwidel, bisliop of Ely, died on the twelftli of the calends of Sej)teni))or [21st August]. Earl Ricliard was crowned king at London, on the third of the nones [the 3rd] of September, on wdiich day the Jews were massacred at London. King Richard gave to the Cistercian monks one hundred marks yearly, to procure themselves a chapter. [a.d. 1190.] William de Longchamp, the [bishop-] elect of Ely, caused himself to be enthroned on the feast of Epiphany with great pomp and ceremony : in consequence, these verses were made ; — '* When Ely keeps high festival, a glorious sight, Others before her pale, as day outshines the night." Geoffrey, a son of king Henry, was elected archbishop of York, and the election was confirmed by the pope. Numbers flocking to Jerusalem, put Jews to death. The Jews were massacred at Norwich : many were trampled down during the time the fair was held at Stamford ; at York five hundred fell by each others' hands, on the seventeenth of the calends of [April 16th March]. At St. Edmund's, the Jews were butchered on the fifteenth of the calends of April [18th Marcli], it being Palm Sunday ; those who survived were, at the instigation of abbot Sampson, banished from that place for ever. William, bishop of Ely, becomes the pope's legate, justiciary of England, and the king's chancellor. The emperor Frederic, in his journey to Jerusalem, is drowned in the river Cydnus : Henry succeeded him as emperor. Tlic kings of France and England landed at Messina, in the month of October. The Sicilian insurgents are excluded from Messina by the king of England. Baldwin, the arch- bishop of Canterbury, died on St. Edmund's day, having encumbered his see by nuich extraordinary expense. Pope Clement died : Celestine III. succeeded him. [a.d. 1191.] This pope crowned Henry, king of Germany, V 306 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1192. as emperor of Kome, on Easter Monday [15th April]. On the fourth day of Easter the city of Tusculum,^ founded by the Romans, was laid in ruins. King Richard conquered Cyprus and its emperor Isaac, whose standard he sent to St. Edmund's. While he was in Cyprus he married Berengaria, daughter of the king of Navarre, on the fourth of the ides [the 4th] of May. King Richard sunk a large Saracen bark, between Tyre and Acre. Geoffrey, archbishop of York, who had been lately consecrated at Tours, was arrested at Dover on his return to England. William [bishop] of Ely, flying with terror from the presence of earl John, was taken at Dover in a woman's dress ; but being liberated soon after- wards, he crossed the sea to solicit the intervention of our lord the pope. The sun suffered an eclipse on the ninth of July [23rd of June], so that the stars were visible during three hours. The city of Acre was surrendered to the kings of Erance and England, on the fourth of the ides [the 12th] of July, with many prisoners and great store of wealth. [Richard taken prisoner on his return from the Holy Land?^ [a.D. 1192.] The king of France returned from the Holy Land and was welcomed at Paris. A caravan of Saracens is taken by king Richard, on its way from Babylon. King Richard recovers Joppa, which the Saracens had reduced. A truce was made between the Christians and Saracens, on the eight of the ides [the 6th] August, from the ensuing Easter [5th of April], for three years, three months, three weeks, three days, and three hours. King Richard returning from the Holy Land, entered the territories of Leopold, duke of Austria, by M'hom he was made prisoner at the city of Vienna, on the thirteenth of the calends of January [20th December], He had embarked on the feast of St. Denys on the seventh of the ides [the 9th] of October. John, hearing of his brother's captivity, entertained the hope of seizing the crown, and fortified many castles in Eng- land : he also crossed the sea and made an alliance with the king of France. The duke of Austria delivered the king of England, for a sum of money, to Henry, the emperor of Rome, * Now Frascati. A.D. 1194, 1195.] RICHARD I. RELEASED. 307 mIio placed him in custody at a place called Trifels,^ of which place Aristotle says, at the close of the second book of his Topics, " Parricide is reckoned a virtue at Trifels ; but common murder is no virtue." Hubert Fitz-Walter, bishop of Salisbury, was elected arch- bishop of Canterbury, on the third of the calends of June [30th May]. The king's ransom amounted to the large sum of one hundred thousand pounds in money. The emperor allotted fifty thousand marks for the share of Leopold, and covetously kept the rest. The prelates and nobles flocked in great numbers to Germany, to visit the king. Eleanor, the queen mother, also went over to him. Hubert [archbishop] of Canterbury was enthroned. [a.d. 1194.] On the second of the nones [the 4th] of February, king Richard was released from captivity, in which he had spent one year, six weeks, and three days, and landed at the port of Sandwich on the third of the ides [the 13th] of March. He then hastened to visit St. Edmund's. From motives of policy king Richard was [again] crowned at , Winchester, on the octave of Easter [17th April]. King Richard, crossing over to Normandy, received the submission of all the country from Yerneuil to Carlcroix. Leopold, duke of Austria, fell from his horse on St. Steplien's day, and having crushed his foot in the fall, it was, by the advice of his physicians, amputated, and he died in consequence, by the just judgment of God, in great suffering.^ [a.d. 1195.] Hubert [archbishop] of Canterbury was created papal legate on the fifteenth of the calends of Aj)ril [18th March]. The Old Man of the Mountain lately sent a letter to Leopold, duke of Austria, exonerating Ricliard, king of England, from the charge of murdering the marcpiis Conrad.^ It was dated in the year one thousand five hundred and five, ' " The castle of Trefels, near Anweiler, a small town between Landau and Zwoybriicken [Deux Pontsj, the picturescpie ruins of wliich are still an object highly interesting to the antiquarian traveller." — Thorpe. * In the charters connected with Scottish affairs, inserted towards the close of this work, there is one from kinj^ Iliehard to William of Scotland, granted this year. See Ilovedeii, vol. ii., pp. .318, respecting these and other important transactions after Richard's return from captivity, ** See the letter in Wcndovcr, vol. ii., p. 129. V 2 308 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1196, 1197. from the time of Alexander the Great. Hugh, bishop of Lincoln, paid the king a thousand marks instead of the mantle of sables annually presented by his predecessors.^ Eustace, bishop of Nidaros, in Norway,^ was banished because he refused to take part in the coronation of Suerre, prince of Norway, which was performed against the pope's prohibition. Alfonso, king of Castile, expelled the Pagans from his territories- [a.d. 1196.] William Long-beard, citizen of London, was hung, and eight others with him.^ King Eichard gave the county of Poitou to his nephew Otho, son of Henry, duke of Saxony. The count of St. Giles married Joanna, formerly queen of Sicily, and sister of Richard, king of England. William, earl of Salisbury, son of earl Patrick, died ; and king Richard gave his daughter to William, his bastard brother, with the earldom. King Richard fortified the castle of Andelys against the consent of the archbishop of Rouen, the lord of that castle ; and thereupon the archbishop laid the whole of Normandy under an interdict. Marchades, the in- famous prince of Brabant, and John, <30unt of Mortain, captured Philip, bishop of Beauvais. [a.D. 1197.] William, bishop of Ely, died, and was buried at the Cistercian abbey of Des-Pins.^ John, bishop " Cane- riensis" dying, thrae others, successively elected in his place, all died within forty days. Robert Longchamp, the chan- cellor's brother, was made abbot of York ; Henry de Long- champ, his third brother, was the eminent abbot of Croyland. The archbishop of Rouen received in exchange for Andelys the vill of Dieppe with its appurtenances, and several others. The son of Frederic the emperor, by the empress Constance, daughter of Roger, king of Sicily, a child seven years old, was baptized by the name of Frederic. He succeeded Otho as emperor of the Romans. Safadin, brother of Saladin, took Joppa, and slew in it more than twenty thousand Christians. ^ See Hoveden, vol. ii., p, 371. ^ The archbishop's name was Eystein; Nidaros is the ancient name of Trondhjem or Drontheim. See the Saga of king Suerre, in Snorro's Heimskringla. ^ For the details of the insurrection under William Fitz-Osbern, see Hoveden, vol. ii., p. 388, and Wendover, ii., 146. * He died at Poictiers, on his way to Rome. A.D. 1198.] REIGX OF RICHARD I. 309 Henry the emperor died and was succeeded by Otho, son of Henry, duke of Saxony and nephew of king Richard. Frederic, son of the emperor Henry, was made king of Sicily by the pope. John Comyn, archbishop of Dublin, pre- ferring exile rather than to endure the injuries done him by the vassals of John, the king's brother, departed, after excom- municating the oftenders. On his going away, a certain wooden crucifix, in the church at Dublin, appeared to shed tears, about the sixth hour, and blood and water flowed from its right teat, which the clergy of the church collected, and sent an account of the miracle to the pope, attested by them- selves.^ [a.d. 1198.] Ethelwold, bishop of Winchester, had, in the year of our Lord nine hundred and seventy-three, partly ejected secular canons from the English church and substituted monks. Hugh, bishop of Chester, being of a contrary opinion, in the year of our Lord one thousand and ninety-one, expelled the monks from Coventry and introduced clerks. In the present year, Hubert, archdeacon of Canterbury, Hugh, [bishop] of Lincoln, and Sampson, abbot of St. Edmund's, by order of the pope, removed the canons, and restored the monks.^ Pope Celestine [HL] died ; Lotharius, a cardinal- deacon, succeeded him, under the name of Innocent III. Otho was crowned emperor of Germany. Eustace, bishop of Ely, was consecrated on the eighth of the ides [the 8th] of March. Geoffrey Fitz-Peter was made justiciary of England, in the place of Hubert, archbishop of Canterbury. King- Richard defeated the king of France at Gisors on the fourth of the calends of October [28th September].^ A tax of five shillings was imposed on every plough-land throughout England. The shrine of St. Edmund was consumed by firo on the sixteenth of the calends of November [17th October]. It rained blood on the castle of le Roche-Andelys. Richardy bishop of London, died: he was succeeded by William, of St. Mary's church,'' of Norman race. * Hoveden gives a circumstantial account of the miracles, and of the archbishop's exile, vol. ii., p. 407. ' See Hoveden, vol. ii., p. 412. 3 See Wendover, vol. ii., p. 17.5. Hoveden, vol. ii., p. 431. * Roger of Wendover calls him a " canon of St. Paul's, London.'* 310 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1199, 1200. [Death of Richard I. and Accession of King John.] [a.D. 1199.] King Richard died in Aquitaine, on the eighth of the ides [the 6th] of April, after a reign of nine years, six months, and ten days, and eleven days after he was wounded by Bertrand de Gurdim, before the castle of Chaluz.^ He was buried at Fontevrault, by the side of his father. John, lord of Ireland, was crowned king at West- minster, on the sixth of the calends of July [26th June] ; on which day he gave to William Marshal the earldom of Strigul, and to Geoffrey Fitz-Peter the earldom of Essex. Philip, king of France, knighted Arthur, duke of Brittany. The pope and the Romans made Otho emperor. [a.D. 1200.] King John levied three shillings on every plough-land, save only those belonging to the monks. Lewis, son of the king of France, married Blanche, daughter of the king of Castile, through the mediation, for the sake of peace, of king John, the uncle of Blanche. Marchades of Brabant was slain by a townsman of Bourdeaux. France was laid under an interdict in consequence of the king having divorced Botilde.^ King John married Isabel, daughter of the count of Angouleme, on the ninth of the calends of September [24th August]. John, bishop of Norwich clied : John de Grey succeeded him. The church of Rouen and nearly the whole city were consumed by fire. A quarrel arose between the citizens of Paris and the German scholars, in which the [bishop] elect of Liege was slain .^ Eustace, abbot of Haye, illustrious for the miracles he wrought, came into England to preach, and forbade the sale of goods in the market on the Lord's-day.^ St. Hugh, bishop of Lincoln, departed to the Lord at London, on the sixteenth of the calends of December [16th November]. ^ See Hoveden, vol. ii., p. 453, &c., for the details of Richards death before Chaluz, near Limoges. He calls the person who shot him Bertamnus de Gurdun ; by V/endover he is called Petnis Basilius, and by Gervase Johannes Sahraz. ^ Ingebourg, sister of Canute VI., king of Denmark. 3 Hoveden gives the details of this emeute, vol. ii.. p. 484. * For particulars of this movement against the desecration of the Lord's-day, see Wendover, vol. ii., pp. 190 — 192. Hoveden, Yol. ii., pp. 526—530. A D. 1201-4.] WARS IX NORMANDY. 311 [a.d. 12<)1.] There was an earthquake in England on the sixth of the itles of January [8th January], King Jolin, crossing over to Irehmd, collected a large sum of money, and, on his return to England, was crowned at Canterbury, togetlier with his queen, on Easter day [2oth March]. He then went to Paris, where he was received in solemn pro- cession and lodged in the royal palace. Walter de Ghent, the first abbot of Waltham, died on tlie sixth of the nones [the 6th] of May. Eustace, abbot of Haye, returned into France, because his preaching was disagreeable to many prelates of the church. [a.d. 1202.] Hugh, who was abbot of St. Edmund's, and afterwards bishop of Ely, became a monk on the feast of the Assumption of St. Mary [15th August], The same year, Arthur, the son of Geoflrey, duke of Brittany, was knighted by the king of France. Eleanor was besieged by Artliur and the troops of the king of France, in the castle of Mirabeau ; but king John coming to the rescue, raised the siege and took Arthur, and more than two hundred of the nobles with him. The count of Flanders, with the countess, set forth on the road to Jerusalem. Arthur was sent prisoner to Falaise. [a.d. 1203.] The king of France took several fortresses of the king of England, in Normandy, some of which he razed to the ground, others he preserved entire for his own pro- tection. Hugh de Gournay, who betrayed the castle of Montfort, which the king of England had committed to his custody, surrendered it, with the whole domains, to the king of France. The castle of Roche was besieged by the king of France. The Norman . nobles revolt from king John. The seventh part of the rents of the barons and conventual churches in England was paid to king John. The king came over from Normandy and landed at Portsmouth on St. Nicholas' day [Gth December]. [a.d. 12U4.] The king levied scutage in England, namely, two marks and a half for each scutage. The castle of Roche was taken, and the soldiers of tlie king of England were carried off into France. There was a red light in the sky, like fire, on the calends [the 1st] of April, which lasted till midnight, and the stars aj)|)eare(l also bright red. The whole of Nor- mandy, Anjou, Maine, and Poitou submitted to the king of 312 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1205-7. France. Queen Eleanor died on the twelfth of the calends of April [21st March] and was buried at Fontevrault. The count of Flanders took Constantinople and was made emperor. [a.D. 1205.] A sharp frost lasted from the nineteenth of the calends of February [14th January] until the eleventh of the calends of April [22nd March]. The money issued long before, in the year eleven hundred and fifty-eight, was this year re-coined. At this time there was a severe famine, for the quarter of wheat was sold for fourteen shillings. The king of France took Chinon. Hubert, archbishop of Canterbury, died on the third of the ides [the 13th] of July. [a.D. 1206.] King John sailing from England with a large army, landed at Rochelle, on the seventh of the ides [the 9th] of July. A truce for two years was agreed on between the kings of France and England, on the calends [the 1st] of November. The king of England thereupon returned and landed at Portsmouth, on the second of the ides [the 12th] of December. John of Florence, the papal nuncio, having col- lected large sums of money, held a synod at Reading, on the thirteenth of the calends of November [20th October]. Then, having carefully packed up his treasures, he hurried back to Rome. [a.D. 1207.] A sudden wind prostrated a great number of houses and trees in England, on the sixth of the calends of February [27th January]. An eclipse of the sun happened on the second of the calends of March [28th February]. The elections of the bishop of Norwich, and of the sub-prior of Canterbury, being annulled, Master Stephen Langton, priest- cardinal, was elected archbishop, and consecrated by pope Innocent [III.] at the city of Yiterbo, on the fifteenth of the calends of July [l7th June]. The king was so indignant at this that all the monks of Canterbury were expelled from England,^ except fourteen who were infirm ; and some monks from Rochester, St. Augustine's, and Feversham were substi- tuted to perform the service ; Fulk de Canteloupe managing, or rather dissipating, the property, and the lands of the arch- . bishop lying waste. King Otho came to England to confer with his uncle, king John, and having received from his said uncle five thousand * See Wendover, vol. ii., p. 241. A.D. 1208, 120!).] REIGN OP KING JOHN'. 313 marks, returned to his own country. Queen Isabel bore a son on the feast of St. Remi [1st October], who was named Henry. ^ The thirtietli part of all tlie chattels in England was granted to king John. The archbishop of York, only, refusing his assent, retired j)rivately from England. [a.d, 1208.] There was an eclipse of the sun, which apj^eared of a red colour, on the third of the nones [the 3rd] of February. An interdict was laid on the whole of England, on the tenth of the calends of April [23rd March] by William bishop of London, Eustace bishop of Ely, and Malger bishop of Worcester, by a mandate from the pope, because John, in disobedience to the pontifical monitions, had refused to receive the archbishop and the monks of Canterbury. The concubines of the clergy, throughout Eng- land, were com})elled by the king's officers to pay ransom. Philip, duke of Swabia, Otho's adversary, was assassinated in his own chamber. The princes and nobles of Germany did homage to Otho. The bishops of London, Ely, Worcester, and Hereford, retired out of England. The Cistercian monks celebrating divine service at the command of their abbot are excommunicated by the pope. King John, at Bristol, during Christmas, prohibited fowling. Henry, duke of Saxony, Otho's brother, came to England to confer with the king, his uncle. [a.d. 1209.] Lewis, son of the king of France, was knighted, with one hundred others, at Compeigne. Con- ventual churches were allowed the privilege of having divine service celebrated once in the week with closed doors. At this time the kings of England and Scotland made an alliance, hostages being delivered to the king of England. The fences of the forests w-ere burnt, and the corn was laid open to the ravages of beasts.^ Stephen, archbishop of Canterbury, and the bishops of London and Ely, came over to England about the the feast of Michaelmas, by the king's order, to treat of an accommodation, but returned to France without accomplishing it. The All)igeois, men of impious character and enemies of the name of Christ, were nearly all destroyed by an army in the parts of Thoulouse. King Otho was crowned emperor of Home, on Sunday, the fourth of the ' Afterwards kin^j Ilonry HI. ^ By order of king John. See Wendover, vol. ii., p. 249. 314 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1210-12. nones [the 4th] of October. Sentence was pronounced against king John about the feast of St. Denys [9th October], unless he made satisfaction before the feast of All Saints [8th November], which he did not do. All the bishops left England, except the bishop of Winchester, lest they should have to communicate with the king. Hugh, the bishop-elect of Lincoln, was consecrated by Stephen, archbishop of Canterbury, at Melun, on the twelfth of * the calends of January [21st December]. [a.D. 1210.] A dissension arose between the pope and the emperor Otho. A frost lasted seven weeks, during which cattle, fishes, and birds famished. The Jews, in every part of England, both men and women, were thrown into prison. Matilda de Braiose and her son William were starved to death at Windsor.-^ She gave a precious cloth to the abbey of St. Edmund's, for the use of the refectory. The pope excommu- nicated the emperor Otho, for having persecuted Frederic, king of Sicily. All the princes of the empire were also absolved from their oath of allegiance to Otho. The tower of the church of St. Edmund was thrown down by a violent wind, on the ninth of the calends of October [23rd Sep- tember]. [a.D. 1211.] William de Braiose died at Paris, and was buried at St. Victor's. King John reduced Wales to sub- mission, and subjected them to the English laws. The count of Boulogne revolted from the king of France. Pandulph, a sub-deacon, the pope's nuncio, and Durand, a brother [of the Temple], came over to England to restore concord, but re- turned without effecting it. Sampson, of blessed memory, abbot of St. Edmund's, died on the third of the calends of January [30th December]. King John knighted the son of the king of Scots. [a.D. 1212.] The emperor Otho married Isabel, daughter of the king of Swabia, and the marriage was consummated, but she died a fcAv days afterwards. The greatest part of the city of London was consumed by fire, and vast numbers of people perished by the fire, the smoke, and water.^ ^ See Wendover, vol. ii., p. 254, 255. ^ The fire seems to have been confined to Southwark and its neigh- bourhood. Matt. Paris gives the details : " On the night of the translation of St. Benedict, the church of St. Mary, at Southwark, in A.D. 1212.] REVOLT OF THE BARONS. 315 It was reported to kiiip: John that all the nobles of England were released from tlieir allegianee by letters re- ceived from the pope. Tliereupon he suspected every one, but after takhig hostages from them, he ielt more secure. Robert Fitz- Walter was ordered to be arrested, but he took refuge in France, with his wife and children.-^ King John received an assurance in writing from the barons of England, that they would stand by him in his opposition to the pope. Geoft'rey, a clerk of Norwich, because, as it was alleged, he had read the letters of our lord the pope in the presence of the barons, was summoned before the king at Nottingham, and in the meantime was loaded, or rather dressed with fetters, until he expired.^ The archdeacon of Huntingdon, being imprisoned, gave the king two thousand marks for his release. The burgesses of Bury St. Edmund's promised, though reluctantly, that they would make a contri- bution through the hands of a monk. The king caused the hostages of the Welsh to be hung at Nottingham. The monks and clergy wrote to the pope, at the instance of the king of England, that they had freely and of their own mere goodwill forgiven him all the injuries ho had inflicted on them. King Philip assembled a powerful fleet for the invasion and conquest of England, part of which was burnt on the coast by the nobles of England. In those days there lived in England a certain man named Peter the W^ise,^ who predicted to king John the misfortunes which afterwards happened to him ; for this he was ordered to be hung at Corfe. Savary de Mauleon rising in arms against the king of England in Poitou, reduced the whole country in a few days, Rochelle only resisting his forces. liOndon, was burned, and also the bridge of London between three piers, as well as a chapel on the bridge, besides a great portion of the city, and part of tlie town of Southwark, the fire making its way across the bridge. IJy this calamity about a thousand people were killed, including many women and children." ' Sec the reason of his flight in Roger de Wendover, and the quo- tation from Matt Paris. Ibid, vol. ii., p. 208. ' See the horrid details in Matt. Paris, quoted in a note to Wendover, vol. ii., p. 200. ^ He lived in Yorkshire, and was called Peter the Hermit. See the particulars of his j)r()phecy in Wendover fvol. ii., p. 258], who says that he was kept in ciiains at Corfe to await its event. 316 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1213-15. [a.d. 1213.] Cardinal Nicholas, bishop of Tusculum,^ per- forms the functions of legate in England. Hugh, a monk of St. Edmund's, was unanimously elected abbot of that monas- tery by the monks, but shortly afterwards there was a schism in the convent respecting the election. Nicholas, the legate of the apostolical see, was at St. Edmund's on Christ- mas-day. [a.d. 1214.] King John made an expedition into Poitou about the feast of the Purification of St. Mary [2nd February].^ A battle was fought in Flanders, near Bovines, on a Sunday, between the king of France and the barons of the king of England, in which the counts of Flanders and Boulogne, and William, earl of Salisbury, were taken prisoners, on the side of the king of England. The emperor Otho was also present, but perceiving the event of the battle he took to flight. The general interdict in England was relaxed, by order of pope Innocent, on the sixth of the nones [the 10th] of July. It had now lasted six years, fourteen weeks, and three days. [a.d. 1215.] Eustace, bishop of Ely, died on the second of the nones [the 4th] of February. Frederic, king of Sicily, son of the former emperor, Henry, succeeded the emperor Otho. Hugh, the [abbot] elect of St. Edmund's, had his elec- tion confirmed by judges, deputed by the pope, on the fifth of the ides [the 11th] of March, and received the benediction from Benedict, bishop of Rochester. In this year, about Easter [19th April], the war began between John and the barons.^ John de Grey, bishop of Norwich, died, and Pandulph, the pope's sub-deacon, was elected. A fire broke out on the third of the nones [the 3rd] of June, which consumed great part of the town of Bury St. ^ Frascati. The Continuator of Florence strangelj' omits any notice of the eventful events of this year, in which John [on the 15th May, the eve of Ascension-day] resigned his crown and did homage to the pope, on whose part Pandulph acted. Roger of Wendover gives details of these important transactions, and a curious account of John's oifer to become tributary to the emperor of Morocco, with charters and other documents. See vol. ii., pp. 261—270 ; 283—292. ^ See Wendover, ibid., p. 293. He also gives a particular account of the campaign in Flanders. ^ Here, again, the absence of details on king John's struggle with the barons, his grant of the great charter of liberties, and all the important events which occurred towards the close of his reign, is very remarkable in a Chronicle undoubtedly cotemporary. A.D. 1216, 1217.] DEATH OF KING JOHN. 317 Edmund's. Pope Innocent held a council in the Latcran in tlie month of November, at which there were present tln*ee hundred and twelve bishoj)s and more than two liundred abbots and priors, besides the ambassadors of Frederic and many others. [a.d. 1216.] "Walo, a cardinal priest, by the title of St. Martin, came to England on the thirteenth of the calends of June [20th May]. The barons of England having given hostages to Philip, king of France, Lewis, his son, invaded England, and the city of London immediately submitted to him. The pope excommunicated the barons and laid an in- terdict on those parts of England where those rebels against tlie king were present. [Pope] Innocent [HL] died on the sixteenth of the calends of August [17th July] ; Honorius [III.] succeeded him. [Death of king John — Henry III. succeeds to the throne.^ King John died on the fifteenth of the calends of November [28th October], and was buried at Worcester. He was suc- ceeded by his son Henry, who was crowned at Bristol by Walo, cardinal and legate, on the fifth of the calends of November [28th October], He was the twenty-second king of England from Alfred, who was the first monarch of Eng- land after the time of the Britons. [a.d. 1217.] In the battle of Lincoln, the count of Perche and many others of the French were slain on the thirteenth of tlie calends of July [19th June]. Moreover, tlie barons and the French were repulsed from their siege of the castle by the royal troops.^ The army, which was on its way from France in aid* of Lewis, was nearly drowned in a naval action with Hubert de Bur":h and the other faithful adherents of the kino-, fought at the mouth of the river Thames, on the 9th of the calends of September [24th August]. John, abbot of Wells, was elected bishop of Ely. Lewis, having been absolved by Walo, the legate, from the sentence of excommunication, re- turned to France. Then, after two years and a half of war, blessed peace was restored about the Nativity of St. Mary [8th September]. ^ See a circumstantial account of the battle of Tjncohi, and occur- rences connected with it, in WenJover, vol. ii , p. 391, und sub. 318 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1218-24. [a.d. 1218.] Ealph, prior of Norwich, was consecrated bishop of Chichester. Walo departed from England on the twelfth of the calends of December [20th November], Pandulph, the bishop-elect of Norwich, was made papal legate in England. The city of Damietta, in Egypt, which, according to some, is called Memphis, was besieged by the Christians after Easter [15th April]. The siege lasted more than a year and a half, during which, at one time the Christians, at another the Saracens, were victorious, according to their various fortunes. [a.d. 1219.] The city of Damietta was taken by the Christians on Tuesday the nones [the 5th] of November, when, out of forty thousand armed men, to whom the defence of the place had been entrusted, and as many women, scarcely fifty were found alive at its capture, for all had perished, struck down by the sword of the Lord, and their putrefying corpses were found in the sewers. Frederic [11.] was crowned by pope Honorius as emperor of the Romans. [a.d. 1220.] The translation [of the remains] of St. Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury, was made on the nones [the 5th] of June. Herbert, prior of St. Edmund's, died on the fourth of the ides [the 10th] of September. Richard De Lisle succeeded him. [a.d. 1221.] Pandulph, the bishop-elect of Norwich, M^as removed from the office of legate. Damietta was given up to the Saracens, all the Christians being driven thence. [a.d. 1222.] Ralph, bishop of Chichester, formerly prior of Norwich, died. Pandulph was consecrated as bishop of Norwich. Richard De Lisle was elected abbot of Burton ; and Henry succeeded him in his priory, on the second of the calends of June [31st May], A comet appeared in the month of June. Stephen, archbishop of Canterbury, held a synod at Oxford with his suffragans. [a.d. 1223.] About this time began the pilgrimage to Bromholm.^ Philip, king of France, died, and was buried at St. Denis : Lewis succeeded him. [a.d. 1224.] The castle of Bedford,^ to which siege was laid ' See the History of the Holy Cross of Bromholm [Norfolk], and the miracles ascribed to it, in Wendover, vol. ii., p. 446. ^ The castle of Bedford was held by Fulk de Breaute, one of king A.D. 1225 28.] REIGN OF HENRY III. 319 in the month of June, was taken on the nineteenth of the calends of September [14th August], and all who were found in it were hani^fed. [a.d. 122.3.] John, bishop of Ely, died on the second of the nones [the Gth] of May. Geoffrey, son of the justiciary Hubert de Burgh, succeeded him. The order of friars- minors and preachers was first established in England. [a.d. 122G.] William, earl of Salisbury, died. Pandulph, bishop of Norwich, died in Italy on the seventeenth of the calends of September [16th August]. He was succeeded by Thomas de Blunville, who was consecrated on the seventh of the calends of January [26th December], Lewis, king of Erance, died at Avignon, and was buried at St. Denis : his son Lewis succeeded him. Pope Honorius [HI.] died : he was succeeded by the bishop of Ostia, who took the name of Gregory IX. Disputes arose between the pope and the em- peror, whereupon the pope excommunicated the emperor. [a.d. 1227.] [a.d. 1228.] The French attacked the Albigeois, with the sign of the cross on their breasts. Stephen, archbishop of Canterbury, died on the sixth of the ides [the lOthl of July. Eustace de Falconberg, bishop of London, died. Geoffrey de Burgh, bishop of Ely, died on the sixteenth of the calends of January [17th December]. Quarrels broke out between the scholars and citizens of Paris and the country people of St. Marcel. Wherefore the masters gave up their lectures during a whole year, and the scholars, being unable to endure the persecution of the legate, who was then in France, nearly all went away. Some one said of the legate and the queen, with rather too much free- dom— " We're murder'd, drown'd, stript, plunder 'd, ground. The work, I wean, of the legate's quean."' Master Richard Magnus [archbishop] elect of Canterbury, Master Roger Niger [bishop-elect] of London, and Hugh, aljbot of Ely, elected to the bishopric of Ely, were consecrated on the fourth of the ides [the 10th] of June. .John's foroit^n followers. For an account of its siege and capture, see Wendover, vo!. ii., p. 451. ' " En morimur strati, ca.'si, morsi, spoliati, Scortum Icgati nos fecit ista pati." 320 FLOKEXCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1230-36. Ta.d. 1230.J King Henry went over to Brittany with an army. Eaymond de Burgli, and Gilbert de Clai-e, eai-1 of Gloucester, died. King Henry, returning from Brittany, landed at Portsmouth in the montli of October, and was at "Winchester on the calends [the 1st] of Xovember. [a.d. 1231.] Richard, archbishop of Canterbury, died on the fourth of the nones [the 2ndJ of August. Thomas, bishop of Xorwieh, assisted at the festival of St. Edmund, and Richard, abbot of that house, gave the benediction in the \'igil after vespers in the bishop's presence, vested in a cope of the fashion of the secular clergy. William Marshal, the younger, died. Ranulph, earl of Chester, died. [a.d. 1232.] Hubert de Burgh, earl of Kent, having in- curred the king's displeasure, was thrown into prison. His wile ha\Tng taken sanctuary at St. Edmund's, remained there in security until a reconciliation took place. The bishops made %-isitations of the religious houses throughout England. [a.d. 1233.] Master Edward, of Abingdon, was elected archbishop of Canterbury. Richard, abbot of St. Edmund's, died at Ponthieu on the fourth of the calends of September [29th August]. Henry, prior of St. Edmund's, was elected abbot on the feast of SS. Cosmo and Damianus [27th Sep- tember]. [a.d. 1231.] Henry, abbot-elect of St. Edmund's, received the benediction from Hugh, bishop of Ely, at Hatfield, on the feast of the Purification [2nd Februaiw]. At the same time Gregory was made prior of St. Edmund's. Edmund, the [archbishop^ elect of Canterbury, was consecrated on the fourth of the nones [the 2nd of April. Richard Marshal was killed in Ireland on the thirteenth of the calends of May [the 19th April . Hubert de Burgh was reconciled with the king at Gloucester, on the tenth of the calends of June [23rd May . The emperor Frederic married Isabel, the sister of the king of England, in the month of June. [a.d. 1235.^ Hugh, bishop of Lincoln, died ; he was suc- ceeded by master Robert Grosseteste. The bishops of Ely and Hereford crossed over to France to receive the daughter of the count of Provence, who was betrothed to the king of England. [a.d. 1236.] Henry, king of England, brought over Eleanor, daughter of the count of Provence, and married her A.D. 1230-9.] HENRY UI. CROWyZD. 321 at Canterbury', on Sunday, the ides [the 13th] of January. King Henn.' and his queen were crowned at London on the thirteenth of the calends of February [20th January.] Thomas de Blunville, bishop of Xorwich, died on the seventeenth of the calends of September [16th August]. [a.d. 1237.] Otho, cardinal-deacon, by the title of St. Nicholas in the Tullian Prison, came to England on the sixth of the ides [the 10th] of July, in the character of legate. Meanwhile there was a quarrel between pope Gregory and the emperor Frederic. [a.d. 1238.] A s\Tiod was held at Oxford after Easter [4th April , of which the legate was president. During its sitting a tumult arose between the scholars and the legate's attendants, in which some of them were wounded and slain. Several of the scholars were put in prison by the king's officers. The pope excommunicated the emperor Frederic, for divers causes, and commanded the excommunication to be enforced. Otho, the legate, being on a \-isit to St. Edmund's, the friars preachers came to him there, and urgently entreated that they might be permit teroclaimed througliout the country by a royal edict. The queen of England, who was in foreign parts, was much distressed when she heard the state of affairs; and taking into ])ay an immense army, meditated the invasion of England ; but the sea and the coast being, by order of the ' The battle was fouglit on the Southdowns upon Phimpton Plain and the hci^^hts above Lowes, the castle of Avhich was held by the royal forces. Matt. Paris arous. 336 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1264, 1265. king and barons, guarded by a powerful armament, the enemy were afraid to cross over, and the queen's treasury being exhausted, her forces returned home after no little toil and disgrace. When this became known, the naval armament was withdrawn. Memorandum — that if the sea had not been thus guarded, E norland would have fallen into the hands of foreio^ners. Memorandum also, — that all the boroughs and vills, as well as both the rural and regular clergy, were taxed accord- ing to tlieir means to furnish for the sea-guard, both fighting men, and the expenses of maintaining them as long as they were employed in the service. A comet was visible in the eastern quarter of the heavens before day break throughout the month of August. It was of a dull hue, and the direction of its tail was southward. Guy, bishop of Sabina, a cardinal, and legate of the apostolic see, came into France, and wished to pass into England ; but, as the barons supposed that he was come in the interest of the king and queen, he was not allowed to set foot in England. [Pope] Urban [IV.] died at Perugio on the calends [the 1st] of October, and the see remained vacant four months. [a.D. 1265.] Gruy, cardinal-bishop of Sabina, formerly bishop of Narbonne, and now legate of the apostolic see, was made pope on the nones [the 5th] of February, and took the name of Clement [IV.]. Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester, and some others who joined him, abandoned the party of the earl of Leicester for various reasons ; but chiefly because they had not their share of the castles and domains, which were partitioned out after the battle of Lewes, allotted to them in fair proportion to their cost and exertions. Charles, count of Anjou, was elected king of Sicily and Apulia ; being also raised to the dignity of senator of Rome, he made his entry into that city on Whit- sun eve £23rd May]. At this time, Edward, son of the king of England, being released from prison, was led about with the king by the earl of Montfort wherever he went. At length they came to Hereford, where Edward, escaping from the custody of the before-mentioned earl, joined the earl of Gloucester and the lords-marchers, who were close at hand, on the fifth of the A.D. 12Gj.J the barons' wars. 337 calcuds of June [the 28tli May] ; the king and the earl of Leicester being detained on the borders of Wales in great straits and necessities, because the earl of Gloucester and his i)arty would not allow them to go towards England. Meanwhile, Symon de Montfort, the son of the earl of Leicester, having entered Winchester by surprise, about the feast of St. Swithun, carried off from thence a large sum of money and much booty ; and soon afterwards, this Symon, earl of Oxford, the son of the earl of Leicester, William de Montchesney, and divers other nobles joined their forces at Kenilworth, which they proposed to garrison for the earl of Leicester. However, Edward and the earl of Gloucester, with their adherents, falling upon them by surprise, when they were at their ease and unarmed, made them prisoners, stripping them of all they had, and placing them in custody in clifferent parts of England. Battle of Evesham. While these events were passing, and in ignorance of what was going on, Symon, earl of Leicester, and his partisans, having the king with them, crossed the river Severn and pushed forward as far as Evesham. They were pursued by Edward and Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester, and the lords marchers, with a large body of their followers, whc gave them battle on Tuesday the second of the nones [the 4th] of August just outside the town of Evesham.^ In this battle fell the earl of Leicester, his eldest son Henry, Hugh Despencer, and nearly all the other barons who were on the king's side. The Welsh and the rest of the fugitives, who fled for refuge to the abbey, were horribly massacred, both within and without the church ; the king and the royal attendants, were captured, with their free goodwill. On the same day, about the third liour, there fell such a storm of rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning, and the dark- ness was so great, that at the dinner hour they could scarcely see what was set before them for the repast. ' Seo tlio details connected with tlic battle of Evesham in Matt. Paris, vol. iii., p. 354. 33S FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 12G5. A JParliament at Winchester, After this battle, the king collected his household, as if he had never been in custody, making it much more numerous than before ; and, proclaiming peace, summoned his parliament to meet at Winchester, on the Nativity of St. Mary [8th Sep- tember]. In this parliament, both the father and his son, and the other courtiers, extorted large sums of money from nearly all the prelates in England ; of whidh they got almost eight hundred marks from the church of St. Edmund the Martyr. [Of this sum the convent paid one half ; but very unwil- lingly, because their tenants, as well as those of the abbot, were then with the troops guarding the sea-coast, to prevent the queen and her army from invading England. But only the abbot's share was claimed on default in the king's court ; and the convent were deeply aggrieved at this apportionment of the subsidy on this account, and because it might be made a precedent thereafter.] The parliament was prorogued to the feast of Michaelmas, to be then held at Windsor ; from whence some persons about the court were despatched to London, Avho, under colour of smooth words, proposing a treaty with the king, which was rather a treachery,^ prevailed on the mayor and a great num- ber of the citizens to accompany them to Windsor. On arriving there, they were immediately seized and thrown into prison ; the defences of the city were occupied by royal troops, who entirely demolishing the barriers and iron chains •with which all the streets and courts of the city were wonder- fully fortified, reduced it to subjection to the king ; and many of the citizens, having disinherited the rest, ransomed them- selves for twenty thousand marks. The king disposed at his pleasure, both among the English and aliens, of all the lands and possessions of those who had been in arms against him at the battles of Lewes and Eve- sham, or were found at Northampton and Kenilworth, except the lands of Gilbert de Clare, carl of Gloucester ; such being the king's policy, although there were some who did not concur in it. The castle of Dover was restored to [prince] ^ Foidus federanteSj immo fcedantes. A.D. 12G5-G.] DE MONTFORT EXCOMMUNICATED. 339 Edward ; and after that, queen Eleanor, with her sou Edmund, landed in England on the fourth of the calends of November [29th October]. At the same time Ottoboni, cardinal-deacon of St. Adrian, the legato of the apostolic see, came to England. Having summoned all the prelates of England, he held ii council at the New Temple, about the feast of St. Nicholas [Gth Uecember], in which he published a sentence of excom- munication against Symon de Montfort, earl of Leicester, and all liis abettors and partisans. This Symon, earl of Leicester, as numbers asserted, wrought many shining mu'acles. The same year, on Thursday night, being Christmas-eve, about midnight, there was a total eclipse of the moon, -which became of a red colour ; it lasted three hours of the night, the sun being in the head, the moon in the tail of the Dragon. It occurred in the year 6G4 of the Hejira, and on the fifteenth day of the third month, according to the Arabian reckoning. That year, among the Arabs, commenced on Monday the fourth of the ides [the 12th] of October. Symon, the son of the earl of Leicester, after the battle of Evesham, withdrew from the castle of Kenilworth, with some others who were outlawed, to the island of Axholm, which coming to the king's ears, he caused the island to be sur- rounded by a numerous body of troops. Symon therefore and his companions, finding that if they resisted they should be soon taken, pledged themselves to peace with the king, Symon being detained in [prince] Edward's custody. More- over, Symon and those who were with him obtained the grace of absolution from the legate. [a.d. 12G6.] After Christmas, Symon the younger escaped from the custody of Edward at London, and hurried over to Erance. A number of the outlaws seized the castle of Kenil- worth, and, carefully fortifying it, ravaged from thence the country round. Many of them also who had concealed them- selves at St. Edmund's, marched out of the town in great array on the morrow of Palm-Sunday, and seizing the moor- lands, pushed their attack as far as Lynn, in Easter-week, but the townsmen making a stout resistance, they retired after a fruitless assault. On Whitsun-eve [15th May], when the outlaws had collected in the town of Chesterfield, and having no apprehensions, some were scattered about, and others gone out to hunt, the roval troops came on them suddenlv, and X 2 3iO FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1266. attacking them, slew some, took others, and routing the rest, retired victorious with a great booty. Meanwhile, the rest of the outlaws again drawing together in bands in many quarters, established themselves in fastnesses in the thickest parts of the woods, and it was worse to fall in with them than with a bear that has lost its whelps ; for they ravaged the whole country round for all they wanted. It happened this year that on the sixth of the calends of June [27th May], John, earl Warrenne, and William de Valence, the king's brother, came unexpectedly to St. Ed- mund's with a crowd of followers, for the purpose of searching out the king's enemies. Eudely summoning before them the abbot and the burgesses of the town, they charged them with favouring the king's enemies, inasmuch as the outlawed barons stored and sold there the fruits of their ravages and robberies, without any impediment. The abbot having made a sufficient reply on behalf of himself and the convent, the king's inquisitors threw the whole weight of the charge on the burgesses, who, answering unadvisedly and without the abbot's counsel, admitted their guilt by their own words. There was also at that time a quarrel between the abbot and convent and the burgesses, in consequence of the bur- gesses having for a long time been rebellious against them and their bailiff. But as they were now forced to purchase peace with money, and this they could not accomplish without being assisted by the counsels of the abbot and convent, they pite- ously entreated that the money might be paid to the royal commissioners through the mediation of the monks, and so their liberties and those of the convent might be preserved intact ; and this was done, for the burgesses paid down to the king two hundred marks, and promised to pay the abbot and convent one hundred pounds. About the feast of St. John the Baptist [24th June], the king lai4 siege to the castle of Kenilworth ; besides which, the iegare, having in the first place sent them admonition, excom- municated the besieged and their accomplices. The besieged however manfully resisted the royal troops, and caused them severe losses. At last, a truce was agreed on between the king and the besieged, from the feast of St. Martin [11th November] for forty days thence ensuing ; during which period many of those who were shut up in the castle perished from A.D. 12G6.] KENILWORTH SURRENDERED. 341 drinking poisoned liquids. Provisions likewise began to fail, and their wants were well known to the royalists ; for there was some among them who favoured the king's party, and informed them of their designs by private signals, so that they would never sally out against the royal forces as they Avished and miglit have done. These traitors were however convicted and hung in the fortress. On the eve of St. Lucia [12th December], the castle of Kenil worth was surrendered to the king. Meanwhile the king, in the presence of the legate and sur- rounded by many of the nobles and prelates of England, exhibited the indulgence of our lord the pope, in which it was contained that the pope had granted to the king, for three years, the tenth of all ecclesiastical revenues in England, ac- cording to tlio real value, except the property of the Hos- pitallers, Templars, and Cistercians. Moreover, during the truce, twelve men of rank were chosen, clerks as well as laymen, who should make provision respecting tlie rebels taken in battle, and in ])rison or besieged, in the manner following, that is to say: that some should for- feit their lands for one year, others for two years, some for three, many for four, very many for five, and in extreme cases for seven years ; and that each should pay the king within the next three years the value of the land for seven years ; and if they wcrc able within the next three days to discharge the third part of the aforesaid tax, they should be put in possession of one third part of their lands ; if they should pay a moiety of the aforesaid charge, tliey should ha\'c lialf their lands ; if they should pay the wdiole, they sliould recover their lands entire ; but if within the said three years they should not dis- charge the whole assessment, they should be for ever disin- herited. According to this statute, the barons wlio were taken at Kenilworth before the battle of Evesham, as well as those who were taken in that battle and those who wore be- sieged in the castle of Kenilworth, were allowed to depart freely. The Isle of Ely tahen hi/ the Outlaios, On the fifth of the ides [the 9th] of August, the outlaws, who, as it has been related, lurked in the woods, ajtproacliing cautiously, seized the isle of Ely, of which the bishop kad before 342 FLORENCE OF Vv'ORCESTBR. [a.D. 1266-7. undertaken the custody in the king's presence ; but after tliis mishap he retired from it, and suspended the island. The rebels plundered the whole country round, and, pushing for- ward, took the town of Norwich on the seventeenth of the calends of January [16th December], and carried off with them, as it is reported, seven cart-loads or waggon-loads of booty. A Parliament held at Bury. [a.d. 1267.] On the eighth of the ides [the 6th] of ^February, being the Sunday after the Purification, the king arrived at St. Edmund's, and on the day following Ottoboni, the legate, also came there ; all the prelates and barons of the realm having been convoked to meet at this place by a summons from both. The legate of St. Peter in Cathedra, holding this council, the rebels in possession of the isle of Ely, with their accomplices and abettors, having been pre- monished, were publicly excommunicated, in the king's pre- sence, unless they submitted to the royal clemency within fifteen days afterwards. On the next night following some dark rumours so alarmed the legate and his attendants, that he was induced unexpectedly to take his departure for London on the morrow, on which day the king, also leaving the town of St. Edmund the Martyr, encamped with his army at Cambridge, where he passed the whole Lent-fast in forming schemes for the blockade of Ely ; meanwhile it turned out that the siege came to nothing. Gilbert, earl of Gloucester, entered London with a nu- merous retinue, on the eve of Palm Sunday [9th April], and immediately took possession of the defences of the city, with the citizens' consent. He also cut off from the legate, wdio was in the Tower, all egress towards the city. The king, presently hearing of this, left the blockade of Ely, and betook himself to Stratford, after the octave of Easter, to lay siege to London ; and the count of St. Pol, the count of Boulogne, and the count of Guisnes met him there, with a host of their retainers, to aid the king with all their might. In this state of affairs, overtures were made for the restora- tion of peace between the king and the earl, through some persons who carefully mediated between them, and, about the feast of St. John the Baptist, the peace was renewed ; A.D. 12G7-8.] MONTFORT IlESTORED. 343 the carl swearing on the altar of St. Paul's, in the legate's presence, that he would never bear arms against his lord the kmg, except in self-defence. To the Londoners of the earl's parry the king promised security for life and limbs, and others M'lio had lent their aid to the earl were admitted to pardon on the terms before stated witli respect to Kenilworth. This being settled, the king made his entry into London on the fourteenth of the calends of July [18th Juno], no one who Avas not a citizen being allowed to remain in the city beyond the space of three days. Some ruffians, sallying forth from their stronghold at Ely, seized tlie horses belonging to certain persons, which were concealed in the inner court of the abbey of St. Edmund the niartyr, and, leading them through the midst of the infirmary, carried them oti' to the island. A monk of tliat house havino: pursued them made a clear statement of the facts to the authorities in the island. At last, the islanders, accepting his statement, left the aforesaid ruffians and the horses to the judgment of the monk. As for the horses ^ when []tlie ruthans] had offi3red tlie swords whicli they had irreve- rently drawn against the liberties of St. Edmund, the Martyr, upon the altar of the saint, in token of their presumption. Edward, the king's eldest son, gained an entrance into the isle of Ely, under the guidance of some of the islanders, on the fifLli of the ides [the 11th] of July, and it was immediately surrendered to him, the rebels being pardoned on the terms Ijefore stated with respect to Kenilworth. [a.d. 12G8.] The city of Antioch was taken by the sultan of Babylon, on Ascension day, which fell on the sixteenth of the calends of June [17th May], through the treachery of the Jews wlio dwelt there. The legate Ottoboni held a council at London, after Easter Sunday [8th A})ril], on which was chanted the gospel, " I am the good sliepherd." In this council he absolved Symon de Montlbrt, carl of Leicester, and the others whom he had ex- communicated, on account of tlie insurrection already men- tioned. He held another council at Northampton, where the king Avas holding a parliament of his barons. In this council prince Edward, and Gilbert, earl of Gloucester, with a number ' Here the text is defective. 344 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1268, of other nobles,^ took the cross at the legate's hands. The council being ended, he earnestly solicited leave to return home ; and, embarking on the third of the ides [the 13th] of July, crossed the sea. Charles, king of Sicily, and his brother, the king of France^, fought a battle with Conrad, at Benevento, and gained the victory, on St. Bartholomew's eve. In this engagement Conrad had sixteen thousand men in armour, and Charles seven thousand. General Taxation of the Clergy. This year the clergy were enjoined, by royal authority, in all the dioceses of England, to tax the property, both temporal and spiritual, of all the clergy of England, except the pos- sessions of the Templars and Cistercians, at its real value,, according to the valuation of persons of the lower order, called in for the purpose. This being done, all the bishops com- pounded with the king, each for his own see. When, however, the bishop of Norwich came to compound with the king in respect of his bishopric for the tenths of two entire years, he included in his agreement the lands of St. Edmund the Martyr, having first consulted the abbot and convent on the subject ; and, although this appeared to be contrary to the liberties of the said monastery, nevertheless, on account of the further time they might gain, and also because they could deal better with the bishop's collectors than with the king's, they preferred accounting with the episcopal rather than with the royal officers ; and, although the clergy were only answer- able for the tenths of two years, as they had already dis- charged them for the first year, nevertheless they voluntarily offered the bishop to pay him also the tenths for the third year, besides those of the second year already granted, on condition, however, that they should discharge their tenths according to the taxation made by Walter, late bishop of Norwich ; which was done. In consequence of this arrange- ment, the convent of St. Edmund's accounted triennially for the tenths of their property before taxed by the said bishop, and paid them to the bishop. But as to the rest of their goods, which had never been taxed by bishop Walter, they ^ Edmund, the king's younger son, was included in the number. A.D. 1268-O.J PRINCES EDWARD AND EDMUND. 345 also paid the tenths of them to the king every two years, according to tlie taxation of the aforesaid clerks. On the feast of the apostles Simon and Jude [28th October], in the present year, the fifty-second year of the reign of king Henry, son of king John, was completed. Pope Clement [IV.] died on St. Andrew's eve, and the see remained vacant two years .... months,^ three week;^, and four days. [a.d. 12G0.] Edmund, son of king Henry, married the daughter and lieiress of the count of Aumale, the marriage being celebrated at Westminster, in the presence of the king, on the fifth of the ides [the 9th] of April. There was a quarrel between Edward, the king's son, and Gilbert, earl of Gloucester, on account of the too great intimacy wliich Edward was said to have indulged towards the earl's wife. The earl of Gloucester arrested, at Cardiff, a caitiff who had attempted to poison him. King Henry transferred the relics of St. Edmund into a new shrine, which he had caused to be constructed, ot" admirable workmanship, depositing them in tlieir new recep- tacle on the day of the saint's Translation [18th February]. The king required the clergy to advance the tenths for the fourth year to come ; against whicli the clergy generally made an appeal, as the bishops were unwilling to do so. [Prince] Edward and the earl of Gloucester were made friends, through the intervention of many of the nobles. Edward having crossed the sea to confer with the king of France touching the affair of their expedition to the Holy Land, they came, it is reported, to the following agreement : viz., that tlie king of France should lend tlie lord Edward seventy tliousand marks, on the security of all Edward's domains over sea ; and that if this sum were not paid within three years, the lands aforesaid should belong for ever to the king of France ; and that, as he was to accompany the king to tiie Holy Land, he should render liim fealty as one of his- own barons. Edward sent his son Henry as a hostage for the performance of tliis agreement, but, for some reason wliich is- unknown, he was immediately sent back. ' There is a blank in the MS. Trivet says the sec was vacant three- years two months and ten days. 346 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1269-70. The city of Nocera vras surrendered to Charles, king of Sicily, on St. Bartholomew's eve [23rd August], Three thousand Saracens were there put to death, the rest of the people in the city being spared, and subjected to tribute. The justices in eyre in ]!^orfolk and Suffolk were Nicholas de Turri, Henry de Montfort, and Henry de Wihamton. [a.D. 1270]. On the eve of Palm Sunday, and on the day of that feast [5th and 6th April], the Christians and Pagans had an engagement between Acre and Saphran, in ■which, after eight emirs and eighteen troops of Pagans had been put to the sword, the Pagans gained the victory, although not without great loss on their side. The Christians were nearly all killed ; and this happened through the insub- ordination of the Temj^lars. Here also fell the flower of knighthood, John de Merlawe, a brother of the Hospital. Lewis of France embarks for the Holy Land. Lewis, king of France, commenced his journey to the Holy Land on the seventeenth of the calends of April [16th March] ; and embarked on the Mediterranean Sea at Aigues-Mortes^ on the feast of St. James [25th July]. Earl Warrenne assaulted the lord Alan de Zouche in Westminster-hall, on the bench before the justiciary, on the octave of St. John |]lst July], and so severely wounded him, that he died on the feast of St. Lawrence [10th August]. His eldest son Hoger had recourse to flight, but narrowly escaped. Eleanor, wife of the lord Edward, the king's eldest son, gave birth to a daughter at Windsor, and called her Eleanor. Ploger Bigod, earl of Norfolk and Suffolk, marshal of England, died at Cuhahe, on the feast of the Translation of St. Martin [4th July]. He was buried at Monks-Thetford, on the eve of the Translation of St. Benedict, and dying Avithout issue had for successor in his inheritance and honours, Roger, son of Hugh Bigod, the brother of the deceased. Prince Edtcard departs for the Holy Land. Edward, the eldest son of the king of England, Henry of Almaine, and some others of the English nobles, set sail ' Aquam mortuam ; Aig'ues-Mortes, a toAvn still retainins: its ancient fortifications, between Aries and Montpelier, in the delta of the Rhone, joommunicating with the Mediterranean by one of the numerous streams which intersect the marshes. A.D. 1270-71.] rnixcE Edward's crusade. 3-17 from Dover on the morrow of St. Lawrence [lltli August], on their way to tlie Holy Land, throuGfh Gascony. On JNIichaehnas clay they embarked on the Mediterranean Sea, and in company witli the kings of France and Italy, and some nobles of both those countries, instead of making* a direct course, sailed towards Africa, and entered the terri- tories of the king of Tunis, where the ancient and celebrated city of Carthage stood ; and entering into treaty with this pagan king, concluded a truce with him for fifteen months. The lord Edward, departing from Africa, spent some time in Italy. Lewis IX., king of Fi'ance, died during the expedition, leaving his son Philip his heir. He was buried at St. Denis. Boniface, archbishop of Canterbury, died at Baleys, his country seat, on the fifteenth of the calends of August [18th July], and Adam de Chittenden, prior of that place, and a native of Kent, was elected his successor. The king and his eldest son opposing his appointment, he was compelled to resort to the court of Rome. Guy de Montfort married at Yiterbo the daughter and heiress of count di Ruvo,^ on the feast of St. Lawrence [10th August]. Adam de Wich, abbot of Waltham, died on St. Lambert's day [17th September], and was buried at Waltham on the morrow. The moon was eclipsed on the night preceding the first of October. [a.d. 1271]. Walter Delaville, bishop of Salisbury, died on the octave of the Epiphany [13th January]. He was succeeded by Robert, the dean of that church, who was con- firmed by the chapter there, the see of Canterbury being then void. Edmund, son of the king of England,^ crossed the sea to visit the Holy Places and his eldest brother. On the fifth of the calends of February [28th January], the tower of the church of St. INIary-at-Bow, in London, fell, and crushed to death numbers who were in the church at the time. Henry, the eldest son of the king of Germany, passing- through Viterbo, on his way from Africa, was cruelly nnu'dered while devoutly attending divine service in the church of St. Silvester in that city, by the lords Simon and G. de Montfort, count di Ruvo, and several others, who joined in the attack, ' Jiubeiy now Ruvo, a town in Apulia, near Bari. He was of the Ahlobrandini family. - Karl of Leicester and Lancaster. S4S FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1271-2. on the morrow of St. Gregory [13tli March]. His attendants brought his remains to England, and buried them at Hayles on the twelfth of the calends of June [21st May]. A divorce was pronounced at Norwich on the fifteenth of the calends of August [18th July], between Gilbert, Earl of Gloucester, and the countess Alice, his wife. On the sixth of the ides [the 8th] of August, the lord John of Win- chester, eldest son of the lord. Edward, the eldest son of Henry, king of England, was brought to Westminster for interment. Philip [III.], king of France, was crowned at Eheims on the feast of the Decollation of St. John the Baptist [29th August]. On the twelfth of the calends of December [20th November], a son was born to Henry de Lacy, earl of Lin- coln, whom he caused to be named Edmund, after St. Edmund. About the hour of vespers, on the third of the ides [the 11th] of September, such violent rain fell suddenly at Can- terbury over the city and adjacent country, that the greatest part of the city was suddenly inundated ; and the storm of rain continued until the first hour of the ensuing day. On the calends [the 1st] of September, Theobald, arch- deacon of Liege, who was then in the service of the lord Edward, eldest son of the king of England, in the parts of Acre, was elected pope, and took the name of Gregory X. Before his election, the see remained void two years, nine months, three weeks, and four days. The lord Philip Basset died at Weldon on the eve of All Saints [31st October]. Eulk, archbishop of Dublin, also died. [a.D. 1272.] Theobald, archbishop of Liege, who v/as a native of Piacenza, lately elected the successor of St. Peter, was consecrated priest on the eve of St. Cuthbert [19th March], and on the morrow, being Sunday, that is the second in Lent, he was raised to the summit of the priesthood, being solemnly consecrated to the papal see by the name of Gregory X. Death of Micliard, Earl of Cormuall and King of Germany. Bichard, king of Germany, departed this life at Berkhamp- stead on the fourth of the nones [the 2nd] of April, and A.D. 1272.] rJCILVRD BUIIIED AT IIAYLES. 3-19 was buried at the monastery of Hayles/ which he had himself founded and endowed with large possessions ; his obsequies behig i)erfornied there with great solemnity on the ides ftlie 13tli] of April. A destructive Fire and great lliots at Nonvich. At Xorwich, on the feast of the apostles Peter and Paul, while the monks were at primes, the great tower of the church was suddenly struck by a thunderbolt on the north side, with such violence that some of the stones were torn away, and carried with great force to a considerable distance ; an occurrence wliich must have been considered deeply portentous by all the sons of holy mother church. On the morrow of St. Lawrence [11th August], after having made some frequent assaults on the priory [at Nor- wich], after the gates of the convent had been violently broken down by the enemies of the monks, and after they had suffered other enormous injuries, just as they had taken their refection, their holy mother church was entered by the foulest rabble of her sons, namely, the whole commonalty of the city of Nor- wich, to the number, it is believed, of thirty-two thousand, all strongly armed. Joined by the women of the city, they set fire to the i)riory in several places, and reduced the whole of it to ashes, together with the church, although it was built of stone; three or four buildings only, not worth mentioning, escaped, and nearly all the monks were forced to make then- escape. Thirty of their servitors, or thereabout, were also put to death with various kinds of torture, and that in the very bosom of their mother. Dragging others from the same place, as from a mother's breasts, they In-onght tliem before their own tribunal, and condemned them to the same fate, sparing neither age nor rank. They also tore in pieces, or plundered and carried off, all tlie \aluables in the treasury, the vestry, the refectory, and the other offices of the church, and tlie almonry. The monks, escaping privately, one by one, with great difficulty saved their lives. In consequence of this, there was a convocation of the whole diocese at Eyam on the feast of the Decollation of St. ^ * Ilavlos, in his oarldom of Cornwall, whore \vv have just seen that his eldest sou lieury was buried eleven months before. 350 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1272. John the Baptist [29th August], at which the bishop and all the assembled clergy publicly and solemnly issued the sen- tence of excommunication, with the ringing of bells and lighted candles, against the perpetrators of this outrage, as well as all who gave their countenance, aid, or advice, or had any communication with them in any matter of business. This sentence was renewed and confirmed in a council of the bishops held at London on St. Luke's day [18th October], and the king going towards the neighbourhood of Norwich, in order to take condign punishment on the heinous culprits, arrived at St. Edmund's on St. Griles's day [1st September], and summoned aU the peers and barons of England to meet him there and consult on the business. Having stayed at the abbey eleven days, on the feast of SS. Proteus and Tacinthus, he set forth towards Norwich to take vengeance for the enormous crime ; but he abated somewhat of its fulness. For out of the vast multitude, only four men and one woman paid the forfeit of their lives for the rest, some of whom were eased of their purses by the courtiers. Of those who suiFered, some were drawn asunder in the streets of the city, some burnt, and others hung. Edmund of Almaine, earl of Cornwall, was married to Margaret, sister of Gilbert, earl of Gloucester, on the morrow of St. Faith [6tli October], and was knighted, as well as Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln, on the feast of the Transla- tion of St. Edw-ard [13th October], Adam de Chillenden, the archbishop-elect of Canterbury, who sued in the court of Eome for his confirmation in that preferment, perceiving that from the influence of his determined rivals he made little progress in the affair, and that even if he persisted, he should be nonsuited, a result which would attach no small disgrace to his name, he gave in his resignation both of the election and dignity. Thereupon, the pope, by his apostolical autho- rity, substituted for him friar Robert de Kilwardby, prior provincial of the order of friars-preachers in England. On the feast of St. Calixtus [14th October], the king gave the Jews' synagogue, in the city of London, to the friars- penitents of Jesus Christ; which building, to add to the mortification of the Jews, was consecrated by one of the' bishops called in for that purpose. A.D. 1272-3.] ACCESSION OF EDWARD I. 351 Death of King Henry III. Henry, king of England, of happy memory, son of king- Jolin, after a reign of fifty-six years and twenty-nine days, ended his days at Westminster,^ on the feast of St. Edmund, arehbishop of Canterbury [IGthXovember], his eldest son Ed- ward being then beyond sea ; and on the day of St. Edmund, king and martyr, next following [20th November], ho wa.s honourably interred there. And because, as we have jusfc said, the lord Edward was tlien in distant parts, the earls, Edmund of Cornwall and Gilbert of Gloucester, were by common consent of the nobles appointed regents, and con- servators of the peace, until the lord Edward's arrival. Eleanor, the wife of the lord Edward, bore a son at Acre, who was named John. Ednunid, the son of the king of England, returned from the Holy Land, leaving in those parts his brother Edward, who had recently received a wound which nearly caused his death, from some secret assassin;*^ but through Him who has respect unto the humble, he was perfectly restored to health in a short time. This happened on St. Botolph's day [17th June]. Roger, abbot of St. Augustine's, closed his days on the ides [the 13tli] of De- cember. The pope held a general council, two years after the la-st, in the beginning of the calends of May [lltli April]. Violent Rains and Inundations, [a.d. 1273.] March was very windy, and more rainy than it had been in any man's memory. Especially on the last day of the month, the third of the calends of April [30th March] the rain continuing for nearly a night and a day, caused in- undations which almost equalled those of the year 1258; while in some parts of England they appear to have exceeded in violence those of the former year, for they rose five feet above the bridge at Cambridge. Likewise at Norwich, their ravages were such that neither its being sacked by the islander.-, ' Matt. Paris concludes his history with the death and some account of the character of Henry III. He relates that he was taken ill at Bury, and died there. It is singular that our continuator, who appears to have hecn a monk of that ahhey, and mentions the king's coming there just previously, should have^)mitted the details given by Malt. I'ai-is ; and he states that the king died at Westminster. ^ See Matt. Paris, vol. iii., p. 378. 352 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1273. nor the recent proceedings of the royalists, caused so much disaster to the phace. The lord Edward having been met by the cardinals at Orvietto, five stages from Kome, on St. Yalentine's day, was received by the pope and the whole people [of Eome] wdth extraordinary honours. Count di Euvo cleared himself of the murder of the lord Henry of Almaine before the lord pope, and the lord Edward and a large body of knights, by taking an oath that he was not privy to his assassination. The pope granted to the lord Edward the tenth of all ecclesiastical revenues, both temporal and spiritual, for one year, and another year's tenth to his brother ; in recompense of the expenses they had incurred in the Holy Land. Master Eaymond de Nogeres, prior of St. Caprais at Agen, came into England to execute this business. Wherefore the convent of St. Edmund's compounded for the tenth of all their property, jointly wdth the abbot, for one year at one hundred pounds, and in like manner for the second year the abbot paid fifty marks, and the convent one hundred marks of their proper nionies; Avith the addition of the tenths of spirituals as regarded the convent for the first year, but not for the second. Adam, who had been archbishop elect of Canterbury, returned to England, and was reinstated in his priory. Story of an Evil Spirit. An evil spirit caused great alarm at a vill called Trouvllle, in the district of Rouen, by audibly rapping with hammers on the walls and doors. He spoke with a human voice, .although he was never visible, and his name, he said, was William Ardent. He frequented the house of a certain worthy man, to whom he did much mischief, as well as to his wife and family ; and the sign of the cross and the sprinkling of holy water failed to drive him away. Moreover, when the priests conjured him, in the name of the Lord, to quit the place, he answered: *'I shall not depart; nay more, if I please, I shall kill you all. The cross I know^ well enough, and as for your holy water, I have no fear of that." This spirit haunted the manor and mansion of the persons just mentioned, from the feast of All Saints [1st November] until after the Purification [2nd February], uttering many lasci- A.D. 1273, 1274.] coixciL at lyons. 353 vious and scoffing speeches. At last he went away at Septua- ge-sima, sayinf,' that ]ie sliould return at Easter, which he never did. Henry de Sandwicli, bishop of London, ended his days at his manor of Ilornsey, after being in tlie greatest straits during the whole time of his episcopacy, on the octave of the Nativity of St. Mary [15th September] ; and was succeeded by master John de Chishull, the dean of that cliurch, wlio was elected on tiie morrow of St. Nicholas [7th December]. Our lord the pope came to Lyons on tlie eleventh of the y the king's orders, who in this business paid no respect to the liberties of any place, five goldsmiths and three others be- longing to the town of St. Edmund's were taken to London, in the custody nevertheless of the bailiff of the said town, to tlie injury, as appeared to many persons, of the liberties there-_ of. But when this came to the king's knowledge, he ordered all the before-mentioned persons to be sent back, to abide their trial there according to their deserts, whether guilty oi:^ not guilty. The Tartars take possession of the kingdom of Jerusalem. The king commanded that all persons having twenty pounds [a-year] in land, should receive knighthood. [a.d. 1279.] The king levied scutage for the expedition to Wales, at the rate of forty shillings for every scutage. Eleanor, queen of England, gave hirth to a daughter at AVind- sor, on the eve of St. Gregory [11th INIarch], and named her JNIary. 360 FLORENCE OF AVORCESTER. [a.D. 1279. A great nuniher of Jews executed for clipping the Coin. The kinf^ caused all the Jews, and some Christians, con- victed of clipping, or making base coin, to be hung. Where- fore two hundred and sixtj-seven Jews suffered the sen- tence of death ; some were banished, others condemned to perpetual imprisonment, and some remained in England. As. for the money-changers, they were either admitted to main- prise, or placed in safe custody in their own houses, and havino* ransomed themselves were allowed their liberty. Ta ^make this inquest, the lords John of Chobham, and Waiter de Heliun came to St. Edmund's with a commission from our lord the king, and acting in an unprecedented manner against the liberties of the abbey, without regard to any of its charters, papal or royal, gave final judgment in the Guild- hall on the goldsmiths of the town, and others who were indicted or arrested on suspicion, and brought the fines wdiich ensued from their proceedings into the royal exchequer : they even compelled the sacristan to ransom himself for one hun- dred marks. The pope having quashed the election of Robert Burnel, gave the archbishopric of Canterbury to friar John de Peckham, of the order of Minors. The pope also gave the arch- bishopric of Dublin to friar John de Darlington, of the order of Preachers. On the death of Symon, abbot of St. Edmund's, the king- took possession of the portion of the convent as well as the barony of the abbot, a proceeding before unheard of; nor could the convent get their portion out of his hands either for love or money, but all their possessions, both within the viil of St. Edmund's and without, were placed under the manage- ment of John de Berewich, the king's attorney, a sufficient exhibition being provided for the monks, and the homages^ of the conventual manors being taxed for the king's service. The queen of Spain, lady of Ponthieu, mother of Eleanor^, queen of England, ended her days ; in consequence of which, about the beginning of Ma}^, the king of England crossed the sea to do homage to the king of France for the county of Ponthieu, which fell to him in right of his wdfe, as daughter and heiress of the aforesaid queen, now deceased. Wherefore, * Homagiis — the free tenants ; a term still used in manorial courts. A.D. 1270.] EDWARD I. CEDES NORMAXDr. 3G1 in a parliament held at Amiens, at which the kings of Franco and England, and many of the nobles of both kingdoms, met, the king of England quitted claim for the duchy of Xormandy to the king of France for ever ; reserving only a perpetual yearly rent charge of three thousand livres of Paris, payable from tlie treasury of Rouen. He also received for his quit- claim Angoumois, the Limosin, Perigord, and Saintogne ; and this beinc: settled returned to England. John, archbishop of Canterbury, having summoned all the bishops under his jurisdiction, held his synod at Reading on the feast of St. James tlie apostle [2oth July]. Walter, arch- bishop of York, died, and was succeeded by master William de Wikewane, chancellor of that church. At Northampton, a boy was crucified by the Jews on tho day of the Adoration of the Holy Cross [14th September], but was not quite killed ; notwithstanding, under this pre- text, numbers of the Jews in London were torn to pieces by horses and hung, immediately after Easter [2nd April]. An alteration was made in the English coinage, the tri- angular farthing ^ being changed for a round one, but the old current money was for a time allowed to remain in circulation along with the new coins : the pennies, however, being, con- trary to precedent, entirely disused, a great penny ^ was struck, equal to four common ones. ^ Properly speaking, there were no such coins as " triangular far- thini^s." The currency at that time, as well as during the Saxon period, consisted of silver pennies, which sometimes, during their circulation, were divided into two or four pieces, to make halfpence or farthings, as occasion required, for small payments. The metal being thin, and the coins havinj^ the impress, on one face, of a cross forming right anr^les at the centre, they could bo cut neatly and exactly into these halves and quarters, which were nearly triangular. Indeed, in some of the silver pennies the cross is formed of double lines, apparently to facilitate the operation, the cut being made between them. But this, however convenient, beini^, in strictness, a clippini^ of the coin of the realm, Edward I. prohibited it ; calling in the anj^ular segments, and issuing a coinage of "round" silver farthings in their place. Speci- mens of these, as well as of the halved and cpiartered pennies, are preserved in the British Museum. * In the same collection there may also bo seen some of these " p^reat pennies," or silver i^roats, but they are somewhat rare. Tlu^ latter clause of this passage bein^;; rather obscure, the ori<;inal is sub- joined, in order that those who are curious in such matters may form 362 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1279, 1280.. Jolin, archbisliop-olcct of Dublin, -was consecrated at Wal- tliam on the sixth of the calends of September [27th August], by John, archbishop of Canterbury, %vith the assistance of Nicholas, bishop of Winchester, Robert, bishop of Bath and Wells, and William, bishop of ]S'or\Yich. Cardinal Robert cle Kilwardeby, formerly archbishop of Canterbury, died, as it is re]:)orted, of poison. Our lord the king enacted, provided, and ordained, that men of religion should not get possession of other people's lands or tenements.-^ John, the abbot-elect of St. Edmund's, having accomplished liis business in the Roman court, and received his benediction at the hand of our lord pope Nicholas, as well as being put in possession of his barony by the king, with all that belonged both to his own portion and that of the convent, was solemnly inaugurated in his church on Holy Innocents' day [28th Oc- tober], His expenses in the journey to Rome amounted to eleven hundred and seventy-five marks, ten shillings, and nine pence. Richard, bishop of Lincoln, departed this life ; and was succeeded by master Oliver de Sutton, dean of that church. The king celebrated the feast of our Lord's Nativity at Win- chester. [a.D. 1280.] Nicholas, bishop of Winchester, died on the sixth of the ides [the 8th] of February. On his death, Robert, bishop of Bath and Wells, was the postulant^ for the succession to the bishopric of Winchester, but his suit was quashed in the court of Rome, and, contrary to expectation, the pope granted to the chapter of Winchester free liberty of electing ; their choice fell on master Richard de Mora, archdeacon of that church. their opinion of its drift : — " Ultra vero consuetum, oLoJis penitus sus- pensis, /actus est unus denarius magnus, cequipollens iv denariis com- munihus.'" ^ Non adquirant. This was the first statute of Mortmain. ^ A postulant was one who, having been duly elected to a bishopric, sued for his confirmation to the superior ecclesiastical authority; but in the stricter sense of the term, it was applied to a bishop-elect, who had been chosen from a different diocese, in which case a dis- pensation was required. This was not a matter of rij^ht, but depended upon the pleasure of the pope, who often set aside the election, and either referred it to the chapter to make a new choice, or made the appointment himself. A.D. 1280, 1281.] THE new coixage. 3C3 Jolm, bishop of London, died on tlie sixtli of tlie ides [tlie 8th] of February, and the lord Tulk Liu'el, archdeacon of Colchester, was elected in his stead ; but as he immediately re- signed, master liichard de Gravcsend, archdeacon of North- am|)ton, was elected to succeed him. There was a total eclipse of the moon on the night of the feast of St. Edmund, king and martyr ; tlie moon being dyed the colour of blood for the space of nearly two hours. Am- l)assadors came to the king of England from the great kaliu of the Tartars, on an amicable errand. It was enacted that no persons should negotiate the old money after Assumption day [15th August] : the newpennies were made round, Walter, bishop of Exeter, died ; and was succeeded b}' mas- tor Peter of Exeter, a canon of that church. Ealph, abbot of Croyland, departed this life. Violent thunder and lightning were heard in many parts of England on the eve of St. Martin [10th November], whieli struck down houses and trees, and filled the beholders with astonishment and alarm. The clergy of England granted to the king the fifteenth of their ecclesiastical property, according to the valuation of Walter, bishop of Norwich, for three years. Magnus, king of Nor- way, died. Pope Nicholas [lY.] yielded to fate at Castro Sariano,^ on the eleventh of the calends of September [22nd August], and the see remained void six months and fourteen days. John, archbishop of Canterbury, held his visitation in the diocese of Norwich ; that is to say, in Norfolk at the end of the present year, and in Suifolk at the beginning of the year following. [a.d. 1281.] The king tarried in Norfolk until the feast of the Purification [2nd February] was past. Tiiere was a total eclipse of the moon on the nones [the 7th] of March. Symon of Tours, cardinal-priest of St. Cecilia, was elected pope by the name of Martin III. There was an eclipse of the moon on the day before the calends of September [31st August], the moon for a considerable time appearing of a dusky hue. Henry, bisliop of Lirgc in Germany, wlio was do])rivod of his bishopric by the late council of Lyons for his incontinence ' III the diocese of Viterbo. 3G4 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1281. (havincr, it is said, begotten no less than sixty-one sons and daughters), Ivilled his successor John vv^ith his own hand, on the eighth of the ides [the 6th] of September, coming upon him unawares in the night. Master Hugh, of Evesham, was created cardinal-priest by the title of St. Lawrence. A^ new charter was obtained from the king, making a division between the possessions of the abbot, and those of the convent of St. Edmund's, so that thenceforth they should under no circumstances be held in common ; for which a thou- sand pounds Avere paid to my lord the king, besides the queen's gold in respect to this payment, and other collateral ex- penses, which amounted to an immense sum. The substance of this charter is entered at the end of the chartulary of the ninth year of this king's reign. The king celebrated the feast of Christmas at Worcester. On the feast of the Purification of St. Mary [2nd. Eebru- ary], the bishop of Sidon performed mass at Jerusalem, where for a long time past divine offices had been discontinued, on account of the invasion of the Saracens. Revolt of Llewellyn, Prince of Wales. Llewellyn, prince of Wales, regardless of the treaty of peace and alliance between himself and the king, which he had already evaded, broke into open rebellion against the lord the king, with his brother David. Wherefore, on the eve of Palm-Sunday [21st March], laying in ruins some of the king's castles in Wales and the Marches, and setting fire to others^ and threatening further enormities, he massacred great numbers of the king's liegemen ; and having captured the lord Roger de Ciiiford in his bed, before day-break, he carried him off into lYales, vrhither he returned with a vast booty. Where- upon, the king, having to send an army to Wales to avenge the injuries he had sustained, levied a subsidy in the nature of a loan, from all his own cities and boroughs, and also from the cities and boroughs belonging to ecclesiastics, for carrying on the war. The lord John de Kirkby, archdeacon of Coven- try, was com^missioned by the king to conduct this affair, in all parts of England, and he obtained at London a contribu- tion of eight thousand marks in the manner just mentioned. Having then first made his visitation in the boroughs and burgesses of Yarmouth and Norwich, and received at Yar- A.D. 1281.] A FORCED LOAN. 3G5 mouth a tlioiisand marks, and at Norwich five Inindred pounds, ho came to St. Edmund's, Avherc, ha\'ing taxed the burg-esses at five hundred marks, lie entrusted to the prior of the abbey the assessment of those ^vllo did suit and service at the monks' court, that tliey might not be taxed by the burgesses, Avhich had never been done ; their assessment amounted to the sum of twenty-six marks. Tlie gild of Dusze,' in the town of St. Edmund's, was also taxed by the prior at twelve marks ; and lie extorted from the abbot and convent of St. Edmund's one hundred marks, under colour of a loan. Meanwhile, Eleanor, th.o daughter of Symon de Montfort, formerly carl of Leicester, wlio was married to Llewellyn, prince of Wales, died in giving birth to a daughter, who sur- vived her and was named Gwenllian, on the feast of SS. Gorvasius and Protasius [19th June], and was buried at Llandraais,^ in the house of the friars-minors. The king levied for his expedition fifty marks for each knight's foe, but dealing moderately with the abbot of St. Edmund's, he accepted three hundred pounds for the service he owed.^ Of those who took part in this expedition, three fell in West Wales, William, son and heir of William de Valence, and several others with him'; and in North Wales, the lords Luke de Tany, Eoger de Clif- ford the younger, William de Lindsoy, William de Audcley, and many more with them ; some of them being stopped by the rivers and drowned in crossing them in their flight, and ' Duodence. " This was the Gild of the Translation of St. Nicholas, vuljrarly called the Glide de Dusze. A leaden bull in the possession of the llev. H. Hasted, of Mary St. Edmund's, bears on the obverse a mitred half-figure and the lei^end Sigillu.m GiLDii-: Sci. Niciiol,, and on the reverse the letter T between S and N of a smaller size, with the lof^end Congregacfo Duode It was otherwise called Dusp^ilde, and was holdon in the colIe2:o at Bury. See Tymm's History of^St. ]\Iary's Church, pp. G1—^l"—Thor],e. - Probably Llanvais, near Beaumaris ; a house of Franciscans, or friars-minors, founded by Llewellyn-ap-Jor\verth, prince of North "Wales, before the year 1240. It was the burial-place of many barons and kiiij^hts slain in the Welsh -wars. ^ 'j'he extent of the kin,f2;*s moderation in dealing with an ecclesiastic of those days, or what a churchman, in strui^u^linj^ as well as he could against tiiese exactions, would think af^ood bare^ain, cannot, of course, be calculated ; but we mi^^ht conclude, from the data here <^ivcn, that the abbot of St. Edmondsbury's knii^ht's fees were at least ten. How- ever, in a subsequent passage of the Continuation they are stated at only six. 3GG FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1281. others falling by the sword, without the Welsh having suffered any loss. Death of Prince Llewellyn. Affairs being in this state, Llewellyn, prince of Wales, was intercepted by the king's troops in South Wales, and lost his life and his head on Friday the fourth of the ides [the 10th] of December ;' on the next day his head was brought to the king in North Wales, and he forthwith sent it to his army sta- tioned in Anglesey ; and after the people of Anglesey were satiated with the spectacle, he ordered it to be immei'' '■-^_ -^ly conveyed to London. On the morrow of St. Thomas the apostle [22nd December], the Londoners went out to meet it Avith trumpets and cornets, and conducted it through all the streets of the city, with a marvellous clang.^ After this, they stuck it up for the rest of the day in their pillory, and towards evening it was carried to the Tower of London, and fixed on a lofty pole. As for the body of the prince, his mangled trunk, it was interred in the abbey of Cunheir,^ be- longing to the monks of the Cistercian order. The Coast infested hy Dutch Pirates. Pirates from Zealand and Holland, making a piratical descent in the neighbourhood of Yarmouth and Dunwich, plundered all that fell in their way, butchered the people, and carried off some ships with their cargoes. Florence, earl of Holland, gained a glorious victory over the Flemings, with the slaughter of fifteen thousand of their troops, in revenge for the death of his father, William, whom they had recently slain and buried in their country without honour ; some of them also from fear of the count abandoned their country, and sub- mitting to voluntary exile, transported themselves to other lands. He, therefore, conveyed to his own country with solemn pomp the body of his father, which had been ignomin- iously buried among the Frisians with a small attendance, ^ He met his death in a copse-wood, on the banks of the Irvon, near Builth, in Radnorshire. ^ Knighton relates that Llewellyn's head was carried through West Chepe with a silver crown on it, in fulfilment of one of Merlin's pro- phecies. Holinshed says that the crown was of ivy. ^ Cumheir — Cumhyre, Cwmhyr, a Cistercian abbey in Radnorshire^ founded in the year ] 143 by Cadwallon-ap-Madoc. A.D. 1281-3.] EDWARD OBTAINS A SUBSIDY. 367 and there deposited it in a toinb witli great honour and cere- mony. Richard, archdeacon of Wincliester, -who was lately elected Lishop of that see, resigned his appointment to the bishopric into tlie pope's hands, who innnediately contorrod it on John do Punteyse, archdeacon of Exeter. The king of the Tartars, joining his forces to the Hospitallers, fought a battle with tho sultan, in wliich engagement the Pagans were defeated, and the sultan himself was taken prisoner and detained in close custody at Babylon. anor, queen of England, gave birtli to a daughter at Hhuddlan, and named her Elizabeth. Isabel, countess of Arundel, having ended her days, was buried at Marham. Master Thomas de Canteloupe, bishop of Hereford, died at the court of Rome, and master Richard de Swinefield, arch- deacon of London, succeeded him by election. Herman, tlio son of the king of Germany, Avho was to have been married to the king of England's daughter, carelessly walking on the ice while it thawed, the ice broke and he fell in and was drowned. The eldest son of John de Hastings, whom he called William, was born on St. Francis's day. The lord Thomas Lenebaud, arclideacon of Suffolk, died at Horham, on the eve of St. Lucia [12th December]. The king spent the feast of Christmas at Rhuddlan, in Wales. A Subsidy granted, [a.d. 1283.] The commons of all England granted the king, as a subsidy for his war, the thirtieth penny of all their mov- ables, with the exception of horses, armour, ready money, and the wardrobe ; in levying this subsidy, the king caused the whole amount lie had received the preceding 3'^ear, in the shape or under colour of a loan, to be allowed in the payment. On the Sunday in Mid-Lent, which fell that year on the fifth of the calends of April [28th March], the king seized all the money arising from the tenths, which the pope had granted as a subsidy for the Holy Land, and which was deposited in ditl'erent places in England ; l)reaking the locks, and carrying it off and disj)osing of it according to his own arbitrary will. John, bishop of Rochester, died, and was succeeded by master Thomas de Ingoldsthorpe, dean of St. Paul's, London, 368 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1283. who was consecrated at Canterbury, on the feast of SS. Cosmo and Damianus [27th September]. Subjugation of Wales, and Execution of Prince David. After the death of Llewellyn, prince of Wales, and the oscape by flight of his brother David, all the rest of the Welsh, both the nobles and common people, having voluntarily sub- mitted to the king's pleasure, he reduced under his dominion the whole of Wales to the Irish sea. All the castles and for- tresses were delivered up to him; he introduced the English laws, and appointed justices and other officers to keep the peace, and fixed the exchequer of Wales and the officers of the treasury at Chester. Meanwhile, the before-mentioned David, having lost his whole army, and wandering about with- out a home, at last, as ill luck would have it, having sought out some cottage for the purpose of concealing himself, was .surrounded by some of the royal army ; and being made pri- soner, v/ith one of his sons and ten others, was brought before the king on the eve of St. Alban's [21st June], and by his -command was committed to close custody in Chester castle.- Then, at a general parliament, held at Shrewsbury in the king's court, on the morrow of St. Leodegard [3rd October], of which, by royal appointment, John de Wallibus was pre- sident, David, the brother of Llewellyn, formerly prince of "Wales, who had assumed the right of prince since his brother's •death, was convicted of rebellion, high treason, and sacrilege, .and condemned to be drawn, hung, and quartered. His head was carried to London^ and his body, divided into quarters, was sent to Winchester, Northampton, Chester, and York ; his bowels were sentenced to be burnt, as a punishment for ills guilt of sacrilege in frequently burning churches. Mabadin, liis steward, a man even more barbarous in his deeds than in his name, having been at the same time convicted of treason, was drawn asunder by horses, and at length an end was put to his sufferings by his being hanged. Robert, bishop of Durham, died, and was succeeded by the lord Anthony Bek, archdeacon of the same church. i^sicholas, abbot of St. Augustine's at Canterbury, pretending to go in pilgrimage to St. Nicholas at Bari,-^ betook himself ^ See the legend of the translation of the relics of St. Nicholas, Kshop of Myra, to Bari, in Apulia. Orclericus Vitalis, b. vii., c. xii. <(vol. ii., p. 384, Antiq. Lib.) A.D. 1283.] PETER OF ARRAGOX. oG'J to the court of the pope, and resigned the staff and ring, the badges of liis dignity, into the pope's hands. Having done this, he entered the order of the Carthusians, and the pope conferred his abbey on one Thomas de Findon, a monk of that monastery. Peter y Iring of Arragon, gains possession of Sicily. Peter, king of Arragon, chiiming for himself the inheri- tance of the territories of Sicily, Calabria, and Apulia, in right of his wife, as the daughter of Manfred, son of Frederic, formerly emperor of the Romans, Avho died, as it is said, seized of and invested with those territories; and having gained the support of the nobles of those territories, by promises and gifts, with their general consent and approbation secured in one day, by artifice or stratagem, all the castles and munitions of Charles, king of Sicily ; slew all lie found in them, seized his treasure, and entirely destroyed his fleet, after putting the crews to death. Having expelled king Charles and taken possession of his dominions, he caused his son to be crowned king of Sicily by the emperor of Con- stantinople, by whose advice and aid he had accomplished all this. The clergy grant a subsidy. The clergy of the province of Canterbury granted the king, as a subsidy for his war, the twentieth part of all eccle- siastical revenues for two years, according to the valuation of AValter, formerly bishop of Norwich. Richard, abbot of "Westminster, the king's treasurer, died on the first of the month of December, and his interment took place at AVcst- minstcr on the third day afterwards : he was succeeded by Walter de Wenlock, a monk of the same house. The king spent the feast of Christmas at Rhuddlan, in Wales. The sultan of Babylon died. At London, and in divers parts of England, such wonderful flashes of light and awful thunder were seen and heard- on St. Stephen's day [-?(kh December], that those who beheld and heard it were struck with exceeding terror and alarm. During the whole sunnner, and the greater ])art of the ensuing autunni, there were such violent rains, that nearly all the hopes of the sowers in the spring proved illusory at the season of harvest. 370 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [A.D. 1284. [a.d. 1284.] Friar John of Darlington, of the order of friars- preachers, archbishop of Dublin, died in the neigh- bourliood of tlie city of London, on the fifth of the calends of April [28th March], and was buried in the New Church belono-ing to the friars-preachers in Earnard-castle at London. On Easter day, which fell on the fifth of the ides [the 9tli] of April, about the first hour of the day, there were at St. Edmund's such a sudden and unexpected flash of lightning, and such loud and continued claps of thunder, that those who hoard them could scarcely hold their footing. And, although the storm was so violent in that place, it did no harm in the country, or but very little. We have heard that the same storm occurred in parts beyond the seas, the same day and hour. Prince Edward horn at Carnarvon, On the feast of St. Mark the evangelist [25th April], a son was born to the king of England, at Carnarvon in Wales, who was named Edv/ard. Robert, bishop of Salisbury, slept in the Lord ; and was succeeded by master Richard Seamel, dean of the same church. In Germany, a certain low fellow suddenly appearing in public, and pretending that he was Frederic, the late emperor of the Romans, who died long before in the year of our Lord, 1250, collected a numerous household, v/ith the good- will of nearly all that country, and a powerful army. King Rodolph was so far from opposing him, that he rather aided the deception, so that he caused himself to be treated with reverence by all as their king and emperor. The lord Alphonso, son of the Iving of England, died at Windsor, on the feast of St. Magnus, the martyr [19th August], and was carried to Westminster and buried with great pomp on the eve of the Decollation of St. John the Baptist [28th August]. A storm of thunder and lightning occurred at St. Edmund's, on the morrow of St. Faith [7th Oct.], before the first hour, with such sudden flashes and loud claps, that all who saw or heard it, were struck with the greatest terror. At Dunwich, on the fifth of the calends of December [27th November], from the third to the sixth hour of this day, the sea appeared to be on fire, with not a very bright but rather A.D. 1284, 1285.] PETER OF ARR.VGOX DEPOSED. 371 a yellow flame. Our lord the pope, in consequence of the rebellion, contumacy, and disobedience of Peter, some time kini^ of Arragon, gave his kingdom to Philip, son and heir of the king of France, reserving to the apostolic see, for the said kingdom, a hundred pounds annually. This Philip married the heiress of the kingdom of Navarre. John, arch- bishop of Canterbury, held his visitation of the diocese of Lincoln, and continued it to Easter [7th April], in the year following. That part of the church of St. Peter at Rome, in which the altar of the apostles stood with their principal images, suddenly and unaccountably fell in ruins. Hugh de Lusignan, king of Cyprus, with his son and some others of his family, were poisoned to death by the knights' Brothers of the Temple. In the church of St. Mary-at-Bow, in London, one of the Londoners named Lawrence, was wounded by some evil- minded men of that city, and at last hung from one of the beams of the church. The king of England, being greatly dis- turbed at this outrage, ordered some of the oftenders, the least guilty indeed but the most wealthy, to be drawn asunder by horses, and then hung ; but the real culprits, who were rich, he sentenced to pay a fine in money. The king spent the feast of Christmas at Bristol. [a.d. 1285. J Charles, king of Sicily, died at Barletta in Apulia,^ on the eve of the Epiphany [5th August]. After his decease, the Sicilians espousing the cause of Peter of Arragon — who had, even during Charles's life, usurped the government of Sicily in opposition to the Boman church — and keeping in custody Charles, prince of the Morea, that king's son, their captive in war, returned home in triumph. John, archbishop of Canterbury, during his visitation of the diocese of Ely, dismissed all the obedientiai'ies/ the prior only excepted. The Jung and queen go to Bury, Our lord the king of England, with the queen and three of his daughters, arrived at St. Edmund's on the tenth of the calends of March [20tli February], and paid, with great ' Barletta, near Bari, at the mouth of the Aufidus. ^ The c)bodioiitiario.s wei'o various oiricers oi" the abbey, who had the suporintcndenco of its concerns. z 2 372 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [A.D. 1285. devotion and reverence, the vows which he had made to God and St. Edmund during his war in Wales ; proceeding on the morrow in his journey to Norwich, where he spent the wdiole of the following Lent. The king, treating as null his own charters, and those of several of his progenitors, caused the weights, measures, and ells of the town of St. Edmund's to be inspected by the marshal of his measures, alleging that this was once done in his father's time. But the profits accruing from that inspection, and from all other inspections during his visits and those of his heirs, he granted for the repair and ornament of the shrine of St. Edmund's, and confirmed this by a charter. And whereas it was alleged by the burgesses of the place, that this inspection ought only to be made on h royal visit, so that the sacristan and his bailiffs had hitherto been prevented from making the inspection of measures, it was ordained, after consultation between our lord the king and the sacristan, on peril of the liberties of the town being forfeited to the king, that the sacristan should make this inspection twice in every year, and enforce it on the corporal oath of the burgesses and other inhabitants of the town ; and that those who refused to submit should, for the first offence, be punished by fine ; and for the second, if their contumacy was excessive, by imprisonment, until the king should take order touching their offence. The townsmen of Ipswich imprisoned and fined. While the king was staying, as it has been observed, in the parts of Norfolk, the whole commonalty of the town of Ipswich having been accused to him of divers misdemeanours, of which they were partly convicted, were sentenced to pay a heavy fine ; and besides, thirteen of the townsmen of the better sort were sent to prison in different parts of England for half a year. About the middle of Lent [4th May], Philip [III], king of France, marched an army against the Idng of Arragon, who having lost a great number of his troops in battle, both by sea andland, as well as by want, at last, being seized with dysenter}', went the way of all flesh, at Pampeluna.-^ The king's body was ^ An error for Perpignan, where Philip the Hardy breathed his last. A.D. 128a.J RELICS OF ST. DAVID. 373 entombed with f^reat solemnity, among his ancestors at St. Denis, on St. Martin's day [11th November]. Thomas, prior of Christ's Church in Canterbury, became a Cistercian monk, at King's-Beaulieu, on the eve of Pahn Sunday [17th JSIarch] ; and was succeeded by Henry, the treasurer of the church of Canterbury. The pope died at Perugio, on the fourth of tlie calends of April [29th March], and Avas buried there on tlie first day of the same month ; and the see "was void [four] days. He was succeeded by the lord James de Sabella, cardinal-deacon of St. Mary in Cosmedin, who took the name of Honorius IV. A scutate granted. Our lord the kinj? levied a scutage of fortv shillings each for the army in Wales, the former one being spent. The king made a solemn procession from the Tower of London to West- minster, with the head of St. David, called also Dewy, and other relics which ho had brought with him out of Wales. There was an appearance of two moons on the eighth of the ides [the 8th] of May ; and in Suffolk armies appeared lighting in the air. l\\ a parliament hold at Westminster on the feast of St. John [2i:th June], the Idng made and published many statutes, some of wdiich, as many think, are intended, in great measure, to do away with the ecclesiastical juris- dictions. The pretender, who assumed the name of Frederic, having been convicted of heresy and other crimes, was condemned to the flames, and burnt to death in the presence of some of tlie archbishops and bishops of Germany, on the second of the ides of July [l-lth July]. William, archbishop of York, died ac Ponthieu, in parts beyond the seas, and was succeeded by master John, surnamed Ilomanus, precentor of the church of Lincoln. Maiy, daughter of the king of England, took the veil as a nun, at Amesbury, on the feast of the Nativity of St. ]\rary £8th September]. Alexander, king of the Scots, married the daugliter of the count de Dreux, a cousin of the king of France. There was a circuit of the justiciaries in the county of 374 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1285, 1286. ^STorthampton, by the lords justiciaries John de Wallibus, William de Saham, John de Metingham, Roger Loveday, and others ; and in Essex by the lords justiciaries Solomon de Eochcster, Robert de Reading, Richard de Royland, Walter de Sarchele, and others. The king kept the feast of Christmas at Exeter, in Devonshire. [a.D. 1286.] Philip [lY.], king of France, son of Philip III., was crowned at Rheims, as king of France, on the feast of the Epiphany [6th January]. Our lord the king held a great parliament at Westminster, after the Purification [2nd February], in which parliament w^ere present the envoys of the king of France, namely, Maurice de Croim, count of Burgundy, and the lord John D'Acre, two of the French king's nobles. Alexander [III.,] king of Scotland, went the way of all flesh on the fourteenth of the calends of April [19th March]. Our lord the king crossed the sea after Easter, in the month of May, to confer with the Idng of France ; and, appearing in person at the parliament held at Paris, about the Rogation days [19th May], did homage to the king of France for the territories which he claimed to hold under him. On the fifth of the ides [the 9th] of June, Hugh, bishop of Ely, ended his days at his manor of Dunharn, in the isle of Ely ; he was succeeded by master John de Kirkeby, treasurer of our lord the king of England, who was solemnly enthroned on Christmas eve. William, abbot of Ramsey, being affected with palsy, resigned his dignity, in which he was succeeded by John de Sauter, a monk of the same house. The priory of canons, at Westacre, with the church and all the offices, was consumed by fire, about the Nativity of St. Mary [8th September]. Eleanor, mother of the king of England, took the nun's veil at Amesbury, in the month of July. Walter, bishop of Salis- bury, departed this life, and was succeeded by master Henry de Branteston, dean of that church. The lord William de Warrenne, son and heir of John de Warrenne, earl of Surrey, v/as encountered and cruelly slain, as it is said, by his enemies, in a tournament held at Croydon, in the month of December. The king spent the feast of Christmas at the isle of Oleron, in Gascony. [a.D. 1287.] On the night of the Circumcision the wind A.D. 1287.] A SEA-FIGHT. G75 ■was so violent, and the sea stormy, at Yarmouth, Dimwieh, Ipsv.-ich, antl otlicr places in England, as well as on the coasts of other countries bordering on the sea, that many buildings were thrown down, especially in that part of England called the Fens ; nearly the whole district was converted into a lake, and, unhappily, great numbers of men were overtaken by tho floods and drowned. On the morrow of tho octave of the Epiphany [1-Ath January], sudden flashes of light were seen, which much terrified the beholders. The poj)e^ died at St. Peter's, at Rome, on Wednesday, in Palm week, being the morrow of the Annunciation, and was buried there on Friday in Easter week following. The see was void eleven months and thirty-four days.^ The Jews imprisoned. The Jev/s in all parts of England, of every ago and sex, were committed to safe custody on Friday, the morrow of the apostles 8S. Philip and Jacob [2nd May] ; but after a time they were permitted to return to their homes on giving the king security for the payment of twelve thousand pounds. Sea-fight hetiveen the Roman, French, and Greek fleets. On the third of the calends of August [30th July] there was a gallant sea-fight between the fleets of the Roman churcli and the king of France, on one side, and of the em- peror of Constantinople, who espoused the cause of the king of Arragon ; in which, after the Greeks had obtained some })artial success, and several of the nobles in both armaments were taken prisoners and the rest cruelly slain, the victory rested on the enemy's side. Rebellion of Rhys^ap-Meredyth, Great part of South Wales, under their chief, Rhys-ap- Mcredyth, broke into rebellion against the king of England. But in the end, after great slaughter of the English, of all ranks, and other useless expenses, severe losses, and no small ' Pope Honorius IV. - This reckoninf^ is manifestly erroneous. According to Matt. VVestin. Honorius IV. died April 4th, and his successor was elected February 16th following. 376 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1287, 1288. perils, he slunk away, and for some time no one knew where lie was concealed ; and thus Rhys himself having, as it were,, disappeared, the land had rest and was quiet. There was a total eclipse of the moon on the night of the feast of SS. Eomanus and Severinus [22nd October]. Stephen, bishop of Chichester, ended his days, and was suc- ceeded by master Gr. de St. Leobhard. In the month of December, the sea overflowed its banks in the parts of Norfolk and Suffolk, particularly at Yarmouth, and caused much damage. The king of England received a solemn embassy from the khan of the Tartars while he was in Gascony, intended to renew the former alliance with himself and the kings, his predecessors. Also, the king celebrated the feast of our Lord's Nativity at Bourdeaux, in Gascony. [a.D, 1288.] On the third of the nones [the 3rd] of Pebruary, about nightfall, flashes of light were suddenly and unexpectedly seen at St. Edmund's, there having been no signs prognosticating it ; and, at the same instant, there was a tremendous crash, I will not say of thunder, followed by an insufferable stench. The storm was accompanied by visible sparks of fire, which fearfully dazzled the eyes of the be- holders. The tower of the church of Barnwell was set on Are by the violence of tlie thunder-storm, and further damage done to the convent there, and one third part of the town was a prey to the flames. At last the lightning also struck the refectory at St. Edmund's, but the fire was quickly ex- tinguished by the monks. The lord Jerora, cardinal-bishop of Prasneste, of the order of friars-minors, was elected pope on the feast of St. Peter-in- Cathedra [22nd Pebruary] and took the name of Nicholas TV. Henry, bishop of Salisbury, departed this life, and on his decease there was a double election of master William de la Corne and master Lawrence de Hakebrun, a canon of the same church ; but as Lawrence died immediately afterwards, the before-mentioned master William was re-elected. On the day before the nones [the 4th] of June, a battle was fought between the duke of Brabant on one side, and the archbishop of Cologne and the count of Gueldres on the other, in which a great number of the nobility fell on both sides, and the archbishop of Cologne and the count of A.D. 12S8, 12S9.] EDWARD RI:TURNS from FRANCE. 377 Gueldros wcro taken prisoners and confined under the custody of the duke of Brabant ; and thus the Brabanters secured tlio victory. Great part of the market at St. Botolph's, with the house of tlie friars-preachers, was burnt to the ground on th.o morrow of St. James [2Gtli July]. On the fiftli of the ides [the 11th] of October, tlie moon ■was ahnost totally eclipsed, which lasted from nearly midnight until the dawn of day. The king s])ent Christmas at Bellegarde, in the territory of Bearne. [a.d. 1280.] Reginald, abbot of Waltham, ended his days about the feast of St. Peter-in-Cathedru [22nd February],^ and was buried at Waltham on the morrow of St. Matthew the a])ostle [22nd September]. He was succeeded by Robert do Elington, a canon of the same cluirch. The king and queen, after being four years abroad, came over to England, and Landed at Dover on the day before the ides [the 12th] of August; and after a short stay, first in Kent and then in Essex, arrived at St. Edmund's on St. Lambert's day [17th September], proceeding on the morrow into the pnrts of Norfolk. Going thence by sea to the isle of Ely, on their way to London, the king celebrated the feast of the Translation of St. Edward [13th October], with great solemnity at Westminster. Thomas Wetland, chief justice of the King's Bench. The lord Thomas Weyland, the king's chief justice of the lower bench, having been indicted and convicted on trial for harbouring some of his people who had lately committed a murder, and fearing to throw himself upon the king's mercy, took sanctuary in the house of the friars-minors, then living at St. Edmund's. Having been closely guarded there by the country for several days, by the king's order, he assumed their habit, when it was least expected. The king being informed of this, sent a knight belonging to his guard with instructions to employ the whole power of the country to ' This i.s the roading of tho text in all the editions, but it ajipears to be erroneous, and that instead of St. Peter-in-Catliedra, it should bo St. l^■ter-ad-^'i^(■ula, which feast occurs in tlie Iloinan calendar on tho 2nd of .Auj^ust. Even then, the time which elapsed between the abbot's death and interment was very long. St. Peter's day is on 24th June. 378 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.B. 1289, 1290. keep him there witli greater security. At length, this Thomas, after being blockaded two months, during which nearly all the friars dispersed tliemselves in various places, throwing off the religious and re-assuming the secular habit, came out of sanc- tuary, and, being brought before the king, was committed to safe custody in the Tower of London. The pope raised to the throne Charles, prince of the Morea, the son of Charles, late king of Sicily, and solemnly crowned him on Whitsunday [29th May]. The city of Tripoli was taken by the Saracens, and laid in ruins, with the towns and villages, and the whole neighbouring country, with great slaughter of the Christians. The king solemnly celebrated the feast of Our Lord's Nativity at West- minster. A parliament — Proceedings against delinquent judges. [a.d. 1290.] In a parliament held at W^estminster, which sat from the Circumcision of Our Lord [1st January] until the feast of St. Valentine [14th February], divers sentences were pronounced by the king and his council in the cases of several of the judges, whose misdemeanours were there inquired into, according to their respective merits. Among these, lord Thomas Weyland was condemned to perpetual banishment, with the forfeiture of all his property, movable and immov- able. Many also of the justices, both of the bench and who had been in eyre, were committed to safe custody in the Tower. Among these the chief were the lords John de Love- tot, William de Brunton, Roger de Leicester, and Robert de Littlebury; these were of the bench. Of the justices in eyre were the lords Solomon of Rochester, Richard of Boyland, Thomas de Sudendon, Walter de Hopet, and Robert de Preston. But the first of these were released at the close of this parliament, after paying large fines for their ransom ; the last remained in the Tower, the king going into another quarter ; but, in the end, they obtained their discharge, on the same terms as the others, with the king's connivance, or rather by his order. John, bishop of Ely, the king's treasurer, died at Ely on the morrow of the Annunciation of St. Mary [26th March], and, being honourably interred on Holy Thursday following, he was succeeded b}^ master William de Luda, archdeacon of A.D. 1290.] A SEA-FIGHT AND A BATTLE. 379 Diirliam, clean of St. Martin's-the-Grcat at London, and keej^er of tlie king's wardrobe, who was elected on the fourth of the ides [the 4th] of May. Tlie earl of Gloucester marries the princess Joan of Acre. Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester, married at West- minster, on the last day of the month of April, the lady Joan, surnamed of Acre, from her having been born there, the daughter of the king of England. A great sea fight. On the same day there was a desperate naval engagement in the sea of Marmora, near St. Matthew's, between the fleets of Bayonne, the Cinque Ports, and the Genoese on one side, and of the Flemings on the other, in whicli fire and water, as well as arms, were used as instruments of destruction ; and after many of the ships were sunk, and the rest had consulted their safety by flight, the victory remained with the adverse party. Removal of the hody of Henry III. Our lord the king caused the body of the king his father, which was interred at Westminster, to be suddenly and unex- pectedly removed on the night of the feast of the Ascension [lOtli May], and deposited in a more elevated situation, near the tomb of St. Edward. A bloody battle between the Danes and Norwegians. A most savage and bloody battle was fought between the kings of Norway and Denmark, at Skonor in Denmark, in which twenty-five thousand of the Norwegians fell, without much loss on the part of the Danes. Ptoger Bigod, earl of Norfolk and marshal of England, brought over as his wife AUce, the daughter of John d'Aveynes, count of Agenois. John, the son and heir of John, duke of Brabant, solemnly espoused Margaret, daughter of the king of England, at Westminster, on the sixth of the ides [the 10th] of July, in the presence of his father and a great assemblage of nobles. 380 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1290. The crop of fruit entirely failed through all parts of England, both in the gardens and hedges, except apples and acorns. AVilHam, the bishop-elect of Ely, having been ordained priest on the first of October, in the parish church of St. Mary at Ely, was consecrated by the lord John, archbishop of Canterbury, with extraordinary pomp, bishop of Ely. A si/nod at Ely ; grant of a tenth and fifteenth. On the morrow of this solemnity, the archbishop held liis synod at Ely, with his suffragans and others of the clergy there assembled. In this synod the clergy granted to the king the tenth of all their spiritual possessions for one year ; but so that the tenth should not be collected before the feast of St. Michael in the year next to come. The king also obtained from the commons of England the fifteenth of all their temporal property ; and he condemned all the Jews, of both sexes and every age, living in all parts of England, to perpetual banishment, without hope of returning, Roger, abbot of St. Alban's, departed this life about the feast of All Saints, on the morrow of All Souls [3rd Novem- ber], and was succeeded by John de Berkhampstead, a monk of the same abbey. Robert, abbot of Reading, resigned his dignity, and was succeeded by William de Sutton, chamberlain of the same house. Death of Margaret, maid of Norway, heiress of Scotland. Margaret, daughter of Eric, king of NorAvay, and of Mar- garet, daughter of Alexander, king of Scotland, who lately died, without leaving any heir of his body, and of his queen Margaret, the daughter of Henry, king of England, and sister of king Edward, his son, — to whom, as nearest of blood, the hereditary right of the kingdom. of Scotland belonged, and who, also, was on the point of being married to Edward, the •son of king Edward before mentioned, a dispensation having been procured from the court of Rome, — died in the Orkney isles. Death of queen Eleanor. Eleanor, queen of England, the king's consort, ended her days at Herdeby, in the county of Lincoln, on the fourth of A. D. 1290, 1291.] QUEEN ELEANOR BURIED. 381 tlio calends of December [2(Stli November], and was buried at AW'stminster with extrortliiiary state and magnitieence, on the sixteenth of the calends of January [17th December]. After ■which the king set out for Ayisrigge,^ a hermitage of the earl of Cornwall, to celebrate our Lord's Xativity there. [a.d. 1291.] On the fifteenth of the calends of ^March [loth February], there was an eclipse of the moon. On the sixth of the ides [the 8th] of February, at London, about the first hour, on a sudden, and when it was least expected, the Lord thundered from heaven with a loud and sharp report, filling the hearts of all who heard it with awful terror. Peace between the Pope and Sicily, Arragon and France. A peace and alliance was made and ratified between the Roman church and Charles, king of Sicily, on the one part, and Peter, king of Arragon, on the other : also, between the king of France on the one part, and the king of Spain on the other (after great losses, bloodshed, and calamities), principally through the mediation of the king of England, who sent solemn embassies into foreign parts to negotiate and settle the peace. But it was soon afterwards weakened and nullified, when, on the death of Peter, king of Arragon, his brother James took possession, by force, of the kingdom of Sicily. Ambassadors came from the great and mighty khan of the Tartars, both to the ])ope and the kings of France and England, for the renewal and ratification of peace, as well as touching his acceptance of the Christian faith, and the grant of succour to the Holy Land. Joan, countess of Gloucester, the daughter of the king of England, gave birth at Winchcombe to her eldest son, who was named Gilbert. The lord Thomas, bishop of Pochester, slept in the Lord at Pochester, in a good old age, on St. Pancras day [12th May] : he was succeeded by Thomas, prior of tl:ut church. Eleanor, mother of the king of England, ending her days at Amesbury, on the morrow of St. John [2-3tli June], was interred witli great solemnity on the third day after the Nativity of St. Mary [8th September] with a ' Asliri(l;ije, in Buckinj^hamshire, where a colleo^P of Bon-hortiTTics was louiulc'd by Ednuind, tlio son of Richard, carl of Cornwall, in 1283. It al'terwcu-ds bt'came tlie magnificent scat of the 13ridgc\\ ater family. 382 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1291. great attendance of the most powerful nobles both of France and England. Edward I. asserts his claim to the suzerainty of Scotland. On the death of Alexander [III.], king of Scotland, lately- deceased/ and the death and total failure both of his issue and kindred by blood, some persons began to claim a right of inheritance to the kingdom of Scotland. Considering which, the king of England alleged that the supremacy of the crown vras vested in him. To make this more clear he went to Norham, in the marches of Scotland, and assembled there the men of religion from some of the English churches with their chronicles, which having been carefully inspected, examined, and considered by his whole council, it appeared plain to all and each, that the supreme right to the kingdom of Scotland was vested in and belonged to him ; all which having been recounted before the great men of Scotland, as well bishops as earls, and some others, and having been deliberately weighed, the Scots having nothing to allege on their part, acknowledged him as their suzerain lord. They also committed to his custody the castles of Scotland, both on this side the sea and beyond sea, together with the seal of Scotland, and swore fealty to him, and made it sure by their letters patent, and declared that those who claimed a right to the kingdom of Scotland ought to abide the judgment of the court of the king of England. In this state of affairs, the lord John de Baliol, and the lord Robert de Bruce, with others hereafter named, presented themselves to claim their right. At length they agreed to this, that they would submit to the arbitration of forty liegemen of each of the two kingdoms, forty on one side and forty on the other, with twenty on the king's part ; and that the arguments and rights of all having been produced before them, they should promulgate and publish their award on the morrow of St. Peter-ad- Vincula [2nd August]. This being settled, the king of England appointed the bishop of Caithness chancellor of Scotland, and joined with him one of his own clerks, Walter de Agmondesham, chancellor of England, com- 1 Alexander III. died 19th March, 1286. His queen, Margaret, daughter of Henry, died before him, in the year 1275. See before, pp. 354, and 374, A.D. 1291.] SCOTTISH AFFAIRS. 383 manding all things to be done with their concurrence and assent. He also distributed the castles among his adherents, as to him seemed fit. He likewise appointed keepers of the peace and order, and otlier ofhcers of the royal administration, both on the mainland and in the islands. Therefore, on the morrow of St. Peter already named, it was determined, with common consent, by the nobles of both countries at Berwick, and by those who claimed a right to the kingdom of Scotland, that the pleas of all should be con- sidered null and void, except those of the lords John de Baliol, Robert de Bruce, and John do Hastings, and the others hereafter mentioned. A day was assigned to the parties at Berwick for arguing their rights on the morrow of the Holy Trinity next coming [18th June] by our lord the king and his liegemen, who should meet him there. After this, Florence, earl of Holland, Robert Bruce, earl of Anandale, John de Baliol, lord of Galway, John de Hastings, lord of Abergavenny, John Gumming, lord of Badenoch, Patrick de Dunbar, earl of March, John de Yesci, on behalf of his father, Richard de Soules, and William de Ross, in whom, or some of whom, the right to the crown of Scotland was considered to be vested, returned to their homes to de- liberate touching the allegation and assertion of their right or rights, against the day before appointed for them. Wherefore, our lord the king, taking into consideration and fully weighing, that by the tenor of the chronicles of divers religious men, his right to the kingdom of Scotland was de- clared to be far from trifling; and desirous of leaving a record of this fact and of his own ])roceedings to bo handed down to future generations, he wrote to the greater monas- teries of England in the following form : — " Edward, hy the grace of God, king of England, lord of Ireland, and duke of Aquitaine, to his beloved in Christ, the abbot and convent of St. Peter at Bury, greeting. " Wk send you appended to these presents, under the seal of our exchequer, a transcript of certain letters which are en- rolled in our treasury, of which the following is the tenor : — " ' To those who shall see or hear these presents : Florence carl 384 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1291. of Holland y Robert Bruce, earl of Anandale [Johnde Baliol^ lord of Galway,'] John de Hastings, lord of Ahergavenmj, John Cuniming, tord of Badenoch, Patrick de Dunbar, earl of March, John de Vesci, on behalf of his father, Richard de Soules, and William de Rous, greeting in God. 1,? a i "Whereas we pretend to have right to the kingdom of Scot- land, and this right to exhibit, challenge, and aver before him who has the most power, jurisdiction, and reason to try our right ; and the noble prince, Sir Edward, by the grace of God, king of England, has informed us on good and sufficient grounds, that to him belongs and is due the suzerainty of the said kingdom of Scotland, and the cognisance of hearings trying, and determining our right : we, of our own free choice, without any manner of force or duress, will and grant to receive right before him as the sovereign lord of the land. And we will and promise that we will hold and keep his act firm and stable, and that he among us shall have possession of the kingdom to whom right shall belong before him. In testimony of which we have set our seals to this in- strument. Done at Xorham, the Tuesday next after the Ascension, in the year of grace one thousand two hundred and ninety-one.* " ' To all those luho shall see or hear these presents : Florence, earl of Holland, Hobert de Bruce, lord of Anandale, John de Baliol, lord of Galivay, John de Hastings, lord of Abergavenny, John Comyn, lord of Badenoeh, Patrich de Dunbar, earl of March, John de Vesey, for his father, Nicholas de Soules, and William de Rous, health in God. " ' Whereas, we have consented and granted, of our own free will and common assent, without any duress, to the noble prince. Sir Edward, by the grace of God, king of England, that he, as suzerain lord of the territory of Scotland, shall hear, try, and determine our challenges and demands, which we intend to exhibit and allesre for our rio-ht to the kingdom O O O of Scotland, and justice have before him, as suzerain lord of the land, promising that we will hold his act firm and stable, ^ Baliol's name is omitted, evidently through inadvertence. It ap- pears in other copies, both French and Latin. The transcript in this Continuation of Florence is ffiven in the old French. A-D. 1291.] BCOTTISII AFFAIRS. 385 and that ho shall possess the kingdom to whom right shall give it before him. *' ' But eonsidering that the aforesaid king of England cannot make and accomplisli this cognisance-without judgment, and judgment ought not to be without execution, and execution cannot be done without possession and seisin of the same territories, and of the castles : we therefore will and grant that lie, as sovereign lord, in order to perform the things before men- tioned, have the seisin of all the land and castles of Scotland, until right be done and perfected as we demand, in such manner that before he has the before mentioned seisin, he give good and sufficient surety, on demand, to the protectors and commons of the kingdom of Scotland, for the restoration of the same kingdom and castles, and all royalties, dignities, lordships, franchises, customs, rights, laws, usages, and pos- sessions, with all manner of appurtenances, in the same state as they were when the seisin was to him given and granted, to such one of us to whom the right shall belong by judgment of the court, saving to the king of England the homage of him who shall be king ; the restoration to be made within three months after the right shall be tried and afHrmed. ^' 'And that the revenue of the said territories received in the mean time shall be safely deposited, and well kept, in the hands of the chamberlain of Scotland that now is, and of one to be assigned to act with him by the king of England, and under their seals ; saving reasonable maintenance for the lands and castles, and the ministers of the realm. In testimony of what is before declared, we have set our seals to this writing. Done at Norham, on Tuesday after the Ascension, in the year of grace one thousand two hundred and ninety-one.' "Wherefore wc command you that you record these mat- ters in your chronicles for a perpetual testimony thereof. Witness, Master W. de Marche, our treasurer, at Westminster, on the ninth day of July, in the nineteenth year of our reign. Ijv writ of nrivv seal." Description of Nortlmmhria. Hyring was the first king who reigned after the Britons in Nortliuiiibria. Northumljria extends from the great river Humbcr (so called from Humber, king of the lluns, who was invited there) as far as the Frisian — which is now called A A 386 FLORENCE OP WORCESTER. [a.D. 1291. • the Scottish — Sea, because it divides the English and Scotch. It was called in old times the Frisian Sea, because the Frisons and the Danes were wont very frequently to bring their ships to land there, and then, being joined by the Scots and Picts, ravage Northumbria. This country was afterwards much divided on various occasions and from various calamities ; but in the course of a short time it was severed into two provinces, namely, Deira and Bernicia. Deira extends from the afore- said river Humber to the Tyne, and was ruled by St. Oswine, king and martyr, whose body now rests at Tynemouth. St. Oswald, king and martyr, reigned in Bernicia, that is, from the Tyne as far as the Scottish Sea. By the name of North- umbria was, therefore, sometimes understood the country be- tween the Humber and the Tees ; at other times it extended to the Tyne, at others to the Tweed ; but at present includes only the district between the Tyne and the Tweed. This may suffice respecting its territory. Genealogy of the Icings of Bernicia. Hyring, then, who has been already mentioned, begat king "Wodna ; Wodna begat king Withgils ; Withgils begat king Horsa ; Horsa begat king Uppa ; Uppa begat king Eppa ; Eppa begat king Ermering ; Ermering begat king Ida ; all of whom reigned in the territory of the Northumbrians on the north side of the river Humber, on the Norwegian sea. None of these kings, from Hyring to king Ida, appear in any of the historians, either from omission or ignorance, and the records of them were either burnt in the country or carried away from it.^ However, king Ida begat king Ethelred ; Ethelred begat king Ethelfert ; Ethelfert begat king Oswy ; Oswy begat king Egfert ; Egfert begat king ^Ifrid ; ^Ifrid begat king ^lla ; jEUa begat a daughter named Ethelreda. The earls who afterwards had the government of Northumbria Avere all sprung from king iEUa. Ethelreda bore earl Eadulf ; earl Eadulf begat earl Oswulf; earl Oswulf begat earl Waltheof ; earl Waltheof begat earl Wihtred ; earl Wihtred begat earl Aldred ; earl Aldred begat a daughter named Elfleda ; the valiant duke Siward married her, and had with her the king- dom of Northumbria. She bore him a son named Waltheof, * "A \ery remarkable passage." — Thorpe. A.D. 1291.] EARLS OF XORTIIUMHKIA. 387 who was afterwards earl. Eut as at the time of duke Siward's death his son Wahheof was still very young, his earldom was given by St. Edward, the king, to Tosti, the son of earl Godwin. In the twenty-fourtli year of king Edward, the North- umbrians expelled from the kingdom their earl Tosti, who had caused them much bloodshed and disaster, putting to death all his household, and by grant and permission of St. Edward, the king, appointed Morcar, the son of Algar, earl of Chester, to be their earl. In the second vear of kins? William the first, that kinsr srave the earldom of Xorthumbria to earl Robert ;^ but the people of the province slew him and nine hundred men at the same time. In the tliird year of king William, Waltheof, the son of duke Si ward, who has been already mentioned, having been reconciled with the king, obtained the earldom of North- umbria after the death of Morcar, the aforesaid earl. In the ninth year of king William, Ralph, earl of East- Anglia, conspired to dethrone the king, with Waltheof, the before-mentioned earl of Northunibria, and Roger, the son of William Fitz-Osbern, whose sister earl Waltheof married, and at whose nuptials the conspiracy was hatched. However, the king, returning to England, threw earl Ralph, his cousin, into prison ; but he caused earl Waltheof to be beheaded at Winchester, and he was buried at Croyland, where the monas- tery of St. Guthlac stands. All those before-mentioned were sub-kings or eails in Northumbria, from the period the English people settled there ; and of this Northumbria the city of York was the capital. Note, that the following are the names of the kings of the Scots, who reigned in Scotland after the Picts. Kenneth Mac- Alpin, the first after the Picts, 16 years. Donald Mac-A^jin 3 years. Constantino Mac-Kenneth 19 years. Kenneth Mac-Kenneth 1 year. Tirged Mac-Dugal 12 years. Donald Mac-Coustantine ;. 11 years. * Robert de C:>m\n, a.u. 1039. A a2 388 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1291. Constantine Mac-Beth . Malcolm Mac-Donald Indolf Mac-Constantine . Duff Mac-Malcolm ... . Colin Mac-Indulf ... . Kenneth Mac-Malcolm . Constantine Mac-Colin . Kenneth Mac-Duff... . Malcolm Mac-Kenneth . Duncan, nephew of Enis Machet Mac-Finlav 45 years. 9 years. 9 years. 3 years 6 months. 4 years 6 months. 22 years 2 months. 1 year 6 months. 1 year 3 months. 30 years. 5 years 9 months. 17 years. 4 years 6 months. 37 years. 3 years. 1 year 6 months. 9 years. 17 years 3 months. 29 years ; 12 years 6 months. Lusach Malcolm Mac-Duncan, married St. Mar- garet, and reigned , Donald, his brother, usurped the crown... Duncan, bastard, son of Malcolm Edgar, son of Malcolm and Margaret . . . Alexander, his brother David, their most glorious brother and begat Henry, earl of Huntingdon. Malcolm, son of earl Henry William, son of Henry, the aforesaid earl 49 years. Alexander, son of the aforesaid William 35 years. Alexander, son of Alexander. He mar- ried Margaret, daughter of Henrj^, king of England, and was father of Mar- garet, queen of Norway. Here also is inserted the convention between the kings of England and Scotland, concluded at Lincoln, in the year [1200],^ in which the king of Scotland did homage to the king of England. ' ' There is a blank in the MS. which is filled up in the text with 1200, in v/hich year William, king of Scotland, did homage to king John at Lincoln. If there was any instrument executed on this occa- sion, as the continuator of Florence here leads us to suppose, at least that which he has inserted in this place is a very different instru- ment. For the "charter" which follows was granted at York, in 1175, in confirmation of the agreement entered into at Falaise with Henry IT, on his releasing the king of Scots from his captivity. See before, the note at p. 302; and Hoveden, vol. i , p. 398, where the charter is civen ; and vol. ii., p. 502. See, also, Wendover, vol. ii., p. 32. A.D. 1291.J SCOTTISH CHARTERS. 389 THE CHARTER OF WILLIAM, KING OF SCOTLAND. " "William, king of Scotland, becomes the liegeman of our lord the king of England against every man in Scotland, and all other his territories, and has done fealty to him as his liege lord, as his other vassals are wont to do. In like manner he has done homage to king Henry, his son, saving ahvays the fealty to our lord the king, his father. "^loreover, all the bishops, abbots, and clergy, of the kingdom of Scotland, and their successors, from whom he may require it, shall do fealty to our lord the king, as their liege lord, as his other bishops arc wont to do ; and also to king Henry, his son, and their heirs. " Also, the king of Scotland, with David, his brother, and his barons and other vassals, hath granted to our lord the king- that the church of Scotland shall henceforth pay such sub- jection to the church of England as it ought, and was wont to pay in the time of his predecessors, kings of England. " In like manner, Richard, bishop of St. Andrews, Ilichard, bishop of Dunkeld, Geoftrey, abbot of Dumferline, and Her- bert, prior of Coldingham, have also agreed that the church of England shall have such jurisdiction over the church of Scotland as it can lawfully claim ; and that they will not oppose the rights of the church of England. And for this agreement they have given sureties to our lord the king and to his son Henry, in the same manner as when they did fealty to him as his liegemen. The other bishops and the clergy of Scotland shall do the same, according to the con- vention made between our lord the king and the king of Scotland, and his brother David and his barons. " The earls, also, and the barons and others holding lands under the king of Scotland, shall do homage and fealty, if our lord the king shall require it, to himself and king Henry, his son, and their heirs, against all the world, saving only tlie fealty due from him to the king his father. In like manner, the heirs of the king of Scotland and of his barons, and of their mesne tenants, shall i)ay homage and allegiance to the heirs of our lord the king against all the world. '' Further, the king of Scotland and his liegemen shall not henceforth harbour any fugitive from the dominions of our lord the king for cause of felony, either in Scotland or other 390 . FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1291. his territories, unless he shall be willing to take his trial in the dominions of our lord the king, and abide by the judgment of tlie court. But the king of Scotland and liis liegemen shall arrest him with all possible speed, and deliver him up to our lord the king, or to his justiciaries and bailiffs in England. " Moreover, if there shall be in England any fugitive from the territories of the king of Scotland on account of felony, unless he shall be willing to take his trial either in the court of the king of Scotland, or in the court of our lord the king, and to abide by the judgment of such court he shall not be liarboured b}^ our lord the king, but shall be given up to the men of the king of Scotland by the bailiffs of our lord the king, when he shall be found. " Further, the liegemen of our lord the king shall hold their lands which they have held, and ought to hold, of our lord the king, and of the king of Scotland, and of their vassals. And the liegemen of the king of Scotland shall hold their lands which they have held, and ought to hold, of our lord the kino* and his vassals. " For the due performance of this final convention with our lord the king and his son Henry and their heirs, by the king of Scotland and his heirs, the king of Scotland has given possession to our lord the king, at the mercy of our lord the king, of the castles of Roxburgh, Berwick, and Jedburgh, and the Maiden castle, and the castle of Sterling. And the king of Scotland will assign to our lord the king out of his reve- nues, sums in due proportion at the pleasure of our lord the king for the expenses, of the custody of the said castles. " Besides, for the due and final performance of the conven- tion aforesaid, the king of Scotland has delivered to our lord the king as hostages, his brother David, and earl Duncan and many others. When, however, the castles shall be given up, William, king of Scotland, and his brother David shall be liberated. Each of the before-mentioned earls and barons shall also be set at liberty, when he shall have given an hostage, namely, a legitimate son, if he have one, and in the case of those who have not, nephews or next heirs ; the castles having been also surrendered, as before mentioned. " Further, the king^ of Scotland and his before-named barons have pledged themselves with good faith, and without fraud or covin, that, all excuses apart, they w^ill cause the A.D. 1291.] SCOTTISH CHARTERS. 391 bLsliops, barons, and liegemen of their land, who were not pre- sent when the king of Scotland concluded this treaty with our lord tlie king, to make the same allegiance and fealty to our lord the king and his son Henry, which they themselves have made ; and deliver hostages to our lord the king of such as he shall choose, in the same manner as the barons and liege- men who were here present. "Moreover, the bishops, earls, and barons have agreed with our lord the king and his son Henry, that if the king of Scotland by any chance should withdraw his fealty to our lord the king and his son, and from the aforesaid covenants, they will hold with our lord the king, as their liege lord, against the king of Scotland, and against all the enemies of our lord the king ; and the bishops will put the territories of the king of Scotland under an interdict, until he shall return to his fealty to our lord the king. "For the due performance of the aforesaid convention without fraud or covin, by William, king of Scotland, and David, his brother, and by the barons before named and their heirs, the king of Scotland himself, and David, his brother, and all his said barons, have pledged their faith against all persons, as liegemen of our lord the king, and of his son Henry, saving their fealty to the king his fiither ; of all which are witnesses, Richard, bishop of Avranches, &;c. &c." This instrument ha^g been read in the church of St. Peter, at York, in the presence of the aforesaid bishops of England, and before the king of Scotland and David his brother, and all the people, the bishops, earls, barons, and knights of the king of the Scots, swore fealty to our lord the king of England, and to Henry, his son, and their heirs, against all men, as well as against their own liege lord. CHARTER OF RICHARD, KING OF ENGLAND.^ "PiiciiARD, by the gi*ace of God, king of England, lord of Normandy and Aquitaino, count of Anjou, to the archbishops, l)isiioj)s, abbots, earls, barons, justiciaries, sheriffs, and all his officers and faithful people throughout the whole of England, greeting. ' This charter was granted in 1104. See Hoveden (vol. ii., p. 318, &c.) for the transactions oonnrcti'd with it. Ho refers to another charter, the substance of which will be ])resently given, but does not mention the restoration of the castles of Roxburgh, Berwick, «S:c. 392 FLORENCE OF "WORCESTER. [a.D. 1291. " Know ye that we have restored to our most beloved cousin William, by the same grace, king* of Scotland, his castles of Roxburgh and Berwick, to be held as his own inhe- ritance by him and his heirs for ever. " Moreover, we have released him from all covenants and agreements which our father Henry, king of England, extorted from him by new charters, or in consequence of his capture ; in such manner, nevertheless, that he fully and entirely perform to us all that his brother Malcolm, king of Scotland, lawfully performed, or ought to have performed, to our predecessors. And we will perform to him all that our predecessors performed, or ought to have performed, in respect of the aforesaid Malcolm namely, safe conduct in coming to or returning from our court, and in abiding there, and in procurations, and all liberties, dignities, and honours which he can lawfully claim, according to what shall be recognised by four of our barons chosen by king William and four of his barons chosen by us. "Further, if any of our liegemen have seized, without lawful judgment, the borders or marches of the kingdom of Scotland from the time that the aforesaid king AVilliam was taken prisoner by our father, we will that they be restored entire, and replaced in tlie same condition in which they were before his capture. " Moreover, with respect to the lands which he has in England, whether they be held in demesne or fee, namely, in the county of Huntingdon and elsewhere, let him hold them to him and his heirs for ever as fully and freely as the said Mal- colm possessed them or ought to have possessed them, save such of them as the said Malcolm or his heirs afterwards infeoiFed. So, however, that if any such lands were after- terwards enfeoffed, the service for those fees shall belong to the said king of Scotland and his heirs. " Whatever also w^as granted by our father to the aforesaid William, king of Scotland, we ratify and confirm. " We restore to him the fealty of his liegemen, and all charters which our lord and father obtained from him by reason of his capture ; and if by any chance there should be others retained from forgetfulness, or afterwards discovered, we command that they shall be treated as null and void. But he has become our liegeman for all the lands for which his ancestors were liegemen to our predecessors, and swore fealty A.D. 1291.] SCOTTISH CHARTERS. 393 to US and our heirs. AVitncsses, Bakhvin, Archbishop of Canterbury, &c. &;c." CHARTER OF ALEXANDER 11.,^ KING OF SCOTLAND. " Alexander, by the p:race of God, king of Scotland, to all the faithful in Christ Avbo shall see or hear this writing, health. " We would have you know, that we have covenanted and faithfully promised, for us and our heirs, to our most beloved and liege lord, Henry, by the grace of God, the illustrious king of England, lord of Ireland, duke of Normandy and Aquitaine, and count of Anjou, and his heirs, that we will keep good taith and amity with liim for ever hereafter. And that we will never, ourselves, or by any persons on our behalf, enter into any alliance with the enemies of the kings of England or their heirs, for the purpose of procuring or making war from which loss may happen, or can by any means ensue, to them or their kingdoms of England and Ireland, or their other territories, unless they shall unjustly aggrieve us. "All this leaves entire the covenants between us and our- said lord the king of England lately made at York in the presence of the lord Otho, deacon of St. Nieholas-in-carcere- Tulliano, at that time legate of the apostolic see in England, and is without prejudice to the treaty made respecting a mar- riage between our son and the daughter of the said king of England. " And that this our covenant and agreement, for us and our heirs, may have perpetual force, we have caused Alan the cham- berlain, 11. do Baliol, and others, to swear on our soul that we will firmly and faithfully maintain all the rights aforesaid. And in like manner we have also caused to swear the venerable fathers, David, William, Geoffrey, and Clement, the bishops of St. Andrew's, Glasgow, and other sees. And further, our faithful subjects Patrick, earl of Dunbar, ^lalcolm, earl of Fife, and others, [have sworn] that if we or our heirs should contravene the aforesaid covenant and promises (whioli God forbid), they and their heirs shall lend to us and our heirs neither aid nor counsel against the said covenant and promise, ' Alexander II., kin;^ of Scotland, died on tlio .Srd July, 1249, and liis son's marriat^o with tlio daui^htor of Henry III., referred to in it, took plaeo on the '2(')lh ])(>c(>inber, V2o2 ; so tliat this engagement was probably entered into shortly before the father's death. 394 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1291. nor will, to the best of their power, suffer them to be given by- others; but shall use their endeavours honestly with us and our heirs that all the aforesaid provisions shall be firmly and faith- fully kept, both by us and our heirs, and by them and their heirs, for ever. In witness whereof, we and our prelates, earls, and barons, have confirmed these presents by affixing our seals. Witnesses, the earls and barons before mentioned, in the year of our reign, &c. &c." LETTER OF ALEXANDER II. TO THE POPE.'" ** To the most holy father in Christ, John, by the grace of God, pope, Alexander by the like grace, king of Scotland, earl of Patrick, earl of Stratherne, sends greeting with all due honour and reverence. " We certify to your holiness that we have taken our cor- poral oaths before the venerable father Otho, cardinal deacon of St. Nicholas-in-carcere-TulL, at that time legate in England of the apostolic see, and have made our charter, commencing thus : ' Know all men, present and to come, that it has been agreed, as follows, in the presence of the lord Otho, of St. Nicholas,' &c. " By another, which begins : * We will you all to know, as appears from the tenor of our former covenants,* we have sub- mitted ourselves to your jurisdiction, so that we and our heirs may be restrained by ecclesiastical censures, if we shall at any- time contravene the before mentioned treaty of peace. And if it should ever happen tliat we, or all or any of us, should rashly presume or attempt to contravene the same, and from thence grievous peril should ensue both to our souls and those of our heirs, besides great injuries in our persons and states, we entreat your holiness that you will issue your mandate to some one of the suffragans of the archbishop of Canterbury, enjoining him to compel us and our heirs to the observance of the aforesaid peace, as shall be more fully set forth in the instruments to be executed on such occasion; otherwise that you decree by your authority, according to the canons, against all gainsayers, in regard to the aforesaid peace. And in confirmation of this our petition, we have set our seals to the present writing." ^ The date of this letter to the pope must correspond with that of the preceding document. A.D. 1291.] SCOTTISH AFFAIRS. 395 William, king of Scotland, claims Northwnherland, ^c. In the year of grace, 1194,^ king Richard appointed his coronation-day at Winchester, at the close of Easter [17th April]. On the second day the king went as far as Clipstone, to meet William, king of Scotland, and requested all who had been taken prisoners in the castles of Nottingham, Tickhill, Mai-lboroiigh, and Lancaster, and at Mount St. Michael, to attend him at Winchester on the morrow of the close of Easter. On the tliird day of the same month, being Palm-Sunday, the king of England rested at Clipstone, and the king of Scotland at Worksop, on account of the solemnity of the day ; and on the morrow both kings came to Southwell. On the fifth day of the same month they went together to Southwell, where the king of Scotland requested the king of England to reinstate him in the dignities and honours which his prede- cessors held in England. He also asked that the earldoms of Korthumberland, Cumberland, Westmorland, and Lancaster, should be restored to him in right of his predecessors : to which the king of England replied, that he would give him satisfaction after he had consulted his barons. On the seventh day of the month the kings proceeded to Gaidington,^ and abode there until the morrow ; and on Easter-eve they arrived at Northampton, and abode there the following day. While tiiere, the king of England, having taken deliberate counsel with the bishops and nobles of England, made answer to the king of Scotland that he could by no means grant his request, as far as regarded Northumberland, and especially in tliose times, when nearly all the principal men in the kingdom of France had become his enemies ; for if he were to do so, it would appear rather to proceed from fear than from love. * The continuator of Florence is still engaged in reeordino^ a series of documents and facts connected with the claims of the En See before, p. 383. ^ John Baliol. 400 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1293, on the feast of the morrow did homage to him for the king- dom of Scotland and its dependencies. A.D. 1293.] Our lord the king ordered and appointed by public proclamation that all who were in possession of forty pounds [a-year] in land should receive knighthood within twelve days of Christmas next following. Master Eobert de Winchel- soa, archdeacon of Essex, was elected in St. Paul's church, at London, to the archbishoi) of Canterbury. Master Thomas Eek, bishop of St. David's, died, and was succeeded by a cer- tain clerk, named master David Fitz-Martin, a canon of the same church. John, archbishop of York, being offended with Anthony, bishop of Durham, for not suffering him, as his primate, to hold a visitation of himself and the chapter of Durham, had solemnly and publicly fulminated a sentence of excommuni- cation against the bishop of Durham himself, and all who remained in communion with him. Whereupon our lord the king, as well because the bishop of Durham was a favourite of his, as because his own person and that of his sons was not, as they say, excepted from the sentence pronounced, which was a breach of the privilege allowed him by the Eoman church, he was disposed to be indignant against the archbishop of York. Finding this, he purchased the king's favour and pardon at the expense of three thousand pounds, saving only the right of his church of York, and of his action against the bishop of Durham. Piratical sea-jight between the English and their allies, and the French. A great and severe naval battle was fought near St. Mahe,^ on the ides [the 13th] of June, being Friday next before the feast of Whitsuntide, between the fleets of England, Ireland, and Bayonne on one side, and the Norman fleet on the other, in which the Norman ships and forces being almost utterly destroyed, sunk in the sea, or put to the sword, the English gained a signal victory and great spoil, without any loss to their own armament. One hundred and eighty ships of the Korman fleet, captured in this engagement, were distributed among the victors. Thirty ships fell to the lot of Yarmouth ' In Brittany. A.D. 1293, 1294.] A SEA FIGHT. 401 alone, and were brought to Yarmouth loaded with booty, in the character of sj)oils ; the otliers were distributed among the rest of the victors, in proportion to their forces and the aid they had lent. There were only three ships belonging to Bavonne in this enG:a2:ement. A much fiercer sea-fight followed, in M'hich the Normans had assembled the forces of the Germans, Flemings, and even of the Lombards, with a great number of ships. Being en- countered by those of the Cinque-Ports, Bavonne, and Ireland, at the first onset many fell on the side of the English ; but rallying at last, they burnt, sunk, and destroyed part of the enemies' fleet with their crews. Thus victory declared on the side of the English, though not without great bloodshed, and heavy losses among their troops. The battle was fouglit on Mars day [Tuesday], the seventh of the calends of June [2Gth May], being the feast of St. Augustine; and thus a martial achievement was accomplished on the day of Mars. Great part of the town of Cambridge with the church of St. Mary was consumed by fire on the seventh of the ides [the 7th] of July. William, abbot of Thorney, departed this life, and was succeeded by Odo, monk and almoner of the same abbey. Eleanor, eldest daughter of the king of England, married the lord Henry, count of Bar-le-Duc, at Bristol on Sunday, the eve of St. Matthew the apostle [20th September]. A Genoese pirate,^ named Zacharias, having gained a vic- tory over the Pagans in the Mediterranean Sea, and taken tlieir spoils, sent twelve Pagan captives to each of five Christian kings, namely the kings of France, England, Germany, Spain, and Cyprus. The lord king of England celebrated the Nativity of our Lord in England, at Canter- bury , and the lord king of France at Boulogne-sur-Mer. King Edward visits St. Edmundshury. [a.d. 1294.] Our lord the king visited St. Edmund's with great devotion on the feast day of that holy king and martyr [18th Marcli] ; and although he only staid one night, his ' Quidam pirata de Januensibus Bundensibus.^^ There was a little seaport, called Bundium, afterwards, in French, Buin, at the mouth of the Garonne, famous for pirates in the ninth century, as we find from Eginhard. But this wa* long before, and we can trace no connection between it and Genoa. B B 402 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1294. purveyors made a luxurious and ample provision for the table of the convent on the morrow. Edward im'prudently cedes Aquitaine and Gascon^ to France. King Edward, who had hitherto, like another Solomon, been magnificent and glorious in all his acts, became so infatuated as to form an irregular attachment for Blanche,^ the sister of Philip, king of France, and his own cousin, she being in the second degree of near consanguinity ; and having applied to the court of Rome for a dispensation to enable him to contract a marriage with her, he obtained it. With this view, following the dictates of his own will, and without consulting his fiiithful counsellors, he freely resigned his territories of Aquitaine and Gascony, with all their dependencies into the hands of the king of France, expecting to receive back those states in free-marriage with Blanche before-mentioned. The instrument of resignation was executed at St. Edmund's, the king being there at that time, and the chancellor being sum- moned from London by the king to bring the seal in Lent [3rd March]. According to some statements, there was another reason for the loss of the aforesaid territories. For the king of England holding them from the king of France the lord paramount for a certain service to be done to him, and for performance of which, according to ancient rights appertaining to the tenure of those territories, he had been often and often summoned to the court of France, without, as the French assert, having ever made his appearance, either in person or by some other who should duly represent him — at length, after legal pro- ceedings had been deliberately taken in the affair, on consider- ation by the whole court of France, after Easter [18th April], the king of England and his heirs were for his rebellion and contumacy, adjudged to have utterly forfeited, and were deprived and ousted of, the said territories. A different account of this extraordinary proceeding is given by others ; namely, that as the king of England had vowed to undertake a pilgrimage on behalf of the cross of our salvation, he made an arrangement of this sort with respect to his territories beyond sea, in order to provide for their security and tranquillity in the meantime. However, ^ Blauche, an error for Margaret. This is a strange story. A.D. 1294.] EDWARD I. CEDES GASCONT, ETC. 403 the woman who had caused this commotion, having received full and peaceable possession and disposal of these territories, addressed a letter to the king of England, who had ceded them of his own free will, so rashly and inconsiderately, informing him that it was not her intention to marry a!iy man, and far less one Avho was of such advanced age. Thus disappointed of his illicit, though much coveted union, he lost, alas ! the inheritance of his ancestors. Edward I. levies forces against the French. The king of England at length returning to his senses, and repenting, although too late, of his rash act, engaged on his side the forces of neighbouring kings and princes to avenge the injury he had sustained, and recover the lands so fraudu- lently occupied ; and assembled a powerful land and naval armament. For this purpose he won over, or compelled to join him — in some cases for pay, in others by virtue of the treaties and alliances they had contracted — Adolphus, king of Germany, and all the great men of that country, such as Sigefred, archbishop of Cologne, the bishop of Utrecht, and others, both kings, bishops, dukes, counts, and all the powers subject to the empire of Germany. He also collected large reinforcements for the war from the king of Arragon, his close ally, the dukes and counts of Provence and Savoy, and their forces, as well as from Lombardy and the people of other countries. John, duke of Bra])ant, Constantino, count of Holland and Zealand, and Henry, count of Bar-le-Duc, hastened to join the expedition at the head of their troops. A suhsidy granted for the war. The peers of England, also, both spiritual and temporal, having been convened touching a subsidy to the king for carrying on his war beyond sea, liberally granted it, with the reservation that it should not be made a precedent on future occasions. For, levying a scutage on all ecclesiastical persons, both archbishops, bishops, and the elder abbots, as well as even on widows and other ladies and females who held of him in capite by knight's-service, .at the rate of one hundred marks for each fee, he forced them to compound for money ; the abbot of St. Edmund alone paying for six knights, for which h(» was bound by tenure to answer to tlie king, and so of the rest. But the payment was deferred until he should cross the sea. B B 2 404 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1294. A general inquisition into all property. In this state of affairs, the king of England, in despite of God and man (would he had been better advised), on the feast of the translation of St. Martin [4th July], which fell on a Sunday, caused his officers before commissioned 'for the purpose, to make their appearance suddenly and unexpectedly, on one and the same day and hour, in all parts of England, to make careful and diligent inquiry, search, and inspection, in all and every the religious houses, both in churches and others whatsoever ; and in all their offices, not even sparing the towers and lanterns of the churches, nor paying any respect to rank, worth, or fortune, or to any exclusive privi- leges. This royal inquisition or investigation was so general, that neither monasteries nor consecrated buildings, nor even the interior of the houses for lepers were spared. The com- missioners went about through the houses, dwellings, and lodgings of the prelates, whether archbishops, bishops, or abbots ; and of the archdeacons and prebendaries, in cathedral or other churches ; and in those of rectors and vicars ; as well as among all cities, boroughs, castles, towns, villages, and persons, where they hoped to find any money ; and ordering* all locks to be opened, and making inventories of all articles they found, replaced them in their repositories. Those which were not opened they forced with violence, and taking an inventory with them, although they carried nothing off, they closed the repositories, affixing their seals both to those which were unlocked and those which they broke open, and departed. By an act of such atrocious wickedness, as was never before heard of, and beyond all measure hateful to pious ears, they profaned with their forcible search, spite of its ecclesiastical immunities, the monastery of St. Edmund, king and martyr, with the adjoining vill, which had been established as a city of refuge from ancient times, and which no king had hitherto ventured to meddle with. And paying no respect either to royal charters or papal decrees, they proceeded in all respects, to the peril of their souls, according to their mode of acting in other places, and even beyond. They also retained the bills they found in the hands of the English merchants, for moneys owing to them from their debtors, and compeUed these to make payment to themselves. A.D. 1294.] ALIEN MONASTERIES SEIZED. 405 Election of pope Celestine V. One Pctor of Muro/ a native of Apulia, and at one time notary of the emperor Frederic, ^vllO, after being a Benedictine monk at Monte Cassino, became a Cistercian, and retired to the life of an anchorite, was elected pope at the age of a hundred years and more, at Perugio, on the morrow of the Translation of St. Martin ; the apostolical see having been then void two years, three months, and nine days. He took the name of Celestine V., and was consecrated and solonmly enthroned on the day before the ides [the 12th] of September. A famine in England. A severe famine and scarcity prevailed throughout England. A quarter of wheat, which could scarcely be procured at all, and that not without difficulty, was sold in some places for twenty- four shillings ; and besides, the months of August and the vSeptember following were so wot from continual rains, that little or no new corn could be obtained as late as the feast of St. Michael [29th September]. Edward seizes the alien religious houses. The king of England laid his hands on all the religious houses throughout England, which were subject to chapters beyond sea, with their revenues from whencesoever pro- ceeding, and committing their administration to stewards and guardians of his own appointment, allowed a certain stipend to the monks who were living in those houses ; the surplus he applied to the expences of his war. He did not thus disturb the Cistercians ; but the Cluniacs, and Pra^monstratcnsians, and others whose property was not spared, he forced to live in distress, want, and affliction. Moreover, he commanded that all the yearly pensions payable to his own principal religious houses should be brought into his own treasury. The king exacts from the clergy half of their revenues. The same king, in a parliament held at Westminster, on the feast of St. Michael, and the morrow of the same [29th ' Pope Celestine V. was born at Muro, a town in the Basilicata, 406 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1294. and 30tli of September], by the use of prayers, exhortations, and even threats, induced and forcibly compelled all and every the prelates of England with their clergy, and all the religious holding property, who were summoned to that parlia- ment, to grant him one moiety of all their goods, spiritual and temporal, to be taken according to the last valuation for tenths, and paid at three terms in the same year. This levy is said to have reached the large sum of eleven hundred thousand pounds. Our^ payment alone amounted to six hun- dred and fifty-five pounds eleven shillings and fourpence. Death of the archbishop of Dublin, the hinges ambassador. [Meanwhile, master John de Saunford, archbishop of Dublin, who, with the lord Antony, bishop of Durham, and others of the council of the king of England, had been envoys to the king of Germany, and the other princes of that country, attended by a great retinue, returned to England, and died at Yarmouth a few days after his landing there. William de Montfortj the king's inquisitor, dies suddenly. In the parliament held next following, master William de Montfort, dean of St. Paul's, London, who was proctor at the court of Eome concerning the affair of the tenths, long since granted to the king of England for the succour of the Holy Land, and was the principal instrument and promoter of the king's measures for the subversion of the liberties of the English Church,^ was unexpectedly struck with a sudden illness, in the sight of the king and those who were sitting with him, and presently falling to the ground breathed his last : he was carried to St. Paul's, and there laid beside his father. Insurrection of the Welsh. The Welsh, thinking that they had found a convenient and favourable opportunity, broke into rebellion against the king of England, under their chief, one Meredyth-ap-Llewellyn ; and seizing Snowdon, slaughtered and ill-used many of the * That of the abbey of St. Edmund's. ^ Other accounts represent the dean in a different light. Matt, of Westm. says that ne was interceding with the king to lessen the burdens of the clergy, when he was seized with sudden illuess. A.D. iL'J-i.J A SUBSIDY FOR THE WARS. 407 king's liego-men wliom tliey found tliere, laid the castles ia ruins, and did otlier scandalous enormities throughout Wales, to the king's loss and dishonour. A siihsidi/ granted. On the morrow of St. Martin [12th November], at West- minster, the tenth of all their goods was granted to him by the laity, as a subsidy for his wars, both in Wales and France. The inhabitants of the cities and boroughs, and on other domains of tlie king, were taxed a tentii ; but merchants living in other places a seventh, and the rest of the commons the tenth penny. The vill of St. Edmund's, in wiiich hitherto no king's officer, from the time our liberties were first granted, had presumed to exercise any jurisdiction, was taxed by the general assessors of the country, sitting in the Tolze}'^, the public place of the vill, and submitting the particulars to a jury of the burgesses ; nor could we, alas ! either for money or love, procure the exoneration of our servants from being > included in the community. However, the affair was settled"' by its being admitted tliat in future it should never cause ) any prejudice to our liberties in this respect, and others ) hitherto used and enjoyed ; and a special instrument was '/ given us to this effect. ^^ The naval armament of the king of England, lately des- patched to Gascony, had wonderful success in a short time, liaving taken and subjugated several castles and territories with great vigour. The king of England, during his expe- dition into Wales, spent Christmas at Aberconwy. Pope Celestine V. abdicates. Pope Celestine, taking into consideration the infirmity of his condition and age, made a decree, and shortly afterwards procured it to be confirmed by the brethren [in conclave], that the Roman pontiff' for the time being might, if it should seem to him fit and proper, resign his dignity, and retire to the leisure or repose of a severer rule of life. Having de- cided this, when he had governed the church as pope for five months and twenty-one days, he retired on the feast of St. Lucy tlie Virgin [13th December], having first made his re- signation, to his former retreat in the solitude he loved at 408 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1294, 1295. Naples. After his cession, the Roman see was void for eleven days ; but on the eleventh day, being the eve next following our Lord's Nativity, the lord Benedict, a native of Anagnia, cardinal-deacon, with the title of St. Nicholas in-Carcere Tulliano, was elected, and took the name of Boni . . . .^ Two Cardinals arrive as mediators between the kings of England and France. [a.D. 1295.] In this year, for the restoration of peace be- tween the kings and kingdoms of France and England, the pope sent into England two cardinals, men, doubtless, gifted with great wisdom and prudence, Avho landed before the feast of St. Peter ad-Yincula [1st August], and proceeded to Lon- don. The king on his return from Wales, after subjugating the Welsh and obtaining hostages for their faithfully keeping the peace thereafter, met these cardinals at London, and giving them a gracious and courtly reception, and having summoned the barons of the realm, and the prelates of the churches, to appear before the said cardinals and hear the mes- sage of the pope, he held his parliament there ; and they clearly set forth the pope's mandate for the renewal of peace, in the presence of our lord the king, and his peers and pre- lates. After hearing the reasons and proposals publicly offered by the said cardinals, the king postponed his answer until the third day, wishing to consult and deliberate upon the premises. Having so deliberated and consulted with the peers and the prelates of the church, and the cardinals and peers having met in parliament on the day appointed, our lord the king replied for himself and his kingdom — that out of reverence to the pope, saving his own rights and those of his kingdom, he was ready to renounce his war, with a willing mind, and faithfully observe the former treaties of peace and concord, saving the dignity of his crown and the rights of his kingdom. On receiving this answer, the said cardinals hastened to cross to parts beyond sea, in order that they might treat with the king of France in the premises. ' In a side-note it is added : — " Having been elected pope on the eleventh of the calends of February [22nd January], he was inaugu- rated in the city. Immediately thereupon, he summoned his prede- cessor to his presence, and committed him to close, but honourable, custody at his court. A.D. 1295.] REIGN OF EDWARD I. 409 [William cle Wodcford elected abbot of St. Edmund's.] The lord Pilcliard of London, al)bot of this house, closed his days on the morrow of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin [16th August], and was succeeded by the lord William de Wodeford, at that time sacristan of the same house. He was elected on the feast of the Decollation of St. John the Baptist [29th August], obtained possession of the barony on the six- teenth day before the feast of St. Michael, and made his solemn entrance on the feast of All Saints [1st November]. And because he was always courteous in the transaction of business, he found our lord the kins: and his collectors lenient and courteous during the avoidance ; and it is to be noted that they did not lay hands on the property of the obedientiaries^, while the office of abbot was void. The Idng vainly endeavours to extort more money. After the feast of St. Edmund [5th January], the king lingered at London, and, having summoned there the peers of England and the prelates of the church, used his utmost elibrts to extort from the clergy the moiety of their goods, in the same manner as the preceding year, and from the people what he had obtained before. He was informed in reply, both by the clergy and people, that they could by no means grant tliis, but in case it happened that the war should con- tinue, without any hope of peace being restored, the clergy granted a tenth, and the people an eleventh ; but for one year only. And so they parted. Death of Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester. Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester, ended at once his life and his lawsuit, before Christmas, in the seventh year after his most unjust proceeding relative to de la Bigging,^ and was buried with due ceremony at Tewkesbury, near the tombs of his ancestors. In this year, on the second day of the month ' See note before, p 371. ^ There was a pl;u;e of this name near Anstcy, in Hertfordshire, where a hospital, dedicated to St. Mary, was founded. 410 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. [a.D. 1295* of October, the lord Robert, arclibishop of Canterbury, was solemnly enthroned in his pontifical see, in the presence of the king and nearly all the suffragans of his archbishopric. Treason and execution of Thomas de Turhemlle. The lord Thomas de Turbeville, a certain knight who was a native of La IMarche, and a servant and special favourite of our lord the king of England, was sent with the king's army to Gascony, where he was taken prisoner with some of his fellow soldiers in an engagement with the French troops, and placed in close custody under their power. Meanwhile, there were dealings between him and the king of France for his be- traying the king of England, and leading him astray by his counsels. This being settled, and having apparently effected his escape from prison by stealtli, he returned to England, and' presenting himself to the king, was graciously received, hiding his evil intentions under sheep's clothing. He had agreed with the king of France that he would involve all England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, in a general war on one and the same day ; so that while the king of England was occupied in such various quarters, a naval armament of the king of France might effect a landing in such English port as he might select, without resistance or impediment, and he might dispose of and rule the land at his Own will and pleasure. In reward for this treason, the king of France engaged to give the princi- pality of Wales to him and his heirs. But as there is nothing hidden which shall not be revealed, he became suspected of the treason by some of the king's faithful friends, and even by the king himself, in consequence of certain preceding tokens ; and as he, therefore, withdrew from court, search was made in every direction to have him brought back. The king was in Kent, and engaged at Can- terbury, when the traitor was brought to London ; and there were found upon him both letters addressed to him by the king of France, and copies of letters transmitted by him to the king ; treasonable documents which verified the facts clearer than hght. On the eve of St. Denis [8th October], he was therefore torn asunder by horses at London, until death ended his sufferings ; and his head was carried to the Tower to be set up there. A.D. 1293.] EDWARD I. GOES TO SCOTLAND. 411 A naval expedition to Gascony, The king of England celebrated our Lord's Nativity at St. Alban's. A naval armament of the king of England, destined for Gascony, set sail from Plympton in Cornwall on St. Stephen's day [2Gth December], under tlie command of the lords Edmund, the king's brother, and H. de Lacy, earl of Lincoln ; and witliin eight days landed with great expedition in the parts of Gascony. In the beginning of Lent [16th February], the king, after s})ending three days here^ at St. Peter's, proceeded on his journey towards Scotland, with the intention of reducing his enemies to submission.^ ' At the abbey of St. Edmund's. ' The Continuation ends aljruptly, having brought the course of events to the close of the year 12D5. THE END OF THE THIRD CONTINUATION. 412 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. LISTS OF POPES AND BISHOPS, AND GENEALOGIES, PBEFIXED TO THE CHRONICLE. THE NAMES OF THE POPES. A.D, [ 58— [91- [ 78- [100- [109- [119- [127- [139- [142- [157- [168- [177- [193- [202- [219- [223- [230- [235- 66. ] 100.] 91. ] 109.] 119.] 127.] 139.] 142.] 157.] 168.] 177.] ■193.] 202.] ■218.] •222.] ■230.] ■235.] ■236.] Peter. Clemens.i Anacletus. Evaristus. Alexander. Sixtus. Telesphorus. Hygiiius. Pius. Anicetus. Soter. Eleutherius. Victor. Zepliyrinus. Calixtus. Urban, Pontian. Antlieros. A.D. [236—250.] [251—252.] [252—253.] [253—257.] [257—258.] [259—269.] [269—274.] [275—283.] [283—296.] [296—304.] [308—310.] [310., May- [311—314.] [314—335.] [336, Jan.— [337—352.] [352—366,] [366—384.] Fabian Cornelius. Lucius. Stephen. Sixtus [II.] Dionysius. Felix. Eutychian. Caius. Marcellinus, Marcellus. -Sept.] Eusebius Melcliiades. Silvester. Oct.] Mark. Julius. Liberius, Damasus. 1 Florence has omitted Limis, who is generally supposed to have suc- ceeded St. Peter, and to have been bishop of Rome from a.d. 66 to 78. He has also erroneously placed Clemens before Anacletus, sometimes called Cletus, and sometimes treated as a different person and placed before Clemens, who is thus made to precede Anacletus. See Ordericus Vitalis, Vol. i., p. 313 (Antiq. Lib.). The history of these first successors of St. Peter is involved in great obscurity. It has been already observed that the tables and genealogies here appended are prefixed to the manuscript copies of Florence of Worcester, and were probably compiled by himself. They received a few additions from the first of his Continuators, for the lists of the bishops are brought down to the year 1141, or thereabouts, as appears from the names of the two last archbishops, and the bishop of London, included in them; Theobald having been appointed in 11S9, Thurstau in 1140, and Robert (of Reading), bishop of London, in 1141. J FLORENCE OF AVORCESTER. 413 LIST OF THE POrES— Continued. A.D. [384- [398- [402- [417- [418- [422- [432- [441- [461- [468- [483- [492- [496- [498- [514- [523- [526- [530- [533- [535- [536- [538- [556- [560- [574- [578- [590- [604- [606, [607- [615- [618- [625- [610, [640- [642- • 398.] Siricius. -402.] Anastasius. -417.] Innocent. -418.] ZosLiuus. -422.] Boniface. -432.] Celestine. -440.] Si.Ktus [III.] -461.] Leo I. -468.] Hilary. -483.] Simplicius. -492.] Felix [IIL?] -496.] Gelasius. -498.] Anastasius. -514.] Symmachus. -523.] Hormisda. -526.] John. -530.] Felix. -532.] Boniface. -535.] John [IL] -536.] Agapete. -538.] Sylverius. -555.] Yigilius. -560.] Pelagius. -573.] John [IIL] -578.] Benedict. -590.] Pelagius. -604.] Gregory [L] -606.] Sabinian. Feb.— Nov.] Boniface [IV.] -615.] Boniface [V.] -618.] Deusdedit. -625.] Boniface [VI.] -638.] Honorius. May — Oct.] Severinus. -642.] John [IV.] -649.] Theodore. [649- [655- [657- [672- [676- [679- [682- [684- [685- [686- [701- [705- [708, [708— [715— [731- [741— [752- [757- [768- [772- [795- [816- [817- [824- [827, [827- [844- [847- [855- [858- [867- [872- [882- [884- ..D. -655. -657. -672. -676. -678. -682. -683. -685 -686. -701. -705. -707. Martin. Eugenius. Yitalian, Adeodatus. Don us. Agatho. Leo II. Benedict II. John [V.] Con on. — Sergius, John [VI.] John [VII.] Jan. — Feb.] Sisinnius. 715.] Constantine. 731.] Gregoiy [II.] 741.] Gregory [IIL] 752.] Zachary. -757.] Steplien [IL] -767.] Paul. -772.] Stephen [IIL] -795.] Adrian. -810] Leo III. -817.] Stephen [IV] -824.] Paschal. -827.] Eugenius. Aug. — Oct.] Valentine. -844.] Gregory [IV.] -847.] Sergius [IL] -855.] Leo IV. -858.] Benedict IIL -867.] Nicholas. -872.] Adrian [IL] -882.] John [VIII.]' -884.] Mariuus. —885.] Agapete. \ Adrian [IIL] J 414 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. LIST OF THE POPES— Continued. A.D. [885—891.] Stephen [VI.] Basil. [891—896.] Formosus. [897, 15 days.] Boniface [VI.] [897—901.] Stephen [VII.] Eomanus III. Theodore. [901—904.] John IX. 905.] Benedict IV. 906.] LeoV. ) Christopher, j [907—910.] Sergius III. 911—912. Anastasius III. 912. Lando. [913—928.] John X. 928. Leo VI. [029—931.] Stephen VIII. [931—936.] John XI. [936—939.] LeoVII. [939—943.] Stephen IX. [943— 946.]MarinusrMartinIII.] [946—955.] Agapetus II. [955—963.] John XII. 964.] Benedict V. [965—972.] John XIII. [972—974.] DomnusII diet VI.i Benedict VII John XIV. John XV. Bene- [974- -983.] 984.] [985—996.] [996—999.] Gregory V. [999—1003.] Silvester II. 1003. John XVI, A.D. [1003—1009.] John XVII. [1009—1012.] Sergius IV. [1012—1024.] Benedict VIII. [1024—1034.] John XVIIl. [1034—1043.] Benedict IX [1044—1046.] Gregory VI. [1046—1048.] Clement [II.] [1048, July — Aug.] Damasus. [1048—1054] St. Leo ; Bruno. [1055—1057.] Victor [II.] ; Gehehard. [1057—1058.] Stephen [IX.] Frederic-Beuedict, who was speedily deposed. [1058—1059.] Nicholas [II.]; Gerard. [1061—1073.] Alexander [II.]; Anselm. [1073—1085.] Gregory [VII.] ; Hildebrand. [1086—1087.] Victor [III.] ; Desiderius, abbot ofCassino. [1088—1099.] UrbanlL; Odo, 11 years and 7 days. [1099—1118.] Paschal [II.]; 19 years and 18 days. 1118. Gelasius [Q.]; of Gaieta. [1119—1124.] Calixtus [II.] [1124—1130.] Honorius [IL] ; of Ostia.2 1 There is so mucli confusion in the list between John, in 972, and Clement II., in 1046, that Blair's is substituted. Florence gives the succession thus ; Stephen (two) ; Marinus ; Agapete ; Octavian ; Leo VIII ; Benedict V. ; John ; and Benedict VI. 2 Honorius II. died 14th Feb., 1130. His successor, Innocent II., (1130 — 1148) ought to have been added to bring up the list of the popes to the same era as those of the English bishops. FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. 415 THE NAMES OF THE ARCHBISHOPS AND BISHOPS OF ENGLAND. KENT. The Names of the Archhishojys of the Church of Canterhimj. 1. Augustine. 2. Laurentius. 3. Mellitus. 4. Justus. 5. Hon onus. C. Deusdedit. 7. Theodore. 8. Berhtwald. 9. Tatwine. 10. Nothelm. 11. Cuthbert. J 2. Breogwine. 13. Jainbert. It. Ethelhard. 15. Wulfred. I(). Feologild. 17. Ceolnuth. 18. Ethered. 19. Plegmund 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. ^thelm. Wulfhelm. Odo. Dunstan. Etbelgar. Sigeho. Alfric. ^Ipbege. Living. Ethelnoth. Eadsi. Kobert. Stigand. Lanlranc. Anselm. Ralph. William. Theobald. The Names of the Bishops of the Church of Rochester. 1. 2. 3. 4. o. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Justus. Ptomanus. Paulinus. Ithamar. Daniianus. Putta. Cuicholm. Gebmund. 'J'oljias. Aldulf. Dunn. Eardulf. Diora. Wermuiid. 15. Beornmod. 16. Burhric. 17 ^Ifstan. 18. Godwin. 19. Godwin. 20. Si ward. 21. Arnost. 22. Gundulf. 23. Kalph. He succeeded An- selm in tlie archbishopric of Canterbury. 24. Earwulf. 25. Jolui. 416 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. THE NAMES OF THE BISHOPS AND ARCHBISHOPS- CoNTLNUED.— /S'ee pp. 418 and 421, 422. KINGDOM OF ESSEX. The Names of the Bishops of the Church of London. 1. Mellitus. 2. Cedd 3. Wine. 4. Erconwald. 5. Waldhere, 6. Inguald. 7. Ecgwulf. 8. Wighed. 9. Eadbriht. 10. Edgar. 11. Coenwalch. 12. Eadbald. 13. Heathoberht. 14. OsmuDd. 15. Etbelnotb. 16. Ceolberht. 17. Ceorulf. 18. Swithulf. 19. Heabstan. 20. Wulfsy. 21. Ethelward. 22. Ealbstan. 23. Tbeodred. 24. Wulfstan. 25. Bribthelm. 26. Dunstan. 27. Alfstan. 28. Wulfstan. 29. Alfhim. 30. Alfwy. 31. Alfward. 32. Robert. 33. William. 34. Hugh. 35. Maurice. 36. Richard. 37. Gilbert. 38. Robert. ARCIIBISnOPS AXD BISHOPS. 417 EAST-ANGLIA. In the roigu of Sigebert, the most Christian king of the East- Angles, bishop Felix, a native of Burgundy, converted the East- Angles to the faith of Christ, and becoming their first bishop fixed his episcojml see in the city of Dunwich. The Names of the Bishops of the East-Angles. Felix. 3. Berhtgils, also called Boni- Thomas. face. 4. Bisi. East-Anglia was afterwards divided into two dioceses. The Names of the Bishops of The Names of the Bishops of Elmham. Dunwich. BeadNvine. 1. JEcca. Northbert. 2. ^Esculf. Heatholac. 3. Eardred. Ethelferth. 4. Cuthwine Lanferth. 5. Aldbert. Ethehvulf. 6. Ecglaf. Hunferth. 7. H eardred. Sibba. 8. Alfhun. Hunferth. 9. Tidferth. Hunbryht. 10. "Wennund. 11. Wih-ed. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Hunb}Tht and Wilred were the bishops of the East Angles in the reigns of Ludecan, king of Mercia, and Egbert, king of Wessex. 1:2. Athiilf. He had the whole of J^ast-Anglia for his see, in the time of king Edwy, and so had his successors. 18. Alfric. 14. Theodred. V). Theodred. 10. Athelstan. 17. Algar. 18. Alwin. JO. yl':ifric. 20. /Elfric. 21. Stigand; but ho was quickly deposed, and in his stead 22. Grimkytel was elected by bribery. He had already two sees, Sussex and East- Anglia; but he was after- wards ejected, and 23. Stigand was restored. 24. yK gel mar, Stigand's brother. 25. Arfast. 26. William. 27. Herbert. 28. Everard. 29. William. C C 418 FLORENCE OP WORCESTER. AECHBISHOPS AND BISHOPS— Continued. SUSSEX. Wilfrid converted the South-Saxons to the faith of Christ, in the reign of king Ceonwalch, and exercised the functions of a bishojo in those parts for five years. He also sent ministers of the Word to the Isle of Wight. The Names of the Bishops of the South-Saxons. 1. Wilfrid. The Names of the Bishops of the Church of Selsey. Eadbert. He was abbot of the monastery of St. Wil- frid, the bishop ; and after- wards, by decree of a synod, was appointed to succeed him as bishop of Sussex, which before belonged to the see of Winchester, whereof Daniel was then, bishop. Eolla. Sigga. Aluberht. Osa. 7. Gislhere. 8. Tota. 9. Wiothun. 10. Ethelwulf. 11. Cenred. 12. Gutheard. 13. Alfred. 14. Eadhelm. 15. Ethelgar. 16. Ordbyrht. 17. jElmar. 18. Ethelric. 19. Grimkytel. 20. Heca. The Names of the Bishops of the Church of Chichester. 21. Stigand; who transferred the bishop's seat from Selsey to Chichester. 22. William. 23. RaliDh. 24. Sigefrid, ARCHBISHOPS AND BISHOPS. 419 WESSEX. SURREY ; BERKSHIRE ; SOUTHAMPTON [hANTS] ; WILTSHIRE ; DORSETSHIRE ; SOMERSETSHIRE ; DEA'ONSHIRE. St. Birinus was the first bishop of the West-Saxons. He was sent to En«Tland by pope Honorius, and on his arrival, having converted king Cynegils and liis people to the faith, and baptized them, became sole bishop of Wessex, and fixed his episcopal seat in the city of Dorchester. The Names of tlie Bishops of the Cliurch of Dorchester. 1. Bii-inus. 3. Wine. In the time of bishop ^gelberht.king Ceonwalch divided Wessex into two dioceses; at which iEgel- berht was so grievously of- fended, that he resigned his bishopric and returned to France, and Wine exercised episcopal functions in both dioceses ; but being shortly afterwardsexpelledfromhis see by the king, he received the bishopric of London. 4. Leutherius was sole bishop of the Gewissae. 5. Headdi. St. Headdi [Chad] was sole bishop of the Gewissae. On his death, when Ina was king of Wessex, Berhtwald archbishop of Canterbury, and Ecgwin bishop of tlie Hwiccias, the bishopiic [of Wessex] was divided into two dioceses, one of wliich was given to Daniel, and the other to Aldhelm, a kinsman of king Ina. 2. ^gelberht. the Church of Winches 6. Daniel. 7. Hunfrith. 8. Cynehard. 9. Ethelhard. 10. Ecgbald. 11. Dudd. 12. Cyneberht. 13. Alhmund. 14. Wigthein. 15. Herefrith. 16. Eadmund. 17. Helmstan. 18. Swithun. 19. AJhfrith. 20. Denewulf. 21. Frith estan. 22. By rn Stan. 23. Elphege the Bald. 24. ^.Ifsy. 25. Etlielwald. 26. Elphege the Mai'tyr 27. Kenulf. 28. Athelwold. 29. Alfsy. 30. Alfvvine. 31. Stigand. 32. Walkelin. 33. William. 34 Henry. C C 2 420 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. Edward the First, king of England, and Plegmimd, archbishop of Canterbury, wisely determined to appoint a separate bishop for each tribe of the Gewissse, and> creating a bishopric in each, divide what was now two dioceses into five. Having done this, Plegmund consecrated at Canterbury seven bishops to the seven churches in one day; namely, Frithestan to the church of Winchester; Athel- stan to the church of Cornwall ; Werstan to the church of Sher- borne ; Ethelhelm to the church of Wells ; Eadulf to the church of Crediton; Bernethun for Sussex; and Kenulf to the city of Dorchester, for the Southern Mercians. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. The Names of the Bishops of the Church of Sunning. Athelstan. Odo. This holy man suc- ceeded Wulfhelm in the archbishopric of Canter- bury, Osulf. Alfstan. Alfgar. Sigeric. Alfric. Both these became archbishops of Canterbury. Bryhtwold. Her em an. He united the bishopric 10. 11. of Sherborne, which he ob- tained from king Edward, with his original see, and fixed the episcopal seat of both dioceses at Sherborne; but during the reign of William L, by the autho- rity of a synod and the king's munificence, he transferred his see to Salis- bury. Osmund. Roger. The Names of the Bishops of the Church of Sherborne. Aldelm, St. Aldelm, a kinsman of Ina, the most loving king of the West-Saxons, played well upon the harp ; was a most excellent poet, both in the Saxon and Latin tongues ; a skilful chaunter; a learned doc- tor ; an accomplished preacher; and a marvel of erudition, both in sacred and profane literature. He was first a- disciple of the learned Maildulf, and afterwards of archbishop Theodore, and abbot Adrian, his coadjutor. While he was yet abbot of Malmesbury, he wrote a famous book against the heresy of the Britons; the perusal of which brought many of them over to the Catholic celebration of Easter. He wrote also some other works, for he was a man of universal learning. 2. Forth ere. 3. Herewald. 4. ^thelmod. 5. Denefrith, 6. Wigberht. 7. Alhstan. 8. Heahmund. 9. ^thelheag ARCHBISHOPS AXD BISHOPS. 421 LIST OF THE BISHOPS OF SHERBORNE— Continued. Alfsy. Asser. Ethel ward. Wei's tan. Ethelbald. Si<,'helin. 10. Alfred. 17. Allsy. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 18. Alfwold. 19. Ethel ric. Ethelsy. Brill twine. jElmai'. Byrhtwine. iElfwold. 20 21 22 23 24 The Names of the Bishops of the Church of Wells. .^thelm. Wulfhelm. Both of these became archbisho2)s of Canterbury. Elphege. Wulfhelm. Brihthelm. Cyncward. Sigar. Alfwine. Livincr, 10. Ethelwine. He was previously abbot of Evesham. 11. Byrhtwine. 12. Byrhtwy. 13. Duduc,^ a native of Saxony. 14. Gisa. 15. John. 16. Godfrey. 17. Robert. The Names of the Bishops of the Church of Crediton. 1. Eadulf. 9. Living. 2. Ethel gar. On the death of his uncle He succeeded St. Dun- Brihtwald, he united the Stan in the archb ishopric. bishoprics of Cornwall and 3. Alfwold. Devon, by permission of 4. Sideman. king Edward. 5. Alfric. 10. Leofric. (i. Alfwold. 11. Osbern. 7. Alfwold. 12. William. 8. Eadnoth. * All the MSS. and printed editions call this bishop Bodcca; but in a charter of Kdward tlie Confe.s.sor, liis name appears latinised into Dodecca, and in one of yEp;ehvine, as well as in the Saxon Chronicle [a.d. 1041], it is written Diiduc Florence also calls it Duduc in this chronicle. See before, p. IGl. 422 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. LIST OF THE AKCHBISHOPS AND BISHOPS— Continued. HECANA. The Names of the Bishops of the Magescetas,^ or people oj^ Herefordshire. 1. Putta. 2. Tyrhtel. 3. Torhthere. 4. Wahlstod. 5. Cuthbert. 6. Podcla, 7. Ecca. 8. Ceadda. 9. Aldberht. 10. Esne. 11. Ceolmund. 12. Utel. 13. Wulfhard. 14. Beonna, 15. Eadulf. 16. Cuthwulf. 17. Mucel. 18. Deorlaf. 19. Cynemund. 20. Eadgar. 21. Tidbelm. 22. Wulfhelm. 23. Alfric. 24. Atbulf. 25. Atbelstan. 26. Leovegar. 27. Walter. 28. Robert. 29. Gerard. 30. Reignelm. 31. Geoffrey. 32. Richard. 33. Robert. 1 The Magessetas were identical with the inhabitants of the Hwiccas, or "Worcestershire ; the Hecanas with Herefordshire. See note, p. 32. ARCHBISHOPS AND BISHOPS. 423 mvicciA. How a BisJiop^s see was first established at Worcester. "SVulfar, the illustrious king of !Mercia, the first of the Mercian kings who embraced the faith of Chnst, having been succeeded by his brother, the glorious king St. Ethelred, the sub-khig of the Hwiceia's, Oshere, a most praiseworthy man, being desirous that Hwiccia, which he governed with royal authority, sliould have the honour and dignity of possessing a bishop of its own, gave him [Ethelred] the sound advice, and added his own earnest request, that he would add to the splendour and exalt the dignity of his kingdom [Mercia], which then held the first rank among the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, by increasing the number of its bishops, as he knew some kings of England had formerly done in like circumstances. The king, having already entertained an ardent desire of doing the very same thing, presently yielded to his instances and good counsels, and sending for Theodore, the archbishop of Canterbuiy, requested him to divide the kingdom into a greater number of dioceses, and appoint bishops in suitable places. Tlie archbishop, heartily approving the king's excellent design, lost no time in carrying it into execution; so that in the year of our Lord 701, according to the gospel, but in the year 679, ac- cording to Dionysius, whose erroneous calculation is still followed by holy church, he, with the consent of the king and his nobles, divided the bishopric of which Saxwulf had the episcopal charge into five dioceses. Inasmuch, therefore, as the city of Worcester had been in the times when the IJritons, and afterwards the Romans, were masters of Britain, and still was, the well-known capital of the Hwiccias or Magasaetas, he very properly fixed the seat of a bishop in that city, making Hwiccia the first of the newly-divided dioceses. Tatfrith, a man distinguished for his vigour of mind and deep learning, was removed from the monastery of the abbess Hilda, and chosen for bishop; hut he was snatched away by a premature death before he could be ordained. II. The second diocese was that which belongs to the see of Li tell field, of which Cuthwine, a religious and modest man, was made bisliop. III. The tliird included ^lid-Anglia, whicrh the before-mentioned bishop, Saxwulf, chose for his own see, fixing his episcopal seat in the city of Leicester. IV. 1'he fourth included the province of Lindsey, over which the archbishop placed Kthehvine, a holy man, the brother of St. Aldwin, abbot of the monastery called Piirt(>ney, and fixed the city called Sidnacester for the scat of his bishopric. 424 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. V. South-Anglia was the fifth of the new dioceses, to which he preferred as bishop, Eata, a man of singular worth and sanctity, from tiie monastery of abbess Hilda, ah-eady mentioned, and ap- pointed the town of Dorchester to be the seat of his bishopric. Further: Bosel, a venerable man, was chosen to supply the place of Tatfrith; and, having been ordained bishop by arch- bishop Theodore at the same time as the rest, fixed his episcopal see in the aforesaid city of Worcester, which was at that time siuTounded by lofty walls, and embellished by noble fortifications, sm'passing many other cities in beauty and stateliness. The Names of the Bishops of the Hwiccias. 1. Bosel. 2. Oftfor. 3. Ecgwine. 4. Wilfrid. 5. Milred. 6. Wermund. 7. Tilhere. 8. Heathored. 9. Deneberht. 10. Heaberht. 11. Alhwine. 12. Wereferth. 13. Ethelhun. 14. Wilferht. 15. K in e wold. 16. Dunstan. 17. Oswald. 18. Aldulf. 19. Wulfstan. 20. Leofsy. 21. Brihteag. 22. Living. 23. Aldred. 24. Wulfstan. 25. Samson. 26. Teowulf. 27. Simon. 28. John. ARCHBISUOPS AND BISUOPS. 425 MERCIA. [the first bishops among the MERCIANS AND IN THE ADJOINING DISTRICTS.] When Penda, the heathen king of the ^fercians, was slain, and Oswy, tlie Christian king, occupied his kingdom, converting tlie people of Mercia and the neighbouring provinces to the faith of Christ, in the year of our I^ord 050, Diuma was made the first bishop of the ^Mercians, the !Mid- Angles, the Lindisfari, and the adjacent districts ; the second was Ceollach (both of these were Scots) ; tiie third was Trumhere, the first bishop under king Wulf- here; Jaruman was the fourth; the fifth was Ceadda, whose epis- copal see was fixed at a j)]ace called Licetfeld (Litchfield), which was made their seat by all subsequent bishops of that province; the sixth was Winfrid ; and the seventh was Saxwulf. The five last were Englishmen. 1. Diuma. 2. Ceollah. 3. Trumhere. 4. Jaruman. The Names of the Bishops of Litchfield. 5. Ceadda. 17. Hunberht. 6. Winfrid. 18. Cyneferht. 7. Saxulf. 19. Tunberht. After Saxulf, the pro- He held the see in the vince of Mercia had two time of Burhred king of bishops, Headda and Wil- Mercia, and Alfred king of frid. Wessex. 8. Headda. 20. Alfgar. 9. Aldwin, who was also 21. Cynsy. bishop of Worcester. 22. Wynsy. The province was now 23. iEelfeg. divided again into two 24. Godwin. dioceses. 25. Leofgai*. 10. TTuita. 26. J^rihtmar. 11. Ilcmele. 27. Wulsy. li>. Cutlifrith. 28. Leofwine. \2. JU;rhtun. 29. Peter. in. Mighrriit. 30. Robert of Limesey. It. Aldulf. 31. Kobert Peche. 15. J fere wine. 82. Eoger de Clinton. 10. Ethehvald. 33. Walter. i2Q FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. MID-ANGLIA. The Names of the Bishops of Leicester.^ " 1. Cuthwine. 2. Wilfrid. 3. Aldwin. Wilfrid, bishop of Hexham, having been expelled from his bishopric, received the see of Leicester from king Ethelred ; but was soon afterwards ejected, and Headda governed both dioceses. Aldwin, his successor, also held both sees. 1. Totta.2 2. Eadberht. 3. Unwona. 4. Werenberbt. 5. Eethune. 6. Aldred. 7. Ceolred. He was bishop in the time of Burhred king of Mercia, and Alfred king of Wessex. 8. Leofwine. He governed the united dioceses of Leicester and the Lindisfari, in the reign of Edgar, king of England. 9. ^Inoth. 10. jEscwy. He assisted St. Oswald by his ministration when 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. he consecrated the monas- tery of Ramsey, which had been built from the foun- dation by him and Ethel- wine, ealdorman of East- Anglia. Alfhelm. Eadnoth. iEtheric. Eadnoth.^ Ulf. He was speedily ejected. Wulfwy. Remigius. He transferred the see to Lincoln."* Robert. Alexander. Robert. 1 Leicester was made an episcopal see by archbishop Theodore at the synod of Hatfield, in 680. 2 Totta, though here reckoned the first bishop of Leicester, can only be regarded as such after the second separation of that see from Litchfield. 3 F]orence gives this list the title of " Bishops of Leicester;" but all the later bishops, till Remigius, had their see at Dorchester. The Saxon Chro- nicle expressly places, at least, the three preceding ones there. The see of Dorchester, now a small town, eight miles from Oxford, was founded by Cynegils in 634. Birinus, the first bishop, and uEgelberht, his successor, are named by Florence (p. 419), but he then drops the succession. In the list of bishops, p. 460, he says that it was restored in the time of Edward the Elder. * See before, p. 194. ARCHBISnOPS AND BISHOPS. 427 LINDSEY. Ecgfrid, king of the Northumbrians, having routed in battle Wulfhere, king of ^fercia, seized the province of Lindsey, and expelled tlie bishop, Saxwulf, from it. In his place Eathed, a chap- lain of king Ecgfrid's, was ordained by archbishop Theodore as the iirst separate bishop of that province, in the year of our Lord (578. But as l^thelred, king of Mercia, recovered tlie j^rovince by the fortune of war in the succeeding year, Eathed resigned his bishopric and returned to Northumbria, and was aftenvards made bishoj) of Ripon by archbishop Theodore. After his departure, king Ethelred, at the suggestion of Oshere, king of the Hmccas, requested archbishop Theodore to divide his kingdom into a greater number of dioceses, and to appoint bishops in suitable places. Heartily approving this design, he divided the bishopric of Saxwulf into five dioceses, to which he afterwards added a sixth. The Names of the Bishops of the Lindisfan. 1. Eathed. 2. Ethelwine, 3. Eadgar. 4. Cynebyrht. 5. Alowioch. 0. Ealdulf 7. Ceolwulf. 8. Ealdulf. 9. Brihtred. He was bishop in the time of Burhred king of ^lercia, and Alfred king of Wessex. 4:28 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. DEIKA. The Names of the Archbishops and Bishops of the Northumbrians. OF ST. PAULINUS. Paulinus, a man beloved of God, who was ordained bishop by archbishop Justus, having converted Edwin, king of the Northum- brians, and all his people, to the faith of Christ, had York appointed for his episcopal see. But the king having been slain, and the affairs of Northumbria thrown into disorder, Paulinus returned to Kent, and being honourably received by archbisbop Honorius and king Eadbald, on their invitation accepted the bishopric of his church of Rochester, void by the death of Romanus; where he died, and left the pallium which he had received from pope Honorius. ARCUBISnOPS AXD BISHOPS. 429 The Names of the Archbishops of York. 1 Paiilinus. 2. CeacWa. [Chad.] St. Chad, after governing the church of York for three yeai'S, retired to the superinteudence of his nionasteiy of Lastingham, leanng Wilfrid to act as bishop, not only of the chuix'h of York, but also of the whole of the North- umbrians and the Picts. Wilfrid being ejected by king Ecgfrid, two bishops ■were consecrated by arch- bishop Theodore in his stead ; Bosa for the church of Y''ork, and Eata for the church of Hexham. Three years after Wilfrid's resig- nation, he added two more bishops ; Eata for Lindis- fanie (Tunberht continuing at Hexham), and Trum- ■wine for the province of the Picts. Eathed having come back from Liudsey, he made him bisliop of llipon. Tunberht having been de- posed, Eata returned to the see of Hexham, and Cuth- bert was prefen'ed to the church of Lindisfame. After a long exile, Wilfrid was received again as bishop of Hexham. On the death of Bosa, he was succeeded at York by John. 3. Bosa. 4. John. 5. Wilfrid. C. Egbert. 7. Coena. 8. Eanbakl. 9. Eanbald. 10. Wulfsy. 11. Wigmund. 12. Wulfhere. 13. Ethelbald. 14. Bodeward. 15. W^ilfstan. 10. Oskytel. 17. Oswald. 18. Aldulf. 19. W^ulfstan. 20. Aelfi-ic. 21. Kinsy. 22. Aldred. 23. Thomas. 24. Gerard. 25. Thomas. "26. Thurstan. The Names of the Bishops of Ripon. I. Eathed, 430 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. The Names of the Bishops of Hexham 1. Wilfrid. 2. Eata. 3. Tunberbt. 4. Eata. 5. Jobn. 6. Wilfrid. 7. Acca. 8. Fritbeberiit. 9. Albmnnd. 10. Tillberiit. 11. Etbelberht. 12. Heardred. 13. Eanberht. 14. Tidferiit. BERNICIA. Concerning Saint Aldan. St. Aidan baving been ordained and sent forth by the Scots, preacbed tbe word of faitb in the provinces under tbe rule of king Oswald, and obtained from tbat king a seat for a bisbopric in tbe island of Lindisfarne, according to bis request. On bis deatb, Finan, wbo was also ordained and sent by tbe Scots, was appointed bisbop in bis stead ; and on bis decease be was succeeded by Colman, wbo also was sent by tbe Scots. Colman baving resigned tbe bisbopric and returned to bis own country, Tuda, anotber bisbop of Scottish ordination, filled bis place in tbe see of Lindis- farne ; and wben be died, tbat bisbopric was divided into two dioceses, Ceadda being ordained to tbe church of York, and Wilfrid to the church of Hexham. TJie Names of the Bishops of Lindisfarne. 1. Aidan. 2. Finan. 3. Colman. 4. Tuda. 5. Eata. 6. Cuthberbt. 7. Eadberbt. 8. Eadferbt. 9. Eihelwold. 10. Cynewulf. 11. Higbald. 12. Ecgbert. 13. Eardulf. 14. Cuthbeard. 15. Tilred. 16. Wigred. 17. Uhtred. 18. Sexbelm. 19. Aldred. 20. Alfsy. 21. Aldbun. 22. Eadmund. 23. Edred. 24. ^tbelric. 25. iEtbelwine. 26. Walchere. 27. Wilham. 28. Ralph. ARCUBisnors and bishops. 431 THE TERRITORY OE THE PICTS. Tlie Names of the Bisliops of Whitheme. 1. Tnimwine. 2. Pehthehn. 3. Frithowald. 4. Peh twine. 5. Ethelbert. 6. Beaclulph. 7. Heatliored. 4S2 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. »9 ® -'|-g-|-|-|-|-g-|-|-'§-.s-'5-§-^ 5^5 — 5— Q. O ;^ f^ g ^' CO m Q ^ 03 « S O o _ w ^ O p .2 g ^ W o fl 2 SCI CD tiEO c !=! S-i U2 & p a o a* GENEALOGIES. 433 THE GENEALOGY OF THE ENGLISH KINGS FROM WODEN. THE GENEALOGY OF THE KINGS OF KENT. WODEN. Wehta. Witta, "Wihtffils. HENGEST. Ocga, or Oric. Oesa, or Oic. Eormenric. I Horsa. RigulaA Sceherht. Ethelbyrht = Bercta. Eadbald = Emme. Ethelberga, also called Tate. Oslava = Eormenred. Erconberht = Sexburh. Eanswitha. yrmenbeorga. Eormenhurga. Ecgbyrht. Eorcongota. Eormengild. Trmengitha. Etheldritha. Ethelred. Etkelberht. Lothere. Eadric. Wihtred. Ethelberht. Eadbcrlit, also called Pren. Cuthred. Baldred. ' Name« of the younger branches are printed in italics, to distinguish them from the kings queens. D D 434 FLORENCE OP WORCESTER. THE GENEALOGY OF THE KINGS OF THE EAST-ANGLES. Eni. WODEN. Casere. Tytmon. Tirygils. Hrothmund. Hryp. Wilhelm. Wewa, or Wehlia. WUFFA. Tytla. Eedwald. Eorpwald. Sigeberht. Ecgrig. Eeginhere. I Anna. I Etheihere = Hereswitli. Ethelwold. Sexburh. Ethelhurh. Aldwlf. Alfwold. Beorna. Ethelred == Leofruna. Etheldryih. Wihtburga. Ethelbert. Eadmund. J GENEALOGIES. 435 THE GENEALOGY OF THE KINGS OF THE EAST-SAXONS. Scexa. Sigejerhi. Seleferht, Sigehald. WODEN. I Seaxnete. I Gesecg. Antsecg. I Swasppa. SigefugeL Bedca. Offa. I wEsCWINE. I Sledda = Eigula. Saeberht. Sexred- Sigcbcrht. I Sigeberht. I I Swithelrn. Sajbbi. Offa. Scelrcd. Saeward. Siffhere. Sigheard. Swefred. Sw'ithhsed. I . Sigeric. I Sigencd. D D 2 436 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. THE GENEALOGY OF THE MERCIAN KINGS. WODEN. I Weolthelgeat. I Waga. I Wihtlffig. Wermund. I Offa.i I Angengeat. I Eomer. IcU. I Cnebba. I Cynewald. Creoda. I Pybba.* * See the following page. I " These descendants of Woden appear to have reigmed over the continental Anseln, a name now limited to the territory between Fiens'oorg and Slesvig. The sixth on the list, viz. Otfa (Uffo) the son of \Vermund, was blind till his seventh, and dumb till his thirteenth year ; and though excelling: in bodily strength, was so simple and pusillanimous, that all hope that he would ever prove himself worthy of his station was abandoned. A resemblance to his Anglian ancestor in some or all of these respects seems to have induced the cotemporariesof the youn? Winefrith 'for such we are told was the original name of the great INIercian king) to call him a second Otfa; though the arithor of the Vita Otfse II. ap. Matt., Paris, (edit. VVatts,) seems to have supposed that the first, or Anglian Offa, likewise ruled in England. Creoda was pro- ba^ily ihe founder of the English kingdom of Mercia. See a Saga of the Anglian Offa in Beowulf, p. 25S, and 11, p. xxxii. sq. He is also celebrated in the tale of the Scop or 13ard. Cjd. Exon. p 320. See a'so Lappenberg's England, 1, pp. 227, 228, and the places there cited." — Thorpe, GENEALOGIES. 437 THE GENEALOGY OF THE MERCIAN KINGS— Continued. Pybba. I CemDalh. Eot'menbeorga== MUdthnth. lldh MUdhurh. Mildyith. Merefin. Penda = C^iieswitha. Eowa. ; Merewald. I Merchelm. dical Cudicalk. I Centwine. Cynreou. I Bassa. I Cuthbert. Elfleda -n Wigmund. Wistan. ^ulf Wulfhere=Eormenffild I Cynesicitha. Ethelred = Cenred. I Werehurga. Ostryth. Peada Alhfleda. Cyneburqa. Ceolred, Ahcih. Ethelbald. Beomred. Osmod. Eanwulf. Thyncferth. I OfFa = Kynethrith. Ecffferht. Eadburh, Coen\\nilf = CElfthn-th. JEJfthryth. Kenelm. Quenihryth. I Ceolwlf. Burgenhild. Beomwlf. Ludecan. Wiglaf = Cynethryth. Beorhtwlf ^ Sa;tlirytli. Burlired = Ethelswith. Ceolwlf. Berhiferth. 438 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER, THE GENEALOGY OF THE KINGS OF NOETHUMBKIA. WODEN. 1 Waegdeag. 1 Bseldoag. Siggaer. Brand. 1 Swebdseg. Beom. i Siggset. 1 1 Siebald. Beomd. 1 Frothegar. Saefugel. Wsegbrand. Freawine. SWserta. Ingebrand, „ 1 Alusa. Wig. Seomel. 1 1 "Westorwalcna. Angengeat. Gewis. Wilgels. Ingengeat. Esta. Wysefrea. Ethelbryht. Oesa. t Elesa. Eoppa. He begat Yffi, the He begat Ida, He begat Ceedic, father of Ealle, the first the first king of the the first king of the king of the Deiri. Bernicians. West-Saxons. I GENEALOGIES. 439 THE GENEALOGY OF THE KINGS OF NORTIIUMBRIA.— Continued. TFFI. IDA. t ^H/rie. ^Ue. Adda. Clappa. Theodwlf. Freothulf. Theodrio. Bealric. Ecca. Sogothere. Theodhere. Ethelric. I Ostnar, Occa, Theodbald. Ethel frith =Acna Eanfrith. Oslaf. Oslac. Qaenburh=ED"WmE =Ethelburga. Offa. Oswudu. ^1 bbe. Osric O^rith. Eadlrith. Etheihun. Wuscfrea, eldr Etheldryth. Iffi. Heretic = Beorhtswith. mid. Jleresuith. Oswald. I Oswine. Ethelwald. 08wy=Ejuifleda. Edel Oswald I Sogor, Alrie. m. Blescman. Ecgtcnld, Leodicald. EcgMth. Alhfrith- Osred. .Slftoine. Ostryth Alhfleda. JEtheldrytha. Cijneburga, JElfleda. Bova. Bymhom tiwin Cuthwine Cynred. Osric. Eata. Ceolwl£ Eadbryht ObwH Moll, alflo called Ethel wold. ^1 Alhred. I Eanurine. Ethclred, also called Ethelbert Alfwold. Oared. Ethelbert, again. Oabald. Eadwll 44:0 FLORENCE OP WORCESTER. THE GENEALOGY OF THE KINGS OF THE LINDISFAKI. WODEN. Winta. Cretta. Queldgils. Csedbaed. ^ I Bubba. Beda. Biscop. Ean^erth. ^ I Eatta. Ealdfrith. GENEALOGIES. 441 THE GENEALOGY OF THE KINGS OF WESSEX. CERDIC.i Cynric. Cuthwlf. Cuiha. Ceaulin Cutha. Cutkmne. Cuthgils. Cynegils. Cutha. Ceadda. Cenferth. Cuichelm. Coenwalch = Sexburh. Cenfus. Cutkred. iEscwine. Coelwald. Cenberkt. Centwine. I Ceadwalla. Cenred. 3MI. Ina. Imjels. Cuth iEthelhard. Eoppa. Eaica. 1 Cuthred. Sigberht. 1 Alhmund. Cynewlf. Bryhtric=Eadburh. ourh. Cynebald. Ethelbald. Oswald. Cwenburh. 1 Cenllc's descent from Woden, through the yonnpcr branch of the royal line of Northum- ria, 13 shown in their gcnealoify. See before, i)age 438. 442 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. THE GENEALOGY OF THE KINGS OF WESSEX— Continued. EGBRYHT. Ethelwulf = Osburh. Ethelbald. Ethelbert. Ethered. Alfred = Ealhswith. I III Ecgwyn=Edward=Eadgiva. Ethel- Ethel- jElf- Jiede. geova. 1 Athelstan. 1 Edwine. Eadl 1 Edraund= =Elf giva. 1 Eadred. Eadwig. JEthel- ward. burh. Wulj thryth='EDGAn^'E]fiith. Edgith. Edward. 1 Edmund. Elfgitha=Et]ielred=Elfgiva, or Emma. Eadwy. Eadgith. Edmund. Alfred. Goda. Athelstan, Edward. Edmund. EDWARD=Edgith. 1 The mother of Edward was Ethelfleda the Fair, surnamed Eneda, i.e. the Duck. KINGDOMS OF THE IIEPTARC'IIY. 443 ON THE GENEALOGY OF THE KINGS OF KENT. The Anglo-Saxons, on the invitation of the Britons, in the time of the emperor Marciati,^ came over to Britain in three ships, under colour of defending the country, but, in reality, intending to subdue it. Hengist and Horsa were tlieir first chiefs ; of whom Horsa was slain in battle by the Britons, but Horsa, having gained the victory, began to reign in the year of our Lord 455, and became the first English king of Kent, St. Augustine, having been sent by pope St. Gregory, converted Ethelbert, king of Kent, to the faith of Christ, in the year of our Lord 597, and the thirty-fifth of his reign. He built the church of the apostles SS. Peter and Paul near the east side of the city of Canterbury, and enriched it with offerings of various kinds. He also erected the church of St. Paul the apostle, in the city of London, and the church of St, Andrew the apostle, in the city of Bochester. He gave many gifts to the bishops of both these churches, as well as to the archbishop of Canterbury, and, besides, endowed them with lands and possessions for the use of their clergy. His queen Bertha was the daughter of the kings of the Franks ;2 and their daughter St. Ethelburga became the queen of Edwin, king of the Northumbrians, and built a monastery at a place called Limene, and lies buried there, Rigula,^ sister of king Ethel- bert, was queen of the East-Saxons, and mother of St. Saeberht, king of that province. King Ethelbert, departing this life in the fifty-sixth year of his reign,"* ascended to the kingdom of heaven. His son Eadbald succeeded him; who, studying to promote the welfare of the church in all things to the best of his power, endeavoured to live in submission to the divine commands. His queen, Emma, was the daughter of the king of the Franks; their daughter, St. Eanswitha, lies buried at a place called Folcestan, and their son was the sub-king Eormenred, whose queen Oslava bore him four daughters and two sons — namely, St. Ermenbeorg, who was the queen of Merewald, king of the West-Angles, St. Eormenburg, St. Etheldryth, St. Eormengith, and SS. Ethelred and Ethelberht, martyrs, who suffered martyrdom at the house of Thunor, the lieutenant of Egbert, king of Kent, by his command. King Eadbald died in the twenty-fifth year of his reign,^ and left his son Erconberht his successor. He was the first of the English kings who ordered idols to be destroyed in his kingdom, and the fast of forty days to bo kept. His queen, St. Sexburg, daughter of Anna, king of the East-Angles, built for him a monas- ^ See note p. 3, ^ She -was a daughter of Chnribert, king of Paris. ' In the Saxon Chronicle her name is written Ricole. * A.D. 616. » A.D. G40. 444 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. tery in Sheppey. St. Eorcongote, the daughter of king Erconherht and St. Sexburg, being sent to France, served God to the end of her days under her maternal aunt St. Ethelburg, in the monastery of Brie.i and lies buried there. Their other daughter, St. Eor- mengild, was the queen of "Wulfhere, king of Mercia. King Erconherht died in the twenty-fourth year^ of his reign, leaving his royal throne to his son Egbert, who departing this life in the month of July, in the ninth year of his reign,^ was succeeded in his kingdom by his brother Lothere. This king having been wounded in a battle with the South Saxons, assembled to oppose him under Eadric, Egbert's son, in the twelfth year of his reign,^ died in the month of February, while his wounds were healing. Edric, the son of his brother Egbert, succeeded to his kingdom, and reigned one year and a half; and his brother Wihtred suc- ceeding him built the church of St. Martin at Dover. King Wihtred died in the thirty-fourth year of his reign,^ leaving his son Ethelbert heir to his kingdom ; and he dying in the thirty-sixth year of his reign^ was succeeded by his brother Ead- berht, surnamed Pren, who was seized and carried off into Mercia by Kenulf, king of the Mercians, when he ravaged Kent. Eadberht was succeeded by Cuthred, who died in the ninth year of his reign,^ and was succeeded by Baldred. In the year of our Lord, according to Dionysius, 823, Baldred was expelled from his king- dom by Egbert, king of the West-Saxons. Up to this time, for three hundred and sixty eight years, the kingdom of Kent had been independent, but afterwards it was subject to the dominion of Wessex. THE ORIGIN OF THE EAST-ANGLIAN KINGS. The kingdom of East-Anglia took its rise after that of Kent, and before that of Sussex. It was under the rule of powerful kings, but Kedwald was more powerful than any of the others ; for all the southern provinces of the Angles and Saxons, as far as 1 Brie was the name of a large tract of forest extending in the middle ages between the Seine and the Marne. The monastery called Farmoutier-en- Brie, so called from its foundress, St. Fara, a Northumbrian saint, was built about the year 616, and at first followed the rule of St Columban. Farmou-. tier stands on the Morine, a small river which falls into the Marne, near Coulommiers. ^ ^.d. 664. ^ a.d. 673. ^ A.D. 685. See Henry of Huntingdon, p. 113. — Antiq. Lib. 5 A.D. 725. 6 A.D. 760. 7 796. See the note in p. 140 of Henry of Huntmgdon. 8 ^.d. 805. KINGDOMS OP THE HEPTARCHY. 445 the river TTiimber, witli their kings, were subject to him. He slew Ethelfritli, king of Deira and I3ernicia, in a battle- in which his own son Ueiuhere was killed ;* and aided P^dwin, the son of QLUh, in securing tlie throne. His other son, Eorpwald, succeeded him in the kingdom [of Kast-Anglia], and at king Edwin's instance, received the faith of Christ with all his people. Soon afterwards he was slain in battle by a heathen named Righert, and was suc- ceeded by Sigebert, his brother on the mother's side. Sigebert gave possessions to St. Fursey, who came to him from Ireland ; and assigned him a site for building a monastery in a certain fortress called in the English tongue Cnobbheres-burh,^ and after- wards abdicating his kingdom, for love of the kingdom of heaven, gave it up to his cousin Ecgrig, and became a monk in the monas- tery he had founded, A long time afterwards he was reluctantly induced to be present at a battle with Penda, king of Mercia, for the purpose of encouraging the troops; but mindful of his pro- fession, and carrying only a staff in his hand, he was slain, together with king Ecgrig. Anna, the son of Eni, who was the brother of Tledwald, succeeded them as king ; and his daughter St. Sexbm-g was married to Erconberht, king of Kent. Another daughter, St. Ethelburg, became abbess of the monastery of Brie in France. The third, St. lOlheldrith, was, first, queen of the Northumbrians, and after- wards abbess of Ely. The fourth, St. Wihtburg, was a nun in tlie same monastery. Their father Anna having been slain by Penda, king of Mercia, left his brother Ethelhere heir to his kingdom. He had by his queen St. Hereswith, sister of the abbess Hilda, two sons, Aldulf and Alfwold. He was slain in a battle between Oswy and king Penda: ^ his brother Ethelvvold succeeded him, and at his death, Aldulf became king, and reigned several years. After Aldulf's death, his brother Alfwold succeeded to the government of the kingdom. During the reign of OfFa, king of the Mercians, Beorna reigned in East-Anglia, and after him Ethelrcd, whose son, St. Ethelberht, was born of his queen Leofruna. He held the kingdom of East- Anglia for a short time only after his father,"* for he was slain without cause by Ofi'a, king of Mercia, in the time of peace. Thenceforth, for sixty-one years, very few powerful kings reigned in East-Anglia, until St. Edmund, the last of them, ascended the throne ; and he was martyred in the sixteenth year of his reign by the heathen king Hinguar,^ From that time the xVnglo- Saxons ceased to reign in P'.ast- Anglia for nearly fifty years. During full nine years it had no king at all, being abandoned to the ravages and utter devastation ' A.n. C17. 2 TJuff^h Ca.stle in Suffolk, the Garianonnm of the Romans. 3 A.n. G55. * A D. 7'J3. » a.u. 870. 446 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. of the Pagan Danes, who tried at that time to reduce the whole of England to subjection. After that, the Danish king Guthrum reigned there,^ and over nearly all Essex, during twelve years ; and then Eohric, who was slain in battle by the English, reigned fourteen years.^ Subsequently, both provinces were under the oppressive yoke of Danish earls, until king Edward the Elder, after slaying many of them, and driving others beyond sea, accepted the submission of the rest, and annexed both kingdoms to that of Wessex.3 ESSEX. Like the kingdom of East-Anglia, so also the kingdom of Essex was founded subsequently to the kingdom of Kent ; and the kings of Essex were nearly always subject to other kings, and most com- monly, and for the longest periods, to those of Mercia. Before the time of Ssebert, the nephew of Ethelbert, king of Kent, by his sister Rigula, they were devoted to the worship of devils ; but he was the first to embrace the word of truth, on the preaching of Mellitus ; which his people then received. Departing to the heavenly kingdom, he left his sons, Sexred and Saeward, who persevered in idolatary, heirs of his earthly kingdom .^ They were shortly afterwards killed in battle by the West-Saxons, and were succeeded by Sigebert, surnamed the Little, son of Sseward ; and on his death, Sigebert, the son of Sigebald, succeeded to the government of the kingdom. On the exhortations of Oswy, king of Northumbria, he believed in Christ, and was baptised by bishop Finan in Northumbria,^ and during his reign, the East-Saxons, on the preaching of St. Cedd, the bishop, returned to the faith from which they had departed. A long time afterwards he was slain by his own kinsmen, be- cause, in compliance with the evangelical precepts, he was too ready to j)ardon his enemies, and bore with equanimity the in- juries he received from them. He was succeeded by his brother Swithelm, who was baptised by Cedd himself in East Anglia; and after his death, Sebbi, the son of Seeward, the son of St. Sebert, the king, and Sighere, the son of king Sigebert, the Little, took the reins of government. After Sighere's death, Sebbi became (sole) king; but in the thirtieth year of his reign he took the monastic habit at the hands of Waldhere, bishop of London, and dying soon afterwards went to the heavenly kingdom. His sons, Sigheard and Swefred reigned in his stead ; and after their death. 1 A.D. 880. 2 ^,j)^ 905. 3 A.D. 918. * A.D. 610. 5 A.D. 653. KINGDOMS OF THE HEPTARCnY. 447 Offa, the son of Sighere, was raised to the throne. Tn the prime of youth and beauty, when his people had indulged in fond hopes that he would long hold and maintain the sceptre of the kingdom, lie quitted his country and kingdom for the gospel's sake, by the exhortation and persuasion of his beloved St. Kineswith, daughter of Peuda. king of Mercia, and in company with Cenred, king of the Mercians, and Ecgwine, bisliop of the Hwiccias, went to Rome.^ where he received the tonsure, and, ending his days in the mo- nastic habit, attained to the vision of the blessed apostles, which he had long desired. He was succeeded in his kingdom by Selred, son of king Sigebert; and on his being slain in the thirty-eighth year of his reign,- Swithred ascended the throne of the kingdom, and held it for several years. After his death,^ the kingdom of Essex had very few kings of its own ; for in the same year in which the kingdom of Kent came to an end, the EastSaxons, as well as the Kentishmen and the South-Saxons, made their voluntary submission to Egbert, the powerful king of Wessex, and [the East-Saxons] remained subject to his government until the Danish king, Guthrum, reduced them to subjection. London, however, with the adjacent territory, was under the rule of the kings of Mercia as long as they continued to reign. MERCIA. Next to the kingdom of Kent succeeded the establishment of the kingdom of the Mercians, who, while, with their kings, they were for many years sunk in idolatry, extended the frontiers of their kingdom by slow degrees. Penda, who commenced his reign in the year of our Lord 020 (according to the reckoning of Dionysius), enlarged it beyond any of his predecessors; for he slew in battle two kings of Northumbria, St. Edwin and St. Oswald, and three kings of East-Anglia, namely, St. Sigebert, Ecgrig, and Anna. His queen, Cyncswith, bore him five sons, namely, Peada, Wulfhere, St Ethered, St. Merewald, and St. Mercelm ; and two daughters, St. Cyneburg and St. Cyneswith. He reigned not quite thirty years.'* Oswy, king of Northumbria, slew him in battle with thirty of his chiefs, and reduced his kingdom under his own dominion. J3ut he gave the kingdom of the East-Mercians to Peada, Penda's son, who, having been entrusted by his father with the government of the Mid-Angles, was baptised in Northumbria by bishop Einan; for Peada was »A.D. 708. 2A.D. 74G. 3^u. 823. < a.d. 656. 448 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. his relation, having married his daughter Ahlfleda; hut he was foully slain in the first year of his reign.^ Three years after the murder of king Penda, the Mercian chiefs raised to the throne his son Wulf here, bravely recovering their independence and territories. He was the first of the kings of Mercia who received the washing of regeneration ; and he married St. Eorraengild, the daughter of Erconberht, king of Kent, and his queen St. Sexberg, and had by her Cenred, and Werburg, a most holy virgin. His brother, St. Merewald, king of the West- Hecanas, married St. Eormenbeorg, daughter of the sub-king Eormenred, king Erconberht's brother, and had by her three daughters, namely, St. Mildburg, St. Mildryth, and St. Mildgith; and one son, St. Merefin. On his death, his brother Mercelm reigned in his stead: their sister Cyneburg was married to Alfrid, king of Northumbria. Withdrawing, for the love of God, from connubial intercourse, she became a nun in the monastery founded by her brothers, Wulfhere and Ethelred, and which was called after her, Cyneburg's castle : her sister Cyneswith also became a nun in the same monastery. King Wulfhere died in the seventeenth year of his reign,^ and was succeeded by his brother St. Ethelred, who married Ostrith, sister of Ecgfrid, king of Northumbria, by whom he had a son named Ceolred. Ethelred becoming a monk in the thirtieth year of his reign,3 resigned his kingdom to his nephew Cenred, who, retiring from secular affairs, went to Rome, and there ended his days in the monastic habit. He was succeeded by Ceolred,"* son of his uncle Ethelred, who died in the ninth year of his reign. Ethelbald, the son of Alwig, who was son of Eowa, king Penda's brotlier, was Ceolred's successor.^ The tyrant Beornred slew him in Secges-wald in the forty-first year of his reign, and usurped his kingdom ; his corpse was carried to Repton and royally buried. In the same year his cousin, OfFa, nephew of Eanwulf and son of Thingferht, slew in battle Beornred, the usurper of his kingdom, and reigned in his stead.^ His queen Cynethrith bore him two daughters, namely, Eadburg, who married Brihtric, king of Wessex, and Elfryth, who remained a virgin ; and one son, Ecgferht. He died in the thirty-ninth year of his reign,'' and was succeeded by his son Ecgferht, who died the same year. Ecgferht was succeeded by the illustrious Kenulf, the son of Cuthbert, who was grandson in the third degree of king Pybba. His qneen Alfrith bore him two daughters, Quendryth and Bur- genild ; and St. Kenelm. Departing in the twenty-fourth year of his reign,^ he was buried at Winchcomb, and left his son, St. Kenelm, heir to his kingdom; but he was murdered the same year 1 A.D. 659. 2 A.D. G75. 3 A.D. /04. " a.d. 708. 5 A.D. 716. 6 ^D. 755. 7 A,D. 794. s ^.u. 819. KLXGDOMS OF THE IIEPTAKCIIY. 440 throngli the intrigues of his sister, Quendryth. His uucle Ceol- wiilf succeeded hiin,^ but two years afterwards he was expelled from the kingdom, and lieornwoulf was raised to the throne. After the lapse of two years Beornwulf was slain in battle by the East-Angles. His kinsman Ludican succeeded him,- but two years afterwards was slain by the East-Angles, while he was endeavouring to avenge his predecessor. Wiglaf succeeded Ludican in the kingdom.^ His queen Cyne- thryth bore him a sou named Wigmund, who had St. Wistan, by Eltleda, daughter of Ceohvulf, king of Mercia. King Wiglaf died in the thirteenth year of his reign,'* and was buried at Hepton : Beorhtwulf succeeded him. His queen. Scethryth, bore him a son named Berhtferht, who slew St. Wistan. His corpse was carried to Eepton, a monastery famous at that time, and was buried in the tomb of iiis grandfather, king Wiglaf. IMiracles from above were not wanting at his martyrdom, for a column of light shot to heaven from the spot on which he was murdered, and remained visible to all the inhabitants of the place for thirty days. King Beorhtwulf died in the thirteenth year of his reign,^ and was succeeded by Burhred, who married Ethelswitha, the slaughter of Ethelwulf, king of Wessex. He was driven from his kingdom in the twenty-second year of his reign,*^ by an army of pagan Danes, and soon afterwards went to Home, where he did not long survive, and lies buried in St. Mary's church in the "Saxon school. In the same year that Burhred was driven from his kingdom, the pagan Danes ])laced the government of ^lercia in the hands of his thane, Ceohvulf, for a time, but after three years they divided part of it among themselves, and part they gave to him, suffering him to reign in it: he was the last of the Mercian kings. After his death, Alfred, king of Wessex, in order that he might entirely rid his country of the army of pagan Danes, recovered by his valour London and the surrounding districts, and obtained possession of that part of the kingdom of Mercia avhich Ceohvulf held.^ THE ORIGIN OF THE KINGS OF BERNICIA. In the year of our Lord 547 (according to Dionysius), Ida, the son of Eoppa. a very valiant chief, began to reign in Bernioia. Ho had six sons by his queen, namely, Adda, Bealric, 'i'heodore, Ethelric, Osmcrc, and Theodhere; and six by his concubines, Occa, Alric, Ecca, Oswald, Sogor, and Sogothero. He reigned twelve years, and his eldest son Adda succeeded him. »A.D. 821. 2v.i), §23. » AD. 825. " .\.d. 833. i A.D. 802. « A.D. 874. ' A.I). 8.s(;. £ £ 450 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. THE OKIGIN OF THE KINGS OF DEIEA. In the year of our Lord 559 (according to Dionysius) (Ella, the son ot" Yffi, a very powerful chief, hegan to reign in Deira, which he ruled for nearly thirty years. Meanwhile, the following kings reigned in Bernicia, during ffilla's lifetime: Adda, the eldest son of Ida, for seven years; Theodoric, for seven years; and Ethelric, for two years. On his death, ^ QElla expelled his son Edwin from the kingdom in the third year of his reign, and reigned over both provinces during five years. On his death,^ his son Ethelfrid assumed the government. His queen Acha, the daughter of (Ella, bore him seven sons; Eanfrith, Oslaf, Oslac, St. king Oswald, St. king Oswy, OfFa, and Oswudu ; and an only daughter, the abbess St. Ebbe. His brother Theobald was slain in the battle in which he defeated Aidan, king of the Scots. He, too, fell in a battle with Redwald, king of East-Anglia, in the twenty-fourth year of his reign,^ and w^as succeeded by St. Edwin, the son of (Ella. While Edwin was in exile, two sons were born to him by Quenburg, daughter of Creoda, king of Mercia, namely, Osfrith and Eadfrith. Hereric was the son of Eadfrith, and he had by Beorhtswith two daughters, the abbess St. Hilda, the foundress of the monastery called Streoneshalh,^ and St. Hereswith, queen of the East-Angles. He had also two sons by his queen St. Ethel- burg, daughter of Ethelbert, king of Kent, namely, St. Ethelhun and St. Wuscfrea; and two daughters, St. Eanflede and St. Ethel- dritli. He was slain in the seventeenth year of his reign, and the forty-eighth year of his age, together with his son Osfrith, by Pen da, the pagan king of Mercia, and Ceadwalla, the barbarian king of the Welsh. Edwin was succeeded by St. Oswald, son of his predecessor Ethelfrid and his sister Acha. St. Oswald was slain in the ninth, year of his reign ^ by Penda, king of Mercia, before mentioned, and was succeeded by his brother Oswy. In the second year of king Oswy's reign, St. Oswine, the son of Osric, who was the son of Alfric, who was the uncle of king Edwin, began to reign over the Deiri, and was slain in the seventh year of his reign.^ Ethel- wald, son of king Oswald, succeeded him. King Oswy had two sons by his queen Eanflede, daughter of king Edwin, namely, Ecgfrid and Elfwine; and three daughters, Osthryth, who married Peada, king of the East-Mercians, and Alfredo, who was devoted to God by her father after his victory in which king Penda was slain. Oswy reigned for three years over the Mercians and 1 A.D. 688. 2 _A^.D. 593. 3 A.D. 693. * Whitby. i' A.D. 642. 6 A.D. 651. KINGDOMS OF THE IIErXARCIIY. 451 the other people of t]ie soutliern provinces. At his denth, in the twenty-eiglitli year ol' his reign,' he left his son Kcgfrid heir to his kingdom. Ecgfrid was sIhId by the Picts in the fifteenth year of his reign,^ and succeeded by his brother Ahlfrid, who died in the twentieth year of his reign,' and was succeeded by his son Osred, who was slain in the eleventh year -of his reign. Osred was suc- ceeded by Kenred, son of Cuthwine, great grandson of king Ida, who died two years afterwards;^ when Osric was raised to the throne. He died in the eleventh year of his reign,^ and Ceolwnlf, his ])redecessor's brother, succeeded. Jn the ninth year of Ceol- wulf's reign, he became a nionk,^ resigning the government of the kingdom to his nephew Eadbriht, the son of Eata. Eadbriht becoming a monk in the nineteenth year of his reign,'' his son Oswulf was a])pointed king; but he was slain by the Northum- brians, after reigning one year. Moll Ethelwold succeeded, but he altdicated the government in the seventh year of his reign,^ and Alhred, the son of ?]anwin, grandson in the third generation of king Ida, succeeded to the throne. The Northumbrians ex- pelled him from the kingdonl in the ninth year of his reigu,'-^ and raised to the throne Kthelred, also called Ethelbert, the sou of Moll. Him also the Northumbrians deposed in the fifth year of his reign, and made Alfwold'" l^hig. Alfwold was foully slain by a very powerful man whose name was Sigan,'' and being succeeded by his nephew Osred, the son of Alhred, he, too, was driven from the kingdom by the Northumbrians after a year was past, and they re-called king Pithelbert, whom they had before deposed, to the throne.'- He having been murdered by those about him, Osbald took possession of the throne, but he filled it only a few days, and was succeeded by Eardulf, who reigned one year. For seventy-six years from that time Northumbria was partly governed by kings, tiie last of whom were Osbryht und Q'illa, who, in the year 807 (according to the reckoning of Dionysius), was slain at York,'-^ with tlie flower of the Northumbrian youth, by })agans, consisting of Danes, Norwegians, Swedes, Goths, and people of other nations. From that year'^ the" English kings who had ruled Northumbria for three hundred and twenty-one years, ceased to 1 A D. 670. 2 A.T). G8.5. 3 A.D. 705. * a.d. 718. 6 AD. 729. «A.iJ. 738. 7 AD. 757. Sa.d. 7G5. * A.D. 774. 10 AD. 778. Alfwukl was the son of Oswulf. " A.D. 789. See before, p. 47. 12^1). 794. " See a fuller accrjunt of the assault and capture of York in Florence (l)of()re p. GO), than is ^ivcn in the Saxon Chronicle. '■• Instead of the followinj^ paragraph, as far as the point on which king Athclstan conies on the scene, the editions read thus: " Whoever •wishes to bcconu' acf|uaintc(l with the atrocious deeds of these [Pagans] will find them fully recorded in due ordcT in the Chronicle (»f Chronicles : in this sununary we have endeavoured to insert only what is most imj)()rtant. It only remaiua to observe that Athelstau, the glorious king of Wessex," ^c. E E 2 452 FLOKEXCE OF WORCESTER. reign tltere for fifty -one years. Indeed, during eight years, they had no king at all, being crushed, pkmdered, and enslaved by "the pagans just mentioned; for, during that period, St. Edmund, king of East-Angha, being slain, and Burhred, king of jNIercia, driven beyond sea, and their kingdoms subjugated, while Alfred, king of Wessex, was nearly ruined, and the greatest part of liis kingdom occupied, the Danes incessantly overran and sailed about England ; burning monasteries with their monks, and churches with their clergy, giving cities, towns, castles, and vills, to the flames, laying v/aste the lands, and slaughtering multitudes of the people. Nor is this to be wondered at, for so powerful and numerous an army never landed in England, before or afterwards; it was led by eight kings, namely, Bagseg, Halfdene, Hinguar, Hubba, Guthrum, Oskytel, Amund, and Eowils, and more than twenty earls, and well furnished with arms of all descriptions. In the ninth year after Osbryht and ffilla fell, the pagan kings, Halfdene and Eowils, began to reign in Northumbria, and reigned twenty-six years. They having been slain by the English, Keignald was king for ten years, and Sihtric reigned for a few years. On his death, his son Guthferth assumed the government, but shortly afterwards the powerful and glorious king Athelstan drove him out of his kingdom, and in the year of our Lord (ac- cording to Dionysius) 926, being the 447th year from the arrival of the English in Britain, he, first of the Anglo-Saxons, obtained the monarchy of all England, and having the king of the Scots and the Welsh kings as his tributaries, reigned sole king over the whole of England.^ THE GENEALOGY OF THE KINGS OF WESSEX. In the year of our Lord 519 (according to Dionysius) Cerdic and his son Cynric, as we find in the English Ciironicle, began to reign in Wessex ; and in the sixteenth year of his reign,^ Cerdic died, and Cynric became sole king. He died in the thirty-sixth year of his reign,^ and was succeeded by his son Ceaulin, who reigned thirty three years. Ceol, his brother Cuthwulf's son, who two years before had been appointed king under him, ungratefully ^ For the last clause of this sentence the editions read: " He was cro■^^^^ed king of England, and universally ackuoAvledged as emperor of all Britain." '- A.D. 534. 3 A.D 550. For thirty-six read twenty-six. See the Saxon Chronicle under this year. KINGDOMS OF THE IIEPTAIK IIV. 4o3 rebellcJ a'^ainst him, and ejectinc; him from his kin^uom, rcignecl in his stead live vears.^ After his decease, Ceolwiilf, the sou of Cutha, hecanie king; he died in tlie fourteenth year of his reign,- and was succeeded by Cynogils the son of liis brotlier Ceol, who, in tlic twenty-fourtli year of liis reign, lirst of the kings of Wessex, received Christian bajitism. together wiih his people, at tlie liands of St. Birinus, tlie bishoj).* His son, king Cuicliehn, died the following year,^ having been ba})tised by the same bishop. King Cynegils died in the thirty-first year of his reign, and his son Cenwaleh succeeded to the government of the kingdom. He was baptised in Plast-Anglia by St. Felix, the bishop,^ and built the church at Winchester, in whicii is the bishop's seat. He died in the thirty-sixth year of his reign,^ and his wife Sexburg reigned one year after him. Then Cenfus reigned two years, as king Alfred states, but, according to the English Chronicle, his son (Escwine reigned nearly three years. He was succeeded by Cent- wine, son of king Cynegils, w!io died in the eighth year of his reign.^ He was succeeded by Ceadwall, the son of Genbriht, great grandson of king Ceaulin,^ and after him Ina, son of the sub-king Cenred, who was grandson of a grandson of king Ceaulin, governed » A.p. 593—098. 2 V D. Gil. ' Birinus : " first bishup of the "West-Saxons." — Anoi/ier Ed. < A.n. 04a. * Felix ; " first bishop of the East-Aucjles." •"'A.D. G74. 'A.D. GH.3. ® A.I). 688. Several IMSS. add rospectiiii^ Ceadwall, that he v»'cnt to Home "for the .sake of Christ Josiis," quotini; some lines from hi.s e])ita]ih at St. Peter'.s, of Avhich there aj)pear to have been many versions ; that in Uede beiiii^ in hexameter and pmt.nneter verses, but those in Henry of Huntingdon, and those quoted in the Addition to Florencc'.s Chronicle, are in hexameter. The latter ])art we referred to is thus slightly paraphrased in the translation of Huntinj^don's History : — Peter to .ece and Peter's h(dy scat The royal stranj^'or turned his pili^Tim feet ; Drew from tin; fount ihe purifyiiim' streams, And shared tlie radiance of celestial beams; Kxchan;:,ed an earthly crov.ii and barbarous name For heavenly ,L;lory and eternal fame ; "While following Peter's rule, he from his lord ' As- nmed his name at father Serj;ius' word ; Washed in the font, slill elothed in robes of uhite, Christ's virtue raiscnl liim to the realm.s of li;^ht. From Britain's distant isle his venturous way O'er lands, o'er se.is, Ijy toilsonu* journey in;^s lay, I'ome to Ix'hold, her glorious temph^ see, And mystie oflerint^s make on bended knee. AVhite-robed amoii;^; the (lock of Christ he si o:ic ; His flesh to earth, his soul to heaven is <^one. Sure wise ho Avas to lay his seeptre (h)wn, And 'ehaiige an earthly for a heavenly criwu. 454 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. the kiugdom, and built Glastonbury.^ His brother's name was lugels, and he had two sisters, St. Cuthburg and St. Quenburg. Ina was succeeded in the kingdom by Ethelhard,^ who was of the race of king Cerdic. He died in the fourteenth year of his reign,^ and was succeeded by his kinsman Cuthred. Sigeberht, son of the sub-king Sigeric, then ascended the throne, and reigned one year;^ but Cynewulf, a descendant of king Cerdic, drove him out and reigned in his stead. The etheling Cynehard, son of Sigeric, and brother of Sigeberht, slew Cynewulf in the thirtieth year of his reign,^ and Brihtric, one of the descendants of king Cerdic, succeeded him. Brihtric died in the fifteenth year of his reign,^ and was succeeded by Egbert, son of Alhmund, the sub-king, a great grandson of king Ina. Egbert died in the thirty-seventh year of his reign, and was succeeded by his son Ethelwulf.^ Among his other good deeds, king Ethelwulf ordered that three hundred mancuses should be carried to Rome every year, one hundred of which were to be employed in honour of St. Peter, to purchase oil for filling all the lamps of that church on the eve of Easter; and also at cock-crowing, one hundred in honoTir of St. Paul, in the same manner; and one hundred mancuses to the catho- lic and apostolic pope. He released the tenth part of his whole kingdom from all royal service and tribute, and offered it to the One and Triune God for the redemption of his own soul, and of those of his predecessors. After his death and burial at Winchester, his son Ethelbald succeeded to the kingdom, and died in the third year of his reign.^ His brother Ethelbert succeeded him, and reigned for five years.^ After him, his brother Ethelred reigned eight years :^° during his reign, ffilla and Osbryht, the kings of North umbria, and St. Edmund, king of East-Anglia, were slain by the pagan Danes, who took possession of their kingdoms. On the death of Ethelred, his brother Alfred began to reign. He was the most accomplished of the Saxon poets, most vigilant in the service of God, and most discreet in reviewing judicial proceedings.^* His queen Elswitha bore him two sons, Edward and Ethelward, and three daughters, Ethelfleda, lady of the Mercians, Ethelgeova, a nun, and Elfthryth. In the third year of his reign, Burhred, king of Mercia, was driven from his kingdom by the before mentioned Danes. 1 Some MSS. add:— Et pro reg-e Deo, regali culmine spreto, Eomam rex tendit, quo sancto fine qxiievit. [Spurned kingly pomp, his heavenly king confessed, And sped to Rome, and slept in holy rest.] •'■ A.D. 728. 3 A^D. 741, 4 ^.D, 754^ 755. 5 A.D. 784. 6 ^.D 800. 7 A.D. 836. 8 A.D. 858—861. 9 A.D. 861—866. ^o Read five : A.D. 866—871. ^^ Added here: "He was sent to Rome by his father Ethelwulf, and anointed king by pope Leo lY." KINGDOMS OF THE nEPTARCIIT. 455 Kin^ Alfred died in the twenty-ninth year of his reign,* and was succeeded by hiason Edward, whose qncen Edfjiva bore him three sons, Edwin, Edmund, and Edred, with St. Edburga, and three other daughters; of whom Otho, emperor of the Konians, married one, (Charles, king of the \Vestern-Franl\S, another, and Sihtric, king of Northumbria, the third. His eUlest son Athclfitan was by Ecgwin, a lady of very noble birth. He reigned over all the provinces in England as far as tlie river Humber, and received the submission, first of the Welsli kings, and afterwards of the kings of the Scots, the Northumbrians, and the Strathclyde Britons. On the death of king Edward, liis son Athelstan succeeded to the throne,2 and after him reigned his brotlier Edmund,^ who had by his queen St. Elfgiva two sons, Edwy and Edgar. P^dmund liaving b^en horribly murdered, his brother Edred succeeded to the king- dom in his place, and died in the tentli year of his reign.'' Edwy, the son of his brother Edmund, was the next king, and dying in the fourth year of his reign, was succeeded by his brother li cigar, then si.xteen years of age. By Eneda,^ a lady of noble birth, he h;id St. Pldward, by St. Wulftlirylh. St. Edgith, and by his queen KUthr^'th, two sons, Edmund anuEthelred. In the fourth year of his reign,'' by his order, St. Ethel wold ejected the canons from the Old Minster at Winchester, and in the tenth year of his reign, St. Oswald ejected them from Worcester, and monks were sub- stituted. Edgar died in the thirty-second year of his age, and the si.xteenth of his reign, ^ leaving [his son] Edward heir to his kingdom, who was slain by order of his step-mother Elftliryth, in the third year of his reign, and succeeded in the kingdom by his brother Ethelred. He had three sons by Elfgiva, daughter of Ethelbert the ealdorman, P'dmund, Edwin, and Pithelstan ; and one daughter, Edgitha. By Emma, daughter of llichard earl of Kormandy, he had two sons, Alfred and Edward. Ethelred died in the thirty-ninth year of his reign, and was suc- ceeded by his son Edmund, who had two sous by a lady of noble birth, Edmund and Edward; but he perished the same year by the treason of Edric Streon. After his death, Canute, the son of Sweyn, king of Denmark, who had invaded England with a powerful fleet seven months before king Ethelred's death, seized the reins of government, and sent into banishment the sons of king Edmund. One of these, Edmund, died in Hungary at an early age ; but Edward married Agatha, the daughter of the oin])eror Henry III., by whom he had Margaret, queen of Scots, Christiana, a nun, and Edgar the etheling. King Canute died in the nineteenth year of his reign.s liaving made Hardicanute, his son by queen Emma, king of Denmark. Harold, his son by » A I) 001. 2 ^^yy 024. » A.D. 940. « A.n. 9 10— P.-i.O. * Eneda. See page 103. « a.d. 975. ^ a.d. lOlG. 8 A D. 103.3. 456 FLORENCE OF WORCESTEK. Elfgiva of Hampshire, succeeded him in England, and died five years after his father's death.^ He was succeeded by his brother Hardicamite. who died in the third year of his reign, and was suc- ceeded by Edward, son of king Etheked, his brother by his- mother's side.- Edward king of England died in the twenty-third year of his reigu.^ By his choice and gift he was succeeded by earl Harold, son of Godwin earl of Wessex, by Githa, sister of Sweyn, king of Denmark, father of St. Canute, the martyr. He had a son named Harold by his queen Aldgitha, daughter of earl Algar : the same year he fell in battle wdth William earl of Normandy, who suc- ceeded him in the kingdom. William had three sons by his queen Matilda, namely, Robert, William, and Henry: he died in Nor- mandy in the twenty-second year of his reign.^ He was succeeded by his son William, who died without issue in the thirteenth year of his reign^ in the province of the Jutes,<^ being struck by an arrow in the New Forest. He was succeeded in the kingdom by his youngest brother Hemy. [The printed editions have the following addition.] By his queen Matilda, he [Henry] had a son named William,, and a daughter named Matilda, who was, first, empress of the Ptomans, and afterwards, countess of Anjou. [The L. manuscript contains this further addition.] Having succeeded to the throne, lie took to wife Matilda daughter of Malcolm, king of the Scots, by his queen Margaret,,. She conceived and bore him a son named William, and a daughter, Matilda, who was in the course of time married to Henry, emperor of Germany.^ When his son was scarcely adult, the king concluded a marriage for him with the daughter of Fulk, count of Anjou. Beturning to England with his father and many nobles of both kingdoms, ho was shipwrecked and drowned, with all who had embarked in his company,^ not in consequence of the sea being tempestuous, but from sheer negligence of the mariners. On hearing this, the king was sorely troubled: he recalled his daughter from Germany, after the emperor's death, and caused her to remain at his own court. On the death of the queen, his Vv^ife, he married another, namely, Adeliza, the daughter of G [odrey], duke of Lorraine;^ and declared his daughter Matilda successor to the throne by right of inheritance, in the event of his » A.D. 1040. 2 A.D. 1042. 3 A.D. 1066. * A.D. 1087. s A.D. 1099. ^ ]3ede says (B. 1., c. 15): "From the Jutes are descended the people of Kent, and of the Isle of Wight, and those also in the pro^dnces of the West- Saxons, who are to this day called Jiites, seated opposite to the Isle of Wight." Hampshire, it appears, still retained the appellation of province Jntarum, in the days of Florei^ce. 7 A.D. 1108. 8 A.D. 1120. 9 I.onvaine. KINGDOMS OF THE IIEPTARCIIV. 4')! haviiif* no son and lieir by Adeliza ; and all the barons of England conlirraed this by ilieir oaths at London. Meanwhile, discoid arising, as was often the case, between the king and the count of Anjoii, the king, as a lover of peace, being iinwilhng that his kingdom s])Ould be longer disturbed, gave his daughter in marriage to Geoffrey, the son of count I'ulk.^ For three years she remained barren, but in the fourth year she con- ceived and brought forth a son, who was afterwards king of England by the name of Henry. Count Fulk having resigned his county to his son Geoffrey, went to Jerusalem, and there, his fortunes prospering, he was crowned king. King Henry died in the thirty-sixth year of his reign,- and was buried in the monastery at Reading, which he had built from the foundations. But when count G. and his wife, who was the heir, wisiied to succeed to the kingdom, the nobles of the land, regard- less of their oath, refused to acknowledge him as king, saying, "No alien shall reign over us." Taking counsel together, they, therefore, placed the crown of the kingdom on the head of Stephen^ "brother of the bishop of Winchester, and nephew of king Henry In consequence, the count of Anjou, being deeply aggrieved by the injury he had received, began to cause great disturbance ta- king Ste])lien, and wrested the whole of Normandy from him. His son, Henry, also having arrived at years of maturity, came over to England with his mother, and supported by a great number of the barons of tlie realm, claimed it altogether for him- self. After crossing tlie sea to and fro several times on visits to England, lie assenjbled a powerful army, and prepared to wage a desperate war with tr)e king, who was no less anxious for the con- flict.3 Many places being fortified against him with locks and bolts, and especially the castle of Wallingford, England was grievously harassed by botii parties in their mutual ravages. At that period there was no respect paid either to the bishop's mitre or the abbot's cowl; both were stripped if they did not, at the first demand, furnish whatever was required. And if a hus- bandman liad grain left to sow his land, the crop was carried ofl' by the enemy before it was ripe, as fodder for horses, instead of being the food of man. The more tlie prisoner possessed b}' which he could ransom himself from suffering, tiie more cruel were the tortures inflicted on him, for he was reckoned far more honourable than the rest, who was best able to plunge others into dishonour and ruin. At length,' through tlie intervention of their coun- eellors, on both sides, Stephen disinheriting his own family, acknowledged on oath Henry as his successor in the kingdom. Before a year elapsed after tiiis treaty, king Stephen ended hi& ^ .*.i), 1127. - A.I). 1 1.^5. 3 ^^ „. ii-,2. «A.T>. 1153. 458 FLORENCE OF WORCESTER. days in the nineteenth year of his reign.^ On receiving this intel- ligence, Henry, wlio was tlien duke of Normandy and Aquitaine and count of Anjou (for his father was now dead), came over to Englaud, with his wife Eleanor; who, having been married to Lewis, king of France, had been divorced from him by reason of consanguinity. He was attended by the archbishop of Rouen and many of the French nobles, both spiritual and lay, and on his arrival, obtained the crown of England, pursuant to the oaths of fealty he had before received. CONCERNING THE KINGDOM OF KENT. The dominions of the Kentish kings were confined to Kent; in which there are these two bishoprics, the archbishopric of Canter- bury, and the bishopric of Rochester. CONCERNING THE KINGDOM OF WESSEX. The dominions of the kings of Wessex included "Wiltshire, Berkshire, and Dorsetshire; in which there is one bishop, whose see is now at Salisbury, but was formerly at Ramsbury or Sher- borne. Sussex also was subject to them, although, at one time, it had its own king. The episcopal see of that province was in old times at Selsey, an island round which the tide flows, as Bede relates, and where St. Wilfrid built a monastery; but the bishop has now his residence at Chichester. The kingdom of Wessex also included Hampshire and Surrey, in which there is one bishop, who has his see at Winchester ; Somersetshire, with a bishop for- merly at Wells, but now at Bath ; Domnania, called Devonshire, and Cornubia, called Cornwall, in which there were then two bishoprics, one at Crediton, the other at St. Germain's; but now there is only one, the see of which is Exeter. CONCERNING THE KINGDOM OF MERCIA. The dominion of the kings of Mercia included the following districts, viz., Gloucestershire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire ; in these there is one bishop whose see is at Worcester. Cheshire, Derbyshire, and Staffordshire ; in these there is one bishop, and ^ King Stephen died on the 24th October, 1154. KINGDOMS OF THE HEPTARCHY. 459 his diocese contains part of Warwickshire and Shropshire, his see havinpf been formerly at Litchfield, but is now at Chester or Coventry: Herefordshire; the bishop having half Shropshire and part of "Warwickshire and Gloucestershire, with his see at Hereford : Oxfordshire, liiickingharnshire, Herefordshire, Hunt- ingdonshire, half of Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire, Leicester- shire, and Lincolnsliire ; all these are under a bishop who now has his see at Lincoln, which was formerly at J)orchester: Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire; the spiritual care of which pertains to the archbishop of York, but they had formerly a bishop of their own, whose see was at Leicester. CONCERNING THE KINGDOM OF EAST-ANGLTA. The kings of the East-Angles were masters of Cambridgeshire ; where there is a bishop who has his see at Ely : and Norfolk and Suffolk, wiiich have a bishop whose see is now at Norwich, but was formerly at Elmham or Thetford. CONCEENING THE KINGDOM OF ESSEX. The kings of Essex ruled in Essex and half of Hertfordshire, which were included in, and still are part of, the diocese of the bishop of Loudon. CONCERNING THE KINGDOM OF NORTHUMBRIA. The Northumbrian kings had dominion over all the country which lies beyond the river Hun)ber as far as Scotland. There were in it the archbishop of York, and the bishops of Ilexham, Ripon. Liudisfurne, and Whitherne ; but the bishoprics of Hexham and Ili))on have been dissolved, and the bishop of Liudisfarno was translated to l^uiliam. 'J'hese were the territories apportioned to the several kingdoms; hut in the vicissitudes of the tin)es, now one l5; his consecration, ib. and note; cruel treatment by king Stephen, 261. Alexander L, king of Scotland, 215: his death, 235. Alexander IL, king of Scotland, his charter with Henry III , 393; letter to the Pope, 394 ; claims Northumberland, kc , 395. Alexander III., king of Scotland, knighted by Henry III., 327; marries the Princess Margaret, t6. ; marries a daughter of the Count of Dreux, 373; his death, 373 ; his disputed succession, 398. Alfred, king, bom 53; his gene- alogy ; ib ; sent to Rome, bo ; anointed king there, ib. ; goes with his father to Rome, 56; his marria^re, 60; marches against the Danes to Nottingham, 61; defeated by the Danes at Read- inir, 62; defeats them at Ash- down, ib.; worsted bj them at Basing, 64; and at ^ferton, i6. ; succeeds to the throne, ib. : of his youth, 05 ; his devotion, ib. ; afflicted with a painful dist-ase, ib. ; his chil- dren, 66; his public works, alms, ib.; encouragement of foreign- ers, ib.; defeated by the Danes at Wilton, 67; makes peace with the Danes, ib.; invites Plei:- mund, Athelstan, and Werwulf, 68 ; invites Grimbaldj.John of Old- Saxony, and Asser, ib. ; defeats the Danes at sea, 69: makes a treaty with them, ib.; with- draws to the marshes of Somer- setshire, 70; fortifies himself at Athelney, 71 ; defeats the Danes at Ethandun, ib. : makes peace with them, ib.; defeats them at sea; sends alms to St. Thomas, in India. 73 ; the Danes defeat his fleet atthemouthoftheStour,74; he restores London, and places it under Ethelred of Mercia, 75; begins to read and translate, 76; his bodily sufferings, acts, and government, ib. ; founds monasteries at Athelney and Shaftesbury, 77; division of his revenue, ib. ; division of his time, ib.; judicial administra- tion, 78; marches against the Northumbrian and East -Anglian Danes, 81 ; defeats the Danes at Farnham, ib. ; at Benfleet, 82 ; erects two forts on the sea, 84; builds large ships. So ; his death and character, So, S6. — the king's horse-thane, 154. son of king Ethelred, sent to Normandy, 122; returns to England, 140: his followers cruelly murdered, ib.; barbar- ous treatment and death of, i6. Alfonso, king ot Castile, expels the Moors, 3C8. son of Edward I., bom, 353; his death, 370. Alfward, sfe -Elfward. All'wine, brother ol king Ecgfrith, 464 INDEX. slain in the battle on the Trent, 27. Alnvold, bishop of Crediton, 100 ; his death, 104. kini^ of Northumbria, 44; sends for his pall for Eanbald, 45 ; murdered, 46. Alftar, bishop of Elmham, his death, 135. earl, son of Leofric, suc- ceeds to Harold's earldom, 155; is outlawed, 156; invades England with Griffyth, king of Wales, 157; defeats earl Ru- dulph, 158; burns Hereford, ib.; makes peace with Harold, ib ; succeeds his father, 159; is again outlawed and restored,160. Alhfrith, son of king Oswy, at the battle of Winwidtield, IS ; at the synod of Whitby, 19 ; suc- ceeds Ecgfrith, 29 ; bestows the see of Hexham on Wilfrid, 30 ; expels him from Hexham, 32; his death, 34. Alhun, bishop of Worcester, 53, 61 ; his death, 67. Alhmund, bishop of Hexham, 44; his death, 44. son of Alfred of Northum- bria, slain, 48. Alhred, king of Northumbria, 44; his genealogy, ib. ; expulsion of, ib. Alhstan, bishop of Sherborne, see Ealhstan. Alice, queen, see Adelaide. Alms, of the West-Saxons, Ethel- helm conveys them to Rome, 76; Beocca conveys them, 79; Beornhelm carries them, ib. Alric, king of Kent, 38. Alwin, see iElfvvine. Amesbury, synod at, 107; nunnerv at, 373, 374. Amund, a Danish king, winters at Cambridge, 69. a Danish huscarl, 167. Andredes-ceaster, the fort razed, 4. .Andredes-leag, forest of, 4. Andrew, St., oratory dedicated to, at Kempsej'-, 61. Anfrid Cocksfoot, a Norman resident in England, 155. Angles, their arrival in Britain, 3. Animchadus, a monk of Fulda, account of, 145, 146. Anjou, Charles of, elected king of Sicily, 336 ; gains the battle of Benevento, 344 ,• takes Nocera, 346. Anlaf, see Olaf. Anna, king of the East- Angles, 15; his death, 17. Anselra, archbishop of Canterbury, 195; consecration of, 197; his quarrel with WiUiara XL, 203; he goes to Rome, ib. ; attends pope Urban at the council of Bari, 205; goes to Lyons, ib.\ is recalled, 208; holds a synod, 211; disputes with the king re- specting investitures, ib. ; goes to Rome, 212; is reconciled with the king, 214 ; returns to Eng- land, ib. ; makes terms as to in- vestitures, 215; canons for the reformation of the clergy, 217, 218; his death, 219. , the archbishop's nephew, legate from Rome, 226 and 7ivte; meets Henry I. in Normandy, 228. Anthony Bek, bishop of Durham, 368; excommunicated by the archbishop of York, 400; his mission to the emperor, 406. Antioch taken by the crusaders, 204; surrender of, to the sultan of Egypt, 343. Arfast, bishop of Elmham, 170 ; transfers the see to Thetford, ib. Arnost, bishop of Rochester, 176 ; his death, ib. Arnulph, elected emperor, 75 ; dismemberment of the Carlo- vingian empire, ib. ; he defeats the Danes on the Dyle, near Louvaine, 80. bishop of Rochester, 225 ; his death, 235. INDEX. 405 Arthur, duke of Brittany, born, 304; knip^hted by the kinj:^ of France, 311 ; besieges the castle of Mirabeau. ib. ; taken prisoner by king John and sent to Falaise, ib. Artois, Robert, count of, his rash conduct in Pak'Stine, H2(). Asbiorn, lands in the Humber with the sons of king Sweyn, 173 ; is bribed by William the Conqueror, ib. ; returns to Den- mark, 175 ; is outlawed there, ib. Ascalon, battle of, 205. Ashdown, battle of, 62, 63. Assandun, battle of, 130 ; Canute founds a church there, 134. Asser invited by Alfred, 68 ; his death, 72. Athelm, bishop of Wells, raised to the see of Canterbury, DO ; crowns Athelstan, 96. Athelney, Alfred, retires to, 71. jVthelstan, king of Kent, 52. king of England, his birth, 86; accession, U6; marries his sister to Sihtric, ib. ; expels Gunferth and unites Northum- bria to his crown, ib. ; receives the homage of the petty kings, ib. ; invades Scotland, 07; de- feats the Scots and Danes at the battle of Brunanburgh, ib. ; his death, 98. son-in-law of Ethelred, 118. bishop of Hereford, 157; be- comes blind and ha.sa coadjutor, 158 ; his death, ib. Athulf, ealdoi-nian, queen El- switlia's brother, his death, 87. Avelina, countess of Aumale, her death, 353. Avicus, dean of Evesham, 141. Augustine, St., his mission, 8 ; ordains Mellitus, Justus, and Laurentius, 0, 10; his death, 10. Aylesford, battle of, 3. Bacseg, a Danish king, slain at Ashdown, 63. Badwine, see Bcadwine. Bakewell built, 95. Baldred, king of Kent, e.xpelled, 49. Baldwin, archbishop of Canter- bury, 303; his death, 305. abbot of St. Edmund's, a skil- ful physician, 203. king of Jerusalem, 209. count of Flanders, goes to Jerusalem, 311; made emperor of the East, 312. Baliol, Bernard de, at the battle of the Standard, 264. John dc, claims the crown of Scotland, 382; adjudged to him, 399 ; swears fealty, ib. ; is crowned, ib.; does homage at Newcastle, 400. Banbury, battle at, 6. Bangor, slaughter of the monks of, 9. Bar-le-Duc, count of, married to the princess Eleanor, 401; joins Edward's forces, 403. Bari, council of, 205. Barking abbey founded by Ethel- burga, 20, 25. Barre, Richard, his mission to the pope, 296; his letter to Henry II., 297, 299; his mission to tl-.e emperors of Germany and Con- stantinople, 304. Basing, Ethered and Alfred de- feated by the Danes at, 64. Bath, threatened with an attack, 261 ; skirmish in the neighbour- hood, 278. Battle, abbey, consecrated, 197. Battles, at Aylesford, 3; Crayford, ib.; Wippedes-tieot, ib. ; Cy- raenes-ora, 4 ; Andredes-leag ib.- Mercredes-burn, ib.; Cerclices- ora, ib. ; Cerdices-ford, 5 ; Seares-byrig (Old Sarum), 6; Banbury, ib.; \\'imbIedon, 7; Bedford, ib.; Dirham, ib.; Fre- thern, ib.; Wodnes-beorh, 8, 37; Degsastan, 9; lieandune, 10; the river Idh^, 11; Cirencester, 13 ; Ifatiiild, ib. ; between Cicdwall and Osric, ib. ; between r r 466 INDEX. Oswald and Csedwall, ib. ; Sii;e- beitandPenda,14; atMaserfeld, 15; Winwidfeld [helos?], 18; of Cenwalch and the Britons, ib.; at Bidanheafed, 24; in Lindsey, 26; on tlio Trent, 27; Centwine and the West-Britons, 28; Eg. frid with the Picts, 29; Cead- ■walla and Ethel wealh, i6. ; Berht- frith and the Picts, 36; with Gwent,z6.; betweea Inaandthe South -Saxons, 38 ; between Ethel ward and Oswald, 39; the Britons with Ethelbald and Cuthred, 41; between Cuthred and Ethelhun,42; withEthelbard and the Britons, ib. ; at Burford, ib.; between Cynewulf and the Britons, ib.; at Oxford, 44; at Bensington, ib. ; Cymeres-ford, 48; Gavinford [Caraelford?], 49; Ellandune, ib.; in East-Anglia, bis, 50; in Essex, ib.; at Char- mouth, 51 ; sea-fight at ditto, 52; Hengests-dune, ib. ; sea-fight near Southampton, 52; at Port- land Island, ib.; on the Parret, 63; Wemburg, 55; Ockley, 55; Sandwich, //;.; Thanet, ib ; Win- chester, 59; York, 60; Engle- field, 62; Beading, ib. ; Ashdown, ib.; Basing, 64; Merton, ib.; Wilton, 67; Alfred's sea-fight ■with the Danes, 69 ; at Cynuit (?) in North Devon, 70; Ethandun, 71 ; between the Danes and Al- fred's fleet at the mouth of the Stour, 75; at St. Loe, 80; on the Dyle, ib. ; at Farnham, 31 ; Ben- fleet, 82; Buttington, 83; Holme, 87 ; on the Ouse, 88; at Tetten- hall, 89 ; Wodnesfeld, ib. ; Leighton, 90; Brunanburgh, 97; sea-fight between the Londoners aid East - Anglians and the Danes, 110; Penho, 113; near Thetford, 115 ; Ringinere, 118; Scearstan, 127; Brentford, 129; Oxford, 130; Assandun, ib. ; Stanford bridge, 109 ; Hastings, 170; Ascalon, 205; Tinuhebrai, 214; in Gower, between Nor- mans and Welsh, 251 ; and at Cardigan, ib.; of the Standard, 264; Lincoln, 279; Tiberias, 304; Bovines, 316; Lincoln, with Lewis of France, 317; Lewes, 335; Evesham, 337; Benevento, 344; sea-fight between Franks and Greeks, 375 ; between Genoese, English, and Flemings in the sea of Marmora, 379; at Skonor, between Norway and Denmark, ib. ; sea-fight between English and Norman pirates, 400; again, 401. Beadenhead, battle at, 24. Beadwulf, bishop of Whitherne, 47. Beadwine, bishop of Elmham, 24. Beandon, battle of, 10. Beatrix, daughter of Henry III., her death, 354. Beanchamp, Walter de, sheriff of Worcestershire, 271, note; mar- ries Emmeline, heiress of Urso d'Abitol, 272. • William de, deprived of the viscounty of Worcester, re- stored, 272, note; restored by Stephen, ib.; made constable of Gloucester in place of Milo, ib. family of, earls of Warwick, and barons of Powick, 272, note. Beauvais, bishop of, captured, 308. Becket, Thomas a, archbishop of Canterbury, attends a council ■ at Tours, 288; withdraws from England, ib.; his quarrel with the king, 291; is restored, 292; his martyrdom, 293-295; canon- ised, 301; translation of, 318. Bede, the venerable, born, 27 and note ; educated by Benedict Biscop, 28 ; ordained priest, 33, 34; began his history, 35; com- posed his book of computation, 38; death of, 40. Bedford, Britons defeated at, 7; castle of, taken, 318. Belesme, Robert de, in command at Rochester, 187 j revolts INDEX. 467 against William Rufus, 210; for- tifies Bridgnorth, iV;.; also Shrewsbury, Arundel, and Tick- hill, ib.; defeated and outlawed, 211; holds out in Normandy, 214; at Carisbrook and at Ware- ham, 22"). Benedict Biscop, j:^oes to Rome, 16; his second journey, 21; be- comes a monk at Cologne, ib. ; his third journey to Rome, 221 ; appointed to the abbey of St. Peter, 22; resigns his abbey, ib.; returns and receives lands at Wearmouth, 23, 24 ; his fourth journey, 20; brings over John the chanter, ?7>. ; educates Bede, 28; makes Eusterwine his co- adjutor abbot, ih.; his fifth jour- ney to Rome, 20; his return, ib.; appoints Ceolfrid to the abbeys of Wearmouth and Jarrow, 28; his death, 31. Benevento, battle of, 344. Bensington, battle of, 44. Beocca conveys the alms of the West-Saxons to Jiome, 79. Bcorthun, .see Berthun. Beohrt\\ulf, king of Mercia, 52; defeated by the Danes, 54; his death, 55. Bt'orn, a Danish jarl, 148; mur- dered by Sweyn, 149. Boom, king of the East-Angles, 43. Beornhelm, abbot, conveys the alms of the West-Saxons to Rome, 79. Beornmod, bishop of Rochester, 48. Beornrhed, king of Mercia, 43; his death, ih. ]?eorht\vulf, king of Mercia, 52 ; defeated by Egbert at Ellandun, 49; invades East-Anglia, 50; his death, ih. Beranbyrig, .. ; new die for coining granted ID the abbey, 324 ; abbot Henry ob., 325; succeeded by Edmund de Walpole, ib. ; prior Richard ob., 327; election of Simon de Luton, ib.-y imposition on the a,bbey, 329 : abbot Edmond ob., t/;.; prior Simon elected abbot, ■ib. ; tirst who went to Rome for confirmation, 330 ; friars-mi- nors endeavour to establish themselves, ib. ; Robert Russell -elected prior, 331 ; friars-mi- nors forcibly intruded, ih. : suit between convent and Richard de Clare, 332 : bishop of Nor- ■\vich takes sanctuary, 334 ; ■withdrawal of the friars-minors, i'l. ; extortion from tlic convent l)y Henry HI., 338: Joiin earl "VVarrenne antl \\ illiain de \a- lenco fine the town and abbey, 340; quarrel between the con- vent and the borough, iA.; visit of Henry III and the legate Ottoboni, and council tliere, 342 ; plundered by outlaws from VAy, 343; tixation of tiio abbot and convent, 344 ; new slu'ine for St. Edmund's relics. 345; the grant, of inspection of weights and measures, ib.; Henry ill. there eleven days holding a council, 350; pdgrimage of Edward I. and his queen to, 354; the prior's chapel dedicated, 355 ; tax exacted from the abbot and convent, ib. ; visit of Ed- ward I., 359 ; goldsmiths and others carriedoff to London, ib.; illegal proceedings of John de Cobham and Walter de Heliun, 3G0 ; the abbey possessions se- questrated, ib. ; John, abbot- elect, returns from Romt', 302 ; a new cliarter granted, 304; contribute to a foiced loan, ?6'); violent storms of thunder ajid lightning, 370 ; pilgrimage of Ed>\ ard I. and his queen, 372 ; grants a new charter, with in- spection of weights and mea- sures, ib. ; the refectory struck by lightning, 376 ; visit of Ed- ward 1., 377; Thomas Weyland takes sanctuary, ib.; the docu- ments as to Scotland sent to Bury, 383 ; Edward I. keeps the feast of St. Edmund there, 401 ; illegal inquisition into pro- perty, 404 , heavily taxed, 406, 4i.7; election of abbot Wode- ford, 409 Byhrthelm, bishop of Wells, 101 ; made bishop of Winchester, rV^; chosen arciibishop of Canter- bury, ib. ; deposed, 102 ; his death, 105. bishopof Wells, his death, 105. Byhrtnoth, ealdorman, resists the exi)ulsion of the monks, 106 ; slain at the battle of Maldon, 109. Byrnstan, bishop of Winchester, r( signs, 97 ; his death, ib. Cicdmon, the Saxon poet and monk, 28. Calixtus, |)ope, 230; holds a coun- cil at Rheiins, 231 ; imprisons (iregory, the anti-pope, 233; his death, 2.36. Cable, synod at, and accident there, 107. 470 INDEX. Cambridge, part of burnt, 356. 401. Canons, monks substituted for, 103, 104, 309. Canterbury made St. Auf^ustine's see, 8 ; destroyed by fire, 42; plundered by the Danes, 120; destruction of Christ Church, ih. Canute, 122 ; elected king, 123 ; is driven from Lindsey, 124 ; mutilates his hostages, ib. ; lands at Sandwich, 125 ; ravages Wes- sex, ih.\ invades Mercia, ib.; ravages Buckinghamshire, &c,, 126 ; causes Uhtred to be mur- dered, ib. ; makes Egric earl of Northumberland, ib. ; returns to his ships, ih.; chosen king by the clergy and nobles, 127 ; besieges London, ib. ; defeated at Pen, ib ; gains the battle of Scears- tan, 128; again besieges London, ravages Mercia, 129 ; gains the battle of Assandun, 130 ; his conference with Edmund, 131 ; they divide the kingdom, ib. ; declared king of all England, 132 ; employs Edric to murder the etheling Edwy, ib. ; divides England into four governments, 133; banishes Edwy the etheling, and Edwy king of the churls, ib. ; marries Emma Elgiva, 134 ; causes Edric Streon, Northman, and others to be slain, ib.\ goes to Denmark, ib. ; returns and dedi- cates a church at Assandun, ib. ; bribes the Norwegians to desert their king, 136 ; expels St. Olaf, ib.: banishes the jarl Hakon, ib ; goes to Rome, ih.; his letter describing his journey, 137-139; gives Norway to Sweyn, 140; Denmark to Har- dicanute, ih.; his death, ib. Canute IV., son of Svend Estrithson, arrives in the Hum- ber, 173; prepares to invade England, 184; murdered, 185; his bones enshrined, 204. Caradoc - ap - Griffyth destroys king Edward's hunting seat, at Portskewith, 166. Cardigan, battle at, on the Tivy, 251. Carlisle rebuilt by William Rufus, 194; destroyed by fire, 399. Carloman, king of the West- Franks, his death, 74. Carrum, see Charmouth. Castles and fort resses built by the Conqueror, 172 ; statute res- pecting, 268 ; razed to the ground, 302. Catharine, daughter of Henry III., born, 328. Ceadda, bishop of the Mercians, 17; raised to the see of York, 20; retires to Lastinghara, 22 ; sub- mits to catholic ordination, ih. ; receives the sees of Mercia and Lindisfarne, ih. ; founds the mon- astery of Bearu we; his death, 23. Ceadwall, king of the Britons, defeats king Edwin, 13 ; defeats Osric, king of Northumbria, ih. ; slays Eanfrith, ib. ; slain by Oswald, ih. Ceadwall, king of Wessex, slays Ethelwealh, king of Essex, 29 ; succeeds Centwine in Wessex, 30; his genealogy, ib.; subju- gates the South-Saxons, ib. ; with his brother Mull ravages Kent, ih. ; bestows a fourth of the isle of Wight on Wilfrid, ih.; again ravages Kent, ih.; retires to Rome, 31 ; his bap- tism and death, ih. Cealchythe, synod at, 46. Ceaulin, with his father, Cynric, defeats the Britons at Banbury, 6 ; begins to reign, 7 ; defeats Ethelbert at Wimbledon, ib.; defeats the Britons at Dirham and Fritherne, ih.; defeated at Wodensbeorh and expelled, 8 ; his death, ih.; the second Bret- walda, 50. Cecci, coadjutor bishop in East- Anglia, 24. Cedd, successor of Mellitus, 11 ; INDEX. 471 baptises the ^rulr11e-AnG;los, 17 ; made bishop of the East-Saxons, ib.; founds the monastery at Lastini^ham, ib. ; assists at the synod of Whitbv, 19 ; renounces the Scots, 20; his death, 21. Cehbacy of the clergy enforced, 217. 239; their concubines amerced, 313. Cenbryht, father of Ceadwall, death of, 19. Cenred, king of Northurabria, 37; his death, ib. Centwine,king of theWest-Saxons, 26; routs the West-Britons, 28; his death, 30. Cenwalch, king of ^yessex, 15 ; founds the see of Winchester, {6. ; expelled by Penda, ib.-, bajjtism of, IG ; his return, ib. ; routs the Britons at Pedrida, 18; divides the see of Wessex, 19; his death, 23. Ceol, king of Wessex, 8. Ceolburh, abbess of Berkeley, her death, 48. Ceolfrid, abbot of Jarrovv, 28 ; appointed abbot also of Wear- muiith, by Benedict Biscop, 31; his death 37. Ceollah, bishop of the Mercians, 18. Ceolnoth, archbishop of Canter- bury, 51; his death, 62. kinjr of Mereia, 35 ; fights with Ina at Wodnesbeorh, 37 ; his death ib. CeoKvulf, king of Mereia, 9 ; ex- pulsion of, ib. a thane, made king of Mereia by tlie Danes, ()9. king of Northumbria, 39 ; his genealogy, ib. ; l^ede's History dedicated to him. ib. ; becomes a monk, 41 ; his death, 43. king of Wessex, 9 ; his wars, !_ I 9, 10 ; iiis death, 10. Ceolwulf, bishop of Lindisfarne, 47. Ceorl, ealdorman of Devon, de- feats the Danes, 54. Cerdic lands -uith his son Cynric, 4, 5 ; defeats the Britons at Cer- dices-ora, ib. ; and at Cerdices- ford, 5 ; begins to reign, ib ; de- feats the Britons at Cerdices- leah, ib. ; takes the isle of Wight, ib. ; his death, ib. ; his genealogy, 0. Cerdices-ford, battles at, 5. Cerdices-leah, battle at, 5. Cerdices-ora, 4 ; battle at, 5. Chillons, council of. 226. Charford, see Cerdices-ford. Charles-le-Gros reunites the em- pire of Charlemagne, 74 ; his pedigree, ib. ; his death, 75. of Anjou elected king of Sicily, 336 ; gains the battle of Benevento, 344 ; expulsion of from Sicily. 369 ; his death, 371. Charmouth, Egbert defeated by the Danes at, 51 ; Etlielwulf defeated by the Danes at, 52. Chatillon, Reynold de, beheaded by order of Saladin, 304. Cherbury built, 92. Chertsey abbey founded, 25. Chester restored by Ethered and Ethelfleda, 88. Hugh, earl of, invades An- glesey, 204. Ranulf, earl of, his death, 320. Richard, earl of, perishes by shipwreck. 232. Chesterfield. Alontfort's adherents routed at, 339. Chiche, or St. Oswythe, a priory in Essex, 235. Chichester burnt, 225. Christiana, sister of Edgar ethel- ing, in Hungary, 133; in Scot- land, becomes a nun at Ramsey, 184. Cirencester, battle of, 13 ; the abbey begun, 228. Cissa, son of vElla, 4. succeeds (jiuthlac at Croy- land, .36. Cistercians, bounty of Rich;n-d I. to, 305 J excommunicated, 313. 472 INDEX. Clappa reigns in Bernicia, 6. see Osgocl, Clare, see Gilbert de. Richard de, his lawsuit Avith the convent of St. Edmund's, 332; his death, 333. Clarendon, constitutions of, 288 and note. Clergy, decrees enforcing discip- line, 217. 238. Clermont, council of, 202. Clifford, Roger de, captured by the Welsh, 364. Clovesho, synod of, 49. Clythwic, a king of the Britons, submits to king Edward, 95. Cobham, John de, holds an inqui- sition at Bury St. Edmund's, 360. Cocksfoot, Anfrid, a Norman, 155. Coenwald, bishop of Worcester, his death, 101. Coinage, severe laws respecting, 216 ; put in execution, 286 ; new, of round shape, 303 ; a new, 324; die for granted to St. Edmundbury, ih. ; Jews ar- rested for clipping and forging base coin, 359 ; the Jews and some Christians hanged, 360 ; round farthings coined, 361 and note. Coinmeail and Condidan, British kings, 7. Colchester taken from the Danes and repaired, 94. Colman, bishop of the Northum- brians, 19 ; attends the synod at Whitby, ih. \ returns to Scot- land, 20. Columba, St., arrival of in Britain, 7; converts the northern Picts, ih. Columban, St., founds the monas- teries of Luxeuil and Bobbio, 8. Comets, 26: two, 39. 60. 80.88. 106. 111. 168. 203. 214. 219. 247. 336. Comyn, John, competitor for the croAvn of Scotland, 383. William, in battle of the Standard, 264. Constance,of Brittany, gives birth to prince Arthur, 304. Constantine, king of the Scots, defeated by Athelstan, 97 ; gives his son as a hostage, ih. ; defeated at Brunanburh, ih. Cornwall, Richard earl of, see Richard. Cosmeiini, see Kharizmians. Cospatric, tiiane, murder of, 167- conducts Edgar etheling, &c., to Scotland, 172. Council, at Clermont, 202 ; Bari 205 ; Rome, ih.\ of Lateran, 223 at Chalons, 226 ; Rheims, 231 Tours, 288 ; Clarendon, ih. of Lateran, 303; Lyons, 324 in the Temple, 339 ; at Lyons, Coutances, see Geoffrey, 178. Crayford, battle at, 3. Crecanford, see Crayford, Crema, John de, papal legate, 23S and note. Crida, his death, 8. Crispin, William, captured at Tin- chebrai, 215. Crusade, preached by pope Ur- ban IL, 202; names of the leaders, ih.\ Nice taken, 203 ; also Antioch, 204; and Jerusa- lem, 205 ; chdose Godfrey de Bouillon king, ih.\ battle of Ascalon, ih. Cuichelm, bishop 26. brother of death, 8. son of Cynegils, fights with the Britons at Beandune, 10 ; Penda at Cirencester, 13; bap- tism of, 15. Cumbra, slain by Sigeberht, 42. Cuithelm, king of Essex, suc- ceeds Sigeberi, 17. Cutha, Avith his father Ceaulin, defeats Ethelbert at Wimbledon and atFritherne, 7; his death, ih. Cuthard, bishop of Liudisfarue, 85; his death, 91. Cuthbert, bishop of Hereford and of Rochester, Ceaulin, his INDEX. 473 archbishop of Canterbury, 41 ; liis death, 43. St., becomes a monk at Mel- rose, 16; is removed to Lindis- iarne, 20; becomes an anchorite, 20; made bishop of Lirdisfarne, 29; his consecration, ib.; retires to Farno, oo; his death, ib.\ dis- interment of, ib.; translation of, 'M. Ml. Cuthburh, sister of Ina, and wife of Aldfrith of Northumbria, founds Wimborne Abbey, 37. Cuthi'a, son of Cuichelm, his death, 19. Cuthred, king of Kent, his death, 48. Cuthred, kinrr of Wessex, 41; joins Ethelbald in a battle with the Britons, ib.\ battle with Ethelhun, 41; battle of Bur- ford between him and Ethel- bald of Mercia, «6.; defeats the Britons, ib.; his death, ib. Cuthwine, son of Ceaulin, with his father, defeats the Britons at Dirham, 7. Cutwulf defeats the Britons at Bedford, 7. ('wenlmrh, sister of Ina, 37. Cymclu^eac, a British bishop, cap- tured by the Danes, 91 ; re- deemed, ib. Cymen, son of iElla, 4. Cymeues-ora, ib. s'DEX. 483 Ethelric, bishop of Selsey, 134 ; his death. 141. bishop of Selsey, 159 ; con- secrated, IGO; deposed, 175. Ethelswith. sister of AUred, and wife of Burhred, of Mereia, her death, 79. EthelLhryth, abbess of Ely, 24; death of, 27 ; her corpse found incorrupt, 33. daughter of Anna, king of East-Anglia, 19 ; married to Ecgfrith, ib. ; becomes a nun at Coldingham, 23. Ethehvald, king of East-Anglia, 18: his death, 21. or Orthelwald, king of De- ira, 16 ; grants Lastingham to Cedd, 17. Ethelwalch, king of Sussex, slain by Ceadwalla, 29. Ethehvard, king of Wessex, 38 ; fights with Oswald the etheling, 39; his death, 41. the etheling, brother of king Edward the Elder, G6 ; his death, 95. ealdorman, advises the pay- ment of tribute to tlie Danes, 109 ; his mission to king Olaf, 111. ealdorman, slain in the battle of Assandun, 130. employed to assassinate the etheling Edwy, 132, 1:53 ; is out- lawed by Canute, 134. Etholwine, bishop of Durham. 159; imprisonment of, 177 ; his death, ib. bishop of Lindsey, 2G. ealdorman resists the expul- sion of the monks, lOG ; founds Ramsey abbey, 109 ; his death and character, iff. ( Odda), his death and charac- ter, 15S. murders king Oswine, ib. Ethchvold, king of Sussex, receives th(' isle of Wight from Wulf- herc, 19. the etheling, seizes Twine- ham and Wimborne, 86; escapes to Northumbria and is made king of the Danes there, 87 ; with Eric plunders Mereia, ib. ; defeated and slain, 88. Ethelwoid, Moll, see Moll. . succeeds Cuthbert at Fame island, 30. bishop of Lindisfarne, 38 ; his death, 41, bishop of Winchester, 103 ; counsels the expulsion of the secular clergy, ib. ; ejects them, 309. bishop of Winchester, 116 ; his death, 103. ealdorman, death of, 79. Etiielwuif, king of Wessex, son of Egbert, subjugates Kent, 4.9 ; instructed by St. Swithin, 51 ; succeeds his father, 52 ; de- feated by the Danes at Char- mouth, ib. ; defeats them at Ockley, ^o ; sends Alfred to Home, ib. ; his daughter mar- ried to Burhred of Mereia, 56 ; releases a tenth of his kingdom from service and taxation, ib.; goes with Alfred to Rome, ib. ; marries Judith, ib. ; conspiracy against him, ib. ; the kingdom divided between him and Eth(4- bald, 57; his will, 58; his death, 69. ealdorman of Berkshire, de- feats the Danes at Winchester, 59 ; and at Englefield, 62 ; his death, ib. Etherod, king of Wessex, 60 ; marches against the Danes to Nottingham, 61 ; defeated by the Danes at Reading, 62 ; de- feats them at Ashdown, ib. ; worsted by the Danes at Ba- sing, 64 ; and at Merton, ib. ; his death, ib. arcii bishop of Canterbury, his death, 79. eaUlorman of Mereia, Lon- don placed imder him, 75 ; opposes the Danes, 83 ; restores G G 2 484 INDEX. Chester, 88 ; his death and cha- racttn*, 89. Eu, AVilliam de, invades Glouces- tershire, plunders Berkeley, 189; deserts from Robert to William, 197; conspires against William, 201 ; vanquished in single com- bat, and punishment of, ih. Eustace, abbot of Haye, preaches the observance of the Lord's d;iy, 310 ; returns to France, O-j T bishop of Ely, 309; his death, 316. count of Boulogne, lands Dover, 150 ; engages in a fray there, ih. IT., joins the conspiracy against William II, 187 ; joins the crusades, 202 ; marriage of, 211. son of King Stephen, be trothed to the daughter of Philip of France, 275. de Falconberg, bishop of London, his death, 319, Eustachius, bishop of Trondbjeim, see Egstein. EusterAvine, co-abbot with Bene- dict Biscop, 28 ; his death, 29. Everhard, bishop of Norwich, 233 Evesham Abbey founded, 33. 35. battle of, 337, 338. Exeter besieged by the Danes, 82; by king Stephen, 251 and note. Famine among the Britons, 2 ; in England, 106, 115. Farthings coined, 361, and note. Feader, a huscarl, slain by the people of Worcester, 143. Felix, first bishop of the East Angles, 14 ; his see at Dun- wich, ih. ; baptises Cenwalch, 16 ; his death, ib. Finan succeeds Aidan, 16 ; con- verts Peada, king of the Middle- Angles, 17; baptises Sigebert, king of the East-Saxons, ib. ; his death, 19. Finchhale, synod at, 46. Fitz-Hubert, Robert, a freebooter account of, 275, 278. Fitz-Scrope, Richard, banished, 154; ravages the lands of Edi'ic the Forester, 171. Fitz-Osborne, WilHam, earl of Hereford, 171. Roger, marries his sister to Ralph, earl of Norfolk, 177; conspires against king William, 178 ; imprisoned, ih. William, hanged at London, 308. Fitz-Urse, Reginald, one of the murderers of Becket, 293. Five Burghs, the, recovered by Edmund, 90 ; submit to Sv.eyn, 121 ; possessions of Sigefirthand Morcar there, 125. Flambard, Ralph, his dealings at Hastings, 198 ; made bishop of Durham, 205 ; his judicial ex- tortions, ib. and 207 ; is com- mitted to the Tower, 203 ; es- capes to Normandy, ib. ; insti- gates Robert, 209; his death, 234. Flanders, Baldwin, count of, see Baldwin. • Robert, count cf, his death, 196. William, count of, his death. 246. Flemings settled in Wales by Henry IL, 222 and note; irrup- tions of, under Montfort, 301. Florence, count of Holland, de- feats the Flemings, 366 ; com- petitor for the crown of Scot- land, 383. Florence of Worcester, his death, 229 ; character of his work, 230. Forthere, bisl^p of Sherborne, 35 ; goes to Kome, 41. Forester, Edric the, account of, 171. bishop of Hereford, succeeds Tyrthel, 36. Frsena, a Danish jarl, slain at Ash- down, 63. an Anglo-Dane, his trea- chery, 110. INDEX. 48.J Frascati, or Tu^culiim, SOT,. 31G. Frederic I., emporor of German v, sacks ^liiaii. 302 ; drowned In the Cydnus, 305. Frederic II., son of the emperor Henry, his baptism, 308 ; made kinj? ' of Sicily, 300 ; elected emperor, 31(1; crowned, 318; excommunicated, 319; marries Isabel, sister of Henry III., 320; excomnuinicatt'd, 324; deposed, ib. ; besieges Parma, ib. ; routed by the Parmesans, ib.; his death, 326. Frederic, pseudo-emperor, 370 ; burnt. 373. Friothulf. king of Bernicia, G. Friars-minors, arrival of, 319 ; establish themselves at IJury St. Edmund's, 330 ; withdraw from Bury, 3.S4. Friars-penitent, Jew's synagogue given to them, 3.30. Friars-preachers, arrive in Eng- land, 319 ; apply for a house of residence at Bury St, Edmund's, 321 ; Robert de Heading, a friar preacher, turns Jew, 3.34. Frisians, the, converted by Wil- fred, 27. Frit heme, battle of, 7. Frithestan, bishop of Winchester, 88 ; resigns, 97 ; his death, iO. Frithewald, a monk, land granted to,, by Oshere, 27. a sub-king, 25. Frithoberht, bishop of Uexham, 41 ; his death, 44. Frithogist, an Anglo-Dane, his treachery, 110. Frithogith, queen of Wessex, goes to Rome. 41. Frithowald, bishop of Witherne, 41 ; his death, 43. Fulda, abbey of, founded by Boni- face, 41. Fulk, archbishop of Dublin, his death, 34S. bishop of London, his death, 332. Fulk, de Luvel, elected bishop of London, .'>()3 ; resigns, ih. Fursey, an Irish saint, arrives in England; 14. Gateshead, massacre at. 180. 182. Gavulford (Camelf'ord?), battle of, 49. Gay, Philip de, atrocities perpe- trated by him at Bristol, 262. Gamel, son of Orm, murdered, 167. Gamelbearn, a Northumbrian thane, rebels, 1G6. Gebmund, made bishop of Roches- ter, 20 ; his death. 3;]. Gelasius, pope, 229 ; his death, 230. Geoffrey, archdeacon of Norwich, shipwrecked in the Blanche- Nef, 232. archbishop of Rouen, his death, 246. a clerk of Norwich, cruel treatment and death of, 315. — bishop of Coutances, opposes the conspirators against William the Conqueror, 178 ; leagues against William II., 187 ; holds the castle of Bristol against him. 189. Ridel, bishop of Ely, 301 ; his death, 205 Riddel, perislies by ship- wreck in the Blanche-Nef, 232. de Burgh, bishop of Ely, 319; his death, ih. bisho]) of Hereford, 227 ; his death, 230. natural son of Henry II., made archbishop of York, 305 ; is arrested at Dover, 306 ; with- draws from England, 313 ; his deatii, 304. son of Henry II., born, 287; is knighted, 302. Gerard, bishop of Hereford, made arch!)ishop of York, 208 ; at- tends a council held by Anselm, 215 ; promises subjection to Canterbury, 216; his death, 217. 486 INDEX. Gcrent, Idiif^ of the Britons, de- feated by Ina and Nun, 35. Giifard, William, see William. Gilbert de Clare, earl of Glouces- tei', acts with pi'ince Edward in the barons' wars against Montford, 337, 338,342; takes the cross, 343; quarrels with prince Edward, 345; divorces his wife, 348 ; marries his sister to Edmund of Almaine, 350; appointed regent, 351; marries the princess Joan, 379; his death, 409. Fitz-Richard, taken at Tun- bridge, 188. John Fitz-, holds Marlbo- rough, 276. de Lacy, his enterprise at Bath, 261. a sheriff of Northumbria, 180; slain, 181. de St. Leobhard, bishop of Chichester, 376. the Universal, bishop of Lon- don, 245 and note, bishop of London, excommu- nicated, 292 ; moves the king against Becket, ib. St., founder of the order of Serapringham, his death, 304 and note. Richard Fitz-, slain, 251 and note. Giles, bishop of Hereford, with- draws from England, 313; fetches Eleanor of Provence, 320. Gilling, monastery at, founded, 18. Girvum, see Jarrow. Gisa, bishop of Wells, 161. 5itha, Harolds mother, escapes to Flanders, 172. jlastonbury abbey, outrage at, 183. jllomcorn, a Northumbrian thane, insurrrection of, 166. jloucester, the abbey, founded at, 160; dedication of, 206; city burnt, 208; again burnt, 234; royal visit to, 259. Gloucester, Gilbert de Clare, earl of, see Gilbert. Gloucester, Robert, earl of, natural son of Henry L, arrives in Eno;_ land, 269; at Marlborough, 277; Bath, 278 ; takes Nottingham, ih. ; takes Stephen prisoner, 279 ; made prisoner in his retreat from Winchester, 284; exchange i^roposed for Stephen, 285. Goda, slain by the Danes, 109. Godfrey, consecrated bishop of Bath, 235 ; his death, 249. Godiva, wife of earl Leofric, her munificence, 159. Godwin, an Anglo-Dane, his trea- chery, 110. bishop of Rochester, taken by the Danes, 120. ealdorman, slain in the battle of Assandun, 130. earl, orders the etheling Alfred to be barbarously treated at Ely, 141 ; accused of the mur- der by archbishop iElfric, 143 ; presents a noble ship to Harde- canute, ib. ; sent to sack Wor- cester, 144 ; raises forces against Eustace, count of Boulogne, 150 ; enters Gloucestershire, and de- mands the delivery of Eustace, 151 ; flees with his family to Flanders, 152; raises auxiliaries, 153 ; comes to Southwark, 154; he and his family restored, ib.}, his death, 155. metropolitan of the Franks, consecrates archbishop Bright- wald and other English bishops, 33. son of Harold, lands in Som- ersetshire, 172. Golc, count de, slain at Aix-la- Chapelle, 358. Goldsmiths imprisoned, 359. Gosfrid, or Geoffre}', bishop of Hereford, 2*/7 ; his death, 230. Gower, battle in, 251 and note. Gregorian chaunt, 183. Gregory I., pope St., meets with English youths in the forum, 6 ; sends Augustine to England, 8 ; death of, 10. INDEX. 487 Gregory II., pope, 37; his death. 39. autipope, conlined iu a mona:>tery. 233, bishop of Dublin, consecrated by the primate of England, 234. Griffyth, prince of Wales, plun- ders in the Severn with Irish pirates, 149 ; defeats Ealdred, bishop of "Worcester, ib. ; lays waste Herefordshire, 152 ; in- vades England, 156 ; makes peace with Edward, 157 ; mas- sacres the bishop of Hereford, 158 ; slain by liis own people, 166. ap-Rhys, ravages in Wales, 227 ; his death, 252. Grim, Edward, cross-bearer of Becket, wounded in defending his master, 294. Grimbald, invited by Alfred, 68 ; his death, 87. Grimkytel, bishop of Selsey, 141 ; his death, 147. Groats, or great pennies, coined, 361 and note. Guido, bishop of Sabina, legate to England, 336; made pope, ih. Gundulf, bishop of Rochester, 176; attends a synod held bv An- selra, 211 ; his death, 216. Gunhilde, niece of Canute, 136 ; banished with her sons from England, 146. Gurnay, Hugh de, delivers the castle of Montfort to the king of France, 311. Gurth, son of earl Godwin, 155 ; slain at Hastings, 170. Gutliforth, king of Northurabria, expelled by Athelstan, 96. Guthcard, bishop of Selsey, his death, 103. Guthlac, St., becomes a monk at Repton, 33 ; retires to Croy- land, 34; his death, 36. Guthmund, a Danisii chief, 109. Gutlirum, winters at Cambridge, 69; baptism, ib. ; makes a treaty with Alfred, 71 ; his death, 79. Guy de Lusignan, king of Jerusa- lem, 304. Gwenlian, wife of Griffyth- ap- Rhys, prince of South Wales, 252, note. Ha?ddi, bishop of the West- Saxons, 26 ; his death, 34. Hakon, jarl, banished by Canute, 136 ; perishes at sea, ib. Ilalfdene, subjugates Northumbria, 69 ; settles colonies in it, ih. brother of king Inguar, slain, 89. Hampton Lucy, a seat of the bishop of Worcester, ruined by a thunderstorm, 281. Hanbury, monastery of, 25. Hapsburgh, Rodolph, count of, elected king of Germany, 353. Hardecanute, son of Canute, suc- ceeds his father in Denmark, 140 ; the southern part of Eng- land assigned to him, ih. ; visits Flanders, 142 ; becomes king of England, ih. ; levies a heavy subsidy for the fleet, 142 ; or- dei-s Worcester to be burnt, 144 ; his death, ih. Harold, a Danish jarl, slain at Ashdown, 63. hing of England, son of Ca- nute, succeeds his father, 140; seizes the treasures of Elfgiva, ih.\ the northern part of England allotted to him, ih. ; is elected king of all England, 141 ; his death, 142 ; his body disinterred, 143. Hardrada, king of Norway, 147 ; invades ]'>ngland, 169; joined by Tostig. ih. ; slain at Stanford bridge, ih. son of Svend, king of Den- mark, arrives in the Humber, 173. son of Godwin, enters the Severn and plunders the coun- try, 153 ; succeeds to his father's earldom, 155; marches against 488 INDEX. Griffyth and Algar, 157 ; forti- fies Hereford, ib.-, makes peace with Griffyth and Algar, ib. ; reduces the Welsli to subjec- tion, 1G4 ; erects a hunting-seat for king Edward at Portskewith, 166 ; succeeds to the throne, 168; his just administration, ib.; gains the battle of Stanford bridge, 169 ; is slain at Hast- ings, 170. Harold, John Fitz-, deserts the party of Stephen, 272. Hasting, enters the Thames, and fortifies himself at Milton, 81 ; defeated at Benfieet, 82 ; his wife and children taken prison- ers, ib. Hastings, battle of, 170. John de, competitor for the crown of Scotland, 383. Hatfield, battle of, 13. , synod of, 37. Hathulac, bishop of the East- An- gles, 39. Heaberht, bishop of Worcester, 49; his death, 53. earl, his death, 48. Heahstan, bishop of London, his death, 85. Heathfield, battle, at 13. Heathored, bishop of Lindisfarne, 49 ; his death, 50. bishop of Worcester, 45 ; his death, 47. Heca, bishop of Selsey, 147; his death, 159. Helmstan, St., bishop of Winches- ter, 51 ; death of, 52. Heming, jarl, arrives at Tbanet, 117; receives tribute from Kent, and makes descents on the isle of Wight, Sussex, and Hamp- shire, ib. Henfrid, bishop of Winchester, 42. Hengist and Horsa, arrival of, 3 ; their genealogy, ib. ; defeat Vor- tigern at Aylesford, ib. ; death of Horsa, ib. Hengist and iSsc begin to reign, 3 ; defeat the Britons at Cray- ford, ib., and at Wippedesfleot, 4 ; defeat the Britons, 5 ; death of Hengist, ib. Hengestesdun, battle of, 52. Henry, bishop of Liege, deposed, 363 ; murders his successor, 364.^ bishop of London, his death, 333. de Blois, abbot of Glaston- bury, bishop of Winchester, 246; legate, 249 ; escorts the empress Matilda to Bristol, 268 ; plots for Stephen's release, 282; aban- dons Matilda and sets fire to Winchester, 283 ; retreats from Winchester, 285 ; his soldiers burn Wherwell Abbey, ib. de Branteston, bishop of Salisbury, 374 ; his death, 376. duke of Saxony, goes to king Henry in Normandy, 303 ; arrives in England, 313. III., emperor, makes war on Baldwin of Flanders, 148. V. of Germany, married to Matilda, 219. 225 ; he imprisons the pope, il). ; conventions be- tween them respecting investi- tures, 220—222 ; consecrated emperor, ib. ; besieges Cologne, 226 ; his death, 236. I., son of Vfilliam the Con- queror, knighted, 184 ; seizes Mount St. Michael, 192 ; acces- sion and coronation of, 207 : his reforms, 208 ; restores the laws of the Confessor, ib. ; marries Matilda, ib. ; makes peace with his brother Robert Curthose, 209 ; besieges Belesme's castles of Arundel and Bridgnorth, 210 ; disputes with Anselra respecting investitures, 211. 215 ; invades Normandy, 213; burns Bayeaux, ib.; takes Caen and returns to England, ib. ; again invades Normandy, 214; is reconciled with Anselm, ib.; defeats Robert at Tinchebrai, ib. ; reduces Nor- mandy, 215; leads an army into INDEX. 489 Wales, 226 ; en^agies in war with France, 230 ; makes peace, ih. : marries Alice of Lou vain, 233; subjugates Wales, 234 ; his last visit to Normandy, 241) ; his death, ib. ; and burial, 250. Henry 11. marries Eleanor of Guienne, 287; marries his son Henry to the daughter of Phili[) of France, ib. ; holds a council, and redresses [j^'levances, ib. ; has his son Henry crowned, ib.; falls sick and divides his dominions, 289; makes a pilgrimage, 290 ; sends envoys to the pope to clear himself from Becket's murder, 29. Henry I. of France, his death, IGl. Henry, landgrave of Hesse, elected king of (Germany, 324; defeats Conrad, ib. ; his death, ib. Longchamp, abbot of Croy- land, 308. de Sandwich, bishop of Lon- don, 333; his death, 353. son of Edward I., burial of. 353. — son of Henry II., born, 287; his marriage, ib. ; he is crowned in his father's lifetime, 289; fealty sworn to him, ib.; they quarrel, 301; his death, 303. d'Almaine, son of Richard, earl of Cornwall, king of the Romans, murdered at Viterbo, 347. Heraclius, patriarch of Jerusalem, comes to England, 303. Herbert de Losinga, simonia- cal bishop of Thetford, 197; absolved at Rome, ib. ; transfers the see to Norwich, ib. ; his death, 230. Ilereberht slain by the Danes, 52. Hereford burnt, 259; the castle surrendered to Ste))hen, ib.; set on fire by Geoffrev Talbot, 2G0. Roger, earl of, conspires against WiUiam the Conqueror, 177. Hereluve, abbess of Shrewsbury, her death, 108. Here ward, takes refuge in Ely, 177; escapes thence, ib. Herfast, bishop of Thetford, his death, 197. Heriman, bishop of Wilton, 14(>; goes to Rome, 150; resigns his see, 158; transfers it to Salis- bury, 170. son of the kinjr of Ger- many, drowned, 307. archbisliop of Cologne, 156. Hertford, synod of, 24; a castle built there, 90. Hervey, bishop of Bangor, at- tends a synod held by Ansehn, 490 INDEX. 211; becomes the first bishop of Ely, 219; his death, 247. Hewalds, the, go to Old-Saxony to preach, and suffer martyrdom, 33. Higbald, bishop of Lindisfarne, 44; his death, 48. Higberht, bishop of Litchfield, 46. Hilda, St., abbess of Hartlepool, 18 ; founds Whitby abbey, i6.; her death and character, 28. Hildelith, abbess of Barking, 20. 25; Aldhelm dedicates to her his book "De Virginitate," ih. Hinguar, a Danish chief, 61. Ill; his brother invades South Wales and Devon, 70; is slain there, ib, Hlothere, king of Kent, 23; his death, 29. Holme, the Danes defeated at, 87. _ Honorius, pope, letter on the ob- servance of Easter, »&c., 13. Honorius, archbishop of Canter- bury, succeeds Justus, 15; his death, 16. Horsa, see Hengist and Horsa. Hornsey, a vill of the bishops of London, 353. Howel, king of the west Britons, submits to Edward the Elder, 95; to Athelstan, 96. Herbert, Robert Fitz-, 275; takes the castle of Malmesbury, 276; surrenders it to Stephen, «&.; siu-prises the castle of Devizes, ih. ; thrown into prison by John Fitz-Gilbert, 277; delivered to the earl of Gloucester, ih.-, and hanged, 278. Herbert, Fitz-Walter, bishop of Salisbury, translated to Can- terbury, 307 ; made papal legate, ih.-, removed from the ofiice of justiciary, 309 ; his death, 312. Hexham, bishopric of, founded, 26. Hubba, a Danish chief, 111. Huda, slain by the Danes, 55. Hugh, abbot of Reading, made archbishop of Rouen, 246. bishop of Chester, introduces secular priests at Coventry, 309. bishop of Durham, 289; sus- pended by the pope, 292. bishop of Ely, becomes a monk, 311. bishop of Ely, 319; con- ducts Eleanor of Provence to England, 320; his death, 328. — — bishop of Ely, his death, 374. of Grenoble, bishop of Lin- coln, 304; compounds with the king for the tribute of a mantle of sables, 308 ; introduces monks, 309; his death, 310. ■ bishop of Lincoln, con- secrated at Melun, 314; his death, 320. — — de Evesham, created a car- dinal, 369. — — earl of Chester, invades Anglesey, 204. earl of Shrewsbury, slain by Magnus III. of Norway, 204. Hunwald, betrays king Oswine, 16. Hunfrith, bishop of Winchester, 42; his death, ih. Hwiccas (Worcestershire), 27, 32, and note. Hyring, first king of Northumbria, 385, 386. Jacob, a tributary king to Edgar, 105. Jainbert, archbishop of Canter- bury, 43; receives his pall, 44; loses a portion of his province, 46 ; his death, 47. Jarrow, monastery at, founded, 28. Jaruman, bishop of the Mercians, 19; sent to Sighere, king of the East-Saxons, 21. Ida, king of Bernicia, begins to reign, 6 ; his sons and ge- nealogy, ih. INDEX. 491 Idle, river, battle of the, 11. Jerusalem, pilgrimaj^^e to, 164; taken by the crusaders, 205. Jews, a boy sacrificed by them at Bury, 303; many slain at the coronation of Richard I., 305; slain in various places, ib.; im- prisoned, 314; executed at Norwich, 322; plundered and slain, 335; their synagogue given to the friars de Poenitentia, 350; forbidden to practice usury, 354 ; expelled from Cam- bridge, 356 ; imprisoned, and their houses searched, 359; hanged for clipping the coin, 360 : a boy crucified by them, at Northampton, 361; imprisoned, 375; expulsion of, 380. Ikanhoe, monastery of, founded by St. Botolph, 17. Inimin rebels against Oswy. 19. Ina, king of Wessex, restores Glastonbury abbey, 31 ; his genealogy, ib. ; makes peace ■with the men of Kent, 33 ; de- feats Gerent, king of the Bri- tons, 36 ; fights a battle with Ceolred of Mercia at Wodnes- beorh, 37 ; slays the etheling Cynewulf, ib. ; builds Taunton, 38; fights with the South-Saxons, ib.', slays the etheling Aldbriht, ib.; abdicates and retires to Rome, 39. Inguald, bishop of London, 25. 89. Ingeborg, queen of Philip II., 310. Ingetling, i>ee Gilling. Ingils, brother of Ina, death of, 37. Interdict, Normandy laid under an, 308 ; England laid under an, 313; it is taken oft", 310. Inquisition, royal, into all pro- perty, 404. Investitures, lay. Urban II. holds a council at Rome against, 205 ; quarrel respecting, between Henry I. and Anselm, 211, 212. 215 ; between i'ascal II. and the emperor Henry Y., 219. 223 ; decrees of the Lateran council against, 223. 225. Joan, daughter of Henry II., mar- ried to William, king of Sicily, 302 ; to the count of St. Giles, 308. daughter of Edward I., mar- ried to Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester, 379; her eldest son born, 381. John, continuator of the chro- nicle of Florence, 260. John de Peckham, archbishop of Canterbury, 360 ; visitation of Norfolk and Suffolk, 363 ; Lin- coln, 371 ; Ely, ib. ; his death, 399. Comyn, archbishop of Dub- lin, his voluntary exile, 309. de Darlington, archbishop of Dublin, 360 ; consecration of, 362 ; his death, 370. de Saunford, archbishop of Dublin, his mission to the em peror, 406 ; his death, ib. — Romanus,archbishop of York, 373 ; excommunicates the bishop of Durham, 400. — the precentor, accompanies Benedict Biscop to England, 26. bishop of Bath, attends a council held by Anselm, 211 ; buys the royalty of the city from Henry L, 234 ; his death, ib. of Salisbury, made bishop of Chartres, 302. of Wells, bishop of Ely, 317; his death, 319. de Kirkby, agent of Henry 1. in raising a forced loan, 364 ; made bishop of Ely, 374; his death, 378. bishop of Hereford, his death, 354. bishop of Hexham, 29 ; suc- ceeds Bosa in the see of York, 30 ; ordains Bede a deacon, 33 ; a priest, 34; his death, 38. de Chishull, bishoj) of Lou- don, 353 ; his death, 363. 492 INDEX. John of Oxford, bishop of Salis- bury, 302 ; his death, 310. de Grey, bishop of Norwich, 310 ; his death, 316. bishop of Rochester, 236, 237. — • bishop of Rochester, 357 ; his death, 367. of Old Saxony, invited by Alfred, 68 ; made abbot of Athelney, 77. de Crema, papal legate, pre- sides at the Synod, 238 j returns to Rome, 240. de Florence, papal nuncio, collects a large sum of money, holds a council at Reading, and returns, 312. de Pvmteyse, bishop of Win- chester, 367. John Sansterre, king of England, son of Henry II., born, 288; is knighted by his father, 304; conspires against his brother Richard, 306; succeeds to the throne and coronation, 310; marries Isabel d' Angouleme, ib. ; their coronation, 311 ; he goes to Ireland, 311 ; is again crovv'ned at Canterbury, ih, ; goes to Nor- mandy, ih.\ raises the siege of Mirabeau, ihr, goes to Ro- chelle, 312; makes a truce with the king of France, and returns to England, ih.; prohibits fowl- ing, 313; alliance with the king of Scotland, ih.\ is excommuni- cated, 314; reduces Wales, ib.\ knights the prince of Scotland, ib.\ his barons absolved from their allegiance, 315; they pro- mise fidelity to him, ib. ; he causes the Welsh hostages to be hanged, ib.; goes to Poitou, 316; war with the barons, ib.; his death, 317. ' Joscelin, bishop of Salisbury, excommunicated, 292; preju- dices the king against Becket,i6. Ipswich, burghers of, imprisoned and fined, 372. Ireland, a land of saints and mir- acles, 24; ravaged by Berht, 28 ; John has the title of lord of, 310. - Isabel d'Angouleme, queen of king John, 310. Ithamar, bishop of Rochester, 15. 17. Juchil, king, pays homage to Ed- gar, 105. Judith, daughter of Cliarles the Bald, married to Ethel wulf, 56; seated on the throne, 57; mar- ries Ethelbald, 59. ■ wife of Tostig, 152. Justin, a Danish chief, 109. Justus, consecrated bishop of Rochester, 10; expulsion of, 11; recall of, ib. ; raised to the see of Canterbury, 12. Jutes, their arrival in Britain, 3. Juthwal, king of the Britons, sub- mits to king Edward, 95. Ive, St. death of, 9; invention of, 11; his rehcs, 113. Kempsey, an oratory built there, 61 ; a vill of the bishop of Wor- cester, 139. Kenelm, king of Mercia, 49; mur- der of, ib, Kenilworth, fortified by the adhe- rents of Simon de Montfort, 339; besieged by the royal forces, 340; surrendered, 341. Kenneth, king of the Scots, pays homage to Edgar, 104. Kenred, see Cenred. Kenric, the etheling of Wessex, slain, 42. Kent, kingdom of, founded; ra- vaged by Ceadwalla and Mull, 30 ; submits to Egbert, 49. Kenulf, abbot, slain, 88. bishop of AVinchester, 115 ; his death, 116. Kenulf, king of Mercia, 47 ; ravages Kent and takes Eadbert Pren prisoner, 48 ; his death, 49. Kharizmians, battle between them and the Christians, 323. INDEX. 493 Kilian, abbot of St. Martin's at Cologno, 103: his death, 114. St., a Scot, bishop of Wiirz- burg, 3G. Kinewohl, see Cynewold. Kine\\-iilf, see Cynewulf. Kinsif^o, archbishop of York, 150j his duuth, 101. Ku'kby, John de, see John. Knicjhthood, all possessed of forty pounds inland to receive it, 4U0. Kyneberp^, see Cyneberht. Kynric, see Cynric. Kyrtliugton, synod at, 107. Lacy, Henry de, goes with an army to Gascony, 411. liogor de, seizes Hereford, 189 ; invades Worcestorsliire, ib.; repulsed by bishop Wulf- stan, 1!;0. Walter de, opposes the earl of Hereford, US. Lancaster, earl of, see Edmund. Lanfranc, archbishop of C;mter- bui'y, \7'i ; consecrates Thomas, Archbishop of York, ih. • ac- companies him to Rome, ib. ; crowns William II., 185 ; his death, 191. Langton, see Stephen. La.stinghara, monastery at.founded, 20. Lateran, council of, 223. Laurence, archbishop of Canter- bury, 10; scourged by St. Peter, 11 ; his death, ib. bishop of Kochester, his death, 353. (]>ucket) murdered, 371. Leicester burnt, 253. Robert, earl of, made pri- soner, SOL Simon, earl of, see IMontfort. Lent, fast of, observed, 15. Leobwine. causes Liulf to be mur- dered, ISO; is slain, 1S2. Leof assassinates king Edmund at Pucklecluirch, 'J!h Leofgar, bishop of Hereford, slain by the Welsh, 158. Leofric, the Briton, bishop of Crediton, 147. made ealdorman by Canute, 134; sentbyllardecanutetosack Worcester, 144 ; raises forces against Godwin, 150; his death, 159; his character and munifi- cence, ib. Leofrun abbess, taken by the Danes, 120. Leofsy murders Eafic, and is banished, 113. bishop of Worcester, 133 ; his death, 139. Leofwine, bishop of Lichfield, 155. dean of Durham, murdered at Gateshead, 182. son of eail Godwin, enters the Severn and plunders the country, 153 ; is slain at the battle of Hastings, 170. Leopold, duke of Austria, arrests Richard I. and delivers him to the emperor, 306; his death, 307. Leuthcrius, bishop of Winchester, 21, 22 ; assists at the synod of Hertford, 24 ; his death, 20. Lewes, battle of, 335- Lewis, king of the West Franks, death of, 74. Lewis VI., king of Fi'ance, his death, 100. VIL (Le-Gros), king of France, his war Avith Henry I , 280 ; divorced from Eleanor of (juienne, 287 ; his letter to the Pope respecting the murder'of Rocket, 290 ; visits the tomb of Becket, 303 ; his death, ib. of France marries Blanche of Castile. 310 ; lands in England, 317 ; his army defeated at Lincoln, ib. ; returns home, ib.; succeeds to the crown of France as J.,ewis VllL, 318 ; his death, 319. Lewis IX., king of France, knighted, 313 ; tleparts for the Holy Land, .S25 ; arrives at Damietta and proceeds to Man- 496 INDEX. Mercia, Penda, king* of, 13 ; con- version of, 18 ; divided into five dioceses, 27 ; submits to Egbei't, 50. Mercredes-burn, battle of, 3. Mereditli- ap-Llewellyn, rebellion of, 406. Merefin, son of Merewald, 25. MereAvald, king- of the West Mer- cians, 25. Mei'ton, curious adventures at, 45, 46. Merton, Etliered and Alfred worsted by the Danes at, 64. Meteor, 107^ 203. Milan, earthquake and apparition at, 228. Middle-Angles, conversion of, 17. Mildburh, :St., daughter of Mere- wald, 25. Mildgith, St., daughter of Mere- wald, 25. Mildtiiryth, St., daughter of Mere- wald, 25. Milo, constable of Gloucester, 269 ; joins earl Eobert, ib. ; Ste- phen deprives him of his office of constable, 272 ; with the earl at T\Iarlborough, 277; his liberality to the empress, 282 ; created earl of Hereford, 283 ; his flight from Winchester, 285. Milred, bishop of Worcester, 41 ; his death, 44. Minborinus, abbot of St. Martin's at Cologne, his death, 108. Moll Ethc'ivvold, king of Northum- bria, 43 ; slays the etheling- Os- wine, ih. ; abdicates, 44. Momerfield, Herefordshire, a ter- rible thunderstorm near, 230. Money and moneyers, see Coinage, Monks substituted for canons, 103 ; introduced at Winchester, ib, ; throughout Mercia, ib. ; at Middleton, ib.; at Worcester, 104 ; at Coventry, 309 ; at Lin- coln, ib. ; at St.Edmondsbury, ib.; expelled from Canterbury, 312. Montchesney, William de, partisan ' of Simon de Montfort, 337. Montfort, Aimeri de, captured at sea Avith his sister, 356. Eleanor de, taken, ib. ; mar- ried to Llev/ellyn, prince of Wales, 358 ; her death, 365. Guy de, marriage of, 347,- murders Henry d' Almaine, son of Richard, king of the Romans, ib. — Henry de, a justice-in-eyre, 346. — Simon de, chief of the mal- content barons, 336 ; defeated and slain at the battle of Eve- sham, 337, 338 ; excommunica- ted and absolved, 339 ; miracles ascribed to him, ib. — Simon de, the younger, plun- ders Winchester, 337 ; is sur- prised and defeated, ib. ; with- draws to Axholm, 339 ; makes peace and goes to France, ib. ; murders Henry d'Almaine, 347. — y\^illiam de, dean of St. Paul's, sudden death of, in the king's presence, 406. Moon, extraordinary appearance of, 40. see Eclipse. Morville, Hugh de, one of the murderers of Becket, 293. Morcar, earl of Northumbria, ex- pels Tostig from Lindsey, 168 ; escapes at Hastings and sends his sister, Harold's queen, to Ches- ter, 170 ; submits to William the Conqueror, 171 ; revolts and goes to the Isle of Ely, 177. a tlaane, murdered l)y order of Edric Streon, 124. Mortimer, Ralph de, invades Wor- cestershire, 189 ; repulsed by bishop Wulfstan, 190. Mortmain, statute of, 362. Morton, Robert, earl of, revolts against William XL, 186 ; holds his castle at Pevensey, 188 ; op- poses Henry in Normandy, 214; made prisoner, 215. AVilliam, earl of, forfeits his lands in England, 213; is taken prisoner at Tinchebrai, 215. INDEX. 497 Mountain. Old Man of the, writes ill exculpation of Ricliurd I., 307. Mowbray, Robert de, conspires against William II., 187, 200; burns and plunders Bath, 189; taken, 201. Muca, ealdorman, slain, 49. Mucil, father of Elswitha, Alfred's (jueen, 01 . Mull, brother of Ceadwall, ravages Kent, 30; burnt by the Kentish men, ib. Natanleod slain at Cerdices-ford, o. Newmarch, Bernard de, invades Worcestershire, 189; repulsed by bishop Wulfstan, 190. New Forest, the, made, 20G ; Wil- liam Rufus slain tliere, ib. Nicholas, bishop of Frascati, in England, 316. bishop of Winchester, his death, 362. St., guild of, at Bury, SG5 and note. [Nigel], bishop of Ely, escapes from king Stephen, 260; joins carl Robert, 274. Norfolk, Ralph, earl of, conspires against William the Conqueror, 177; takes refuge in Norwich, 178. Roger Bigod, earl of, dies, 34G. Roger Bigod, his marriage, 379. Normandy, Rollo lands in, 70. Norman, son of Lcofwinc, slain by order of Canute, 34. Normans expelled from the court of Edward the Confessor, 154; from Scotland, 197. Northampton, a council at, 253; a council and parliament at, 2r.s. Northumbria, descrii)tion of, 385; divided into four bishoprics, 40; submits to Egbert, 50; kings of, 3SG: earls of, 387. Norwich burnt by the Flemings, 301 ; taken by the adherents of Montfurt, 342; thunder storm at, 349; riots there and the cathedral burnt, 349; punish- ment of the rioters, 350; the citizens fined, 3.56; Edward I. at, 357, 359; money extorted from the citizens, 365. Nothelm, archbishop of Canter- bury, 40; receives the pall, 41; his death, ib. Nottingham, sacked and burnt, 273, 279. Nun, with his kinsman Ina, defeats the Britons, 36. Ockley, synod at, 45; the Danes defeated at, 54. Odda, see Ethelwine. Odo, archbishop of Canterbury, 99 ; separates Edwy and Elfgiva, 101 ; his death, ib. bishop of Bayeux left gover- nor of England, 171 ; opposes the conspirators against William the Conciueror, 178; imprisoned, 183 ; foments revolt amongst the nobles, 187 ; fortifies Roches- ter, 188 ; flees to Fevensey, ib. Offa, king of Essex, becomes a monk at Rome, 35. king of Mercia,43 ; his genea- logy, ib. ; defeats the Kentish men at Oxford, 44 ; defeats Cynewulf, king of Wessex, at Bensington, ib.\ causes Ethel- bert of East Anglia to be mur- dered, 47 ; his death, 47. Oftfor, bishop of the Ilwiccas, 32; his death, 33. Ohter, jarl, slain, 89. Olaf, St., king of Norway, expelled by Canute, 136 ; slain, ib. Olaf (Tryggvason), king of Nor- way, defeated at Brunanburh, 97; cliosen king by the North- umi)rians, 98 ; ba])lism of, ib. ; exjx'lled by king Edmund, ib. king of Norway, assaults London, 110; phiuclers and de- TI TI 498 INDEX. stroys in Essex, Kent, &e., Ill ; receives tribute and winters at Southmapton, ib. ; is confirmed at Andover, ib. ; promises not to revisit. England as an enemy, ib. Oliver de Sutton, bishop of Lin- coln, 362. Ordgar, ealdorman, his death, 104. Osbern, a Danish jarl, slain at Ashdown, 63. Pentecost, surrenders his castle, 155. Osbriht, bishop of Selsey, his death, 118. king- of Northumbria, expul- sion of, 60 ; unites with ylElla against the Danes, ib. ; is slain at York, ib. Osburh, mother of Alfred, her genealogy, 54; gives Alfred a book of poems, 64. Osfrith, queen of Ethelred, 27. Osgod, Clappa, marriage of his daughter, 144 ; is banished, 147 ; plunders on the coast of Essex, 149. Oshere, sub-king of the Hwiccas, grants land to Frithewald, 28. Oskytel, a Danish chief, Avinters at Cambridge, 69. archbishop of York, 101 ; his death, 104. O.ilac, Alfred's father-in-law, 54. banished, 106. Osmund, king of Sussex, 43. bishop of Salisbury, his death, 206. Osred, king of Northumbria, 34, 37. king of Northumbria, 47 ; expulsion of, ib. ; murder of, ib. Osric, ealdorman, defeats the Danes at the mouth of the Parret, 53 ; and at Winchester, 59. Mng of Northumbria, slain by Ceadwall, 13. king of Northumbria, 37 ; his death, 39. Osthryth, queen of Ethelred of Mercia, murdered, 34. Oswald, the etheling, 39. Oswald, bishop of Worcester, 103 ; substitutes monks for canons, 104 ; raised to the see of York, ib. ; consecrates Ramsey abbey, 109; his death, ib ; translation of, 88. son of Ethelbald, battle with Ethelhard, 39 ; his genealogy, ib. ; his death, ib. (St.) king of Northumbria, 8; defeats Ceadwall, 13; invites Aidan, 14 ; slain at Maserfeld, 15 ; his character, ib. ; the sixth Bretwalda, 50 ; translation of his body, 88. Oswin, etheling, slain by Moll Ethelwald, 43. (St.) king of Deira, 15 ; his character, ib. ; murder of, 16 ; translation of, 166. Oswulf, bishop of Winchester, his death, 104. bishop of Wilton, his death, 104. king of Northumbria, 43 ; his death, ib. Oswy, king of Northumbria, 15 j causes king Oswine to be mur- dered, 16 ; defeats and slays Penda at Winwidfield, 18 ; makes his daughter a nun, ib. ; converts the Mercians, ib.; subjugates the Picts, ih.; is present at the synod of Whitby, 19; his death, 22 ; the seventh Bretw^alda, 51. — . — a thane, slain at Ringmere, 118. Otford, battles at, 44, 130. Otho I., emperor, marries Athel- stan's sister, 97 ; sends gifts to and forms an alliance with king Edgar, 102. Otho II. defeats the Saracens in Greece, 108. IV., consecration of, 309 ; is crowned at Rome, 313 ; arrives in England, 314 ; dis- putes with the Pope, ib. ; is INDEX. 499 excommunicated, ib. ; his mar- ria^^e, ib. ; llees at the battle of Bovines, 316 ; his death, ib. Otho, the legate, arrives in Eng- land, 321; holds a synod at Ox- ford, ib. ; taken prisoner by the emperor on his return, 322. Ottoboni, papal legate, arrival of, 339; holds a council in the Tem- ple, ib. ; goes to Bury St. Ed- mund's, and excommunicates the adherents of Montfort, 342 : holds a council at London, 343, absolves Montfort and his ad- herents, ib. ; returns home, 344, Owen (ap-Cadwgan), king of Wales, slain 228. king of Gwent, submits to Athelstan, 96. Oxford burnt, 259 ; a synod there, 321 ; tumult of the scholars, ib. • Provisions of, 331. Simon, earl of, son of Simon de Montfort, 337. Paderborn burnt, 160. Pagan us, a Norman knight, killed by the Welsh, 252. Paiidulph, his arrival in England, 314 ; elected bishop of Norwich, 316 ; made legate, 318 ; conse- crated, ?&. ; hislegatine authority revoked, ib. ; his death, 319. Paris besieged by the Northmen, 75. Parliament at Winchester, 338; Bury, 342 ; Northampton, 343 ; Westminster, 373; ditto, 374 ; ditto, 378. Paschal II. opposes lay investi- tures, 215; taken prisoner by the emperor Henry V., 219 ; is reconciled, and crowns him, ib. ; conventions between them respecting investitures, 220.222; holds the council of Lateran, 223; it annuls the concordat with Henry, 224 ; his death, 229. Pastoureaux. insurrection of, 327. Paternus, a Scottish monk,peri.'!hes voluntarily in the burning of Paderborn, 160. Patrick, St., death of, 4. Paulinus, mission of, 12 ; ordained bishop of the Northumbrians, ib. ; converts king Edwin, ib. -^ receives the see of York, 13 ; retires to Kent, ib. ; accepts the see of Rochester, ib. ; his death, 15. Paul's, St., cathedral built by Ethelbert, 10 ; burnt, 185. Peada, king of the Middle-Angles, conversion of, 17 ; receives from Oswy the kingdom of South- Mercia, 18. 25 ; death of, ib. Pedreda, council at. 176. Pega, sister of St. Guthlac, 36. Pehthelm, bishop of Whiterne, 40; his death, 41. Pehtwine, bishop of Whiterne, 43 ; his death, 44. Peterborough abbey founded, 25 and note. Pembroke, William Marshall, created earl of, 310. Penda, king of Mercia, his ac- cession, 12 ; genealogy, ib. ; battle with Cynegils and Cui- chelm at Cirencester, 13 ; de- feats and kills Edwin, ib. ; de- feats and slays Ecgric and Sigo- bert, 14; defeats and slays Os- wald at Maserfeld, 15 ; expels Cenweach, king of Wessex, ib. ; slays Anna, king of East Anglia, 17 ; is slain at Winwidfield, 18. Penho, battle at, 113. Pentecost, see Osbern. Pepin, king of the Franks, sends , Willibrord to preach in Fries- land, 33 ; anointed emperor by Boniface, 42. Perche, count of, slain in battle at Lincoln, 317. Peter, bisliop of Exeter, 363 ; his death, 397. bishop of Hereford, raises money in the name of the clergy, 329 ; seized by the malcontems, 334. 11 II 2 500 INDEX. ^ Peter, Geoffrey Fitz-, made jus- ticiary, 10 ; created earl of Essex, lb. — ^- the hermit, his prophecies and execution, 315. king of Arragon, gains pos- session of Sicily, 369 ; deprived, 371 ; his death, 397. papal legate, 175. Peverel, William, surrenders the castle of La Houlme to Robert, 19. Philip, duke of Swabia, assassi- nated, 313. I., king of France, accession of, 161 ', enters Normandy on behalf of Robert, 191 ; gives Gerberoi to prince Henrv, 180 ; his death, 218. II., king of France, 287 ; his daughter betrothed to Stephen's son, Eustace, 275 ; takes the cross, 304 ; returns home, 306 ; divorces his queen, Ingeburg, 310 ; takes and destroys many places in Normandy, 311; re- duces Normandy, Anjou, Maine, and Poitou, ib.; takes Chinon, 312; preparestoinvade England, 315 ; gains the battle of Bovines, 316 ; his death, 318. III., king of France, coro- nation of, 348 ; receives Arra- gon from the pope, 371 ; his death, 372. ■ IV.', king of France, crowned at Ehteims, 374; his treacherous conduct, 402. — — Stephen's chancellor, made bishop of Salisbury, 275. Picts, the, invade Britain, 1, 2; subdued by Oswy, 18 ; defeated by Berhtfrith, 36. Northern, converted by St. Columba, 7. Pilgrimage, account of, to Jerusa- lem, before the cr-usade, 164. , to Pontigny, 328 and note. Pirates, Dutch, the coast infested by the, 366. Pelgmund invited by Alfred, 68-, made archbishop of Canterbury, 79 ; consecrates seven bishops. in one day, 216. Port and his sons, arrival of, 4. Portsmouth, they land there, ib. Prester John, the pope's letter to, 303. Provisions of Oxford, 331. Priim, abbey, the devil among the monks there, 256 — 258. Putta, bishop of Hereford, his death, 31. bishop of Rochester, 22 1 assists at the synod of Hertford, 24 ; withdraws from his see, on account of the ravages of the Mercians, 26 ; takes a cure under bishop Saxulf, ib. ; his ~ death, ib. Quenburgh, daughter of Ina, 37. Quendryth causes her brother Kenelm to be murdered, 49. Quichelm, see Cwichelm. Ralph, earl, raises forces against Godwin, 157 ; is killed, ib. earl of Norfolk, marries Fitz-Osbern's daughter, 177; revolts against William I., 178; escapes to Brittany, ib. bishop of Carlisle, 859. bishop of Chichester, attends a council held by Anselm, 211. bishop of Chichester, 318; his death, ib. bishop of the Orkneys, con- secrated, 244 ; expelled, and be- comes coadjutor in Durham and York, ib. and note; his death, 246. — d'Escures, abbot of Seez, 213; bishop of Rochester, 218 ; trans- lated to Canterbury, 225; re- ceives the pallium, 226 ; disputes between him and Thurstan, archbishop of York, 227 ; goes to Rome, 228 ; his return, 231 ; his death, 234. see Flambard. Ramsey abbey, consecration of, 90. INDEX. 501 Ranulf, earl of Chester, death of, 3:21. Reading, Ethelred and Alfred de- feated by the Danes at, 62 ; abbey of, 250, 273; synod at, 3(il. Redvers, Baldwin de, defends Exetei*, 251 ; is banished, ib. Redwald, kinj^ of East-Anglia, defeats Ethelfrith, 10; the fourth Bretwalda, 50. Reginald, brother of the empress jNLitikia, 284. Regnold, the Danish king, submits to king Ixhvard, 95; expelled by king Edmund, 98. Reignchn, bishop of Hereford, 212 ; his consecration, 21G ; his death. 227. Remi. bishop of Lincoln, builds a cathedral there, 194; his death,/i. Rheims, abbey of dedicated, 150 ; a svnod there, j'i. ; council held there, 231. Rhys, brother of Griffyth, slain, 155. ap-Tewdwr, king of South "Wales, slain, 195. ap-3Ieredyth, rebellion of, 375 ; capture and execution of, 398. Ricbert assas^wirites Eorpwald, king of the East- Angles, 13. Richard, arehbisiiop of Canter- bury, deposes William, abbot of I'eterborough, 301 ; consecrated, ih. ; his death, 303. Magnus, archbishop of Can- terbury, 319; his death, 320. bishop of Chichester, canon- isation of, 333 ; translation of, 35G. bishop of Hereford, 233 ; his death, 244. de Swinefield, bishop of Hereford, 3G7. bishop of Lincoln, his death, 23G. bishop of London, conse- crated at Teckham, 218; his death, 245. Richard, bishop of Loudon, his death, 309. Talbot, bishop of London, 333 ; his death, ib. de Gravesend, bishop of London, 303. Scamel, bishop of Salisbury, 370. de Mora, elected bishop of Winchester, 362 ; resigns, 367. L, duke of Normandy, ac- cession of, 9S. IL, duke of Kormandy, his death, 135 ; succeeded by Richard III., his death, ib. earl of Cornwall, goes to Jerusalem, 322 ; his return, 323 ; his marriage, ib. ; elected king of the Romans, 329 ; crowned, /6. ; returns to England, 332 ; death of his queen, 333; taken prisoner at the battle of Lewes, 335 ; his death, 348. I., king of England, born, 287 ; takes the cross as earl of Poitou, 304 ; absolved for his rebellion, 305 ; succeeds to the crown, ib.; bounty to the Cis- tercians, ib. ; arrives at Messi- na, ib.', subdues Cyprus and marries Berengaria, 306 ; sinks a Saracen ship, ib.; takes Acre, ib. ; captures a caravan, and recovers Acre, ih. ; is arrested at Vienna, delivered to the em- peror, and imprisoned at Trifels, 306-7 ; is ransomed and re- leased, ih.; returns to England and is re-crow ned, ib. ; makes a progress, 395; meets William, king of Scotland, ib.\ refuses him the earldom of Northum- berland, &c., ih.; how the Scottish kings are to be enter- tained, 396 ; gives Poitou to his nephew, 308; deleats the king of France, 309; his death, 310; his charter to William, king of Scotland, 391. prince, perishes by ship- Avrock, 232. 502 INDEX. Ringniere, battle at, 118. Robert Longchamp, abbot of York, 308. bishop of London, a Norman, made archbishop of Canterbury, 150 ; escapes from England, 155. de Kilwardby, archbishop of Canterbury, 350 ; created a cardinal, 358 ; his death, 362. de Winchilsea, archbishop of Canterbury, 400; enthroned, 410. a Fleming, bishop of Bath, 249. Burnel, bishop of Bath and Wells, 353; elected archbishop of Canterbury, 358; his election annulled, 360 ; postulant for see of Lincoln, 362 and note ; his death, 399. bishop of Carlisle, his death, 359. bishop of Chester, 184; at- ■ tends a council held by Anselm, 211. Pecceth, bishop of Coventry, his death, 241. bishop of Chester [of Coven- try], 233; consecrated, ib.; his death, 242. bishop of Durham, his death, 353. — de Haliland, bishop of Dur- ham, 353 ; his death, 368. bishop of Exeter, 258 ; goes to Eome, 266. — bishop of Hereford, 180 ; his death, 200. — prior of Leanthony, bishop of Hereford, 247. 266; attends Stephen, 273. — Eloet, bishop of Lincoln, 195; besieges Tickhill, 210 ; attends a council held by Anselm, 211 ; his death, 234, and note. Grosseteste, bishop of Lin- coln, 320; his death, 328 — bishop of Stafford [Coventry], his death, 228. bishop of St. Andrew's, con- secration of, 244. Robert, bishop of Salisbury, 347; his death, 370. de Reading, a friar-preacher, turns Jew, 354. — count of Artois, his rash con- duct, in Palestine, 326. — L, duke of Normandy, 135 ; his death, 140. [Curthose], son of William the Conqueror, demands and ravages Normandy, 179, 180; divides his father's treasures, 186 ; makes peace with his bro- ther William, 192 ; comes with him to England, ib.; accompa- nies his expedition towards Scot- land, 193; mortgages Normandy to his brother, 202 ; joins the crusade, 203 ; returns, 208 ; as- sembles forces at Treport, 209 ; lands at Portsmouth, and pro- ceeds to Winchester, ib. ; peace between him and Henry, ib. ; visits England, and relinquishes his pension, 212 ; comes over ta England, and intercedes witb Henry, 214 ; is defeated by Henry at Tinchebrai, ib.; taken prisoner, 215 ; his death and burial, 249. — earl of Gloucester, see Glou- cester. Rochester laid in ruins, 26; burnt, 247; cathedral of, consecrated, i6, castle of, besieged, 188 ; the custody of, granted to the arch- bishops of Canterbury, 241. Solomon de, a judge-in-eyre, 374. Rodolpli of Hapsburgli, elected king in Germany, 353 ; defeats the king of Bohemia, 358 ; his death, 397. Roger, archbishop of York, crowns Henry, son of Henry 11. , 289 ; suspended by the pope, 292 ; embitters the king against Becket, ib. ; is maltreated at Westminster, 202. de Clinton, bishop of Chester, 246 ; goes to Rome, 266. INDEX. o03 Roger, bishop of Coventr)-, 94(5. de AVeseham, bishop of Co- ventry, 3.24. bishop-elect of Hereford, 211 ; his death, ib. JSiger, bishop of Loudon, 319. bishop of NoiNvich, his death, 308. — bishop of Salisbury, 212 ; his consecration, 21G ; treatment of him by Stephen, 200 ; his death and great wealth, 205. bishop of Worcester, sent to Home respecting Becket's mur- der, 2'JG. — (Desmoulins), master of the Hospitallers, comes to England, 303. de Montgomery, revolts a- gainst William llufus, 188 ; his death, lUO. duke of Apulia, defeated, 254. EoUo, lauds in Normandy, 70 ; death of, 02. Romans, the, quit Britain, 1, 2. liomanus, bishop of Rochester, 12. Roni, earl of Hereford, 144. Ross, William de, competitor for the crown of Scotland, 383, Royland, Richard de, a judge-in- eyre, 374. Runcorn built, 02. Rywallon succeeds his brother Griflfyth, 100 ; ravages Hereford- shire, 177. Safeddin, writes to the pope, 303 ; takes Jaffa, 308. Sahara, William de, a judge-in- eyre, 374. St. Andrew's, Tliurgot consecrated bishop of, 210. St. Cross founded by Ellleda, Idng Edgar's widow, 280. St. Giles, Raymond, count of, takes the cross, 202. Saladin defeated by the master of tlie Templars, 302 ; writes to the pope, 303 ; orders Reuaud de Chi'ilillon to be beheaded, 304. Salisbury cathedral dedicated, 104. William, earl of, his death, 308. William Longspee, earl of, 308 ; his death, 310. Samson, bishop of Worcester, 202; attends a council held by An- selm, 211 ; his deatli, 220. Sanchia, queen of Richard, king of Germany, her death, 833. Sarchele, Walter de, a judge-in- eyre, 374. Sarum, Old, battle at, 0. Savary de Mauleon revolts in Poitou, 315. Saviour's, St., a Roman church at Canterbury, restored by Augus- tine, 0. Saxons, their arrival in Britain, 3 ; traditions of their origin, 250. Saxony, Henry, duke of, takes refuge with Henry II., in Nor- mandy, 303. Saxulf, founder and abbot of Peter- borough, 20 ; bishop of the Mer- cians, ib., 20 ; expelled from Lindsey, 27. Sceorstan, battle of, 127. School, English, at Rome, burnt, 49; Burlired buried there, 08; released from imposts by pope Marinus, 73. Scottish kings, series of, 387, 388 ; how to be treated on visiting England, 300. Scotland, Edward I. claims the suzerainty, 382 ; competitors for crown, 383 ; charters, l^c, re- lating to the claim, 384, 3^0. 380. 304; decision in favour of Baliol, 300. Scrope, Richard Fitz-, a Norman, settled in England, 104 ; ravages the lands of Edric the Forester, 171. Scurf, a Danisli jarl, slain, 89. Scutage, see Taxation. Sebert, king of the East-Saxons, embraces Christianity, 10; causes St. I'aul's, London, to be built, ib.; death, 11. 504 INDEX. Sebert, the sons of, expel Justus and Mellitus, 11 ; they are slain, lb. Sebbi, kmg of the East-Saxons, 21.25. Secular clergy, sec Canons. Selred, king of the East-Saxons, slain, 42. Sexburgh, abbess of Ely, 27. queen of Ereconberht, 15. • Cenwalch's widow, governs for a year, 28. Sexhelm, bishop of Lindisfarne, 99. Sheppey, Isle of, the Danes winter in, 54, 50. Shrewsbury, Hugh, earl of, invades Anglesey, 204 ; his death, ih. Roger, earl of, conspires against William II,, 187 ; his death, 19C. Sideman, abbot of Exeter, bishop of Crediton, 103. Sidon, bishop of, celebrates mass at Jerusalem, 364. Sidroc, a Danish jarl, slain at Ash- down, 03. Siferth, king, pays homage to Edgar, 105. Sigan murders Alfwold of North- umbria, 47. Sigar, abbot, made bishop of Yv^ells, 108. Sigebert, king of East-Anglia, 121; abdicates and becomes a monk, ih. ; his death, ib. king of Essex, baptised by Finan, 17 ; invites Cedd, ib. ; builds a monastery, ih. ; is mur- dered, ib. ; his character, ib. king of Wessex, 42 ; expelled by Cynewulf, ib. ; slays Cumbra, ib. ; is slain, ib. Sigeferth, murder of, 124. Sigefrid, bishop of Winchester, 230. Sigefrith, abbot of Wearmouth, 29 ; his death, 31. Sigeric (Siricius), bishop of Wilton, 107 ; raised to the see of Canter- bury, 109 ; advises a tribute to be paid to the Danes, 109; his death, 111. Sighelm, earl, slain, 88. Sighere, king of Essex, 21, 25. Sigulf, ealdorman, slain, 88. Sihtric, king of Northumbria, mar- ries king Athelstan's sister, 90 ; his death, ib. Simon de Wauton, bishop of Nor- wich, 330 ; takes refuge at Bury St. Edmund's, 334. Simon, bishop of Worcester, 236 ; consecrated, 237; enthroned with great pomp, ib. ; goes to Rome, 266. Siward Barn takes refuge in Ely, 177. Siward appointed bishop of Ro- chester, 150; consecrated, 100; his death, 172. earl of Northumbria, sent to destroy Worcester, 144; raises forces against Godwin, 151 ; de- feats Macbeth, 150 ; his death, ib. Souche, Alan la, sec Zouch. Soules, Nicholas de, competitor for the crown of Scotland, 383. South-Saxons, arrival of, under JSlla, 4 ; conversion of, by Wil- frith, 27 ; Ethelwalh, king of, slain, 29 ; subjugated by Cead- walla, ib.; battle between them and Ina, 38. Southwell, relics found at, 253. Spain, queen of, mother of queen Eleanor, her death, 300; Edward has Ponthieu, in her right, ib. Spearhafoc, abbot of Abingdon, made bishop of London, and ejected, 150. Spirit, story of an Evil, 352. Stamford -bridge, battle of, 109, Standard, battle of the, 204. Stephen Langton, consecrated archbishop of Canterbury at Viterbo, 312 ; retm^ns home, 313 ; consecrates Hugh, bishop of Lincoln, 314 ; holds a synod at Oxford, 318 ; his death, 319. bishop of Chichester, his death, 2. INDEX. 505 Stephen, kiug, accession of, 240; be besieges Exeter, vJjI ; goes abroad, 25"-i ; returns to 1-inglancl, 254: ; takes the castle of Bedford, 2bO ; goes to Gloucester, iii)S ; to Hereford, 259 ; takes "NVeo- bly, ib. ; imprisons the bishops of Sahsbury and Lincoln, 2(i0. 207 ; niai'chos to liristol, and lays siege to the castle, 202 ; raises the siege, and besieges Castle-Ctuy, Hai'pti'ee, and Dud- ley castles, ib. ; takes Shrews- bury castle, ib. ; proceeds against "SVareham, 2G-'3 ; goes to "Worces- ter, 207; besieges Ludlow castle, ih. ; goes to Oxford, ib. ; besieges WalUngford, 201); and Malnies- "bury, ib. ; goes to Worcester, 272 ; keeps Christmas at Salis- bury, 273 ; goes to Reading, ib. ; to ^N'orcester and Hereford, 275; taken prisoner at the battle of Lincoln, 270 ; imprisoned at Bristol, 280. Stigand made bishop of Elmham, 14:2, 14:0 ; ejected from his see, 142 ; re-elected, ib. ; bishop of Selsey, ib. ; bishop of Winchester, 147 ; archbishop of Canterbury, 155 ; interdicted from episcopal functions, 103,171; deposed, 174. bisliop of Selsey, transfers the see to Chichester, 175 ; his death, 1H5. Stowe, see Mary-Stowe. Strenwold, slain by the Danes, 109, Streoneshealh, see Whitby. Strigul, earldom of, 310. Stuf, nephew of Cerdic, his arrival with Wliitgar, 5; receives the Isle of Wiglit from Cerdic, ib. &4. Subsidies granted, 307. 309. Subsidy, see Taxes. Suiihulf, bishop of Rochester, slain, H5. Sun, see eclipse. Swfljhoard and Wilitred, kings of Kent, 32. Sweyn, king of Denmark, assaults London, 110; plunders and de- stroys in llssex, Kent, Arc, 111 ; receives tribute, and winters at Southampton, ib, ; takes Exeter, 114; sacks Wilton and Salisbury', ib. ; burns Norwich, 115 ; peace between him and Ulfkytel, ib. ; burns Tlietford, ib. ; battle be- tween him and Ulfkytel, ib. ; he returns to Denmark, ib.; lands at Gainsborough, receives the sub- mission of Uhtred and the Nor- thumbrians, (tc, 121 ; marches against the East-Mercians and takes Oxford, 122 ; proceeds to Winchester and London, ib.; re- pulsed from London, mai'ches to Wallingford and Bath, ib. ; re- ceives the submission of Ethel- mar and the western thanes, ib.; is proclaimed king, ib. ; exacts tribute to pay his fleet, 123 ; levies contributions on St. Ed- mundsbury, ib. ; his death, ib. Sweyn Estiithson, king of Den- mark, seeks aid of king Edward, 147. son of Canute, receives Nor- way from his father, 140. son of Godwin, returns from Denmark, 148 ; murders his cou- sin Biorn, 149 ; goes a pilgrimage to .Jerusalem, 154; his death, ib, Swiftney, a Scottish doctor, death of, 80. Swithhelm, bisliop of Sherborne, 73 ; carries Alfred's alms to St. Thomas, in India, ib. king of Essex, 17. Switliin, St., birth of, 50; instructs Ethelwulf, ib.; made bishop of Winchester, 52; his death, 50; translation of, //;. Swithred, king of Essex, 43. Synod at Hatfield, 27 ; Twyford, 28 ; Ockley, 45 ; Cealchliythe, 40 ; Finchale, 40; Clovesho,49; Kirt- linf^ton, 107 ; Calne, ib.; Ames- bury, ib. ; Westminster, 238 ; an- other there, 205 ; at Beading, 301; Ely, 380. 506 INDEX. Talbot, Geoffrey de, holds Weobley castle, 259 ; sets fire to Hereford, ib.; deserts the party of Stephen, 261; taken prisoner at Bath, lb. ; liberated, ib.; slain in a skirmish near Bath, 278. Tamworth, restored by Ethelfleda, 90. Tartars, the, devastate Hungary, 321 ; embassy from the Khan, 357; defeat the sultan of Bab.y- lon, 357 ; take Jerusalem, 359 ; embassy from the Khan, 363 ; defeat and capture the sultan of Egypt, 367 ; embassies from, 376. 381. Tatfrith, bishop of the Hwiccas (Worcester), dies before conse- cration, 27. Tatwine, archbishop of Canterbury, 39 ; his death, 40. Taunton, castle of, built by In a, destroyed by his queen Ethel- burh, 38. Taxes and imposts, the Danegelt, 111 ; remitted, 134; six shillings per hide by William I., 184; five shillings by Kichard I,, 309 ; three shillings by John, 310; the seventh part, 311; scutage, ib.; the thirtieth, 313; John's exac- tions, 315 : scutage by Henrylll., 323. 332; list of, ib.; and 359. 403 ; aid on his son's knight- hood, 327; subsidies, 328. 363; forced loan, 365; subsidies, 367. 397. 405. 407 ; refusal of, 409. Temple, a council held at the, 339. ' Tempsford, fortress at, erected by the Danes, 93 ; besieged and taken, ib.; Teotanhele, battle at, 89. Theobald, archbishop of Canter- bury, goes to Kome, 266 ; his death, 287. Theodore, consecrated archbishop of Canterbury, 22 ; bestows the abbey of St. Peter's on Benedict Biscop, ib.; re-ordains Ceadda, ib.; appoints Putta to Rochester, ib. ; assembles a council at Hert- ford, 24; deposes Winfrid, bishop of the Mercians, and appoints Saxwulf in his stead, 25 ; holds a synod at Hatfield, 27 ; ordains Tunberht to the see of Hexham, Trumwine to that of the Picts, and Eathed to that of Ripon, 28 ; presides at the synod of Tvvyford, 29 ; his death, 32. Theodred, bishop of London, 85. Theodric, king of Bernicia, 6. Theowulf, bishop of Worcester, 225; consecrated, 226; his death, 235. Thetford, see transferred to, from Elmham, 142. Thomas, canon of Bayeux, made archbishop of York, 175 ; is con- secrated by Lanfranc, 176 ; op- poses the dedication of Lincoln cathedral, 194 ; his death, 208. archbishop of York, 217 ; joins Anselm in measures for the reformation of the clergy, ib. ; his consecration, 219 ; his death, 225. bishop of the East- Angles, 16. de Bitton, bishop of Exeter, 397. de Canteloupe, bishop of He- reford, 354 ; his death, 367. de Blunville, bishop of Nor- wich, 319; his death, 321. Ingoldesthorpe, bishop of Rochester, 376 ; his death, 381. bishop of Rochester, 381. Bek, bishop of St. David's, his death, 400. a Becket, see Becket. Thored commands a fleet against the Danes, 110. Thorold, earl of Middlesex, sent by Hardicanute to sack Worcester, 144. Thrond employed to disinter king Harold, 142. Thrum murders archbishop El- phege, 121. Thurferth, jarl, submits to Edward the Elder, 94. INDEX. 507 Thurgot, bishoii of St. Andrew's, consecration at York, '219. Thuringiau tradition, viol, 205. Thurkytel, a Danish chief, submits to king l-Alward, 91; goes to France, '.)'i. Thurkill, jarl, arrives at Thanet, 117 ; receives contributions from Kent, and goes to the Isle of "Wiglit, Sussex, and Hampshire, ib. ; exacts pay for his tieet at Greenwich, 12"^ ; is made earl of East-Angha, by Canute, l^J."]; as- sists in founding a church at Assandun, 134; is banished, 135. Thurstan, abbot of Glastonbuiy, outrages perpetrated bv him, 183. abbot of Pershore, 184 ; his death, 1S5. archbishop of York, 2'2~); at- tends the king to Normandy, 226 ; disputes between him and Ralph, archbishop of Canter- bury, 227 ; ordiuned by the pope, t^.; is forbidden to enter Eng- land or Normandy, ib.; at the council of Rheiras, 231 ; humi- liation of, 240; consecrates Robert, bishop of St. Andrew's, 244 ; raises the Yorksbiremen before the battle of the Standard, 200 ; becomes a monk at Ponte- fract, 274 ; his death, ib. Thurstan, a huus-carl, slain by the people of Worcester, 143. Tiberias, battle of, 304. Tilljerht, bishop of Hexham, 44. Tilhere, bisliop of Worcester, 44 ; his death, ib. Tilred, bisliop of Lindisfarne, 91 ; his death, 90. Tinchebnii, battle of, 214. Tirel, Walter, kills William Rufus, in the New Forest, 200. Tobias, bishop of Rochester, 33; his death, 38. Tonsure, disputes about the, 19. 37. Tostig, son of Godwin, llees with his family to Flanders, 152 ; re- ceives the earldom of North- umberland, 150 ; goes to Rome, 101; expelled by the North- umbrian tlianes, 107 ; flees to Flanders, ib.; plunders the Isle of Wight and Sandwicli, 108 ; goes to Lindsey, and thence to Scotland, ib. ; joins king Harold Hardrada, 109 ; defeats Edwin and Morcar, ib. ; his death, ib. Tours, cotmcil of, 288. Tovy, Michael, mayor of London, hanged, 350. Towcester built, 93 ; besieged by the Danes, 94. Tracy, William de, one of the murderers of Becket, 293. Tremerin, bishop of St. David's, his death, 158. Trent, battle of the, 27. Trefels, Richard I. confined there, 307 and note. Tripoli, taken by the Saracens, 378. Trumhere, abbot of Gilling, 18 ; made bishop of the Mercians, 19. Trurawine, bishop of Wbitherne, 28 ; retires to Hexham, 29 ; his death, ib. Tuda, bishop of the Northum- brians, 20 ; his death, ib. Tunberht, bishop of Hexham, 28 ; deposed at the synod of Twy- ford, 29. Ttmbriht, bishop of Litchfield, 67 ; his death, 90. Turbeville, Thomas de, treason of, 410 ; his execution, ib. Turkytel, Myrenheafod, takes flight at the battle of Ringmere, 118. Turri, Nicholas de, a justiciary-in- eyre, 340, Twyford, synod at, 29. Tyrhtcl, bishop of Hereford, 31 ; his death, 30. Vuloncc, William de, expulsion of, 331; mulcts the abbey and town of Rury, 340. 508 INDEX. Vescy, John tie, competitor for the crown of Scotland, 383. Ufgeat, son of Alfhelm, blinded by command of Ethelred, ib. (Jhtred consecrated bishop of Llandaff, 275. ~. earl, submits to Sweyn, 121 ; ravages the country with Edmund etheling, 126 ; submits to Canute, ib. ; his death, ib. Virgilius, abbot, his death, 87. Llf, bishop of Dorchester, 140; expulsion of, 156. son of Dolfin, murdered, 167. [Jlfkytel, earl of East-Anglia, makes peace with Sweyn, 115 ; battle between him and Sweyn, ib. ; de- feated at Ringmere, 118; slain in the battle of Assandun, 130. Clric, a cardinal, comes to England, 219. Urban XL preaches the crnsade, 202 ; holds a council at Rome against lay investitures, 205. bishop of Glamorgan (Llan- daff), consecration of, 216; his appeal to the pope, 245. Urse, Reginald Fitz-, one. of the murderers of Becket, 293. Urso D'Abitot, sheriif of Worces- tershire, 178 ; Emmeline, his heiress, marries Walter de Beau- champ, 271, note. Walchere, bishop of Durham, 177; murdered, 180. Waldhere, bishop of London, 25. Wales, English laws introduced by king John, 314; final subjuga- tion of, by Edward I., 368. Waleran, eaii of Mellent, impri- soned at Rouen, 236 ; seizes Wark Castle, 265 ; made earl of Worcester, 271, 272, note ; sacks Sudeley Castle, ib. ; assaults Winchcomb, 274 ; repulsed at Sudeley, 275 ; attacks Leomin- ster and Tewkesbury, ih. Walhstod, bishop of Hereford, 39. Walkelin, bishop of Winchester, 175; his death, 203. Wallibus, John de, a judge-in-eyre, 359, 374. Walo, cardinal, arrives in England, 317; crowns Henry III., ib.; absolves king Lewis, ib.; de- parts, 318. Walter, archbishop of York, his death, 361. de Lacy, opposes the revolt against William I., 178. bishop of Albano, arrives as legate, 199. bishop of Exeter, his death, 363. — of Lorraine, bishop of Here- ford, 161 ; submits to William the Conqueror, 170. de Constance, bishop of Lin- coln, 303 ; made archbishop of Rouen, ib. — bishop of Norwich, 324 ; his death, 330. de Merton, bishop of Roches- ter (founder of Merton College), 353 ; his death, 357, Delaville, bishop of Salis- bury, his death, 347. Scamel, bishop of Salisbury, 370 ; his death, 374. Robert Fitz-, his flight, 315. Waltheof, earl, joins the sons of king Sweyn, 173 ; conspires against William the Conqueror, 178 ; his imprisonment and exe- cution, 179. Wark, castle of, besieged, 264. Warrenne, John, earl, fines the abbey and town of Bury, 340 ; murders Alan de la Zouch, 346. William, earl, slain, 374. Warwick founded by Ethelfleda, 90. Watling Street, why so called, 121. Weddesbyrig built, 92. Welsh, the revolt against Wil- liam Rufus, 198 ; outrages by them, 250, 251 ; their hostages hanged, 315. Wincing, son of ^lla, 4. INDEX. oOt) Weohstan, eaUorman, slain in a battle with tlie Mercians, 4H. "Wereburgh, St., daughter of Wiilf- Iiere, king of Mercia, 2-L; her sanctity, death, and burial. 25. queen of Mercia, her death, 4'). "Werefrith, bishop of Worcester, GS ; translates Gregory's Dia- logues, ih. ; invited by Alfred, IG ; his death, t>!). Weremund, bishop of Rochester, 48. bishop of "Worcester, 44 ; his death, ib. Werwulf, a Mercian priest, invited by Alfred, Gy. Westminister, dedication of the abbey, 107; a synod there, 2-"]8. 200 ; a council, ^41 ; palace burnt, 2o4 ; parliaments there, 37;i, :J74. ;378. Wessex, kingdom of, founded by Cerdic and Cynric, 5; conversion of, 14 ; Eirinus, first bishop of, ib. West-Saxons land in England, 5. Weyland, Thomas de, his trial for murder, '377; he is banished, o78. Wherwell Abbey burnt, 2^5. Whitby Abbey (Streoneshealh), founded by St. Hilda, 18 ; a synod held there, 11). Whitheme, Insliopric of, 41. Wiccii, or Hwiccas, the, 32 and note. Wicganbeorh, Danes defeated at, 54. Wigberht, bishop of Sherborne, goes to Rome, 48. Wigheard dies at Rome, 21. Wiglit, Isle of, taken by Cerdic and Cynric, 5 ; given to Stuf and Wihtgar, i6.; taken by \\'ult'hore, and given to Kthclwokl, 1!), taken by Ceadwalla, and a quarter of it granted to Wilfrid, 30; in the diocese of Winchester. 31). Wiglaf, king of Mercia, OO ; ex- pulsion of, ib.; restoration of, ib.; his death, 52. Wigstan, St., death of, 54. Wiliampton, Henry de, a Justice- in-eyre, 34G. Wihtburli, St., her corpse found incoiTupt, 48. Wihtgar, nephew of Cerdic, his arrival, 5 ; receives from his uncle the Isle of Wight, ib., and 54 ; his death, G. Wihtgara-bvrig[Carisbrook castle"', 5, G. 54. " Wihtred and Swebheard, kings of Kent, 32 ; death of Wihtred, oH. Wilferth, bishop of Worcester, 95 ; his death, 90. Wilfrid, bishop of St. David's, his death, 220. bishop of Northumbria, iiis birth, 14; present at the synod of Whitby, 19 ; ordained in France by Agilbert, 20; his legates at the synod of Hertford, 24 ; expelled from his see, 2() ; converts the Fi'isians, 27 ; goes to Rome, returns and converts the South-Saxons, 27 ; appointed to the see of Hexham, 30 ; receives a quarter of the Isle of Wight from Ceadwalla, ib. ; expelled from Hexham, 32 ; betakes himself to Ethelred of Mercia, ib. ; is made bishop of tlie ^Middle-Angles, ib. ; his death, 41. bishop of Worcester, 37. 3i); his death, 41. II., archbishop of York, 38 ; his death, 41. William [Curboil], archbishop of Canterbury, 235 ; he goes to Rome, ib.; again goes to Rome, 240 ; is appointed legate, ib. ; his death, 25!). de Wickewane, archbishop of York, 3G1 ; his death, 373. bishop of Bath and Wells, his (leatli, 353. de la Marche, bishop of Batli and Wells, .'U)!). bishop of Durham, 1^3; ho conspires against Williani II. , 187; his death, 201. 510 INDEX. William Longbeard, liimg at Lon- don, 308. Longchamp, bishop of Ely, 305 ; becomes legate, justiciary, and chancellor, ib. ; arrested by king John, 306 ; goes to the pope, ib. ; his death, 308. de Kilkenny, bishop of Ely, 3:28 ; his death, 329. de Luda, bishop of Ely, 378; conseci'ated, 380. bishop of Exeter, consecration of, '216. bishop of London, 152; escapes from England, 155 ; restored, ib. a Korman, bishop of London, 309; lays the kingdom under an interdict, 313 ; withdraws from England, ib.; returns, ib. Turbe, bishop of Norwich, his death, 301. deEalegh, bishop of Norwich, 321; translated to Winchester, 323 ; his death, 326. de Middleton, bishop of Norwich, 358. de la Corne, bishop of Salis- bury, 376 ; his death, 397. Longspee, bishop of Salisbury, 397. bishop of Thetford, 184. Giffard, bishop-elect of Win- chester, 212; accompanies An- selm to Eome, ib.; attends a synod held by Anselm, 214; his consecration, 216 ; his death, 246. count of Holland, elected emperor, 326 ; slain, 329. William I., duke of Normandy, suc- ceeds EoUo, 92 ; his death, 98. [the Conqueror] inherits Normandy, 140 ; \isits England, 152; his invasion, landing at Pevensey, 170; defeats Harold at Hastings, ib.; is crowned at Westminster, 171 ; goes to Nor- mandy, 171; levies heavy con- tributions on the English, 172 ; takes Exeter, ib. ; orders castles to be built, 1 71, 172 ; lays waste Northumbria, 173 ; bribes As- biorn. the Dane, ib.; seizes the valuables deposited in the mo- nasteries, 174; invades Scotland, 177 ; Malcolm of Scotland does fealty to him, ib. ; he takes Maine, i&.; invades Brittany, 179 ; is wounded before the castle of G^rberoi, 180; devastates Nor- thumbria, 183 ; imposes a tax of six shillings per hide of land, 184; has all England surveyed, ib. ; requires fealty to be sworn, ib.; burns Mantes, 185; falls sick and releases his prisoners, ib. ; his death and burial, ib. William II. (Kufus) arrives in Eng- land, 185 ; is crowned, ib. ; dis- tributes his father's treasm-e, 186 ; marches against the rebel- lious barons, 187; takes Tun- bridge, 188 ; besieges Eochester, 189; invades Normandy, 191; bribes the king of France, ib. ; makes peace with his brother Eobert, 192; threatens the bor- ders of Scotland, 193 ; makes peace with Malcolm, ib. ; rebuilds Carlisle, 195 ; falls sick, ib. ; goes to Normandy, 197 ; makes war on duke Eobert, ib. ; invades Wales, 198 ; besieges Tyne- mouth and Bamborough castles, 200, 201 ; besieges Newcastle, 200; and Bamborough, 201; makes another expedition into Wales, 203 ; quarrels with An- selm, ib.; goes to Normandy, i&.; takes Mans, ib. ; his death, 206. king of Scotland, spends Easter at Windsor, 288 ; swears fealty to Henry, son of Heniy II., 289 ; is taken prisoner, 302 ; gives hostages and returns home, ib. ; his homage to King John, 388 and note; to Henry II., ib. and note ; charter, restoring to him Eoxburgh and Berwick, 389 ; claims Northumberland, &c., 395. son of Henry I., receives INDEX. 511 homage at Salisbury, 227 ; de- clared lieir and invested with Normandy, 230 ; perishes by sliipwreck, 2."]2. Willibrord goes as a missionary to Germany, 32 ; sent by Pepin to preach in Friesland, ib. ; goes to Eorae, ilt. ; ordained archbishop of the Frisians, 33. "Wilton, Alfred defeated by the Danes at, 07. Wimbledon, battle at, 7. Wimborne abbey founded by Cuth- bui'h, sister of Ina, 37. Winchester, the church of, built by, Cenwalch, Ij ; he makes it the bishop's see, 10 ; plundered by the Danes, 59 ; the New Minster dedicated, 104 ; a synod at, 174: ; besieged and burnt, 283 — 285 ; surprised and plundered by Montfort, 337 ; parliament at, 338. Windsor, miracles at, 2o3 ; court held there, attended by William and David of Scotland, and all the nobles and bishops, 288 ; parliament at, 338. Wine, first bishop of Winchester, 1!); consecrates Ceadda to the see of York, 20; expulsion of, 21 ; made bishop of London, ih. Winfrith, bishop of the Mercians, llj; assists at the synod of Hertford, ib. ; deposed by Theo- dore, 2") ; his death, ih. Winwidfield, battle of, 18. Wippcd, a Saxon chief, 3. Wippedsfieot, battle at, ib. Witenagemot at London, 152. Withani, in llssex, built, 80. Witljobert, bishop of Hexham, 44; Withlaf, see Wiglaf. Withrcd, bishop of Lindisfame, his death, OG. Wodnesfield, battle at, SO. WodnesbeorJi, battle at, 8. Worcester, abbey cliurch of, built by St. Oswald, 100; bisliopric founded l)y Oshere and arch- bishop Theobald, 424 ; antiquity of the city, ib.; its beauty and fortifications, 425 ; a huus-carl of Hardicanute slain there, 143 ; plundered and burnt by his order, 144 ; Wulfstan becomes bishop, 1 (i3 ; assei^ts his rights against York, 170 ; Wulfstan and Urso lead the men of Worcester against the earl of Hereford, 1 78 ; the city defended by Wulf- stan against the insurgents and Welsh, 180—101 ; the city, cas- tle, and principal church burnt, 225 ; Simon, the bishop-elect, re- ceived by the people in proces- sion, 236 ; solemnly enthroned, 237 ; king Stephen visits Wor- cester, 207 ; the city and cathe- dral sacked and set on fire, 270, 271 ; Stephen visits and grieves over it, 272 ; marches there again, 275. Worcester, earl of, 271 and notf. Wuer, king of Gwent, routed by Athelstan, 96. Wulfeah, son of Alflielm, blinded by command of Ethelred, 110, Wulfhard routs the men of Kent, 40; defeats the Danes at South- ampton, 51 ; his death, ib. Wulfgeat, stripped of his honours, 115. Wulfhelm, archbishop of Canter- bury, 00. Wulf here, king of Mercia, 10 ; takes the Isle of Wight, 10 ; founds a monastery, 22 ; battle between him and Egcwine, king of Wes- sex, at Beadenhead, 24 ; his death and character, ib. Wnlfhild, abbess of Barking, 25. Wulfnoth, falsely accused by Briht- ric, flees, and burns several king's ships, 117. Wulfrcd, archbishop of Canterbury, 4H ; goes to Home, 48, 49 ; his death, 51. Wulfric, son of Leofwine, slain, 1 18. Wulfsige, bishop of Litchfield, 142 ; his death, 155, 512 69B009 INDEX. Wulfsige, abbot of Eamsey, slain at Assandun, 131. Wulfstan, bishop of Worcester, at first abbot of Gloucester, IGO; his early years, 161 ; made priest, 162; I'is monastic life, ib.; re- fuses the bishopric, 163 ; con- sents, and is consecrated, ib. ; submits to William the Con- queror, 170; his suit against the archbishop of York, 175 ; gains his cause, 177 ; opposes the revolt against William, 178 ; repulses the insurgent barons, ib. ; defends Worcester in Ste- phen's wars, 189 ; ai^ms the citizens, 190; strikes the enemy blind, 101 ; his death and cha- racter, 198, 190. archbishop of York, swears fealty to king Edred, and breaks it, 09 ; confined at Jed- burgh, 100 ; released, and made bishop of Dorchester, ib. ; his death, 101. archbishop of York, 114; his death, 135. dean of Glastonbury, his death, 108. Wulfsi, bishop of Dorchester, his death, 171 Wulmar, Manni, abbot of Evesham, 140, Wyrtgcorn fights with Hen gist and Horsa, at ^Egelesthrep, 3. king of the Wends, 146 ; his daughter and grandsons banish- ed, ib. Yarmouth, [Cerdices-ora ?], 5. York, archbishop of, a metropolitan, 9; Paulinus, first bishop of, 13; succeeded by Ithamar, 15 ; seized by the Danes, CO ; burnt by the Normans, 173 ; destroyed by fire, 952. Yttingaford, peace made there be- tween king Edward and the Danes, 88. Zabulus, story of, 256. Zacharias, a Genoese pirate, 401. Zouch, Alan la, murdered, 346. PETTEE AND GALl'IN, PLATHOUSB YARD, ADJOINING THE " TIMES" OrFICE. Florence of Worcester. Chroricle. DA l?o* .F73 Ponfifxal IncYM 113 ST. JG. ^...^^1 TORONTO, ONT., CAi^ADA M5S 1J4 107^+5